167 research outputs found

    Analisis Tuturan Imperatif Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sambas di Desa Semberang Sumber Harapan Kabupaten Sambas

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    ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) Bagaimanakah kalimat imperatif permintaan dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Sambas, (2) Bagaimanakah kalimat imperatif ajakan dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Sambas (3) Bagaimanakah kalimat imperatif suruhan dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Sambas (4) Bagaimanakah implementasi hasil penelitian analisis tuturan imperatif pada pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia di sekolah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif bentuk deskriptif. Secara umum penentuan sumber data didasari atas jenis data yang subjek data dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari bahasa lisan, yaitu segenap tuturan yang diungkapkan oleh penutur didalam masyarakat pada bentuk Analisis tuturan imperatif bahasa Melayu dialek Sambas di desa Semberang Sumber Harapan Kecamatan Sambas. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik sadap, teknik catat, teknik dokumenter, dan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC). Hasil penelitian pada penelitian ini terdapat kalimat imperatif permintaan berjumlah 21 data, kalimat imperatif ajakan berjumlah 33 data, dan kalimat imperatif suruhan berjumlah 33 data. Selanjutnya penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan pada kelas X semester 1 dengan KD 3.1 Memahami struktur dan kaidah teks prosedur kompleks baik melalui lisan maupun tulisan

    Code Mixing and Code Switching in Contemporary Indonesia Dangdut Music: A Sociolinguistic Case of Nela Kharisma Song Lyrics

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    Language was basically a medium for describing ideas as well as when singers singing their songs by using language. But listening to Nella Kharisma’s song lyrics were very interesting because the songs used many phrases that were translated into other languages and used code mixing in the lyrics of the songs. Language, in the view of sociolinguistics contained different variations. A sociolinguist explained the correlation between variations with social and situational factors. This situation affected the language used by musicians whom at any time incorporated linguistic elements outside of their native language. Due to the variety of language usage, what had come to be called bilingual users has emerged. Sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics viewed or placed language position in relation to language using. The tendency in switching between languages using due to the changing of situations was called code switching. The discussion of code switching was usually followed by code mixing, which was about the existence of a basic code that was used and had autonomous functions. A speaker who had mastered more than one language would have the opportunity to mix codes. But that did not mean that speakers who mastered more languages always mix more codes. A speaker who slipped a lot of other languages into the language he was using was called code mixing. The background of code mixing and code switching could be seen from the mixed language of a person/figure using more than one language. Specific characteristics of speakers would influence the code mixing. This discussion became very interesting when looking at the lyrics of the songs sung by Nella Kharisma and looking at them from sociolinguistic parameters. This paper would talk about the problem of switching from one language to another, using sociolinguistic approaches method and linguistic analysis method. The results achieved were to find out how far the language was used by Nella Kharisma in the lyrics of the song she sang. Keywords: song lyrics, code switching, code mixing, Indonesia dangdut DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/54-09 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Owner's Responsibilities of Vehicles Used as Illegal Public Transport When Traffic Accidents Happened

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    The research objectives to be taken in the intended research plan are as follows: To know and analyzecriminal law construction for owners of vehicles used as public transportation or commercialized. To find out and analyzeconstruction of criminal law is the responsibility of owners of vehicles commercialized as public transportation. To find out and analyzesolution to the problem of responsibility of vehicle owners who commercialize their vehicles illegally when a traffic accident occurs on the highway. The method used by researchers isjuridical sociological approach to law and the specification in this research is including analytical descriptive. Based on the results of that research Construction based on criminal law Act No. 22 of 2009 concerningTraffic and road transportArticle 308 is a sanction for every person driving a public motorized vehicle not equipped with a license to carry out person transportation/not having a route. The construction of liability criminal law is based on Act No. 22 of 2009 concerningTraffic and road transport Article 315 states that when a criminal offense is committed by a Public Transportation Company, the criminal liability is imposed on the Public Transportation Company by adding a maximum fine of 3 (three) times the fines specified in each article and also subject to additional penalties in the form of temporary suspension or revocation transport operating license for the vehicle used.The obstacles: there are no articles in the Road Traffic and Transportation Act No. 22 of 2009 that can be used to ensnare vehicle owners. The solution is to hope that this article will exist so that in the future it can create a deterrent effect for vehicle owners so that they do not go around operating their vehicle without being equipped with existing terms and conditions in accordance with the law and in the future it is also expected to prevent the occurrence of traffic accident victims in large numbers

    Directive Speech Act In Rama Gandrung Play By Purbo Asmoro

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    This study aimed to describe the types of directive speech acts and their types in the shadow puppet performance entitled Rama Gandrung by Purbo Asmoro (RGPA) and the puppeteer's strategy in performing speech acts in the performance. This research was a single case study in the form of a Surakarta-style shadow puppet show with puppeteer Purbo Asmoro. The research focused on the shadow puppet performance Rama Gandrung play, specifically the pathet sanga and pathet manyura scenes, with the research target on pronunciation, including gynecology (dialogue). The research results showed that the number of speech sub-acts differed based on the context of speech and linguistic markers. The directive speech act consisted of 6 sub-acts; the RGPA play with a high frequency of directive speech acts was a driving directive speech act, while a low directive speech act frequency was an asking permission directive speech act. The strategy for uncovering the essence of the story was contained in directive speech acts in ginem (character dialogue) creations with an implicit strategy, with word choices, bold words, and sentences, accompanied by purwakanthi and effective language style. Creativity in the dialogue of characters with strategic conflicts or dramatic figures, and sufficient rhetorical assistance, could amaze the audience/listeners. Purbo Asmoro's strategy was to maintain the traditional shadow puppet format mixed with a short shadow puppet performance style, reflection on directive speech acts, and creativity in processing conversations (janturan, ginem, pocapan) using simple, solid, and direct speech. The combination of Kawi, archaic, and folk languages was characteristic of the language and literature of his puppetry. Another thing about the work on the storyline included the prologue and presentation of flashbacks of the play, which were performed in directed, actual, and contextual speech acts. Keywords: Directive speech acts, Shadow puppet performances, Surakarta-style, Purbo Asmoro DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/95-06 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    This article entitled “Javanese Traditional Birth Ritual Devices in Dodot Batik Works” focuses on the process of creating written batik dodot with the idea of Javanese traditional birth ritual tools. Interest in the existence of these devices is starting to be unknown in the community. The fact that conventional Javanese childbirth is no longer used in the early 21st century in Java is clarified by the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) no. 97 of 2014 states that childbirth must be carried out in a health care facility (Fasyankes) through a midwife who is an expert in the field of obstetrics. The purpose of the creation is to create a handmade batik dodot based on the idea of a traditional Javanese birth ritual device that will be applied to the body with a draping technique. The art used is a symbolic concept with the concept of stacking which emphasizes the creation of the components that make up the batik pattern consisting of the main, supporting, and isen-isen motifs. Analysis of the data used using an interpretation method through an aesthetic approach. The steps of creation include 1) research using ethical and emic data sources, 2) experiments emphasizing dye experiments and central motif sketching techniques, 3) contemplating the stage of finding symbols/metaphors, and 4) forming to make arrangements into a design pattern ( prototype). The works created are four dodot works with a length of 106 cm and a width of 520 cm. The work produced is Anjangkepi Gesang with the philosophy of hope that his parents will be able to fulfill all his needs, Ambuka Science with the philosophy of hope that both parents will be able to understand all knowledge, Angganda Arum with the philosophy of hope that both parents will have a beautiful life and happy, Amadangi Jagad with the philosophy of the hope of both parents that one day his son will be able to benefit the environment around him. The dodot created is applied to the body through a draping technique by forming wrinkles, pleats, and drapes.Keywords: Ritual Devices; Javanese Customary Birth; Dodot; Batik. PIRANTI RITUAL PERSALINAN ADAT JAWA DALAM KARYA DODOT BATIK  AbstrakArtikel ini berjudul “Piranti Ritual kelahiran Adat Jawa Dalam Karya Dodot Batik” difokuskan pada proses cipta dodot batik tulis dengan ide piranti ritual kelahiran adat Jawa. Ketertarikan pada keberadaan piranti tersebut yang mulai tidak dikenal di tengah masyarakat. Fakta bahwa praktek persalinan adat Jawa sudah tidak lagi digunakan pada awal abad 21 di Jawa diperjelas dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan  (Permenkes) no. 97  tahun 2014 yang tertulis persalinan harus dilakukan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (Fasyankes) dengan melalui bidan yang ahli pada bidang obstetri. Tujuan penciptaan   adalah menciptakan karya dodot batik tulis bersumber ide piranti ritual kelahiran adat Jawa yang akan diaplikasikan ke tubuh dengan teknik draping. Konsep seni yang digunakan adalah konsep simbolik dengan konsep tata susun yang menekankan penciptaan komponen motif penyusun pola batik terdiri dari motif utama, pendukung dan isen-isen. Analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan metode interpretasi dengan melalui pendekatan estetika. Langkah-langkah penciptaan meliputi 1) riset dengan memanfaatkan sumber data etik dan emik, 2) eksperimen menekankan pada eksperimen bahan pewarna dan teknik skets motif utama, 3) perenungan tahap menemukan simbol/metafora, dan 4) pembentukan melakukan penyusunan menjadi sebuah pola desain (purwa rupa).  Karya yang diciptakan berupa empat buah karya dodot dengan panjang 106 cm dan lebar 520 cm. Karya yang dihasilkan adalah Anjangkepi Gesang dengan filosofi harapan kedua orangtua agar kelak putranya mampu mencukupi segala kebutuhannya, Ambuka Ilmu dengan filosofi harapan kedua orangtua agar kelak putranya mampu dalam memahami segala pengetahuan, Angganda Arum dengan filosofi harapan kedua orangtua agar kelak putranya memiliki kehidupan yang indah dan bahagia, Amadhangi Jagad dengan filosofi harapan kedua orangtua agar kelak putranya mampu bermanfaat bagi lingkungan di sekitarnya. Dodot yang telah diciptakan diaplikasikan pada tubuh melalui teknik draping dengan membentuk kerutan, lipitan dan draperi.Kata kunci: Piranti Ritual; Persalinan Adat Jawa; Dodot; Batik


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    Chitosan silica (KS) adsorbent from rice husk ash and chitosan pharmaceutical grade from for Pb(II) adsorption was prepared. This study aims to determine the effect of pH and adsorption time on the adsorption ability of Pb(II) ions by KS. Rice husk ash was extracted into sodium silicate using NaOH. KS was prepared using the sol gel method with varying volumes of  chitosan and silica, namely 1:1 (KS 1:1) and 2:1 (KS 2:1). Silica  without chitosan KS 0:1 was synthesized used as a comparison. The KS synthesized was characterized using FTIR. The stability of KS was tested using a solution of pH 2-5 for 24 hours. The effect of pH and adsorption time was tested using Pb(II) solution. The remaining concentration of Pb(II) was measured using an AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The results of the identification of the FTIR KS functional group showed absorption at wave numbers 1637.02 cm-1 and 1060.1 cm-1 which showed –OH bending vibrations of Si-OH and Si-O stretching vibrations of Si-O-Si. Absorption at wave numbers 1557.99 cm-1 and 1420.47 cm-1 shows the –NH bending vibration and –CN symmetry vibration of chitosan. KS 2:1 has a stability of 9% higher than KS 1:1 at pH 2-5 for 24 hours. The effect of adsorption pH for Pb(II) adsorption by KS 2:1 at pH 2-5 continued to increase until it reached the optimum pH at pH 5 with an adsorption capacity of 39.4 mg/g. The effect of adsorption time for Pb(II) adsorption increased and reached optimum adsorption time at 20 minutes adsorption time. Adsorption time data showed that KS 2:1 followed a pseudo second order kinetic model with a reaction rate constant of 9.072 g mmol-1 min-1.Adsorben kitosan silika (KS) dari abu sekam padi dan kitosan pharmaceutical grade dari cangkang udang untuk adsorpsi Pb(II) telah dibuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH dan waktu adsorpsi terhadap kemampuan adsorpsi ion Pb(II) oleh KS. Abu sekam padi diekstraksi menjadi natrium silikat menggunakan NaOH. KS dibuat melalui metode sol gel  dengan variasi volume kitosan dan silika yaitu 1:1 (KS 1:1) dan 2:1 (KS 2:1). Silika tanpa kitosan (KS 0:1) disintesis sebagai pembanding. KS hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR. Kestabilan KS diuji menggunakan larutan pH 2-5 selama 24 jam. Pengaruh pH dan waktu adsorpsi diuji menggunakan larutan Pb(II). Konsentrasi Pb(II) sisa diukur menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Hasil identifikasi gugus fungsional FTIR KS menunjukkan serapan pada bilangan gelombang 1637,02 cm-1 dan 1060,1 cm-1 yang menunjukkan vibrasi tekuk –OH dari Si-OH dan vibrasi ulur Si-O dari Si-O-Si. Serapan pada bilangan gelombang 1557,99 cm-1 dan 1420,47 cm-1 menunjukkan vibrasi tekuk –NH dan vibrasi simetri –CN dari kitosan. KS 2:1 memiliki kestabilan 9% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan KS 1:1 pada pH 2-5 selama 24 jam. Pengaruh pH adsorpsi untuk adsorpsi Pb(II) oleh KS 2:1 pada pH 2-5 terus meningkat hingga mencapai pH optimum pada pH 5 dengan kemampuan adsorpsi sebesar 39,4 mg/g. Pengaruh waktu adsorpsi  untuk adsorpsi Pb(II) meningkat dan mencapai waktu adsorpsi optimum pada waktu adsorpsi 20 menit. Data waktu adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa KS 2:1 mengikuti model kinetika pseudo orde kedua dengan konstanta laju reaksi sebesar 9,072 g mmol-1 mnt-1


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    Sri Hesti, 2021. Analisis Pengaruh Operating Cash Flow, Cost Income Ratio, Loan To Deposit Ratio Dan Equity Capital To Total Asset Terhadap Probabilitas Financial Distress Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2015 - 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1). Menganalisis pengaruh operating cash flow terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan, 2 Menganalisis pengaruh cost income ratio terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. 3). Menganalisis pengaruh loan to deposit ratio terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan, 4). Menganalisis pengaruh equity capital to total asset terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan, 5). Menganalisis pengaruh operating cash flow, cost income ratio, loan to deposit ratio dan equity capital to total asset secara simultan terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian ex post facto. Sedangkan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah 1) Tidak terdapat pengaruh operating cash flow terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. 2) Terdapat pengaruh cost income ratio terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. 3). Terdapat pengaruh loan to deposit ratio terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan, 4). Tidak terdapat pengaruh equity capital to total asset terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. 5). Terdapat pengaruh operating cash flow, cost income ratio, loan to deposit ratio dan equity capital to total asset secara simultan terhadap probabilitas financial distress perbankan. Kata Kunci : Operating Cash Flow, Cost Income Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Equity Capital to Total Asset, Probablitas Financial Distres


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    Desa Ngino Kecamatan Semanding Kabupaten Tuban memiliki potensi sumber daya alam berupa mata air Sendang Asmoro yang dikembangkan menjadi objek ekowisata sejak tahun 2017. Namun, destinasi ekowisata tersebut belum memiliki oleh-oleh ikonik yang khas. Di sisi lain, Desa Ngino memiliki hasil komoditas pertanian berupa pisang. Hasil Panen pisang di Desa Ngino dijual mentah dengan harga rendah bahkan ada pisang yang tidak dipanen. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk olahan pisang yang akan dikembangkan menjadi icon ekowisata kuliner Sendang Asmoro dan sebagai upaya dalam mendukung program OVOP (One Village One Product) Kabupaten Tuban. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah dengan melakukan pendampingan yang menggabungkan local knowledge dengan teknologi sehingga menghasilkan produk olahan pisang dengan rasa tradisional dengan kualitas yang kompetitif. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah produk olahan pisang berupa abon jantung dan bonggol pisang rasa becek menthog serta pie pisang

    Stimulasi Permainan Puzzle Berpengaruh terhadap Perkembangan Sosial dan Kemandirian Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of providing puzzle game stimulation on social development and independence in preschool children. Method This study uses quantitative research methods with a quasi experimental one group pre-post test design. The results of the study were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test on the development status of children before and after the intervention which obtained a significant value of 0,000 (p-value <0.05). Conclusion, there is a significant influence between providing puzzle stimulation on social development and independence.   Keywords: Child Development, Puzzle Games, Quasi Experimenta

    Pengaruh Bimbingan Belajar Orang Tua Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa MI Muhammadiyah Ngasem Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh bimbingan belajar orang tua terhadap motivasi belajar siswa, serta seberapa besar pengaruh bimbingan belajar orang tua terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di MI Muhammadiyah Ngasem Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan variabel bebas (X) adalah bimbingan belajar orang tua dan variabel terikat (Y) adalah motivasi belajar. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa MI Muhammadiyah Ngasem, sedangkan sampelnya kelas IV, V, dan VI. Metode pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Penilaian angket menggunakan skala likert. Uji validitas instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji validitas item dengan menggunakan rumus product moment angka kasar, sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus cronbach’s alpha. Uji persyaratan analisis menggunakan uji normalitas dan uji linearitas. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana. Hasil analisis regresi diperoleh persamaan garis regresi Ŷ=12,2+0,88X. Hasil analisis uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh nilai thitung (15,26) > ttabel (1,995) sehingga H0 ditolak. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai r2 sebesar 0,76 yang berarti bimbingan belajar orang tua mempengaruhi motivasi belajar 76%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh bimbingan belajar orang tua terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di MI Muhammadiyah Ngasem Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 dan bimbingan belajar orang tua memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di MI Muhammadiyah Ngasem Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 yaitu sebesar 76%