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    Pelatihan E-Commerce melalui Marketplace bagi Warga Desa Semedo, Kecamatan Pekuncen, Kabupaten Banyumas

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    ABSTRAKDesa Semedo merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil gula semut yang berada di Kecamatan Pekuncen, Kabupaten Banyumas. Mata pencaharian utama warga adalah memproduksi dan menjual gula semut. Salah satu kelompok usaha yang ada saat ini adalah kelompok usaha “Palma Semedo”. Kelompok ini mempunyai usaha pengrajin gula semut dengan dua varian rasa yaitu original dan rempah. Permasalahan yang dialami warga adalah penjualan atau pemasarannya masih bersifat lokal. Sampai saat ini penjualannya dilakukan dengan menitipkan ke warung atau toko. Diperlukan suatu alat teknologi untuk meningkatkan omset penjualan, yaitu sebagai media promosi produk. Teknologi yang dimaksud adalah teknologi perangkat lunak komputer berbasis e-commerce yang memanfaatkan pasar. Solusi yang ditawarkan terhadap permasalahan mitra dan menjadi tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah partisipasi aktif dari warga sebagai mitra, yaitu dengan melakukan pelatihan pembuatan akun dan pengelolaannya di beberapa marketplace, pengelolaan produk, dan pengelolaan konsumen/pembeli. Prosedur kerja dalam mewujudkan kegiatan ini meliputi sosialisasi program, pelatihan, praktek langsung, dan pendampingan. Evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan mengukur keberhasilan para perajin gula lokal dalam melaksanakan hasil pelatihan. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 10 peserta yang melibatkan tiga orang mahasiswa untuk membantu pembuatan akun marketplace Shopee dan Tokopedia. Hasil dari pelatihan dan evaluasi kegiatan adalah UKM “Palma Semedo” sebagai mitra mempunyai akun di Shopee dan Tokopedia sebagai penjual untuk memasarkan hasil produksinya berupa gula semut asli dan gula rempah. Mitra merasa sangat puas dengan pelatihan ini karena mendapatkan ilmu dan keterampilan dalam berjualan melalui marketplace. Mitra berharap tingkat penjualan gula semut dapat meningkat dengan pasar yang lebih luas sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan.ABSTRACTSemedo Village is an ant sugar-producing center in Pekuncen District, Banyumas Regency. The residents have their primary income from producing and selling ant sugar. One of the current business groups is the "Palma Semedo" business group. This group has a business as an ant sugar craftsman with two flavor variants: original and spiced. The problem experienced by residents is that sales or marketing is still local. Until now, sales have been made by entrusting them to stalls or shops. A technological tool is needed to increase sales turnover, which is a medium for promoting products. The technology in question is e-commerce-based computer software technology that utilizes the marketplace. This is the solution offered to partners' problems and is the aim of carrying out this community service activity. The approach used in this activity is active participation from residents as partners, namely by conducting training in creating accounts and managing them in several marketplaces, managing products, and managing consumers/buyers. Work procedures in realizing this activity include program socialization, training, direct practice, and mentoring. Evaluation of the implementation of activities is carried out by measuring the success of the local sugar artisans in implementing the training results. The training was attended by 10 participants involving three students to assist in creating Shopee and Tokopedia marketplace accounts. The results of the training and the activity evaluation are that UKM "Palma Semedo" as a partner has an account on Shopee and Tokopedia as a seller to market its production in the form of original ant sugar and spiced sugar. Partners feel very satisfied with this training because they gain knowledge and skills in selling through the marketplace. Mitra hopes that the sales level of ant sugar can increase with a broader market to increase income

    Pemenuhan Keberfungsian Sosial Pada Perempuan Generasi Sandwich

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    Perempuan generasi sandwich merupakan orang dewasa paruh baya yang dinilai mempunyai potensi optimal dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan mencapai kondisi kesejahteraan sosial. Namun, banyak tuntutan yang dimiliki perempuan generasi sandwich di ketiga generasi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini membahas tentang keberfungsian sosial perempuan generasi sandwich berdasarkan peran-peran yang dimilikinya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Maret-Juli 2022, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh berdasarkan wawancara dan observasi terhadap tiga orang wanita generasi sandwich, dua orang rekan kerja, dan tiga orang perwakilan keluarga dari wanita generasi sandwich. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perempuan generasi sandwich dihadapkan pada konflik peran ganda berupa konflik berbasis waktu. Strategi yang dilakukan yaitu problem-focused coping, dengan mencari informasi mengenai suatu permasalahan dan mengumpulkan solusi untuk dipertimbangkan dan dipilih. Peran perempuan dalam generasi sandwich sudah berjalan optimal, seluruh aspek dan domain fungsi sosial terpenuhi. Kesimpulan bahwa kondisi kesejahteraan sosial dapat dicapai berdasarkan terpenuhinya fungsi sosial pada perempuan generasi sandwich

    Analisis Pemikiran Tentang Riba dan Bunga Bank Menurut Komunitas Anti Riba, Pemikir Liberal, dan Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis dialektika tafsir riba di kalangan komunitas antri riba, kelompok liberal, dan fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitataif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Adapaun pendekatannya adalah komparatif. Sumber data berasal dari buku-buku, website, tulisan-tulisan, beserta dokumen Fatwa MUI. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik studi literatur, lalu dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik alanisis data kualitatif dengan mempelajari, mengkategorisasi, menginterpretasi, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perbedaan dalam memahami dalil-dalil tentang riba terletak pada perbedaan dalam menggunakan formulasi metodologis dalam ijtihad. Kelompok komunitas anti riba cenderung memiliki persepsi tentang riba dengan dasar argumentasi tekstual-literalis, dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam memahami dalil-dalil riba adalah pendekatan bayani. Kelompok ini yang oleh Abdullah Saeed dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok tekstualis, sementara dalam hal klasterisasi trend pemikiran saat ini, masuk dalam kategori legalist-tradisionalis dan the theological puritans. Sementara kelompok yang direpresentasikan oleh kaum liberal, tidak hanya menggunakan pendekatan bayani, namun juga menggunakan pendekatan burhani dalam membaca ayat-ayat riba. Saeed mengkategorikannya sebagai kelompok konkstualis. Dan dalam hal trend pemikiran Islam saat ini, kelompok liberalis termasuk dalam klaster the progressif ijtihadist

    Pendidikan Keimanan kepada Allah dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    Pendidikan agama dirasa perlu ditingkatkan dalam penciptaan manusia yang selalu beriman kepada Allah, sebagai upaya untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai iman dalam diri mereka sehingga fitrah iman tumbuh sesuai dengan standar ajaran Islam. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan keimanan dan ciri-ciri orang yang beriman kepada Allah dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an berdasarkan surah Al-An’am ayat 12 dan surah Al-Anfal ayat 2-4. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan (library research) disertai pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam Islam, iman tidak hanya ditunjukkan dengan kata-kata, tetapi juga dalam tindakan. Iman diyakini dengan hati, diucapkan, dan dilakukan dengan tindakan. Ciri orang yang beriman adalah yang gemetar hatinya ketika menyebut nama Allah, yang bertambah keimanannya apabila dibacakan Al-Qur'an, yang memasrahkan dirinya atas Allah, yang menunaikan shalat, dan yang menyumbangkan sebagian rezeki yang telah Allah berikan kepadanya. Sebagai hamba Allah, diharapkan melalui pemahaman keimanan kepada Allah dalam perspektif Al-Qur'an akan mampu meningkatkan kualitas keimanan manusia

    The Effect of Family Communication on the Succession of Family Business Succession in Entrepreneurship Students of UPI Tasikmalaya Campus

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    Communication has an important role in family business succession, but in reality, succession failure often occurs among family members involved in the family business. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the effect of communication on family business succession. The objects of this research are students of the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus Entrepreneurship Study Program. This research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive verification approach and sampling using quota sampling techniques. The analytical method used in this research is simple linear regression. The results of this research indicate that communication has a positive influence on family business succession. This research provides an understanding that the success of family succession is influenced by communication between family members

    The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment on Interest in Continuing the Family Business

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    A family business is a business managed by family members. Family businesses are often passed on to other family members to continue the business that has been built. However, to continue this business, entrepreneurship education, and a supportive family environment are also needed. Because entrepreneurial education and family environment usually influence the knowledge, skills, and how successors manage the family business. Therefore, this research aims to find out a picture of entrepreneurship education and the family environment on interest in continuing the family business. The object of this research is students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya, who own a family business. This research uses quantitative methods with a descriptive verification approach. The data collection technique in this research used simple random sampling with a population of 500 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya students and a research sample of 30 samples. The results of this study indicate that there is no effect of entrepreneurship education on interest in continuing the family business, as well as the influence of the family environment on interest in continuing the family business. This research is expected to generate insight into the importance of entrepreneurship education and the family environment to maintain the continuity of the family business. And entrepreneurship education can also foster the values of an entrepreneur

    The Influence of Entrepreneurship Learning on Family Business Success of UPI Tasikmalaya Campus Students

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    Family businesses have a significant contribution to the Indonesian economy, so maintaining the sustainability of family businesses is important. Entrepreneurship learning in higher education is one of the important factors to foster and develop student knowledge in order to utilize the knowledge gained to support the sustainability of their family business. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of entrepreneurship learning on the success of the family business of UPI Tasikmalaya campus students. This research uses quantitative method with quantitative descriptive approach.  This data is obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires to UPI Tasikmalaya Campus students who have family businesses. The statistical analysis used in this study using simple regression analysis aims to test and analyze the effect of entrepreneurship learning on the success of the family business of UPI Tasikmalaya Campus students. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurship learning has a significant influence on the success of the family business of UPI Tasikmalaya campus students.. The implication of this research is the more successful family business owned by UPI Tasikmalaya campus students in maintaining the sustainability of the family business through its contribution from entrepreneurship learning

    Analysis of Determining the Surge Arrester Protective Distance for Protection on 60 MVA Power Transformers at the 150 KV Main Substation in Surabaya Barat

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    Because it provides electrical energy to customers that require protection from lightning interference, the substation is a crucial location. An electrical equipment's defense against lightning strikes is provided by a lighting arrestor. The arrester should be placed as near to the transformer as feasible for optimal protection. In order to restrict the installation of arresters to safeguard equipment, the maximum distance for arrester installation must be established. This study only looks at one 60 MVA transformer in the Surabaya Barat Main Substation, and its goal is to determine the minimum amount of error in transformer protection. Based on the maximum possible surge arrester surge arrester jarak with a power transformer at the Surabaya Barat Main Substation, the maximum possible surge arrester distance is 8,135 meters. Based on surge arrester capability, the transformer may be protected from over voltage since the maximum voltage that can occur is just 150.83 kV, with the maximum voltage remaining below the transverse impulse drop of around 650 kV

    Pengaruh Financial Target, Stabilitas Keuangan dan Effective Monitoring Terhadap Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan (Fraud)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh financial target, stabilitas keuangan dan effective monitoring terhadap kecurangan laporan keuangan pada perusahana manufaktur makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2019-2021. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu perusahaan manufaktur makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2019-2021. Model pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik dokumentasi. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa financial target, stabilitas keuangan dan effective monitoring berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap kecurangan laporan keuangan

    Physical Interaction between Curcumin and Paracetamol in the Binary Mixture and Its Impact on the Solubility of Curcumin

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    Curcumin, found in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), is a pharmacologically active component with hepatoprotective properties. In addition to alleviating pain, the synergistic effects of paracetamol protect the liver from harm. Oral solid dose formulations of curcumin have low bioavailability due to its low solubility. This study aims to characterize the physical interactions that occur in the binary mixture of curcumin and paracetamol and to determine its impact on the solubility of curcumin. The curcumin-paracetamol binary mixture with a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio was prepared by a wet grinding method with the addition of a small amount of ethanol. The characterization of the physical interactions in the wet milling result was carried out using a powder X-ray diffractometer (PXRD) and a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Evaluation of physicochemical properties was carried out by testing its solubility in water and its dissolution rate in 40% v/v ethanol. The PXRD pattern of the curcumin-paracetamol milling result did not show any new peaks that were different from the typical peaks of the two components (curcumin form I and paracetamol form 1). The thermogram DSC of the binary mixture curcumin-paracetamol (1:1) only showed one wide endothermic transition at 151.2°C which is below the melting point of curcumin and paracetamol which is thought to be the melting point of the eutectic mixture of curcumin-paracetamol (1:1). The solubility of curcumin from the curcumin-paracetamol (1:1) milled binary mixture was 8.3-folds higher than that of pure curcumin. The dissolution rate of curcumin from the wet milling of the curcumin-paracetamol binary mixture (1:1) was also faster than that of pure curcumin. The research results can be concluded that wet milling of the binary mixture of curcumin-paracetamol (1:1) with a little ethanol shows a physical interaction with the formation of a simple eutectic mixture between the two substances which has an impact on increasing the solubility and dissolution rate of curcumin


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