3,146 research outputs found

    Exploitation of endophytes for sustainable agricultural intensification

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Intensive agriculture, which depends on unsustainable levels of agrochemical inputs, is environmentally harmful, and the expansion of these practices to meet future needs is not economically feasible. Other options should be considered to meet the global food security challenge. The plant microbiome has been linked to improved plant productivity and, in this microreview, we consider the endosphere – a subdivision of the plant microbiome. We suggest a new definition of microbial endophyte status, the need for synergy between fungal and bacterial endophyte research efforts, as well as potential strategies for endophyte application to agricultural systems.Rothamsted Research receives strategic funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), and we acknowledge funding from the BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme Grant (ISPG), ‘Optimization of nutrients in soil–plant systems’ (BBS/E/C/0005196)

    Two Superconducting Phases in the d=3 Hubbard Model: Phase Diagram and Specific Heat from Renormalization-Group Calculations

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    The phase diagram of the d=3 Hubbard model is calculated as a function of temperature and electron density n_i, in the full range of densities between 0 and 2 electrons per site, using renormalization-group theory. An antiferromagnetic phase occurs at lower temperatures, at and near the half-filling density of = 1. The antiferromagnetic phase is unstable to hole or electron doping of at most 15%, yielding to two distinct "tau" phases: for large coupling U/t, one such phase occurs between 30-35% hole or electron doping, and for small to intermediate coupling U/t another such phase occurs between 10-18% doping. Both tau phases are distinguished by non-zero hole or electron hopping expectation values at all length scales. Under further doping, the tau phases yield to hole- or electron-rich disordered phases. We have calculated the specific heat over the entire phase diagram. The low-temperature specific heat of the weak-coupling tau phase shows a BCS-type exponential decay, indicating a gap in the excitation spectrum, and a cusp singularity at the phase boundary. The strong-coupling tau phase, on the other hand, has characteristics of BEC-type superconductivity, including a critical exponent alpha approximately equal to -1, and an additional peak in the specific heat above the transition temperature indicating pair formation. In the limit of large Coulomb repulsion, the phase diagram of the tJ model is recovered.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; typos in Fig. 2 correcte

    Response to highly active antiretroviral therapy among severely immuno-compromised HIV-infected patients in Cambodia.

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    BACKGROUND: HAART efficacy was evaluated in a real-life setting in Phnom Penh (Médecins Sans Frontières programme) among severely immuno-compromised patients. METHODS: Factors associated with mortality and immune reconstitution were identified using Cox proportional hazards and logistic regression models, respectively. RESULTS: From July 2001 to April 2005, 1735 patients initiated HAART, with median CD4 cell count of 20 (inter-quartile range, 6-78) cells/microl. Mortality at 2 years increased as the CD4 cell count at HAART initiation decreased, (4.4, 4.5, 7.5 and 24.7% in patients with CD4 cell count > 100, 51-100, 21-50 and < or = 20 cells/microl, respectively; P < 10). Cotrimoxazole and fluconazole prophylaxis were protective against mortality as long as CD4 cell counts remained < or = 200 and < or = 100 cells/microl, respectively. The proportion of patients with successful immune reconstitution (CD4 cell gain > 100 cells/microl at 6 months) was 46.3%; it was lower in patients with previous ART exposure [odds ratio (OR), 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.05-0.45] and patients developing a new opportunistic infection/immune reconstitution infection syndromes (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.52-0.98). Similar efficacy was found between the stavudine-lamivudine-nevirapine fixed dose combination and the combination stavudine-lamivudine-efavirenz in terms of mortality and successful immune reconstitution. No surrogate markers for CD4 cell change could be identified among total lymphocyte count, haemoglobin, weight and body mass index. CONCLUSION: Although CD4 cell count-stratified mortality rates were similar to those observed in industrialized countries for patients with CD4 cell count > 50 cells/microl, patients with CD4 cell count < or = 20 cells/microl posed a real challenge to clinicians. Widespread voluntary HIV testing and counselling should be encouraged to allow HAART initiation before the development of severe immuno-suppression

    Identification of Phox2b-regulated genes by expression profiling of cranial motoneuron precursors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Branchiomotor neurons comprise an important class of cranial motor neurons that innervate the branchial-arch-derived muscles of the face, jaw and neck. They arise in the ventralmost progenitor domain of the rhombencephalon characterized by expression of the homeodomain transcription factors Nkx2.2 and Phox2b. Phox2b in particular plays a key role in the specification of branchiomotor neurons. In its absence, generic neuronal differentiation is defective in the progenitor domain and no branchiomotor neurons are produced. Conversely, ectopic expression of Phox2b in spinal regions of the neural tube promotes cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation and, at the same time, induces genes and an axonal phenotype characteristic for branchiomotor neurons. How Phox2b exerts its pleiotropic functions, both as a proneural gene and a neuronal subtype determinant, has remained unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To gain further insights into the genetic program downstream of Phox2b, we searched for novel Phox2b-regulated genes by cDNA microarray analysis of facial branchiomotor neuron precursors from heterozygous and homozygous <it>Phox2b </it>mutant embryos. We selected for functional studies the genes encoding the axonal growth promoter Gap43, the Wnt antagonist Sfrp1 and the transcriptional regulator Sox13, which were not previously suspected to play roles downstream of <it>Phox2b </it>and whose expression was affected by <it>Phox2b </it>misexpression in the spinal cord. While <it>Gap43 </it>did not produce an obvious phenotype when overexpressed in the neural tube, <it>Sfrp1 </it>induced the interneuron marker Lhx1,5 and <it>Sox13 </it>inhibited neuronal differentiation. We then tested whether <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13</it>, which are down-regulated by Phox2b in the facial neuron precursors, would antagonize some aspects of <it>Phox2b </it>activity. Co-expression of <it>Sfrp1 </it>prevented <it>Phox2b </it>from repressing Lhx1,5 and alleviated the commissural axonal phenotype. When expressed together with <it>Sox13</it>, <it>Phox2b </it>was still able to promote cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation, but the cells failed to relocate to the mantle layer and to extinguish the neural stem cell marker Sox2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest novel roles for <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13 </it>in neuronal subtype specification and generic neuronal differentiation, respectively, and indicate that down-regulation of <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13 </it>are essential aspects of the genetic program controlled by Phox2b in cranial motoneurons.</p

    Municipal investment in off-road trails and changes in bicycle commuting in Minneapolis, Minnesota over 10 years: a longitudinal repeated cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background We studied the effect of key development and expansion of an off-road multipurpose trail system in Minneapolis, Minnesota between 2000 and 2007 to understand whether infrastructure investments are associated with increases in commuting by bicycle. Methods We used repeated measures regression on tract-level (N = 116 tracts) data to examine changes in bicycle commuting between 2000 and 2008–2012. We investigated: 1) trail proximity measured as distance from the trail system and 2) trail potential use measured as the proportion of commuting trips to destinations that might traverse the trail system. All analyses (performed 2015–2016) adjusted for tract-level sociodemographic covariates and contemporaneous cycling infrastructure changes (e.g., bicycle lanes). Results Tracts that were both closer to the new trail system and had a higher proportion of trips to destinations across the trail system experienced greater 10-year increases in commuting by bicycle. Conclusions Proximity to off-road infrastructure and travel patterns are relevant to increased bicycle commuting, an important contributor to overall physical activity. Municipal investment in bicycle facilities, especially off-road trails that connect a city’s population and its employment centers, is likely to lead to increases in commuting by bicycle

    The influence of spin-flip scattering on the preparation and detection of a single spin state in a quantum dot attached to a spin battery

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    Recently, the possibility of an all electrical scheme of preparation and readout for a single spin state in a single quantum dot attached to spin biased leads has been shown [F. Chi et al., Phys. Rev. B 81, 075310 (2010)]. However, spin scattering mechanisms have been omitted. To remedy this lack we consider the influence of the spin-flip scattering process on the proposed preparation and readout scheme.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Invariant densities for dynamical systems with random switching

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    We consider a non-autonomous ordinary differential equation on a smooth manifold, with right-hand side that randomly switches between the elements of a finite family of smooth vector fields. For the resulting random dynamical system, we show that H\"ormander type hypoellipticity conditions are sufficient for uniqueness and absolute continuity of an invariant measure.Comment: 16 pages; we replaced our original article to point out and close a gap in the discussion of the Lorenz system in Section 7 (see Remark 2); this gap is only present in the journal version of this article --- it wasn't present in the previous arxiv versio

    Parallelized Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress-Induced Texture Evolution

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    A parallelized hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) methodology is devised to quantify the microstructural evolution of polycrystalline material under elastic loading. The approach combines a time explicit material point method (MPM) for the mechanical stresses with a calibrated Monte Carlo (cMC) model for grain boundary kinetics. The computed elastic stress generates an additional driving force for grain boundary migration. The paradigm is developed, tested, and subsequently used to quantify the effect of elastic stress on the evolution of texture in nickel polycrystals. As expected, elastic loading favors grains which appear softer with respect to the loading direction. The rate of texture evolution is also quantified, and an internal variable rate equation is constructed which predicts the time evolution of the distribution of orientations.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Structural barriers to HIV prevention among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vietnam: Diversity, stigma, and healthcare access

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    Men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vietnam experience disproportionate rates of HIV infection. To advance understanding of how structural barriers may shape their engagement with HIV prevention services, we draw on 32 in-depth interviews and four focus groups (n = 31) conducted with MSM in Hanoi between October 2015- March 2016. Three primary factors emerged: (1) Diversity, both in relation to identity and income; Vietnamese MSM described themselves as segregated into Bóng kín (hidden, often heterosexually-identified MSM) and Bóng lộ (‘out,’ transgender, or effeminate MSM). Lower-income, ‘hidden’ MSM from rural areas were reluctant to access MSM-targeted services; (2) Stigma: MSM reported being stigmatized by the healthcare system, family, and other MSM; and (3) Healthcare access: this was limited due to economic barriers and lack of MSM-friendly services. Our research suggests the need for multiple strategies to reach diverse types of MSM as well as to address barriers in access to health services such as stigma and costs. While a great deal has been written about the diversity of MSM in relation to gender performance and sexual identities, our research points to the substantial structural-level barriers that must be addressed in order to achieve meaningful and effective HIV prevention for MSM worldwide
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