2,210 research outputs found

    An Improved Tax Scheme for Selfish Routing

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    We study the problem of routing traffic for independent selfish users in a congested network to minimize the total latency. The inefficiency of selfish routing motivates regulating the flow of the system to lower the total latency of the Nash Equilibrium by economic incentives or penalties. When applying tax to the routes, we follow the definition of [Christodoulou et al, Algorithmica, 2014] to define ePoA as the Nash total cost including tax in the taxed network over the optimal cost in the original network. We propose a simple tax scheme consisting of step functions imposed on the links. The tax scheme can be applied to routing games with parallel links, affine cost functions and single-commodity networks to lower the ePoA to at most 4/3 - epsilon, where epsilon only depends on the discrepancy between the links. We show that there exists a tax scheme in the two link case with an ePoA upperbound less than 1.192 which is almost tight. Moreover, we design another tax scheme that lowers ePoA down to 1.281 for routing games with groups of links such that links in the same group are similar to each other and groups are sufficiently different

    The diagnosis of multiple opportunistic infections in advanced stage AIDS: when Ockham’s Razor doesn’t cut it

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    In the advanced stage of AIDS, the diagnosis of the opportunistic infections may be challenging due to the high risk of performing invasive diagnostic methods in a patient with a critical clinical condition, as well as the correct interpretation of the results of microbiological exams. One of the challenges for the diagnosis and treatment of the opportunistic infections is that they may occur concomitantly in the same patient and they may mimic each other, leading to a high discrepancy between clinical and autopsy diagnoses. We describe the case of a 52-year-old man who was hospitalized because of weight loss, anemia, cough, and hepatosplenomegaly. During the investigation, the diagnosis of AIDS was made, and the patient developed respiratory failure and died on the fourth day of hospitalization. At autopsy, disseminated non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis was found, affecting mainly the organs of the reticuloendothelial system. Also, severe and diffuse pneumonia caused by multiple agents (Pneumocystis jirovecii, Histoplasma capsulatum, suppurative bacterial infection, non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, and cytomegalovirus) was seen in a morphological pattern that could be called “collision pneumonia.” The lesson from this case, revealed by the autopsy, is that in advanced AIDS, patients often have multiple opportunistic infections, so the principle of Ockham’s razor—that a single diagnosis is most likely the best diagnosis—fails in this clinical context

    Efetividade da vacina contra influenza em população de idosos no município de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Com o objetivo de investigar a efetividade da vacina contra Influenza em população de pacientes ambulatoriais, com 60 anos e mais, no Município de São Paulo, foram comparados retrospectivamente 187 pacientes dos quais 131 foram vacinados e 56 não foram vacinados contra influenza em 1999. Os dois grupos foram semelhantes com respeito às condições de saúde, características demográficas, tabagismo e alcoolismo. No ano posterior à vacinação, os vacinados apresentaram número de episódios clinicamente definidos como gripe, isto é, sem confirmação laboratorial, significativamente menor do que os não vacinados. Os outros parâmetros avaliados, a saber: ocorrência de gripe, de doença respiratória que não gripe, hospitalização por qualquer motivo e por doença respiratória, não diferiram nos dois grupos. Concluímos que a vacina contra influenza contribuiu para a redução do número de episódios caracterizados como gripe. São necessários mais estudos sobre a efetividade desta vacina em populações idosas e outros grupos populacionais brasileiros.To investigate the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in a population of elderly outpatients, we compared the occurrence and frequency of influenza like illness (ILI), respiratory illness and hospitalization in vaccinated and non-vaccinated subjects. All the outcomes were clinically defined. The two groups were similar with respect to demographics, health situation and habits. The influenza vaccine contributed to the protection of the elderly investigated, since the vaccinated subjects referred a significantly lower number of ILI than the non-vaccinated. There is a need for more studies about the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in our country in elderly and other groups of our population

    Factors Associated With Leisure Participation Among the Elderly Living in Long-term Care Facilities

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    SummaryBackgroundA lack of participation in leisure activities often leads to depression in the elderly. This study investigated the factors impacting leisure participation among the elderly living in long-term care facilities.MethodsThis cross-sectional study recruited 309 individuals older than 65 years from six long-term care facilities located in the Taipei area. Structured in-person questionnaires were administered to assess their demographic characteristics, general self-rated health status, leisure constraints, and leisure participation.ResultsThe average frequency of leisure participation was 27.20 ± 12.48 points. The top five most popular leisure activities were watching television, walking, chatting, reading, and participating in religious activities. Elderly subjects who tended to be female, have religious beliefs, have a high school education level, be married, perceive themselves in better health, demonstrate better cognitive function and have higher scores on activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living scales were more likely to participate in leisure activities (p < 0.05). In contrast, those who were older, had stayed in the facility for a longer time period and had more leisure constraints were less likely to participate in leisure activities (p < 0.05). Overall, the predictive factors for leisure participation included religious beliefs, educational level, cognitive skill, instrumental activities of daily living score, depression, personal inner constraints, and structural constraints. The entire model was significant (F = 11.03, p < 0.001).ConclusionBased on the self-reported interests, health status and level of cognitive skill of elderly residents, long-term care facilities should arrange appropriate leisure activities to prevent depression and to improve quality of life

    Perturbative Approach to Higher Derivative and Nonlocal Theories

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    We review a perturbative approach to deal with Lagrangians with higher or infinite order time derivatives. It enables us to construct a consistent Poisson structure and Hamiltonian with only first time derivatives order by order in coupling. To the lowest order, the Hamiltonian is bounded from below whenever the potential is. We consider spacetime noncommutative field theory as an example.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, reference adde

    O uso da adenosina deaminase no diagnóstico da tuberculose pericárdica

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity usefulness in the diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis (TP), comparing its value with pericardial effusions (PE) caused by other pericardial diseases. A retrospective case-control study was conducted with nine cases of TP and 39 other than TP diseases (12 neoplastic, 11 septic and 16 unknown origin). Every patient included in this study had PE samples submitted to ADA activity measures and microbiological analysis, and then had pericardial tissue samples submitted to microbiological and histopathological examination. Considering the value of 40 U/L as the cut-off for the diagnosis of TP, the specificity and sensitivity were respectively of 72% and 89%. The specificity of ADA activity for the TP was best applied in the differential diagnosis from PE of unknown origin. The present study demonstrates the clinical value of the measurement of ADA activity in PE in the diagnosis of TP.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade da adenosina deaminase (ADA) como auxiliar no diagnóstico da tuberculose pericárdica (TP), comparando o seu valor no derrame pericárdico com outras doenças pericárdicas. Um estudo retrospectivo tipo caso-controle foi conduzido com nove casos de TP e 39 pacientes com outras doenças pericárdicas (12 neoplasias, 11 pericardites bacterianas e 16 pericardites de etiologia indeterminada). Cada paciente incluído no estudo teve sua amostra de tecido pericárdico encaminhada para estudo microbiológico e histopatológico. Considerando o valor de 40 U/L como corte para o diagnóstico de TP, a especificidade e sensibilidade foram respectivamente 72 e 89%. A especificidade da atividade de ADA para a TP foi melhor aplicada no diagnóstico diferencial entre derrame pericárdico de origem indeterminada. O presente estudo demonstrou o valor clínico da mensuração da atividade de ADA no diagnóstico de TP

    Follow-up after acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by influenza a (H1N1) virus infection

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    BACKGROUND: There are no reports on the long-term follow-up of patients with swine-origin influenza A virus infection that progressed to acute respiratory distress syndrome. METHODS: Four patients were prospectively followed up with pulmonary function tests and high-resolution computed tomography for six months after admission to an intensive care unit. RESULTS: Pulmonary function test results assessed two months after admission to the intensive care unit showed reduced forced vital capacity in all patients and low diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide in two patients. At six months, pulmonary function test results were available for three patients. Two patients continued to have a restrictive pattern, and none of the patients presented with abnormal diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide. All of them had a diffuse ground-glass pattern on high-resolution computed tomography that improved after six months. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the marked severity of lung disease at admission, patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by swine-origin influenza A virus infection presented a late but substantial recovery over six months of follow-up

    Progressive Resistance Training in Elderly HIV-Positive Patients: Does it Work?

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    BACKGROUND: Elderly people present alterations in body composition and physical fitness, compromising their quality of life. Chronic diseases, including HIV/AIDS, worsen this situation. Resistance exercises are prescribed to improve fitness and promote healthier and independent aging. Recovery of strength and physical fitness is the goal of exercise in AIDS wasting syndrome. OBJECTIVE: This study describes a case series of HIV-positive elderly patients who participated in a progressive resistance training program and evaluates their body composition, muscular strength, physical fitness and the evolution of CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts. METHODS: Subjects were prospectively recruited for nine months. The training program consisted of three sets of 8-12 repetitions of leg press, seated row, lumbar extension and chest press, performed with free weight machines hts, twice/week for one year. Infectious disease physicians followed patients and reported all relevant clinical data. Body composition was assessed by anthropometric measures and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry before and after the training program. RESULTS: Fourteen patients, aged 62-71 years old, of both genders, without regular physical activity who had an average of nine years of HIV/AIDS history were enrolled. The strengths of major muscle groups increased (74%-122%, p=0.003-0.021) with a corresponding improvement in sit-standing and walking 2.4 m tests (p=0.003). There were no changes in clinical conditions and body composition measures, but triceps and thigh skinfolds were significantly reduced (p=0.037). In addition, there were significant increases in the CD4+ counts (N=151 cells; p=0.008) and the CD4+/CD8+ ratio (0.63 to 0.81, p=0.009). CONCLUSION: Resistance training increased strength, improved physical fitness, reduced upper and lower limb skinfolds, and were associated with an improvement in the CD4+ and CD4+/CD8+ counts in HIV positive elderly patients without significant side effects

    Fatal septic shock due to a disseminated chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis in an aged woman

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    Once rare, septic shock (SS) due to disseminated fungal infections has been increasingly reported due to a growing number of immunocompromised patients, but remains rare in non-immune-compromised individuals. In paracoccidioidomycosis, it has been described in only three patients with the severe, acute form of the disease. We describe the development of a refractory, fatal septic shock due to a severe disseminated chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis in an older woman without any other microbial insults. A striking event in the evolution of her case was the severe depletion of lymphocytes from the peripheral blood and lymphoid organs. Lymphocyte depletion due to apoptosis is described in the late phase of sepsis and can contribute both to immunosuppression and the progression of SS. The possible mechanisms involved in the induction of SS in the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis are discussed

    Artrite meningocócica mediada imunologicamente e associada à infecção: combinação de ambas características no mesmo paciente

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    We present a case of a 16-year-old male patient with sudden-onset, rash, arthritis and meningitis by Neisseria meningitidis one week after an acute upper respiratory infection. On the 10th day of treatment followed by neurological and arthritis clinical improvement, he presented once again a tender and swollen left knee with a moderate effusion, and active and passive range of motion was severely limited secondary to pain, and when he was submitted to surgical drainage and synovial fluid analysis he showed inflammatory characteristics. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug was taken for five days with complete improvement of symptoms. The case is notable for its combination of features of septic and immune-mediated arthritis, which has rarely been reported in the same patient.Paciente de 16 anos do sexo masculino apresentou-se ao serviço de emergência com quadro de erupção cutânea súbita, artrite e meningite por Neisseria meningitidis, uma semana após apresentar sintomas de infecção de vias aéreas superiores. No décimo dia de tratamento, seguido da melhora clínica neurológica e da artrite, ele volta a apresentar derrame articular moderado com limitação importante da amplitude dos movimentos passivo e ativo secundária à dor. Em seguida, foi submetido à drenagem cirúrgica e a análise do líquido sinovial mostra características inflamatórias. Foi iniciado tratamento com antiinflamatório não esteroidal por cinco dias com melhora completa dos sintomas. Esse caso tem como característica peculiar o fato do indivíduo apresentar tanto as características de artrite séptica pelo meningococo quanto de artrite imunomediada, o que tem sido pouco usual no mesmo paciente