46 research outputs found

    The preparatory Set: A Novel Approach to Understanding Stress, Trauma, and the Bodymind Therapies

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    Basic to all motile life is a differential approach/avoid response to perceived features of environment. The stages of response are initial reflexive noticing and orienting to the stimulus, preparation, and execution of response. Preparation involves a coordination of many aspects of the organism: muscle tone, posture, breathing, autonomic functions, motivational/emotional state, attentional orientation, and expectations. The organism organizes itself in relation to the challenge. We propose to call this the preparatory set (PS). We suggest that the concept of the PS can offer a more nuanced and flexible perspective on the stress response than do current theories. We also hypothesize that the mechanisms of body-mind therapeutic and educational systems (BTES) can be understood through the PS framework. We suggest that the BTES, including meditative movement, meditation, somatic education, and the body-oriented psychotherapies, are approaches that use interventions on the PS to remedy stress and trauma. We discuss how the PS can be adaptive or maladaptive, how BTES interventions may restore adaptive PS, and how these concepts offer a broader and more flexible view of the phenomena of stress and trauma. We offer supportive evidence for our hypotheses, and suggest directions for future research. We believe that the PS framework will point to ways of improving the management of stress and trauma, and that it will suggest directions of research into the mechanisms of action of BTES

    Alexithymia, emotional awareness and perceived dysfunctional parental behaviors in heroin dependents

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    © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com © Springer Science+Business MediaThe aim of this study was to analyse alexithymia and deficits in emotional awareness, in heroin addicts, and their relationship with perceptions of early parental interactions. The sample included 99 opiate dependent outpatients and 43 healthy controls. Assessment was performed using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale, the Inventory for Assessing Memories of Parental Rearing Behavior, the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Findings suggest parental representations, which were mostly characterized by emotional unavailability and a rejection interaction pattern, significantly related to alexithymia. Emotional awareness was associated with the number of years of drug use and methadone level. Negative affect was associated with alexithymia but not to emotional awareness. Regression analyses emphasized the influence of perceived dysfunctional parenting behaviors in alexithymia and difficulties in identifying feelings, particularly an interaction with paternal rejection, moderated by self-reported anxiety. These results are discussed addressing comprehensive issues of emotion regulation and treatment strategies in heroin dependence

    Seeking Justice: The Strategy of the National Social Action Program

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    Is child sexual abuse declining in Canada? Results from nationally representative retrospective surveys

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    Introduction: Numerous data sources suggest a decline in child sexual abuse (CSA) in the United States since the early 1990s. Some evidence also indicates that an earlier period of higher CSA incidence began following World War II. This study examines prevalence estimates of sexual abuse reported retrospectively as having occurred in childhood (ChSA) in two nationally representative surveys of the Canadian population. Methods: Data are from 13 931 respondents aged 18 to 76 years from the 2004/2005 Canadian Gender, Alcohol, and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS), and from 22 169 household residents aged 18 years or older who participated in the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey–Mental Health (CCHS-MH). We present inter- and intrasurvey comparisons of ChSA prevalence specific to sex and age groups. Results: Findings from both surveys suggest a decline in CSA since 1993, consistent with declines observed in the United States. Results also suggest that 1946 to 1992 was a period of higher risk of CSA, relative to the period before 1946. The evidence was more robust for women. Conclusion: Evidence of a decline in CSA in Canada since the early 1990s is encouraging, given the long-term debilitating effects with which it is associated. Continued monitoring is critical. The long-term negative effects associated with CSA underscore the importance of continuing to move from lower risk to zero risk

    La violence sexuelle envers les enfants est-elle en baisse au Canada? RĂ©sultats d’enquĂȘtes rĂ©trospectives reprĂ©sentatives Ă  l’échelle nationale

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    Introduction : Selon de nombreuses sources de donnĂ©es, la violence sexuelle envers les enfants (VSE) est en baisse aux États-Unis depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990. Il semble par ailleurs qu’elle ait connu une hausse aprĂšs la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cette Ă©tude a pour but de faire l’examen des estimations de prĂ©valence des cas de violence sexuelle durant l’enfance (VSdE) signalĂ©s rĂ©trospectivement dans le cadre de deux enquĂȘtes nationales reprĂ©sentatives menĂ©es auprĂšs de la population canadienne. MĂ©thodologie : Les donnĂ©es proviennent de 13 931 rĂ©pondants de 18 Ă  76 ans interrogĂ©s dans le cadre de l’enquĂȘte GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study) – Canada de 2004-2005 et de 22 169 rĂ©sidents ĂągĂ©s de 18 ans et plus ayant participĂ© Ă  l’EnquĂȘte sur la santĂ© dans les collectivitĂ©s canadiennes – SantĂ© mentale (ESCC – SantĂ© mentale) de 2012. Nous prĂ©sentons des comparaisons de la prĂ©valence de la VSdE par sexe et par groupe d’ñge Ă  la fois entre ces deux enquĂȘtes et au sein de chacune. RĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©sultats des deux enquĂȘtes indiquent une baisse de la VSE depuis 1993, qui va de pair avec la baisse observĂ©e aux États-Unis. Il ressort Ă©galement des rĂ©sultats que le risque de VSE Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ© entre 1946 et 1992 qu’avant 1946. Les donnĂ©es sont plus solides pour les femmes. Conclusion : Constater une baisse de la VSE au Canada depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990 est encourageant, Ă©tant donnĂ© les effets dĂ©bilitants Ă  long terme qui sont associĂ©s Ă  la VSE. Une surveillance continue est essentielle. Ces effets nĂ©gatifs Ă  long terme sont la preuve de l’importance de poursuivre sur cette lancĂ©e, pour passer d’un risque faible Ă  un risque nul


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    Childhood maltreatment as a risk factor for COPD: findings from a population-based survey of Canadian adults

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    Margot E Shields, Wendy E Hovdestad, Charles P Gilbert, Lil E Tonmyr Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the associations between childhood maltreatment (CM) and COPD in adulthood.Methods: Data were from 15,902 respondents to the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health. Multiple logistic regression models were used to examine associations between CM and COPD and the role of smoking and mental and substance use variables as mediators in associations.Results: COPD in adulthood was related to CM, with associations differing by sex. Among females, COPD was related to childhood physical abuse (CPA), childhood sexual abuse, and childhood exposure to intimate partner violence, but in the fully adjusted models, the association with CPA did not persist. Among males, COPD was related to childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and severe and frequent CPA, but these associations did not persist in the fully adjusted models.Conclusion: Results from this study establish CM as a risk factor for COPD in adulthood. A large part of the association is attributable to cigarette smoking, particularly for males. These findings underscore the importance of interventions to prevent CM as well as programs to assist victims of CM in dealing with tobacco addiction. Keywords: child abuse, cigarette, smoking, physical abuse, sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, family violenc

    VulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des familles dirigĂ©es par une mĂšre adolescente ou jeune adulte faisant l'objet d'une enquĂȘte menĂ©e par un service de protection de l'enfance au Canada

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    Introduction : Les familles avec une jeune mĂšre sont associĂ©es Ă  un risque accru de mauvais traitements envers les enfants et de problĂšmes sociaux et de santĂ©. MĂ©thodologie : Une analyse du chi carrĂ© effectuĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es combinĂ©es des services de protection de l'enfance issues de l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de nĂ©gligence envers les enfants (ECI-2003 et ECI-2008) a permis de comparer 284 mĂšres adolescentes (18 ans et moins) et 800 jeunes mĂšres (19 Ă  21 ans) et leurs familles Ă  5 752 familles avec une mĂšre de 22 ans ou plus. RĂ©sultats : Vingt-six pour cent des jeunes mĂšres avaient 18 ans ou moins. La plupart recevaient de l'aide sociale comme principale source de revenu (68 % des familles avec une mĂšre adolescente et 57 % des familles avec une mĂšre jeune adulte contre 36 % des familles avec une mĂšre de 22 ans ou plus). Les mĂšres adolescentes et les mĂšres jeunes adultes Ă©taient plus susceptibles d'avoir Ă©tĂ© placĂ©es dans leur enfance que les mĂšres de 22 ans ou plus (31 % et 23 % contre 10 %) et prĂ©sentaient plus frĂ©quemment des facteurs de risque tels que l'alcoolisme (25 % et 23 % contre 18 %) ou un manque de soutien social (46 % et 41 % contre 37 %). Les pourvoyeurs secondaires de soins dans les familles avec de jeunes mĂšres Ă©taient aussi associĂ©s Ă  un plus grand nombre de facteurs de risque. Les familles de mĂšres adolescentes ou jeunes adultes couraient un risque plus Ă©levĂ© de dĂ©cision de placement de l'enfant pendant l'enquĂȘte (29 % et 27 % contre 17 %). Les mĂšres couraient toutes le mĂȘme risque d'ĂȘtre victimes de violence familiale et de prĂ©senter des problĂšmes de santĂ© mentale. Conclusion : Dans cet Ă©chantillon de familles Ă  risque Ă©levĂ©, les risques Ă©taient plus importants pour les familles avec de jeunes mĂšres que pour les familles auxquelles on les avait comparĂ©es. Le jeune Ăąge de la mĂšre pourrait ĂȘtre un bon critĂšre pour repĂ©rer les familles nĂ©cessitant des interventions ciblĂ©es

    Vulnerability within families headed by teen and young adult mothers investigated by child welfare services in Canada

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    Introduction: Young mothers' families are at increased risk of child maltreatment and other poor health and social outcomes. Methods: Chi-square analyses of pooled child welfare services data from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003; CIS-2008) were used to compare 284 teen mothers (18 years or younger) and 800 young mothers (19-21 years) and their families with 5752 families where the mother was 22 years or older. Results: Twenty-six percent of young mothers were 18 years or younger. Most (68% of teen-mother families and 57% of families with a young adult mother) received social assistance as their main source of income compared with 36% of families with a mother aged 22 years or older. Teen and young adult mothers were more likely than those aged 22 or older to have childhood histories of out-of-home care (31% and 23% vs. 10%) and were more likely to have risk factors such as alcohol abuse (25% and 23% vs. 18%) and few social supports (46% and 41% vs. 37%). Secondary caregivers in families with young mothers also had more risk factors. Teen and young adult mother families were more likely to have their child placed out-of-home during the investigation (29% and 27% vs. 17%). All were equally likely to be victims of domestic violence and to have mental health issues. Conclusion: Within this sample of high-risk families, young mothers' families were more at risk than comparison families. Mothers' youth may be a useful criterion to identify families for targeted interventions