24 research outputs found

    Exploring alternatives to crisis

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    El texto aborda una primera aproximación a las alternativas a la crisis actual. La aproximación metodológica a las alternativas se desarrolla, no desde el punto de vista técnico, sino directamente político. Por dos razones: i) el punto de partida radica en la "solución" a la crisis que es política; ii) se defiende que esa solución no es platónica, idealista e incluso utopía, sino que se encarna en propuestas y programas prácticos del movimiento real que anula y supera el estado actual de cosas, que en las condiciones de hoy en día es protagonizado por los recientes movimientos antisistémicos junto con experiencias nuevas de gobierno en América Latina.El text aborda una primera aproximació a les alternatives a la crisi actual. L’aproximació metodològica a les alternatives es desenvolupa, no des d’un punt de vista tècnic, sinó directament polític. Per dues raons: i) el punt de partida radica en la “solució” a la crisi que és política; ii) es defensa que aquesta solució no és platònica, idealista o fins i tot utópica, sinó que s’encarna en propostes i programes pràctics del moviment real que anul·la i supera l’estat actual de coses, que en les condicions d’avui en dia és protagonitzat pels recents moviments antisistèmics conjuntament amb experiències noves de govern a Amèrica Llatina.The text takes a first approach to some alternatives to the current crisis. Methodologically the approach of these alternatives is developed not from a technical point of view, but directly from a political one. There are two reasons for this: first of all, is that the "solution" to the crisis is political; second, it is argued that this solution is not Platonic, idealistic, or even utopian, but embodied in proposals and programs of a real and practical movement that breaks through the present state of things. Under the present conditions this role is played by the current anti-systemic movements altogether with new government experiences in Latin America.Peer Reviewe

    Waging war against the Devil in overseas worlds: 18th century mission frontiers in El Chaco and Paraná

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    Resumen: El análisis de las complejidades de las misiones del Chaco y el Paraná en el siglo XVIII permite reconstruir el alcance y límites de la acción misional así como de las circunstancias en que se concretó. También se analizan las limitaciones y adversidades que afrontaba aún a fines del periodo colonial español. Desde esta perspectiva se define la frontera misional en plural, mostrándose en variados ámbitos, desde los entornos urbanos hasta los confines del Chaco, permitiendo comprobar que encerraba tanto elementos de exclusión y conformación de bordes y límites, como espacios caracterizados por una porosidad social, interétnica y cultural. La misión, a pesar del proyecto de apostólico de aculturación religiosa que encerraba, se concretó como un espacio socialmente participado, utilizado, transformado e históricamente cambiante, que ejemplifica la hibridación o mestizaje cultural en entornos y contextos de frontera.Abstract: The analysis of the missionary experience in the 18th century Chaco and Paraná regions allows this reconstruction of the complexities of the Catholic project. Our study considers the limitations and adversities faced by the missionary enterprise in the end of the Spanish colonial period; this perspective contributes to the definition of the missionary frontier in plural terms that emerged in multiple contexts, ranging from urban areas to the upper Paraná. By considering this point, this article proves that the missionary frontier comprehended both exclusionary and limitative borders, and social, ethnical and cultural porosity. Catholic mission, in spite of the apostolic religious acculturation Project that enclosed, really was a changing and historically transformed social environment adapted to every social and cultural context, that exemplify cultural hybridization in frontier environments and contexts.Esta investigación ha sido realizada dentro del marco del proyecto de investigación ‘Policia’ e identidades urbanas en la España Moderna (HAR2009-13508-C02-01), financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección General de Universidades (IP: Tomás A. Mantecón Movellán) y coordinado con el proyecto Cultura e identidades urbanas en la España Moderna (HAR2009-13508-C02-02) (IP: Ofelia Rey Castelao)

    Increased levels of NETosis biomarkers in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients’ biofluids: Potential role in disease diagnosis and management

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    Introduction: High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is the second most frequent gynecological malignancy but the most lethal, partially due to the spread of the disease through the peritoneal cavity. Recent evidence has shown that, apart from their role in immune defense through phagocytosis and degranulation, neutrophils are able to participate in cancer progression through the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in a process called NETosis. NETs are composed of DNA, histones, calprotectin, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and elastase and the NETosis process has been proposed as a pre-requisite for the establishment of omental metastases in early stages of HGSOC. Nevertheless, its role in advanced stages remains to be elucidated. Therefore, our principal aim is to characterize a NETosis biomarker profile in biofluids from patients with advanced HGSOC and control women. Methods: Specifically, five biomarkers of NETosis (cell-free DNA (cfDNA), nucleosomes, citrullinated histone 3 (citH3), calprotectin and MPO) were quantified in plasma and peritoneal fluid (PF) samples from patients (n=45) and control women (n=40). Results: Our results showed that HGSOC patients presented a higher concentration of cfDNA, citH3 and calprotectin in plasma and of all five NETosis biomarkers in PF than control women. Moreover, these biomarkers showed a strong ability to differentiate the two clinical groups. Interestingly, neoadjuvant treatment (NT) seemed to reduce NETosis biomarkers mainly systemically (plasma) compared to the tumor environment (PF). Discussion: In conclusion, NETosis biomarkers are present in the tumor environment of patients with advanced HGSOC, which might contribute to the progression of the disease. Besides, plasma cfDNA and calprotectin could represent minimally invasive surrogate biomarkers for HGSOC. Finally, NT modifies NETosis biomarkers levels mainly at the systemic level

    New World Civitas, Contested Jurisdictions and Intercultural Conversation in the Construction of the Spanish Monarchy

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    Jurisdictional frontiers were created, contested, and negotiated among a wide range of actors, including native Americans and Europeans, with reference to the cities founded in Castilla del Oro (roughly present-day Panama). This research deals, first, with the reshaping of the concept of a city in the New World, based on its inhabitants' sense of civitas. It analyses, secondly, the creation and redefinition of jurisdiction during political conflicts and, third, the construction and maintenance of jurisdiction through local relations with indigenous populations described as "conversation". The analysis of the creation and preservation of local jurisdictions allows for an interpretation of the complexities involved in the configuration of political power and political space from below in the territories claimed by the Spanish Monarchy.Art Empir

    Exploring alternatives to crisis

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    El texto aborda una primera aproximación a las alternativas a la crisis actual. La aproximación metodológica a las alternativas se desarrolla, no desde el punto de vista técnico, sino directamente político. Por dos razones: i) el punto de partida radica en la "solución" a la crisis que es política; ii) se defiende que esa solución no es platónica, idealista e incluso utopía, sino que se encarna en propuestas y programas prácticos del movimiento real que anula y supera el estado actual de cosas, que en las condiciones de hoy en día es protagonizado por los recientes movimientos antisistémicos junto con experiencias nuevas de gobierno en América Latina.El text aborda una primera aproximació a les alternatives a la crisi actual. L’aproximació metodològica a les alternatives es desenvolupa, no des d’un punt de vista tècnic, sinó directament polític. Per dues raons: i) el punt de partida radica en la “solució” a la crisi que és política; ii) es defensa que aquesta solució no és platònica, idealista o fins i tot utópica, sinó que s’encarna en propostes i programes pràctics del moviment real que anul·la i supera l’estat actual de coses, que en les condicions d’avui en dia és protagonitzat pels recents moviments antisistèmics conjuntament amb experiències noves de govern a Amèrica Llatina.The text takes a first approach to some alternatives to the current crisis. Methodologically the approach of these alternatives is developed not from a technical point of view, but directly from a political one. There are two reasons for this: first of all, is that the "solution" to the crisis is political; second, it is argued that this solution is not Platonic, idealistic, or even utopian, but embodied in proposals and programs of a real and practical movement that breaks through the present state of things. Under the present conditions this role is played by the current anti-systemic movements altogether with new government experiences in Latin America.Peer Reviewe

    Explorar alternativas a la crisis

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    The text takes a first approach to some alternatives to the current crisis. Methodologically the approach of these alternatives is developed not from a technical point of view, but directly from a political one. There are two reasons for this: first of all, is that the solution to the crisis is political; second, it is argued that this solution is not Platonic, idealistic, or even utopian, but embodied in proposals and programs of a real and practical movement that breaks through the present state of things. Under the present conditions this role is played by the current anti-systemic movements altogether with new government experiences in Latin America

    Esbozo de una metafísica de la afectividad (I)

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    The study of the person, as such, is a task of Metaphysics and particularly, of its via iudicii function. As understood in here, affectivity occurs where the act of being reaches the personal category and where its correspondents faculties reach to infinity. The function of affectivity is to reinforce the dynamics of these two powers.El estudio de cuanto se refiere a la persona como tal es tarea de la metafísica y, de manera prioritaria, del ejercicio de esta en lo que se ha dado en llamar via iudicii. A su vez, en el sentido estricto que en estos artículos le doy, la afectividad surge allí donde el acto de ser alcanza la categoría de lo personal, por lo que las facultades que de él dimanan a través de la substancia tienden en cierto modo hacia lo infinito. La función de la afectividad en su conjunto es, entonces, la de reforzar el dinamismo de tales potencias, para ayudarles a alcanzar su meta

    Analytical grammar of the Pokot language - Kitapu ngala Pökot nyo kikir

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    Pokot is a language spoken in western Kenya and eastern Uganda. The Pokot people belongs to the cluster of tribes of Nilo-Hamitic origin that inhabits the high lands of Kenya west of the Rift Valley. Linguistically, there are three main groups: the Nandi, the Sebei and the Pokot. The Pokot language seems the most complicated of them all because of the the manifold variations wich the verbe and the noun present. The language Pokot is the eldest of the Kalenjin languages and closer to the old language from which they all originated. The aim of this grammar is to be a serious study of the Pokot language, which has been studied very little up till now. There has existed only one grammar, written by Pasquale Crazzolara and published in 1978. This work is the first real attempt to make a grammar of the Pokot language and a very complete examination of logic and structures of the Pokot language. It explains the structures of the language, its characteristics and its forms. The study of Pokot grammar may help the literarate Pokot to know this language better and to appreciate it much more