465 research outputs found

    Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Venus and Mars at 4 A Resolution with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope on Astro-2

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra of Venus and Mars in the range 820-1840 A at 4 A resolution were obtained on 13 and 12 March 1995, respectively, by the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), which was part of the Astro-2 observatory on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Longward of 1250 A, the spectra of both planets are dominated by emission of the CO Fourth Positive band system and strong OI and CI multiplets. In addition, CO Hopfield-Birge bands, B - X (0,0) at 1151 A and C - X (0,0) at 1088 A, are detected for the first time, and there is a weak indication of the E - X (0,0) band at 1076 A in the spectrum of Venus. The B - X band is blended with emission from OI 1152. Modeling the relative intensities of these bands suggests that resonance fluorescence of CO is the dominant source of the emission, as it is for the Fourth Positive system. Shortward of Lyman-alpha, other emission features detected include OII 834, OI lambda 989, HI Lyman-beta, and NI 1134 and 1200. For Venus, the derived disk brightnesses of the OI, OII, and HI features are about one-half of those reported by Hord et al. (1991) from Galileo EUV measurements made in February 1990. This result is consistent with the expected variation from solar maximum to solar minimum. The ArI 1048, 1066 doublet is detected only in the spectrum of Mars and the derived mixing ratio of Ar is of the order of 2%, consistent with previous determinations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, July 20, 200

    POMK regulates dystroglycan function via LARGE-mediated elongation of matriglycan

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    Matriglycan [-GlcA-β1,3-Xyl-α1,3-]n serves as a scaffold in many tissues for extracellular matrix proteins containing laminin-G domains including laminin, agrin, and perlecan. Like-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-1 (LARGE1) synthesizes and extends matriglycan on α-dystroglycan (α-DG) during skeletal muscle differentiation and regeneration; however, the mechanisms which regulate matriglycan elongation are unknown. Here, we show that Protein O-Mannose Kinase (POMK), which phosphorylates mannose of core M3 (GalNac-β1,3-GlcNac-β1,4-Man) preceding matriglycan synthesis, is required for LARGE1-mediated generation of full-length matriglycan on α-DG (~150 kDa). In the absence of Pomk in mouse skeletal muscle, LARGE1 synthesizes a very short matriglycan resulting in a ~90 kDa α-DG which binds laminin but cannot prevent eccentric contraction-induced force loss or muscle pathology. Solution NMR spectroscopy studies demonstrate that LARGE1 directly interacts with core M3 and binds preferentially to the phosphorylated form. Collectively, our study demonstrates that phosphorylation of core M3 by POMK enables LARGE1 to elongate matriglycan on α-DG, thereby preventing muscular dystrophy

    Estimating the costs for the treatment of abortion complications in two public referral hospitals: a cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Treatment costs of induced abortion complications can consume a substantial amount of hospital resources. This use of hospitals scarce resources to treat induced abortion complications may affect hospitals’ capacities to deliver other health care services. In spite of the importance of studying the burden of the treatment of induced abortion complications, few studies have been conducted to document the costs of treating abortion complications in Burkina Faso. Our objective was to estimate the costs of six abortion complications including incomplete abortion, hemorrhage, shock, infection/sepsis, cervix or vagina laceration, and uterus perforation treated in two public referral hospital facilities in Ouagadougou and the cost saving of providing safe abortion care services

    NuSTAR and Chandra observations of new X-ray transients in the central parsec of the Galaxy

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    We report NuSTAR and Chandra observations of two X-ray transients, SWIFT J174540.7-290015 (T15) and SWIFT J174540.2-290037 (T37), which were discovered by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory in 2016 within r1r\sim1 pc of Sgr A*. NuSTAR detected bright X-ray outbursts from T15 and T37, likely in the soft and hard states, with 3-79~keV luminosities of 8×10368\times10^{36} and 3×10373\times10^{37} erg/s, respectively. No X-ray outbursts have previously been detected from the two transients and our Chandra ACIS analysis puts an upper limit of LX2×1031L_X \lesssim 2 \times10^{31} erg/s on their quiescent 2-8 keV luminosities. No pulsations, significant QPOs, or type I X-ray bursts were detected in the NuSTAR data. While T15 exhibited no significant red noise, the T37 power density spectra are well characterized by three Lorentzian components. The declining variability of T37 above ν10\nu \sim 10 Hz is typical of black hole (BH) transients in the hard state. NuSTAR spectra of both transients exhibit a thermal disk blackbody, X-ray reflection with broadened Fe atomic features, and a continuum component well described by Comptonization models. Their X-ray reflection spectra are most consistent with high BH spin (a0.9a_{*} \gtrsim 0.9) and large disk density (ne1021n_e\sim10^{21} cm3^{-3}). Based on the best-fit ionization parameters and disk densities, we found that X-ray reflection occurred near the inner disk radius, which was derived from the relativistic broadening and thermal disk component. These X-ray characteristics suggest the outbursting BH-LMXB scenario for both transients and yield the first BH spin measurements from X-ray transients in the central 100 pc region.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap