107 research outputs found

    Mental health and physical activity: A COVID-19 viewpoint

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    COVID-19, which has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, has become a public health emergency across the globe. It is a highly contagious disease, which elicits high levels of fear amongst the world population and is considered a threat to the world economy. As a response to this pandemic, international governments have devised unconventional measures to guard the health of their citizenry. Among these are the “new normal” country lockdown that mandates working from home, home-schooling of children, and physical/social distancing from friends and family. For the majority, this has resulted in momentary job loss and loneliness, and other psychological illnesses. Hence millions are frightened, depressed and panic easily as a result of the tension due to the uncertainty, which interferes with their job performance, livelihoods, international trade and the world economy. If not mitigated, this is likely to cause physical health deterioration, with severe mental illness being the outcome. To reduce mental health illnesses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, evidence suggests prioritising regular participation in physical activity and exercise across lifespan. It is also important for medical experts who specialise in the care and management of mental health to recognise physical activity and exercise as a medicine that can ameliorate some mental illnesses and their associated risk factors

    Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity : Coulomb excitation of 22Mg

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    Many-body nuclear theory utilizing microscopic or chiral potentials has developed to the point that collectivity might be studied within a microscopic or ab initio framework without the use of effective charges; for example with the proper evolution of the E2 operator, or alternatively, through the use of an appropriate and manageable subset of particle–hole excitations. We present a precise determination of E2 strength in 22Mg and its mirror 22Ne by Coulomb excitation, allowing for rigorous comparisons with theory. No-core symplectic shell-model calculations were performed and agree with the new B(E2) values while in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations consistently underpredict the absolute strength, with the missing strength found to have both isoscalar and isovector components. The discrepancy between two microscopic models demonstrates the sensitivity of E2 strength to the choice of many-body approximation employed

    Coherent π0 photoproduction on the deuteron up to 4 GeV

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    The differential cross section for 2H(γ,d)π0 has been measured at deuteron center-of-mass angles of 90° and 136°. This work reports the first data for this reaction above a photon energy of 1 GeV, and permits a test of the apparent constituent counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude behavior as observed in elastic ed scattering. Measurements were performed up to a photon energy of 4.0 GeV, and are in good agreement with previous lower energy measurements. Overall, the data are inconsistent with both constituent-counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude predictions

    Comportamento de células do sistema imune frente ao desafio com Salmonella Enteritidis em aves tratadas e não tratadas com ácidos orgânicos

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    A Salmonelose é uma importante zoonose, considerada a principal causa de infecções bacterianas, sendo associada ao consumo de produtos avícolas. Como alternativa de controle, ácidos orgânicos têm sido amplamente usados. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre o estado imunológico de aves de produção, e uma avaliação deste status é necessária para proteger frente a enfermidades e para garantir à aplicação segura de agentes terapêuticos ou imunização profilática. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o comportamento do sistema imunológico das aves previamente infectadas com Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) tratadas com um composto de ácidos orgânicos em diferentes concentrações administrado via água e ração comparando com as aves infectadas e não tratadas. Foram inoculados 120 frangos de corte com 1mL de SE, via oral, na concentração de 1,0 x 108 UFC/mL, no 1º e 2º dia de idade, divididos em seis tratamentos com duas repetições, utilizando 200, 400, 500 e 1000ppm do ácido orgânico. Aos 35 dias de vida das aves, foram coletados, de todos os grupos, alíquotas de sangue de 3mL em tubo contendo EDTA para a avaliação das células imunes através de citometria de fluxo. Foram analisadas as porcentagens circulantes de células CD4+, CD8β+, MHC I+, MHC II+, TCRVβ1+, TCRVβ2+ e CD28+. Para análise microbiológica foram coletadas tonsilas cecais destas aves. Observou-se com esse estudo que os ácidos orgânicos nas dosagens 1000ppm na água e 500ppm na ração durante, dois e sete dias respectivamente antes do abate, foram eficazes na redução da infecção por SE em frangos de corte, comprovadas pelo método microbiológico e demonstradas através do comportamento das células do sistema imune. No presente estudo as aves infectadas apresentaram uma proporção menor de células T auxiliares circulantes quando comparadas às aves infectadas, mas tratadas com o AO ou com o grupo não infectado. A mesma tendência pode ser observada para as células CD28+, TCRVβ1+ e MHC IIbright+, e, com menor resolução, para CD8β+

    Measurements of Deuteron Photodisintegration up to 4.0 GeV

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    The first measurements of the differential cross section for the d(γ,p)n reaction up to 4.0 GeV were performed at the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Thomas Jefferson Laboratory. We report the cross sections at the proton center-of-mass angles of 36°, 52°, 69°, and 89°. These results are in reasonable agreement with previous measurements at lower energy. The 89° and 69° data show constituent-counting-rule behavior up to 4.0 GeV photon energy. The 52° and 36° data disagree with the counting-rule behavior. The quantum chromodynamics (QCD) model of nuclear reactions involving reduced amplitudes disagrees with the present data.U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundatio

    Red swamp crayfish: biology, ecology and invasion - an overview

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