15 research outputs found

    User-friendly optimization approach of fed-batch fermentation conditions for the production of iturin A using artificial neural networks and support vector machine

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    Background: In the field of microbial fermentation technology, how to optimize the fermentation conditions is of great crucial for practical applications. Here, we use artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machine (SVM) to offer a series of effective optimization methods for the production of iturin A. The concentration levels of asparagine (Asn), glutamic acid (Glu) and proline (Pro) (mg/L) were set as independent variables, while the iturin A titer (U/mL) was set as dependent variable. General regression neural network (GRNN), multilayer feed-forward neural networks (MLFNs) and the SVM were developed. Comparisons were made among different ANNs and the SVM. Results: The GRNN has the lowest RMS error (457.88) and the shortest training time (1 s), with a steady fluctuation during repeated experiments, whereas the MLFNs have comparatively higher RMS errors and longer training times, which have a significant fluctuation with the change of nodes. In terms of the SVM, it also has a relatively low RMS error (466.13), with a short training time (1 s). Conclusion: According to the modeling results, the GRNN is considered as the most suitable ANN model for the design of the fed-batch fermentation conditions for the production of iturin A because of its high robustness and precision, and the SVM is also considered as a very suitable alternative model. Under the tolerance of 30%, the prediction accuracies of the GRNN and SVM are both 100% respectively in repeated experiments

    Baiji genomes reveal low genetic variability and new insights into secondary aquatic adaptations

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    The baiji, or Yangtze River dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), is a flagship species for the conservation of aquatic animals and ecosystems in the Yangtze River of China; however, this species has now been recognized as functionally extinct. Here we report a high-quality draft genome and three re-sequenced genomes of L. vexillifer using Illumina short-read sequencing technology. Comparative genomic analyses reveal that cetaceans have a slow molecular clock and molecular adaptations to their aquatic lifestyle. We also find a significantly lower number of heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the baiji compared to all other mammalian genomes reported thus far. A reconstruction of the demographic history of the baiji indicates that a bottleneck occurred near the end of the last deglaciation, a time coinciding with a rapid decrease in temperature and the rise of eustatic sea level

    Hominin occupation of the Chinese Loess Plateau since about 2.1 million years ago

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    Considerable attention has been paid to dating the earliest appearance of hominins outside Africa. The earliest skeletal and artefactual evidence for the genus Homo in Asia currently comes from Dmanisi, Georgia, and is dated to approximately 1.77-1.85 million years ago (Ma)(1). Two incisors that may belong to Homo erectus come from Yuanmou, south China, and are dated to 1.7 Ma(2); the next-oldest evidence is an H. erectus cranium from Lantian (Gongwangling)-which has recently been dated to 1.63 Ma(3) and the earliest hominin fossils from the Sangiran dome in Java, which are dated to about 1.5-1.6 Ma(4). Artefacts from Majuangou III5 and Shangshazui(6) in the Nihewan basin, north China, have also been dated to 1.6-1.7 Ma. Here we report an Early Pleistocene and largely continuous artefact sequence from Shangchen, which is a newly discovered Palaeolithic locality of the southern Chinese Loess Plateau, near Gongwangling in Lantian county. The site contains 17 artefact layers that extend from palaeosol S15-dated to approximately 1.26 Ma-to loess L28, which we date to about 2.12 Ma. This discovery implies that hominins left Africa earlier than indicated by the evidence from Dmanisi

    Phylogenomic Analysis Resolves the Interordinal Relationships and Rapid Diversification of the Laurasiatherian Mammals

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    Although great progress has been made in resolving the relationships of placental mammals, the position of several clades in Laurasiatheria remain controversial. In this study, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of 97 orthologs (46,152 bp) for 15 taxa, representing all laurasiatherian orders. Additionally, phylogenetic trees of laurasiatherian mammals with draft genome sequences were reconstructed based on 1608 exons (2,175,102 bp). Our reconstructions resolve the interordinal relationships within Laurasiatheria and corroborate the clades Scrotifera, Fereuungulata, and Cetartiodactyla. Furthermore, we tested alternative topologies within Laurasiatheria, and among alternatives for the phylogenetic position of Perissodactyla, a sister-group relationship with Cetartiodactyla receives the highest support. Thus, Pegasoferae (Perissodactyla + Carnivora + Pholidota + Chiroptera) does not appear to be a natural group. Divergence time estimates from these genes were compared with published estimates for splits within Laurasiatheria. Our estimates were similar to those of several studies and suggest that the divergences among these orders occurred within just a few million years

    User-friendly optimization approach of fed-batch fermentation conditions for the production of iturin A using artificial neural networks and support vector machine

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    Background: In the field of microbial fermentation technology, how to optimize the fermentation conditions is of great crucial for practical applications. Here, we use artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machine (SVM) to offer a series of effective optimization methods for the production of iturin A. The concentration levels of asparagine (Asn), glutamic acid (Glu) and proline (Pro) (mg/L) were set as independent variables, while the iturin A titer (U/mL) was set as dependent variable. General regression neural network (GRNN), multilayer feed-forward neural networks (MLFNs) and the SVM were developed. Comparisons were made among different ANNs and the SVM. Results: The GRNN has the lowest RMS error (457.88) and the shortest training time (1 s), with a steady fluctuation during repeated experiments, whereas the MLFNs have comparatively higher RMS errors and longer training times, which have a significant fluctuation with the change of nodes. In terms of the SVM, it also has a relatively low RMS error (466.13), with a short training time (1 s). Conclusion: According to the modeling results, the GRNN is considered as the most suitable ANN model for the design of the fed-batch fermentation conditions for the production of iturin A because of its high robustness and precision, and the SVM is also considered as a very suitable alternative model. Under the tolerance of 30%, the prediction accuracies of the GRNN and SVM are both 100% respectively in repeated experiments

    Structural Basis for the Inhibition of the Autophosphorylation Activity of HK853 by Luteolin

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    The two-component system (TCS) is a significant signal transduction system for bacteria to adapt to complicated and variable environments, and thus has recently been regarded as a novel target for developing antibacterial agents. The natural product luteolin (Lut) can inhibit the autophosphorylation activity of the typical histidine kinase (HK) HK853 from Thermotoga maritime, but the inhibition mechanism is not known. Herein, we report on the binding mechanism of a typical flavone with HK853 by using solution NMR spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and molecular docking. We show that luteolin inhibits the activity of HK853 by occupying the binding pocket of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) through hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking interaction structurally. Our results reveal a detailed mechanism for the inhibition of flavones and observe the conformational and dynamics changes of HK. These results should provide a feasible approach for antibacterial agent design from the view of the histidine kinases

    Reassessing the age of the Early Pleistocene Longgupo fauna, southern China: An updated magnetostratigraphic perspective

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    International audienceABSTRACT As the northernmost locality yielding one of the most representative Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus – Sinomastodon faunas in southern China, the Longgupo site has preserved valuable geological archives that have significantly improved our understanding of Pleistocene biostratigraphy and biogeography. A convincing chronological framework of this locality is therefore important to elaborate on the evolution of Quaternary faunas as well as paleoenvironment. To reconcile the existing geochronological results with new advances in geochronology and biochronology, we present here a revised magnetostratigraphic age model based on detailed rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data and strengthened by biochronology as well as recently published electron spin resonance and uranium series (ESR/U‐series) age data. Two geomagnetic polarities were identified from the Longgupo sequence: the upper one is thin and normal, corresponding to the Olduvai normal subchron; and the lower one is distinctly thick and reversed, corresponding to the pre‐Olduvai Matuyama Chron. The age of the Longgupo fauna constrained by this refined magnetochronological framework is therefore estimated to be about 2.5–2.0 Ma, consistent with the newly published ESR/U‐series age of 2.5–2.2 Ma