81 research outputs found

    ‘Physio-EndEA’ Study: A Randomized, Parallel-Group Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effect of a Supervised and Adapted Therapeutic Exercise Program to Improve Quality of Life in Symptomatic Women Diagnosed with Endometriosis

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    This research was funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (FEDER funds), grant number PI17/01743, and donations from particular endometriosis women that believed in this project from the beginning. It was also partly supported by funds from the PAIDI group CTS-206 (Oncologia Basica y Clinica). This study takes place thanks to the additional funding from the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES).Aim: The ‘Physio-EndEA’ study aims to explore the potential benefits of a therapeutic exercise program (focused on lumbopelvic stabilization and tolerance to exertion) on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of symptomatic endometriosis women. Design: The present study will use a parallel-group randomized controlled trial design. Methods: A total of 22 symptomatic endometriosis women will be randomized 1:1 to the Physio-EndEA or usual care groups. The ‘Physio-EndEA’ program will consist of a one-week lumbopelvic stabilization learning phase followed by an eight-week phase of stretching, aerobic and resistance exercises focused on the lumbopelvic area that will be sequentially instructed and supervised by a trained physiotherapist (with volume and intensity progression) and adapted daily to the potential of each participant. The primary outcome measure is HRQoL. The secondary outcome measures included clinician-reported outcomes (pressure pain thresholds, muscle thickness and strength, flexibility, body balance and cardiorespiratory fitness) and patient-reported outcomes (pain intensity, physical fitness, chronic fatigue, sexual function, gastrointestinal function and sleep quality). Discussion: Findings of this study will help to identify cost-effective non-pharmacological options (such as this exercise-based intervention) that may contribute to the improvement of HRQoL in symptomatic endometriosis women.Health Institute Carlos III (FEDER funds) PI17/01743PAIDI groupUniversity of Granad

    Nutrición en cuidados paliativos: resumen de recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo de Ética de la SENPE

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    Los cuidados paliativos proporcionan una atención integral que tiene en cuenta los aspectos físicos, emocionales, sociales y espirituales del paciente con enfermedad terminal y su entorno familiar. El tratamiento nutricional debe formar parte activa de los equipos de cuidados paliativos. La necesidad de iniciar o no un tratamiento nutricional sigue siendo, desde hace décadas, uno de los principales problemas éticos a los que se enfrentan los profesionales dedicados a la nutrición clínica. El origen de tal controversia radica, fundamentalmente, en cómo se consideran la nutrición y la hidratación: cuidado/soporte o tratamiento médico. Los objetivos fundamentales del tratamiento nutricional en los pacientes en cuidados paliativos deben ser otros: la mejoría de la calidad de vida, de la supervivencia o de ambas. La decisión de indicar o no el tratamiento nutricional en cuidados paliativos debe tomarse tras considerar el pronóstico, la calidad de vida y la relación “riesgo/beneficio”. En relación a la alimentación por vía oral (con o sin suplementos orales), prevalece la idea de la “alimentación de confort”, que se basa en intentos de alimentación oral hasta que se produzcan la incomodidad y/o el rechazo del paciente. No existen evidencias que justifiquen el uso de nutrientes específicos, aunque desde hace años se señala la posibilidad de lograr beneficios cuando se utilizan ácidos grasos omega-3 en los pacientes con cáncer. En cuanto al tratamiento nutricional (enteral o parenteral), en ausencia de evidencia, las decisiones sobre si iniciar una nutrición artificial en un paciente paliativo deben tomarse teniendo en cuenta los deseos y creencias del paciente y sus familiares, y basarse en el consenso del equipo interdisciplinar sobre los objetivos que se persiguen al iniciarla

    La inclusión de las “Comunidades de Aprendizaje” en una asignatura de los Grados de Maestro

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    Actualmente, las Comunidades de Aprendizaje como modelo organizativo en los centros educativos están asumiendo un papel importante. En el caso de la Comunidad Valenciana existen varios centros que desarrollan este modelo educativo y, por tanto, la formación inicial de los maestros no debe estar desvinculada de él. El propósito de esta investigación ha sido conocer y analizar las percepciones del profesorado universitario y los estudiantes a maestro sobre el diseño y la incorporación de este contenido curricular. Se han desarrollado reuniones de coordinación docente para el diseño de actividades que incorporan este contenido, con una implementación del mismo en 16 grupos de la asignatura Diseño de los Procesos Educativos. En este trabajo mostramos los resultados parciales de los profesores implicados en este proyecto sobre la importancia de este concepto y el desarrollo del mismo en sus aulas. Los resultados muestran que el profesorado participante está muy satisfecho con la incorporación de este contenido y el desarrollo de actividades para el mismo, proponiendo nuevas ideas para el próximo curso. Por otra parte, manifiestan la necesidad de formar al alumnado en Comunidades de Aprendizaje, ya que el principal obstáculo para incorporar novedades en el sistema educativo es la falta de formación teórico-práctico

    Long-Term exercise intervention in patients with McArdle disease: clinical and aerobic fitness benefits

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    Introduction: The long-term effects of exercise in patients with McArdle disease—the paradigm of ‘exercise intolerance’—are unknown. This is an important question as the severity of the disease frequently increases with time. Purpose: To study the effects of a long-term exercise intervention on clinical and fitness-related outcomes in McArdle patients. Methods: Seventeen patients (exercise group: N=10, 6 male, 38±18yrs; control: N=7, 4 male, 38±18yrs) participated in a twoyear unsupervised intervention including moderate-intensity aerobic (cycle-ergometer exercise for 1h) and resistance (high load-low repetition circuit) training on 5 and 2-3 days/week, respectively. Patients were assessed at baseline and postintervention. Besides safety, outcomes included clinical severity (e.g., exercise intolerance features) on a 0-3 scale (primary outcome), and aerobic fitness, gross muscle efficiency, and body composition (total/regional fat, muscle, and bone mass) (secondary outcomes). Results: The exercise program was safe and resulted in a reduction of one point (-1.0, 95% confidence interval -1.6—-0.5, p=0.025) in clinical severity vs. the control group, with 60% of participants in the exercise group becoming virtually asymptomatic and with no functional limitation in daily life activities. Compared with controls, the intervention induced significant and large benefits (all p<0.05) in the workload eliciting the ventilatory threshold (both in absolute (watts, +37%) and relative units (watts·kg-1 of total body mass or of lower-limb muscle mass, +44%)), peak oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1 ·min-1 , +28%) and peak workload (absolute (+27%) and relative units (+33%)). However, no significant changes were found for muscle efficiency nor for any measure of body composition. Conclusions: A two-year unsupervised intervention including aerobic and resistance exercise is safe and induces major benefits in the clinical course and aerobic fitness of patients with McArdle disease

    RED-CAAD. La perspectiva de las comunidades de aprendizaje en el diseño de la acción didáctica

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    El objetivo principal de esta Red ha sido analizar el diseño y la implementación del contenido curricular “Comunidades de Aprendizaje” en una asignatura de formación básica de los grados en Maestro en Educación Infantil y Maestro en Educación Primaria. En el proceso de esta innovación educativa han participado un total 11 docentes responsables de 16 grupos en los que se imparte la asignatura. En esta memoria se presenta el diseño de dos cuestionarios que han permitido conocer la valoración de la experiencia por parte de los agentes implicados. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las “Comunidades de Aprendizaje” son un contenido enriquecedor para el aprendizaje de los docentes en formación. Tanto el profesorado como el alumnado consideran que, las estrategias utilizadas para implementar este contenido en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, han favorecido la adquisición de las competencias profesionales docentes. Una de las conclusiones principales de esta memoria es que es necesario seguir trabajando en este contenido y por ello nos planteamos la posibilidad de continuar con esta línea, ya que el contenido curricular tratado ha sido incluido definitivamente en la guía docente de la asignatura de ambos Grados

    Multiplex RNA-based detection of clinically relevant MET alterations in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    We studied MET alterations in 474 advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients by nCounter, an RNA-based technique. We identified 3% with MET Δex14 mRNA and 3.5% with very-high MET mRNA expression, a surrogate of MET amplification. MET alterations identified by nCounter correlated with clinical benefit from MET inhibitors. Quantitative mRNA-based techniques can improve the selection of patients for MET-targeted therapies. MET inhibitors have shown activity in non-small-cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) with MET amplification and exon 14 skipping (METΔex14). However, patient stratification is imperfect, and thus, response rates have varied widely. Here, we studied MET alterations in 474 advanced NSCLC patients by nCounter, an RNA-based technique, together with next-generation sequencing (NGS), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), immunohistochemistry (IHC), and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), exploring correlation with clinical benefit. Of the 474 samples analyzed, 422 (89%) yielded valid results by nCounter, which identified 13 patients (3%) with MET Δex14 and 15 patients (3.5%) with very-high MET mRNA expression. These two subgroups were mutually exclusive, displayed distinct phenotypes and did not generally coexist with other drivers. For MET Δex14, 3/8 (37.5%) samples positive by nCounter tested negative by NGS. Regarding patients with very-high MET mRNA, 92% had MET amplification by FISH and/or NGS. However, FISH failed to identify three patients (30%) with very-high MET RNA expression, among which one received MET tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment deriving clinical benefit. Our results indicate that quantitative mRNA-based techniques can improve the selection of patients for MET-targeted therapies

    Cellular and humoral functional responses after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination differ longitudinally between naive and subjects recovered from COVID-19

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    We have analyzed BNT162b2 vaccine-induced immune responses in naive subjects and individuals recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), both soon after (14 days) and later after (almost 8 months) vaccination. Plasma spike (S)-specific immunoglobulins peak after one vaccine shot in individuals recovered from COVID-19, while a second dose is needed in naive subjects, although the latter group shows reduced levels all along the analyzed period. Despite how the neutralization capacity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) mirrors this behavior early after vaccination, both groups show comparable neutralizing antibodies and S-specific B cell levels late post-vaccination. When studying cellular responses, naive individuals exhibit higher SARS-CoV-2-specific cytokine production, CD4+ T cell activation, and proliferation than do individuals recovered from COVID-19, with patent inverse correlations between humoral and cellular variables early post-vaccination. However, almost 8 months post-vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific responses are comparable between both groups. Our data indicate that a previous history of COVID-19 differentially determines the functional T and B cell-mediated responses to BNT162b2 vaccination over time.C.d.F., J.G.-P., and J.A. are supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII). We thank JM Ligos and Cytek Biosciences for their technical support. Research in E.L.-C.’s lab was supported by Fundación Familia Alonso, Santander Bank, Real Seguros, Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Fundación Uria, Fundación La Caixa, and Ayuntamiento de Madrid.S

    Early-Career Coordinated Distributed Experiments: Empowerment Through Collaboration

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    Este artículo contiene 7 páginas, 1 tabla, 3 figuras.Coordinated distributed experiments (CDEs) enable the study of large-scale ecological patterns in geographically dispersed areas, while simultaneously providing broad academic and personal benefits for the participants. However, the effective involvement of early-career researchers (ECRs) presents major challenges. Here, we analyze the benefits and challenges of the first CDE exclusively led and conducted by ECRs (i.e. ECR-CDE), which sets a baseline for similar CDEs, and we provide recommendations for successful CDE execution. ECR-CDEs achieve most of the outcomes identified in conventional CDEs as well as extensive benefits for the young cohort of researchers, including: (i) receiving scientific credit, (ii) peer-training in new concepts and methods, (iii) developing leadership and communication skills, (iv) promoting a peer network among ECRs, and (v) building on individual engagement and independence. We also discuss the challenges of ECR-CDEs, which are mainly derived from the lack of independence and instability of the participants, and we suggest mechanisms to address them, such as resource re-allocation and communication strategies. We conclude that ECR-CDEs can be a relevant tool to empower ECRs across disciplines by fostering their training, networking and personal well-being.The authors were supported by the following founding: NC the support of the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program of the Government of Catalonia’s Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge (BP2016- 00215), EE by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government (2014-2017), AB by a Generalitat de Catalunya—Beatriu de Pinós (BP-00385-2016), AMG-F by a predoctoral research grant (BES-2013-065770) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MAr by a postdoctoral grant from the Basque Government, MIA by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grant (FJCI-2015-26192), PR-L by a Margalida Comas postdoctoral contract (PD/031/2018) funded by the Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund, AP by a Ramón Areces Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship, and AL by a Kempe Foundation stipend. DOMIPEX project was founded by the First Call of Collaborative Projects among Young Researchers of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL; 2013-2015).Peer reviewe