152 research outputs found

    Does topical diclofenac relieve osteoarthritis pain?

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    Q: Does topical diclofenac relieve osteoarthritis pain? Evidence-based answer: Yes, at least in the short term. Topical diclofenac, with and without dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), modestly improves pain and function scores (by 4%-8%) for as long as 12 weeks in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). Topical diclofenac modestly decreases pain scores in patients with OA of the hand in the short term (by 9% at 6 weeks) but no more than placebo at 8 weeks (SOR: B, RCT). Both topical diclofenac with DMSO and oral diclofenac produce similar pain and function scores in patients with OA of the knee. In addition to minor skin dryness, topical diclofenac causes gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects in about a third of patients (SOR: B, RCT)

    The Star Formation History of LGS 3

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    We have determined the distance and star formation history of the Local Group dwarf galaxy LGS 3 from deep Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 observations. LGS 3 is intriguing because ground-based observations showed that, while its stellar population is dominated by old, metal-poor stars, there is a handful of young, blue stars. Also, the presence of HI gas makes this a possible ``transition object'' between dwarf spheroidal and dwarf irregular galaxies. The HST data are deep enough to detect the horizontal branch and young main sequence for the first time. A new distance of D=620+/-20 kpc has been measured from the positions of the TRGB, the red clump, and the horizontal branch. The mean metallicity of the stars older than 8 Gyr is Fe/H = -1.5 +/- 0.3. The most recent generation of stars has Fe/H ~ -1. For the first few Gyr the global star formation rate was several times higher than the historical average and has been fairly constant since then. However, we do see significant changes in stellar populations and star formation history with radial position in the galaxy. Most of the young stars are found in the central 63 pc (21''), where the star formation rate has been relatively constant, while the outer parts have had a declining star formation rate.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 26 pages, 14 figures, uses AASTe

    MQ-8B Fire Scout UAV Manning Cost Benefit Analysis

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    EMBA Project ReportEXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the request of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Task Force, the Naval Air Systems Command‘s program office for Multi-Mission Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)—also known as PMA-266, began MQ-8B flight operations in Afghanistan. Due to the importance and short notice of this request, the initial manning and support measures for the Fire Scout detachment has relied heavily on contractors. In an effort to refine and redirect the future manning of Fire Scout detachments, PMA-266 asked the Washington DC Naval Postgraduate School Consulting Group to evaluate three different courses of action (COAs) detailing manning options for deployment of the MQ-8B Fire Scout for the next year. The three COAs were: 1) Manning with a military component 2) Manning with NGC contract services 3) Manning through a third party contractor. This report recommends that PMA-266 use the military component COA to the maximum extent possible. In addition to annual cost savings of over $10M, a military component provides greater mission-focus and flexibility inherent in a military chain of command as compared to a contract manning structure. The Navy would also benefit by obtaining operational UAS experience as it looks to develop an unmanned aviation community. The experience gained could be used to develop Navy instructors for operator and maintenance training instead of continuing to rely on contract support for these requirements.For Capt Patrick Smith Director PMA-266http://archive.org/details/mqbfirescoutuavm10945707

    Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies of the Nearby Centaurus A Group

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    We present Halpha narrow-band imaging of 17 dwarf irregular galaxies (dIs) in the nearby Centaurus A Group. Although all large galaxies of the group have a current or recent enhanced star formation episode, the dIs have normal star formation rates and do not contain a larger fraction of dwarf starbursts than other nearby groups. Relative distances between dIs and larger galaxies of the group can be computed in 3D since most of them have now fairly accurately known distances. We find that the dI star formation rates do not depend on local environment, and in particular they do not show any correlation with the distance of the dI to the nearest large galaxy of the group. There is a clear morphology-density relation in the Centaurus A Group, similarly to the Sculptor and Local Groups, in the sense that dEs/dSphs tend to be at small distances from the more massive galaxies of the group, while dIs are on average at larger distances. We find four transition dwarfs in the Group, dwarfs that show characteristics of both dE/dSphs and dIs, and which contain cold gas but no current star formation. Interestingly the transition dwarfs have an average distance to the more massive galaxies which is intermediate between those of the dEs/dSphs and dIs, and which is quite large: 0.54 +- 0.31 Mpc. This large distance poses some difficulty for the most popular scenarios proposed for transforming a dI into a dE/dSph (ram-pressure with tidal stripping or galaxy harassment). If the observed transition dwarfs are indeed missing links between dIs and dE/dSphs, their relative isolation makes it less likely to have been produced by these mechanisms. We propose that an inhomogeneous IGM containing higher density clumps would be able to ram-pressure stripped the dIs at such large distances.Comment: 57 pages, 10 fi5gure

    The Recent Evolution of the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625 from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging

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    New HST/WFPC2 imaging of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625 is presented. These data, 80% complete to V and I magnitudes of 26.0 and 25.3, respectively, allow us to study the recent star formation history of NGC 625. We derive a tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) distance modulus of 27.95+/-0.07, corresponding to a distance of 3.89+/-0.22 Mpc, and a location on the far side of the Sculptor Group. NGC 625 has a well-defined radial stellar population gradient, evidenced by a central concentration of young MS stars and an RGB/AGB ratio that increases with galactocentric distance. The prominent AGB is very red, and RGB stars are detected far from the central star forming regions. Using H Alpha and H Beta narrow band imaging and previous optical spectroscopy we identify substantial and varying internal extinction (A_V = 0.0 to 0.6 mag) associated with the central active star formation regions. To better understand the effects of internal extinction on the analysis of young stellar populations, synthetic models are presented which, for the first time, examine and account for this effect. Using the luminous blue helium burning stars, we construct a simple model of the recent (< 100 Myr) star formation in which an elevated but declining star formation rate has been present over this entire period. This is at odds with the presence of spectroscopic W-R features in the major star formation region which imply a short duration (<= 5 Myr) for the recent starburst. This suggests that starbursts displaying W-R features are not necessarily all of a short duration. Finally, we speculate on the possible causes of the present burst of star formation in this apparently isolated galaxy, and compare it to other nearby, well-studied dwarf starburst systems.Comment: 56 pages, including 15 figures (2 in color). Scheduled to appear in AJ, December, 2003. Full-resolution version may be obtained at http://www.astro.umn.edu/~Cannon/n625.p

    On the grammar of politics—or why conservatives prefer nouns

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    Previous research indicates that political conservatism is associated with epistemic needs for structure and certainty (Jost et al., 2003) and that nouns elicit clearer and more definite perceptions of reality than other parts of speech (Carnaghi et al., 2008). We therefore hypothesized that conservatives would exhibit preferences for nouns (vs. verbs and adjectives), insofar as nouns are better suited to satisfy epistemic needs. In Study 1, we observed that social conservatism was associated with noun preferences in Polish and that personal need for structure accounted for the association between ideology and grammatical preferences. In Study 2, conducted in Arabic, social conservatism was associated with a preference for the use of nominal sentences (composed of nouns only) over verbal sentences (which included verbs and adjectives). In Study 3, we found that more conservative U.S. presidents used greater proportions of nouns in major speeches, and this effect was related to integrative complexity. We discuss the possibility that conservative ideology is linked to grammatical preferences that foster feelings of stability and predictability

    Conducting Health Research in Korean American Churches: Perspectives from Church Leaders

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    Korean Americans experience many challenges to obtaining adequate health care coverage and access to needed services. Because a large proportion of Korean Americans attend churches on a regular basis, churches may be a promising venue where health programs can be delivered. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of Korean American churches with respect to conducting future health intervention research, we conducted exploratory interviews and focus groups with 58 leaders from 23 Korean American churches and three community organizations. From these interviews and focus groups, we found that Korean churches and church leaders seek to meet a variety of social and health needs of their congregation and their surrounding community. Several leaders have stated that assisting with social and medical needs of their members is an important component of their current ministry. They described profound health needs of their congregations and have suggested various ways in which the university can partner with the local churches to help address these needs through research. Additionally, they described various resources churches can provide to researchers such as: their personal assistance, church volunteer base, church facility, and church network and contacts. Our findings suggest that Korean churches have a high potential to serve an important role in the health of Korean Americans. On the basis of the promising results of the present study, we are planning to conduct a cross sectional survey of Korean church leaders and members in Los Angeles County to substantiate our findings in a larger representative sample

    Genome-wide association reveals three SNPs associated with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis through a two-locus analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, degenerative neuromuscular disease characterized by a progressive loss of voluntary motor activity. About 95% of ALS patients are in "sporadic form"-meaning their disease is not associated with a family history of the disease. To date, the genetic factors of the sporadic form of ALS are poorly understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We proposed a two-stage approach based on seventeen biological plausible models to search for two-locus combinations that have significant joint effects to the disease in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). We used a two-stage strategy to reduce the computational burden associated with performing an exhaustive two-locus search across the genome. In the first stage, all SNPs were screened using a single-marker test. In the second stage, all pairs made from the 1000 SNPs with the lowest p-values from the first stage were evaluated under each of the 17 two-locus models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>we performed the two-stage approach on a GWAS data set of sporadic ALS from the SNP Database at the NINDS Human Genetics Resource Center DNA and Cell Line Repository <url>http://ccr.coriell.org/ninds/</url>. Our two-locus analysis showed that two two-locus combinations--rs4363506 (SNP1) and rs3733242 (SNP2), and rs4363506 and rs16984239 (SNP3) -- were significantly associated with sporadic ALS. After adjusting for multiple tests and multiple models, the combination of SNP1 and SNP2 had a p-value of 0.032 under the Dom∩Dom epistatic model; SNP1 and SNP3 had a p-value of 0.042 under the Dom × Dom multiplicative model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed two-stage analytical method can be used to search for joint effects of genes in GWAS. The two-stage strategy decreased the computational time and the multiple testing burdens associated with GWAS. We have also observed that the loci identified by our two-stage strategy can not be detected by single-locus tests.</p