462 research outputs found

    La clase dominante como determinante de la forma de Quito

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    La presente investigación propone aportar al estudio sobre la in uencia de las clases dominantes en la conformación de las ciudades, tomando a Quito como ejemplo. Este trabajo se concentra en identi car, mediante entrevistas y el estudio de fuentes secundarias, los motivos que llevaron a las clases dominantes a colonizar nuevos barrios y abandonar otros. Se destacan entre las causas el deseo de evitar la coexistencia con nuevos grupos sociales, el aumento de la densidad, la necesidad de un mayor contacto con la naturaleza y la falta de plani cación urbana. El resultado de lo anterior es una ciudad dispersa con espacios potenciales para desarrollar, fruto de los barrios que fueron ocupando las clases dominantes, y que de nen los retos de los arquitectos y urbanistas en la ciudad.This research tries to identify, through interviews and the revision of secondary sources, the motives of the ruling class in Quito to colonize new areas that expanded the city and de ned its shape throughout its history. The main causes were avoiding the coexistence with other economic groups, rising population density, the search for a major touch with nature and the lack of town planning. The result is a dispersed city with potential spaces to developing product of the districts that ruling class were occupied, which define the challenges of the architects and town planners in the city.A presente investigação pretende contribuir ao estudo na in uência das classes dominantes na conformação das cidades, tomada Quito como exemplo. Este trabalho concentra em identi car, por meio de entrevistas e o estudo de fontes secundárias, as razões que levaram às classes dominantes colonizar bairros novos e abandonar outros. Eles se salientam entre as causas o desejo para evitar a coexistência com grupos novos sociais, o aumento da densidade, a necessidade de um contato maior com a natureza e a falta de planejamento urbano. O o supracitado resultado é uma cidade espalhada com espaços potenciais desenvolver, fruta dos bairros que estavam ocupando as classes dominantes que de nem os desa os dos arquitetos e urbanistas na cidade

    Positive personal resources on patient relationship: the emotional regulation strategies

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    El personal sanitario se enfrenta continuamente en su ámbito laboral a grandes presiones, en muchos casos, relacionadas con altas demandas emocionales por la relación profesional-paciente. En este contexto, las estrategias de regulación emocional se muestran como un importante recurso del personal sanitario para el manejo de las emociones hacia objetivos deseables. En el presente artículo se expone una revisión sobre la influencia de las emociones en el contexto laboral, los distintos modelos y estrategias de regulación emocional y cómo influyen sobre el bienestar, la salud y la relación del personal sanitario con los pacientes. Como valor añadido, se compara la eficacia de las distintas estrategias de regulación y cómo afectan de manera diferencial a las relaciones entre los profesionales sanitarios y en la relación profesional-pacienteHealth workers are continually faced to great pressure, often related to high emotional demands of the caregivers-patient relationship in the workplace. In this context, emotion regulation strategies are shown as an important personal resource to manage emotions toward desirable goals. This article presents a review of the literature about the emotional influence in job context, the different models and strategies of emotional regulation and how they influence on well-being, health and professional-patient relationship. In addition, we compare the efficacy of different regulation strategies and their differential effect on colleague and patient relationship

    Charge compensation mechanisms in Nd-doped UO2 samples for stoichiometric and hypo-stoichiometric conditions : Lack of miscibility gap

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    The evolution of the crystal lattice of samples made of UO2 doped with different concentrations of Nd in stoichiometric and hypo-stoichiometric conditions has been systematically studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The substitution of a trivalent cation for the U4+ initial position is responsible for creating local structural disorder and changes in the oxidation states. In this scenario, the lattice parameter is affected and the concentration of U5+ and formation of oxygen vacancies as well, since these are the mechanisms necessary to maintain the charge neutrality. The systematic oxidation of U4+ as predominant charge compensation mechanism over the formation of vacancies can be reduced by performing a thermal treatment under reducing conditions. This paper presents an experimental characterization of the uranium oxidation state mixture and local structure using XAS techniques in samples with chemical formula (U1-yNdy)O2-x, with y = 0.04, 0.17 and 0.25 (Peer reviewe

    Prediction of university drop-out: explanatory variables and preventive measures

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    El abandono de los estudios universitarios es un problema cuyos costes son altos tanto para el individuo como para la sociedad. Es por ello que la prevención del mismo es fundamental y cobra especial relevancia en el actual contexto de crisis económica. Diversos autores han desarrollado investigaciones con el objetivo de establecer modelos predictivos de este fenómeno (Castaño, Gallón, Gómez y Vásquez, 2004; Trevizán, Beltrán y Cosolito, 2009; Goldenhersh, Coria y Saino, 2011; Sánchez, 2014). En este artículo se analizan dichos trabajos, identificando las ventajas y desventajas de las metodologías más utilizadas; análisis correlacionales, análisis de regresión logística, análisis de supervivencia y minería de datos. La investigación cuyos resultados aquí se exponen, aplica la primera de las metodologías mencionadas, a fin de comprobar -en lo que respecta al fenómeno del abandono- el valor predictivo de las variables rendimiento académico previo, fecha de matriculación, rendimiento en primer curso de universidad y asistencia a clase. Los resultados confirman la relación de dichas variables con el fenómeno estudiado. Dichos resultados son consistentes con los obtenidos por diversos autores a lo largo del tiempo, y en base a ellos se proponen dos tipos de medidas; por un lado, acciones encaminadas a facilitar el diagnóstico respecto al problema del abandono, y por otro lado, medidas encaminadas a su prevención.University drop-out is a problem whose costs are high for both the individual and society. That is the reason why prevention is essential and it is particularly important in the current economic crisis context. Several authors have conducted research in order to establish predictive models of this phenomenon (Castaño, Gallon, Gómez and Vásquez, 2004; Trevizán, Beltrán and Cosolito, 2009; Goldenhersh, Coria and Saino, 2011; Sánchez, 2014). This article analyses these works, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the most used methods; correlational analysis, logistic regression, survival analysis and data mining. The research whose results are presented here applies the first of the mentioned methodologies, with the aim to test -in regard to the phenomenon of abandonmentthe predictive value of the following variables: prior academic performance, date of enrolment, performance in first year college and attendance. The results confirm the relationship of these variables with the studied phenomenon. These results are consistent with those obtained by several authors throughout time. To finish, two types of measures based on this results are proposed; on one hand, measures to facilitate diagnosis of drop-out, on the other hand, measures aiming it prevention

    Propuesta de aplicación de metodologías activas e inductivas en la enseñanza del Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria

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    Preparación de clases interactivas sobre algunos temas del Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria, siguiendo metodologías activas e inductivas en modelos educativos de aula inversa, utilizando estrategias de desarrollo profesional colaborativo

    Operación stencil en CUDA

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    Los problemas derivados de la disipación de energía en la computación secuencial, están haciendo que cada vez se popularice más el uso de máquinas y sistemas con mayor cantidad de núcleos de proceso, pasando desde pequeños procesadores con un número reducido de núcleos, por clusters con varias máquinas secuenciales distribuidas, e incluso por dispositivos de coprocesamiento gráfico con varios cientos de núcleos que permiten asignar tareas generales a estos. Muchos algoritmos están siendo adaptados a estos modelos de paralelización.Preprin

    High-power LED units currently available for dental resin-based materials—A review

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    The pursuit of less time-consuming procedures led to the development of high-power light-curing-units (LCU) to light-cure dental-resin-based-materials. This review aims to describe high-power light-emitting-diode (LED)-LCUs, by a bibliometric systematization of in vitro and in vivo studies. The research-question, by PICO model, aimed to assess the current knowledge on dentistry-based high-power LED-LCUs by analyzing to what extent their use can promote adverse events on materials and patients’ oral condition when compared to low-power LED-LCUs, on daily dental practice. PubMed and B-on database search focused on high-power (≥2000 mW/cm2 ) LED-LCUs outputs. Studies assessing performance of high-power LED-LCUs for light-curing dental-resin-based-materials were included. From 1822 screened articles, 21 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Thirty-two marketed units with high levels of radiant emittance (≥2000 mW/cm2 up to 6000 mW/cm2 ) were identified. Most output values vary on 2000–3000 mW/cm2 . The highest output found was 6000 mW/cm2 , in FlashMax™P3. Reports suggest that light-curing protocols with lower emittance irradiance and longer exposure outperforms all other combination, however in some clinical procedures high-power LED-LCUs are advocated when compared to low-power LED-LCUs. Moreover, long time exposures and over-curing can be dangerous to the biological vital pulp, and other oral tissues. Evidence showing that high-power LCUs are the best clinical option is still very scarce


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    Introduction. At present, among the aspects that are of the greatest interest in the educational field are the causes that lead students to drop out of their university studies. The common aim is to try to develop preventive measures and stop this process. However, despite the existing work on this, there are few national studies that have tried to determine the variables that present the most weight for students to develop the idea of drop-out and the decision-making processes of its later consolidation. In order to shed more light on this, we have studied the case of students in universities in north Spain in depth. Method. For this, an ex-post-facto research of descriptive and inferential study was developed. The sample was formed by 1,055 students belonging to different areas of knowledge, who began their careers in the 2010/2011 academic year at the university. For the collection of data, an ad hoc questionnaire with 36 items was developed. Results. The analysis of the cohort of new income show that a high percentage of students (31.5%) has considered dropping out of their university career, with over half of these consolidating their idea (17.0%). The results of this study also respond to the main objective. Thus, the most relevant variables in the approach and consolidation of abandonment, respectively, and in order of importance, are: the student’s early performance, their non-academic working hours (domestic and/or paid), the relationship with the professors, the expectations generatedon the content, use of study techniques and guidance received. Discussion.These results are consistent with those obtained in previous studies anddemonstrate the need for global action on the part of the educationalinstitutions that should already start in Secondary Education.Introducción. Actualmente entre los aspectos que más interés suscitan en el ámbito educativo se encuentra conocer las causas que llevan al alumnado a abandonar sus estudios universitarios. El fin común no es otro que tratar de desarrollar medidas preventivas para corregir tal proceso. Sin embargo, pese a los trabajos existentes sobre ello, son escasos los estudios nacionales que han tratado de determinar las variables que mayores correlaciones presentan con el planteamiento de abandono y los procesos decisorios de su consolidación posterior. Con el objetivo de arrojar más luz sobre esto, se ha estudiado en profundidad el caso de los alumnos de una universidad del norte de España.Método. Para ello se desarrolló una investigación ex-post-facto de estudio descriptivo e inferencial. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.055  estudiantes, pertenecientes a distintas áreas de conocimiento, que comenzaron sus carreras en el curso 2010/2011 en dicha universidad. Para la recogida de datos fue elaborado un cuestionario ad hoc con 36 ítem. Resultados. Los análisis de la cohorte de nuevo ingreso refieren que un porcentaje alto del alumnado de la muestra (31.5%) se ha planteado abandonar la carrera universitaria, consolidando su idea más de la mitad de los alumnos de dicha muestra (17.0%). Los resultados de este estudio también permiten dar respuesta al objetivo principal. Así, se destacan como las variables más relevantes en el planteamiento y consolidación del abandono, respectivamente y en orden de importancia: el rendimiento temprano del alumno, su tiempo de trabajo no académico (doméstico y/o remunerado), la vinculación mantenida con los docentes, las expectativas generadas sobre los contenidos, el uso de técnicas de estudio y la orientación recibida. Discusión. Estos resultados son congruentes con los obtenidos en estudios previos y hacen patente la necesidad de llevar a cabo una actuación global por parte de las instituciones educativas que debería dar comienzo en Educación Secundaria

    Effects of different undersizing site preparations on implant stability

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    As immediate loading protocols are becoming more frequent, the primary stability of implants has become an essential criterion for the osseointegration of dental implants. Based on this, the objective of this study was to understand the influence of different undersized surgical preparation sites on the insertion torque (IT) and implant stability quotient (ISQ). Four different site-preparation protocols were performed on fresh humid type III bovine bone: one control, the standard protocol recommended by the manufacturer (P1), and three variations of undersized techniques (P2, P3 and P4). The implant used was VEGA by Klockner Implant System. The sample size was n = 40 for each of the four groups. A torquemeter was used to measure the IT, and the ISQ was measured with a Penguin RFA. Both variables showed a tendency to increase as the preparation technique was reduced, although not all the values were statistically significant (p < 0.05) when comparing with the standard preparation. The preparations without a cortical drill, P2 and P4, showed better results than those with a cortical drill. Given the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that reducing the implant preparation can increase both the IT and ISQ. Removing the cortical drill is an effective method for increasing implant stability, although it should be used carefully