91 research outputs found

    The Effect of Public Service Motivation on Job Performance through Satisfaction and Commitment

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    Public service motivation has become an important fundamental thing in an employee who works in the public sector. The purpose of this article is to explore the exploration of various outcomes related to the public service motivation,that are satisfaction, commitment, and job performance. About 51 public officers was participated in this study. Data was analyzed by using PLS-SEM to examine direct and indirect effect of public service motivation on job performance.Public service motivation had positive effects on job performance among public officers in Immigration office Malang. Both satisfaction and commitment strengthened these positive effects. As a practical implication, public administrators can probably relate to and learn from the officers motivational bases in trying to figure out how to work within public organizations. Because of this study highlights how public officers may differ on public service motivation and reveals the struggle in reconciling their roles within public organizations. Research paper Keywords: Public Service, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Job Performance Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hidayati, N., & Sunaryo, H. (2019). The Effect of Public Service Motivation on Job Performance through Satisfaction and Commitment: Case of Public Officer in Immigration Office Malang, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 7(1), 1–1

    The Effect of Public Service Motivation on Job Performance through Satisfaction and Commitment

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    Public service motivation has become an important fundamental thing in an employee who works in the public sector. The purpose of this article is to explore the exploration of various outcomes related to the public service motivation,that are satisfaction, commitment, and job performance. About 51 public officers was participated in this study. Data was analyzed by using PLS-SEM to examine direct and indirect effect of public service motivation on job performance.Public service motivation had positive effects on job performance among public officers in Immigration office Malang. Both satisfaction and commitment strengthened these positive effects. As a practical implication, public administrators can probably relate to and learn from the officers motivational bases in trying to figure out how to work within public organizations. Because of this study highlights how public officers may differ on public service motivation and reveals the struggle in reconciling their roles within public organizations. Research paper Keywords: Public Service, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Job Performance Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hidayati, N., & Sunaryo, H. (2019). The Effect of Public Service Motivation on Job Performance through Satisfaction and Commitment: Case of Public Officer in Immigration Office Malang, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 7(1), 1–1

    The Role of Halal Label to Increase the Effect of Attitude Toward Halal Product on Brand Image and Purchase Intention

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of halal labels in affecting attitude toward halal products on brand image and purchase intention among Muslim consumers in Malang. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative methods were employed in this study to reveal the important role of attitude toward halal directly on brand image and purchase intention or indirectly through halal label. In addition to analyzing the direct and indirect effects, this study also confirms how the relationship and significance between each construct and its indicators. Findings: The results of the research findings indicate that each effect on the relationship between variables was found to be significant. The most important determinant of halal labeling is halal product attitude. Meanwhile, the halal label is the most important factor in encouraging brand image and purchase intention. Research limitations/implications: Discussion of Islamic branding especially in the halal label can be considered as a separate theoretical study. It is considered that the epistemological basis of Islamic marketing theory, models, and approaches is rather limited in terms of its development. Practical implications: This research provides practical implications about the importance of halal product management by product marketers in the Malang area Originality/value: There is an increasing need for clarifying the need to establish a theoretical framework for Islamic Branding with Halal Labels when they intersect as in terms of Islamic concepts, theories, models and approaches


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    A high income nation requires a highly skilled workforce with adequate competencies to trigger the innovation-led growth and promote productivity. As today’s world of work includes mergers and acquisitions, rapid market fluctuations and other turbulences, the workforce needs to upgrade their basic educational base to be able to respond to the emerging needs of a high income nation. No longer an employee can have a lifetime employment in a single company. The workforce needs to polish their professional skills in addition to its current technical skills which can be developed through continuous education. Only then, they will have a hollistic development of both professional and technical skills which enable them to help increase productivity. The changing demands of the markets put pressure on the workforce to learn new skills at an accelerating pac

    Dampak Corporate Governance terhadap Keputusan Dividen (Literature Review pada Negara-negara di Asia, Australia dan Afrika)

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    This study aimed to analyze the impact of corporate governance towards dividend policy in several countriesn Asia, Australia, and Africa. Focusing on literature review and analyzing the result with theoretical andpractical implication disscussed in this paper. Based on paper review, we generalize corporate governancehave significant and negative effect towards dividend policy. But we realize that result from such countriestudied show neither confirmation or rejection to subtitutive theory. There are also conceptual model proposedrom literature review from previous empirical result about effect of corporate governance toward dividend policy.Suggest for future research discussed to gain valuable information about corporate governance anddividend policy

    Kurang Energi Kronis dan Anemia Ibu Hamil Sebagai faktor Risiko Kejadian Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah di Kota Mataram Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat = Chronic Malnutrition and Anemic Pregnant Women as a Risk Factor on the ...

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    Abstract It was reported that the correlation between some risk factors and the Low Birth Weight (LBW) was significant. Age, Parity, Height, Birth Spacing had conducted by analysis was found as a confounding factor and modification effect. The number of LBW in Mataram city increased from 2002 to 2003. The aims of the study was to asess the risk factors of chronic malnutrition and anemic pregnant women on the occurrence of LBW. This study was done using an observasional study with nested case control design .Subjects were mothers with 126 the LBW and 252 non LBW. This study was conducted in Mataram City. Information on risk factors was obtained from medical records. Data were analized by using SPSS V. 11.5 software. It was revealed that chronic malnutrition and anaemia exposured on the occurrence of LBW (p< 0,05). Subjects with chronic malnutrition (OR= 4,71,95% CI = 2,973 - 7,469) times more likely to have LBW than there with no chronic malnutrition and anaemia were 3,70 (OR= 3,70,95% CI = 2,328 -5,882) times more likely to have LBW than there with no anaemia. Subjects with both chronic malnutrition and anaemia were 5.5 times more likely to have LBW than there with no chronic malnutrition and no anaemia (OR=5,5, 95 % Q = 2,38 - 5,882). Age, parity, Height and birth spacing was found to be effect modifiers but not to be confounders. It was concluded that chronic malnutrition and anaemia are risk factor on the occurrence of LBW Keywords: Low Birth Weight, Chronic malnutrition, Anaemia, confounding factor, modification effec


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    Inovasi diidentifikasi sebagai suatu proses kreatifitas yang menciptakan objek dan substansi baru yang bermanfaat, melampaui sekedar penemuan jangka panjang. Dalam konteks pendidikan, inovasi dianggap suatu keharusan untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dan mencapai terobosan baru. Salah satu contoh inovasi adalah Surat Keputusan Bersama Tiga Menteri (SKB Tiga Menteri), yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah indonesia sebagai upaya membangun karakter toleransi dimansyarakat yang beresensi melakakukan pelarangan, pemaksaan, atau kekhususan agama. SKB Tiga Menteri dianggap sebagau langkah inovatif untuk menciptakan lembaga pendidikan yang mencetak generasi penerus bangsa. Inovasi pendidikan melalui kebijakan seperti SKB Tiga Menteri menjadi kunci untuk mencapai pendidikan yang lebih baik dan sejalan dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional

    Pendampingan Tehnik Pemasaran Pada Pengrajin Gerabah Di Desa Banyu Mulek Kecamatan Kediri

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    Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengembangan wirausaha, maka dibutuhkan ide-ide, ide ini akan kemudian menjadi acuan terhadap prosesmenciptakan peluang usaha. Pelatihan pemasaran ini ditujukan untukmeningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok pengrajin gerabah dalam memasarkanproduk yang mereka hasilkan, sehingga memiliki nilai tambah ekonomis bagimasyarakat pengrajin. Ditengah situasi pandemi seperti ini, para pengusahaUMKM harus selalu berionovasi dan mempeunyai kreativitas yang tinggi untukmenghasilkan cara-cara baru dalam memasarkan produknya sehingga penjualanbisa ditingkatkan.Pelaksanaan “Pendampingan Tehnik Pemasaran Pada Pengrajin Gerabah DiDesa Banyu Mulek Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Lombok Barat 2020”, berjalandengan lancar. Hal ini terlihat dari antusiasme dan jumlah peserta yang diundang melebihijumlah yang diundang dan peserta sanagat semangat memperhatiakn materi yang diberikanoleh pemateri kalau ada yang belum jelas peserta merespon materi pelatihan yang diberikanoleh tim pengabdian dengan cara mengajukan pertanyaan

    Pengaruh Leverage, Likuiditas, Ukuran Perusahaan, Dan Capital Intensity Terhadap Agresivitas Pajak (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016-2019)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh leverage, likuiditas, ukuran perusahaan, dan capital intensity terhadap agresivitas pajak yang diproksikan dengan Effective Tax Rate (ETR). Pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan kriteria didapatkan 201 sampel amatan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu statistik deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa leverage dan capital intensity berpengaruh negatif terhadap agresivitas pajak, sementara itu likuiditas tidak berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas pajak, dan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap agresivitas pajak.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leverage, liquidity, firm size, and capital intensity on tax aggressiveness using the measurement of Effective Tax Rate (ETR). The sample selection in this study was carried out by purposive sampling. The samples obtained were 201 that met the criteria. The data analysis techniques used in this research are descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that leverage and capital intensity has a negative effect on the tax aggressiveness, while liquidity has no effect on the tax aggressiveness, and firm size has a positive effect on the tax aggressiveness