78 research outputs found

    Contra esto y aquello (con permiso de D. Miguel de Unamuno)

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    A lo largo de este texto se reflexiona acerca de la situación actual de la enseñanza universitaria donde parece que se ha llegado a olvidar lo más importante: 'el qué', y se tiende a relegar al conocimiento bajo el peso del 'cómo', primando las habilidades pedagógicas o administrativas sobre el conocimiento.This article is a meditation on the current situation of the university education which seems to have come to forget the most important: "what", and relegates the knowledge under the weight of the "how", giving more importance to pedagogical or administrative skills over knowledge

    Las matemáticas a los dos lados del océano (charco)

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    Presentamos un rápido repaso de los matemáticos españoles e iberoamericanos que han compartido su ciencia a ambos lados del océano.This is a paper about Spanish and Latin-American mathematicians who have shared their science on both sides of the ocean

    Strategies for penicillin V dendronization with cationic carbosilane dendrons and study of antibacterial properties.

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    Strategies to synthesize a cationic carbosilane dendron containing the antibiotic penicillin V potassium salt (PenVK) at the focal point are discussed. The preparation of such a compound requires the use of systems with no donor atoms such as N or S in their framework, because their presence favours the rupture of the penicillin beta-lactam ring. The antibacterial activity of the new dendron containing ammonium groups, at the periphery, and the PenV moiety, at the focal point, against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains was evaluated. These results were compared with those obtained for free PenVK, a related cationic dendron without a penicillin moiety at the focal point, and also compared with an equimolar mixture of this last dendron with free PenV. The data obtained indicate that, on one hand, the conjugation or interaction of PenV with cationic dendrons reduces its activity in comparison with free PenVK. On the other hand, the penicillin dendron is able to release the antibiotic in the presence of esterease, due to the breaking of the ester bond in this derivative.Ministerio de Economía y Empres

    Structure-activity relationship study of cationic carbosilane dendritic systems as antibacterial agents

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    This work focuses on the antibacterial activity against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gramnegative Escherichia coli and the hemolytic properties of two types of ammonium cationic carbosilane systems: dendrimers and dendrons. The effects of: i) the generation, ii) the type of peripheral groups near the cationic charges (a SiMe2 moiety or a S atom depending on the synthetic procedure, hydrosilylation or thiol-ene addition, respectively), iii) the core of dendrimers (polyphenoxo vs. Si atom) and iv) the focal point of dendrons (-N3, -NH2, -OH) have been assessed. The structure-activity relationship analysis indicates the importance of an adequate balance between the hydrophilic and lipophilic fragments of these molecules to reach the best antibacterial activity. Regarding hemolysis, lowest toxicity values were registered for dendritic systems with a sulfur atom close to the surface and, in the particular case of dendrons, for those with a hydroxyl focal point. One dendrimer and one dendron, both bearing a sulfur atom close to the surface, scored best in the activity-toxicity relationship analysis and were chosen for resistance assays. No changes in the inhibitory and bactericidal capacity in the case of the dendron and only a slight increase of these values for the dendrimer were observed after 15 subculture cycles. Furthermore, these two compounds stayed active towards different strains of resistant bacteria and avoid formation of biofilm at concentrations over the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).Ministerio de Economía y Empres

    Logros y retos en analítica del aprendizaje en España: La perspectiva de SNOLA

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    As in other research fields, the development of learning analytics is influenced by the networks of researchers that contribute to it. This paper describes one of such networks: the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA). The paper presents the research lines of the members of SNOLA, as well as the main challenges that learning analytics has to address in the next few years as perceived by these researchers. This analysis is based on SNOLA’s archival data and on a survey carried out to the current members of the network. Although this approach does not cover all the activity related to learning analytics in Spain, the results provide a representative overview of the current state of research related to learning analytics in this context. The paper describes these trends and the main challenges, among which we can point out the need to adopt an ethical commitment with data, to develop systems that respond to the requirements of the end users, and to reach a wider institutional impact.Tal y como ocurre en otros campos de investigación, el desarrollo de la analítica del aprendizaje está influido por las redes de investigadores que contribuyen al mismo. Este artículo describe una de estas redes: la Red Española de Analítica de Aprendizaje (SNOLA). El artículo presenta las líneas de investigación de los miembros de SNOLA, así como los principales retos que la analítica del aprendizaje tiene que afrontar en los próximos años desde la visión de estos investigadores. Este análisis está basado en datos de archivo de SNOLA y en una encuesta realizada a los actuales miembros de la red. Aunque esta aproximación no cubre toda la actividad relacionada con analítica del aprendizaje en España, los resultados proporcionan una visión general representativa del estado de la investigación relacionada con analítica del aprendizaje en dicho contexto. El artículo muestra cuáles son estas tendencias y los principales retos, entre los que se encuentran la necesidad de adoptar un compromiso ético con los datos, desarrollar sistemas que respondan a las necesidades de los usuarios y alcanzar mayor impacto institucional

    Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA

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    [EN] As in other research fields, the development of learning analytics is influenced by the networks of researchers that contribute to it. This paper describes one of such networks: the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA). The paper presents the research lines of the members of SNOLA, as well as the main challenges that learning analytics has to address in the next few years as perceived by these researchers. This analysis is based on SNOLA’s archival data and on a survey carried out to the current members of the network. Although this approach does not cover all the activity related to learning analytics in Spain, the results provide a representative overview of the current state of research related to learning analytics in this context. The paper describes these trends and the main challenges, among which we can point out the need to adopt an ethical commitment with data, to develop systems that respond to the requirements of the end users, and to reach a wider institutional impact.[ES] Tal y como ocurre en otros campos de investigación, el desarrollo de la analítica del aprendizaje está influido por las redes de investigadores que contribuyen al mismo. Este artículo describe una de estas redes: la Red Española de Analítica de Aprendizaje (SNOLA). El artículo presenta las líneas de investigación de los miembros de SNOLA, así como los principales retos que la analítica del aprendizaje tiene que afrontar en los próximos años desde la visión de estos investigadores. Este análisis está basado en datos de archivo de SNOLA y en una encuesta realizada a los actuales miembros de la red. Aunque esta aproximación no cubre toda la actividad relacionada con analítica del aprendizaje en España, los resultados proporcionan una visión general representativa del estado de la investigación relacionada con analítica del aprendizaje en dicho contexto. El artículo muestra cuáles son estas tendencias y los principales retos, entre los que se encuentran la necesidad de adoptar un compromiso ético con los datos, desarrollar sistemas que respondan a las necesidades de los usuarios y alcanzar mayor impacto institucional.SIMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ( RED2018-102725-T)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (TIN2016-80172-R)Junta de Castilla y León (VA257P18)Gobierno Vasco (IT980-16)Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR1619)Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid (S2018/TCS-4307

    Educar para la transparencia y una ciudadanía informada: diseño, aplicación y evaluación del programa IRIS para alumnado de Bachillerato de la Región de Murcia (España)

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    In order to develop a validated model to teach key conceptsand values on the right to information and transparency to young people, the "IRIS" program was designed during the 2017-2018 academic year, which was applied as part of the "Philosophy" course of the First Year of High School students of six Secondary Education Institutes of five municipalities of the Region of Murcia. Its objectives were: a) Prepare and teach a Learning Unit on Transparency and Right to Information, in accordance with the standards of the Philosophy curriculum of the Region of Murcia. b) Identify initial perceptions of the students of the Region regarding concepts as Transparency and Open Government. c) Design a Contest on dissertations and videos on transparency and good governance, aimed at the students participating in the project. e) Evaluate results and identify recommendations to improve the program. After the evaluation we concluded that objectives had been achieved, and have proposed some recommendations to generalize and consolidate the acquisition of this citizen competence: a specific training plan for teachers, the inclusion of this standard on transparency in the autonomic curriculum, and that is necessary to develop a set of materials, texts and practical tasks to make easier the application to the teaching staff

    Simulation study of resistor networks applied to an array of 256 SiPMs

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    [EN] In this work we describe a procedure to reduce the number of signals detected by an array of 256 Silicon Photo-multipliers (SiPMs) using a resistor network to divide the signal charge into few readout channels. Several configurations were modeled, and the pulsed signal at the readout contacts were simulated. These simulation results were experimentally tested on a specifically designed and manufactured set of printed circuit boards. Three network configurations were modeled. The modeling provided encouraging results for all three configurations. The measurements on the prototypes constructed for this study, however, provided useful position-sensitivity for only one of the network configurations. The lack of input signal amplification into the networks, the SiPM dark current, as well as the complexity of an eight layers board with parasitic capacitances, could have caused the degradation of resolving the impact photon position. This is hard to overcome with external printed circuit boards and components.This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+I) under Grant FIS2010-21216-CO2-01, the Valencian Local Government under Grant PROMETEO 2008/114 and through the JAE-Predoc grant from CSIC (BOE 29/01/2010).Gonzalez, A. J., Moreno, M., Barbera, J., Conde, P., Hernandez, L., Moliner, L., . . . Benlloch, J. M. (2013). Simulation study of resistor networks applied to an array of 256 SiPMs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60(2), 592-598. doi:10.1109/TNS.2012.2226051S59259860

    Educar para la transparencia y una ciudadanía informada: diseño, aplicación y evaluación del programa IRIS para alumnado de Bachillerato de la Región de Murcia (España)

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    In order to develop a validated model to teach key conceptsand values on the right to information and transparency to young people, the "IRIS" program was designed during the 2017-2018 academic year, which was applied as part of the "Philosophy" course of the First Year of High School students of six Secondary Education Institutes of five municipalities of the Region of Murcia. Its objectives were: a) Prepare and teach a Learning Unit on Transparency and Right to Information, in accordance with the standards of the Philosophy curriculum of the Region of Murcia. b) Identify initial perceptions of the students of the Region regarding concepts as Transparency and Open Government. c) Design a Contest on dissertations and videos on transparency and good governance, aimed at the students participating in the project. e) Evaluate results and identify recommendations to improve the program. After the evaluation we concluded that objectives had been achieved, and have proposed some recommendations to generalize and consolidate the acquisition of this citizen competence: a specific training plan for teachers, the inclusion of this standard on transparency in the autonomic curriculum, and that is necessary to develop a set of materials, texts and practical tasks to make easier the application to the teaching staff

    The late Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva-3 (Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain): a hyena latrine developed on a quicksand trap for megaherbivores?

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    The late Early Pleistocene archaeological site of Fuente Nueva-3 (FN3), which lies in the Guadix-Baza Depression (SE Spain) and is dated to ~ 1.4 Ma, contributes some of the oldest evidence of hominin presence in Western Europe, including a huge tool assemblage of Oldowan tradition, manuports (i.e., unmodified stones used as percussion tools) and abundant fossils of large mammals, some of which preserve anthropogenic marks related to defleshing, butchering and marrow processing. In addition, there are bones with tooth marks produced by scavenging carnivores. The fertile layers of the FN3 section have been grouped in a lower archaeological level (LAL) and an upper archaeological level (UAL). Both levels preserve abundant skeletal remains and lithic tools. However, the LAL shows a high density of manuports, which suggests that hominin activity was more intense at this level, while the UAL preserves many remains of megaherbivores, particularly proboscideans (Mammuthus meridionalis), and almost all coprolites unearthed from the site, which points to a greater involvement of the giant hyenas (Pachycrocuta brevirostris). In this paper, we (i) test for statistical differences in the composition of the faunal assemblages preserved in the UAL and LAL; and (ii) analyze particle size in the fertile layers of both archaeological levels. Our results show that megaherbivores are comparatively overrepresented in the UAL, specially by young elephants, while other medium-to-large and large-sized ungulates, particularly equids, are more abundant in the LAL, showing a predominance of adult individualsFounding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU