146 research outputs found

    Das Bild der Gerechtigkeit im Rechtsbuch des Johannes Rothe / Johannes Purgoldt und seine Tradition

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    Das Rechtsbuch des Eisenacher Stadtschreibers (bezeugt als solcher 1490–1534) Johannes Purgoldt enthält ein merkwürdiges, bisher nicht näher gedeutetes Bild der Gerechtigkeit. Im Folgenden sei versucht, dieses komplexe Bild genauer zu beschreiben und Hinweise zu seiner Tradition zu geben

    Enabling Non-Professional Users To Bring Physical Processes Into The Industrial Metaverse

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    Augmented reality is essential for the Metaverse because, with this technology, people, spaces, and things can be digitally and physically intertwined. But the creation of AR content is a very complex process carried out by technically skilled developers. For the Metaverse, it is necessary to enable non-professional users to create AR content. We, therefore, want to study the challenges that non-professional users face while creating AR content for process guidance systems that represents a physical process. For this reason, we conducted an exploratory analysis using ten AR authoring experts and arranged a focus group with domain experts and AR authoring experts. As a result, we identified four fundamental design requirements on how an AR authoring tool must be designed to bring physical processes into the Metaverse. Thus, we contribute to understanding AR-based process guidance systems and enable the instantiation and evaluation of an AR authoring tool in large DSR project

    Selbstkomplexität im Sport

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde der Stresspuffereffekt der Selbstkomplexität (Linville, 1985, 1987) anhand von drei Längsschnittstudien erstmals im sportlichen Kontext überprüft. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurde das neu entwickelte Online Tool SKOT erfolgreich eingesetzt. Es nahmen N = 37 Kaderathleten und -athletinnen des DLV, N = 93 Teilnehmer/innen des Sporteignungstests an der Universität Münster sowie N = 68 Sportstudierende der Universität Münster teil. Die Befunde der Studien lassen insgesamt keine klaren Aussagen über die Selbstkomplexität als Stresspuffer in stresshaften Situationen zu. Die Überlappung der Selbstaspekte erwies sich als ein zuverlässiges Maß der Selbstkomplexität, welches sich positiv auf die Befindlichkeit der Sportler auswirkte. Die Befunde unterstützen die Spillover Amplification Hypothese (McConnell, Strain, Brown & Rydell, 2009), demnach eine hohe Überlappung der Selbstaspekte sich unter positiven Ausgangsbedingungen förderlich auf die Befindlichkeit auswirkt

    „Multiprofessionelle Pastoralteams“: Ein evaluationsbasierter Praxisbericht

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    Multiprofessionalitat in der (territorialen) Pastoral erfahrt eine immer grosere Aufmerksamkeit – sowohl in pastoraltheologischen Diskursen als auch in diozesanen Erprobungen. Dabei sind „Notlosungen“ fur fehlendes Seelsorgepersonal zu unterscheiden von Konzeptionen, die eine nachhaltige Ausdifferenzierung des kirchlichen Horizonts anstreben. Im Bistum Limburg ist die Relevanz des Themas durch einen Anteil von 13 der 47 Pfarreien „neuen Typs“ erreicht, denen es beim Einsatz von anderen Qualifikationen als theologischer oder religionspadagogischer Pragung um deren Expertise und kritisch- konstruktiven „Blick von ausen“ geht. Der Skizzierung des Konzepts wird eine aktuelle Zwischenevaluation in den beteiligten Pastoralteams gegenubergestellt, die diese Grundsatze in der Praxis uberpruft und eine valide Einschatzung des multiprofessionellen Mehrwerts beisteuert. Demnach erweisen sich multiprofessionelle Stellen in Pastoralteams als unverzichtbar und zukunftsweisend fur eine zeit- und evangeliumsgemase Pastoral. Multiprofessionality in (territorial) pastoral care is receiving more and more attention both in pastoral- theological discourses and in diocesan trials. In this context, "emergency solutions" for a lack of pastoral personnel must be distinguished from concepts that strive for a sustainable differentiation of the ecclesiastical horizon. In the diocese of Limburg, the relevance of the topic is achieved by a proportion of 13 of the 47 parishes of a "new type", which, when employing qualifications other than theological or religious education, are concerned with their expertise and a critical-constructive "view from outside". The outline of the concept is contrasted with a current interim evaluation in the pastoral teams involved, which examines these principles in practice and contributes a valid assessment of the multiprofessional added value. According to this, multi-professional positions in pastoral teams prove to be indispensable and forward-looking for a pastoral ministry that is in keeping with the times and the Gospel

    Microscopic and biochemical monitoring of endosomal trafficking and extracellular vesicle secretion in an endogenous in vivo model

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    Extracellular vesicle (EV) secretion enables cell–cell communication in multicellular organisms. During development, EV secretion and the specific loading of signalling factors in EVs contributes to organ development and tissue differentiation. Here, we present an in vivo model to study EV secretion using the fat body and the haemolymph of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The system makes use of tissue-specific EV labelling and is amenable to genetic modification by RNAi. This allows the unique combination of microscopic visualisation of EVs in different organs and quantitative biochemical purification to study how EVs are generated within the cells and which factors regulate their secretion in vivo. Characterisation of the system revealed that secretion of EVs from the fat body is mainly regulated by Rab11 and Rab35, highlighting the importance of recycling Rab GTPase family members for EV secretion. We furthermore discovered a so far unknown function of Rab14 along with the kinesin Klp98A in EV biogenesis and secretion

    A low-cost fluorescence reader for in vitro transcription and nucleic acid detection with Cas13a

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    Point-of-care testing (POCT) in low-resource settings requires tools that can operate independently of typical laboratory infrastructure. Due to its favorable signal-to-background ratio, a wide variety of biomedical tests utilize fluorescence as a readout. However, fluorescence techniques often require expensive or complex instrumentation and can be difficult to adapt for POCT. To address this issue, we developed a pocket-sized fluorescence detector costing less than $15 that is easy to manufacture and can operate in low-resource settings. It is built from standard electronic components, including an LED and a light dependent resistor, filter foils and 3D printed parts, and reliably reaches a lower limit of detection (LOD) of. 6.8 nM fluorescein, which is sufficient to follow typical biochemical reactions used in POCT applications. All assays are conducted on filter paper, which allows for a flat detector architecture to improve signal collection. We validate the device by quantifying in vitro RNA transcription and also demonstrate sequence-specific detection of target RNAs with an LOD of 3.7 nM using a Cas13a-based fluorescence assay. Cas13a is an RNA-guided, RNA-targeting CRISPR effector with promiscuous RNase activity upon recognition of its RNA target. Cas13a sensing is highly specific and adaptable and in combination with our detector represents a promising approach for nucleic acid POCT. Furthermore, our open-source device may be used in educational settings, through providing low cost instrumentation for quantitative assays or as a platform to integrate hardware, software and biochemistry concepts in the future

    Windei, the Drosophila Homolog of mAM/MCAF1, Is an Essential Cofactor of the H3K9 Methyl Transferase dSETDB1/Eggless in Germ Line Development

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    The epigenetic regulation of gene expression by the covalent modification of histones is a fundamental mechanism required for the proper differentiation of germ line cells during development. Trimethylation of histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9me3) leads to chromatin silencing and the formation of heterochromatin by recruitment of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). dSETDB1/Eggless (Egg), the ortholog of the human methyltransferase SETDB1, is the only essential H3K9 methyltransferase in Drosophila and is required for H3K9 trimethylation in the female germ line. Here we show that Windei (Wde), the Drosophila homolog of mouse mAM and human MCAF1, is an essential cofactor of Egg required for its nuclear localization and function in female germ line cells. By deletion analysis combined with coimmunoprecipitation, we have identified the protein regions in Wde and Egg that are necessary and sufficient for the interaction between the two proteins. We furthermore identified a region of Egg that gets covalently modified by SUMOylation, which may facilitate the formation of higher order chromatin-modifying complexes. Together with Egg, Wde localizes to euchromatin, is enriched on chromosome 4, and binds to the Painting of fourth (POF) protein. Our data provide the first genetic and phenotypic analysis of a mAM/MCAF1 homolog in a model organism and demonstrate its essential function in the survival of germ line cells

    Re-emergence of enterovirus D68 in Europe after easing the COVID-19 lockdown, September 2021

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    We report a rapid increase in enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) infections, with 139 cases reported from eight European countries between 31 July and 14 October 2021. This upsurge is in line with the seasonality of EV-D68 and was presumably stimulated by the widespread reopening after COVID-19 lockdown. Most cases were identified in September, but more are to be expected in the coming months. Reinforcement of clinical awareness, diagnostic capacities and surveillance of EV-D68 is urgently needed in Europe.Peer Reviewe