718 research outputs found

    Epitaxy of hexagonal ABO3_3 quantum materials

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    Hexagonal ABABO3_3 oxides (AA, BB = cation) are a rich materials class for realizing novel quantum phenomena. Their hexagonal symmetry, oxygen trigonal bipyramid coordination and quasi-two dimensional layering give rise to properties distinct from those of the cubic ABABO3_3 perovskites. As bulk materials, most of the focus in this materials class has been on the rare earth manganites, RRMnO3_3 (RR = rare earth); these materials display coupled ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetic order. In this review, we focus on the thin film manifestations of the hexagonal ABABO3_3 oxides. We cover the stability of the hexagonal oxides and substrates which can be used to template the hexagonal structure. We show how the thin film geometry not only allows for further tuning of the bulk-stable manganites but also the realization of metastable hexagonal oxides such as the RRFeO3_3 that combine ferroelectricity with weak ferromagnetic order. The thin film geometry is a promising platform to stabilize additional metastable hexagonal oxides to search for predicted high-temperature superconductivity and topological phases in this materials class.Comment: The following article has been accepted by Applied Physics Review

    Manejo da Myzus Persicae com folhas de Jatropha Curcas e Ricinus Communis em diferentes estágios vegetativos

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    Although chemical insecticides are successfully used in agriculture, several problems may be related to their indiscriminate use. This has encouraged the development of alternative methods for pest insect control and societal pressure for pesticide-free products. The jatropha (J. curcas) and castor bean (Ricinus communis) are plants that have shown insecticidal potential. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the effects of leaves of R. communis and J. curcas of different ages on the cabbage aphid (Myzus persicae). Five solution concentrations and five leaf types were used. Each treatment consisted of ten individuals M. persicae, kept in Petri dishes (10.0 x 1.2 cm), about kale leaf discs. Each Petri dish was considered a repeat, totaling ten. An airbrush connected to a compressor calibrated at constant pressure and 5 mL of solution per repetition was used for direct application. The cabbage discs were immersed in the different treatments for five seconds and offered to aphids in the indirect application. For both tests, evaluations were performed 72 hours after application. Data were submitted to linear regression analysis and means test. There was an interaction between the application type, leaf type, and concentrations for both plants. We argue that at their different ages, jatropha and castor bean leaves have insecticidal potential in the management of M. persicae.Embora os inseticidas químicos sejam usados ​​com sucesso na agricultura, vários problemas podem estar relacionados ao seu uso indiscriminado. Isso tem incentivado o desenvolvimento de métodos alternativos para o controle de pragas e insetos, bem como a pressão social por produtos livres de pesticidas. A jatropha (J. curcas) e a mamona (Ricinus communis) são plantas que apresentam potencial inseticida. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar folhas de J. curcas e R. communis de diferentes idades sobre o pulgão-da-couve (Myzus persicae). Foram utilizadas cinco concentrações de solução e cinco tipos de folhas. Cada tratamento consistiu de dez indivíduos M. persicae, mantidos em placas de Petri (10,0 x    1,2 cm), sobre discos de folhas de couve. Cada placa de Petri foi considerada uma repetição, totalizando dez. Para aplicação direta, utilizou-se um aerógrafo conectado a um compressor calibrado a pressão constante e 5 mL de solução por repetição. Na aplicação indireta, os discos de repolho foram imersos por cinco segundos nos diferentes tratamentos e oferecidos aos pulgões. Para ambos os testes, as avaliações foram realizadas 72 horas após a aplicação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão linear e teste de médias. Para ambas as plantas houve interação entre o tipo de aplicação, tipo de folha e concentrações. Reiteramos que as folhas de pinhão-manso e mamona, em suas diferentes idades, apresentam potencial inseticida no manejo de M. persicae

    A parallel approach to pca based malicious activitydetection in distributed honeypot data

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    Model order selection (MOS) schemes, which are frequently employed inseveral signal processing applications, are shown to be effective tools for the detectionof malicious activities in honeypot data. In this paper, we extend previous results byproposing an efficient and parallel MOS method for blind automatic malicious activitydetection in distributed honeypots. Our proposed scheme does not require any previousinformation on attacks or human intervention. We model network traffic data as signalsand noise and then apply modified signal processing methods. However, differently fromthe previous centralized solutions, we propose that the data colected by each honeypotnode be processed by nodes in a cluster (that may consist of the collection nodesthemselves) and then grouped to obtain the final results. This is achieved by having eachnode locally compute the Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) to its own sample correlationmatrix (obtained from the honeypot data) and transmit the resulting eigenvalues to acentral node, where the global eigenvalues and final model order are computed. Themodel order computed from the global eigenvalues through RADOI represents the numberof malicious activities detected in the analysed data. The feasibility of the proposedapproach is demonstrated through simulation experiments

    Labour Demand in the Post-apartheid South African Wine Industry

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    © 2018 The Agricultural Economics Society In 2013 the minimum agricultural wage in South Africa was increased by an unprecedented 51%. We use data on 77 Western Cape Province wine grape farms from 2005–2015 to estimate the impacts on employment. Previous post-apartheid labour market reforms increased minimum wages substantially, but re-entry to global markets after sanctions were lifted increased demand and this preserved jobs in the wine sector. However, by 2005 this demand growth had largely ceased. The long-run wage elasticity for permanent employees was found to be −0.4, but for casual workers the figure was −4.7, so the 51% wage increase is likely to decimate casual employment in the future. Thus, the poorest and most vulnerable casual workers lose most in terms of jobs, incomes and secure livelihoods, whereas 80% of full-time staff benefit from the higher minimum wages. Thus, the minimum wage change is likely to increase the gap between privileged permanent staff and casual workers. This result is not surprising in view of the long-standing interdependence between farmers and their permanent workers in wine grape production

    Fast linear algebra is stable

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    In an earlier paper, we showed that a large class of fast recursive matrix multiplication algorithms is stable in a normwise sense, and that in fact if multiplication of nn-by-nn matrices can be done by any algorithm in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations for any η>0\eta > 0, then it can be done stably in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations for any η>0\eta > 0. Here we extend this result to show that essentially all standard linear algebra operations, including LU decomposition, QR decomposition, linear equation solving, matrix inversion, solving least squares problems, (generalized) eigenvalue problems and the singular value decomposition can also be done stably (in a normwise sense) in O(nω+η)O(n^{\omega + \eta}) operations.Comment: 26 pages; final version; to appear in Numerische Mathemati

    Análise da qualidade de uso e interface com o usuário de softwares brasileiros de apoio à nutrição clínica

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um comparativo de qualidade de uso e interface com o usuário de dois softwares nacionais utilizados para avaliação do estado nutricional e prescrição dietética de pacientes com alimentação via oralThe objective of this article is to show a comparative of using and interface quality between two Brazilian softwares used to nutritional state and dietetic prescription assessment on patients with oral alimentationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    The genus Eucalyptus contains the arboreal species most used to reforestation in the Brazil. Like the plants of this genus presents elevated content of secundarity substances, was waited that they might not cause serious damages to the eucalyptus. However, many insects, principally those of the order Lepidoptera, becomes serious pests in the culture of eucalyptus. The predator Podisus nigrispinus Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) has been used against herbivorous insects like Thyrinteina arnobia Stoll (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), but there is not data about your establishment in eucalyptus areas. The objective of this work was evaluate the reproductive potential and to perform a analyses of survival of P. nigrispinus on T. arnobia proceeding of eucalyptus and grub Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) proceeding of mass rearing in laboratory. The biologics aspects of P. nigrispinus were better on pupa of T. molitor when compared the individuals create on caterpillar of T. arnobia. Probably, the caterpillar of T. arnobia are kidnapped the secundarity substances from the Eucalyptus plants and using for your defense against predators like P. nigrispinus and, if these naturals enemies are not adapted to these substances, their performance in the pest control and on their own development may be negatively affected.O gênero Eucalyptus abrange as espécies arbóreas mais utilizadas para reflorestamento no Brasil. Devido ao seu elevado conteúdo de substâncias secundárias, esperava-se que os insetos não causassem sérios danos ao eucalipto. Contudo, muitos insetos, principalmente os da ordem Lepidoptera, tornaram-se sérias pragas na eucaliptocultura. O predador Podisus nigrispinus Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) vem sendo utilizado contra insetos herbívoros tais como Thyrinteina arnobia Stoll (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), principal praga do eucalipto, mas não se têm dados sobre seu estabelecimento em áreas de eucalipto. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial reprodutivo e sobrevivência de P. nigrispinus sobre T. arnobia proveniente de eucalipto e larvas de Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) provenientes de criação massal em laboratório. Os aspectos biológicos de P. nigrispinus foram melhores sobre pupas de T. molitor em comparação aos indivíduos criados sobre lagartas de T. arnobia. Provavelmente, as lagartas de T. arnobia estão seqüestrando as substâncias secundárias das plantas de eucalipto e utilizando em sua defesa contra predadores como P. Nigrispinus, e se estes inimigos naturais não estiverem adaptados a tais compostos, a sua performance no controle da praga e no seu próprio desenvolvimento podem ser afetados negativamente