1,670 research outputs found

    The enterprise management, an approach of century XX, from the theories administrative scientific, functional, bureaucratic and of human relations

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    La dinámica de la gestión empresarial ha evolucionado satisfactoriamente, en el mundo de los negocios y está imbricada en el mercado, entorno y sociedad, donde se han desarrollado distintas teorías para su aplicación , siendo el propósito de este articulo revisar y presentar didácticamente las distintas teorías en la aplicación de la organizaciones empresariales, como la científica por Frederick W. Taylor, Henry L. Gantt y Frank y William Gilbreth, la funcional, Henry Fayol, la Estructuralista, Max Weber, la de Relaciónes humanas, Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow. Douglas McGregor. Mary Parker Follett, Frederick Herzberg. Lo anterior con un enfoque que lleve al análisis de su contribución a la fundamentación conceptual para la generación de ventajas competitivas y elementos diferenciar en el mercado local, regional, nacional e internacional.Abstract: The dynamic of corporate governance has evolved successfully in the business world to the mercy of the market, environment and society, where different theories have been developed for implementation, being the intention of this I articulate didactically to review and to present/display the different theories in the application from the enterprise organizations, like the scientist by Frederick W. Taylor, Henry L. William Gantt and Frank and Gilbreth, the functional, Henry Fayol, structural, Max Weber, Human Relations, Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow. Douglas McGregor. Mary Parker Follett, Frederick Herzberg. The previous thing with an approach that takes to the analysis of its contribution to the conceptual fundamentación for the generation of competitive advantages and elements to differentiate in the local market, regional, national and internationa

    Strategies of motivation and promotion of the individual for the positioning of continuos improvement in competitive organizations

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    En el escenario empresarial actual, hay un aumento significativo en la competencia que ha afectado la rentabilidad a largo plazo, por lo que es necesario implementar estrategias que afecten el trabajo diario de las organizaciones para generar un valor diferencial sobre la competencia. De esta manera, varios investigadores sitúan la motivación como un factor de gran influencia en los entornos laborales actuales. El propósito del artículo es analizar cómo se han desarrollado estrategias de motivación en favor de un mejor posicionamiento de las organizaciones. Con el fin de observar las pautas que las investigaciones tradicionales y contemporáneas han planteado sobre el tema, los siguientes son los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que, a partir de la revisión de la literatura científica, busca establecer los postulados dados a conocer por autores reconocidos. Los resultados finales muestran la relevancia de los aspectos asociados con la motivación y el reconocimiento como herramientas clave para lograr objetivos corporativos de alto valor.In the current business scenario, there is a significant increase in competition that has affected long-term profitability, so it is necessary to implement strategies that impact the daily work of organizations in order to generate a differential value over the competition. In this way, several researchers situate motivation as a factor of great influence in current work environments. The purpose of the article is to analyze how motivation strategies have been developed in favor of a better positioning of organizations. With the purpose of observing the guidelines that traditional and contemporary investigations have raised on the subject, the following are the results of a qualitative investigation that, from the review of the scientific literature, seeks to establish the postulates given to know by recognized authors. The results show the relevance of aspects associated with motivation and recognition as key tools for achieving high value corporate objectives

    Explotación de residuos biodegradables: desafíos para los entornos actuales

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    This study is presented with the objective of analyze the potentialities of biodegradable waste produced in the agro-food industry, as a viable alternative to create a circular economy that derives benefts for all humanity. the study is based on a qualitative methodological approach, supported by the review of literature; therefore, it is considered at an epistemological level that is framed within the interpretative paradigm. In terms of the procedure used, it was investigated in different academic databases on the most recent scientifc publications that provide guidance on the best practices being implemented in the sector of biodegradable waste use. Documents from recent years are included in both English and Spanish, in order to cover the greatest number of reflections and fndings of the authors. The analysis of the publications indicates that there is an important area of opportunity for the development of initiatives that consider the use of biodegradable waste, generated from the different activities of the agro-industrial sector. The main challenges to reach this goal, undoubtedly, are related to investment in technology, assessment of economic and fnancial viability and human awareness to promote a paradigm shift to improve collection at source.Este estudio se presenta con el objetivo de analizar las potencialidades de los desechos biodegradables producidos en la industria agroalimentaria, como una alternativa viable para crear una economía circular que genere benefcios para toda la humanidad. el estudio se basa en un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, respaldado por la revisión de la literatura; por lo tanto, se considera a nivel epistemológico que se enmarca dentro del paradigma interpretativo. En términos del procedimiento utilizado, se investigó en diferentes bases de datos académicas sobre las publicaciones científcas más recientes que brindan orientación sobre las mejores prácticas que se están implementando en el sector del uso de desechos biodegradables. Los documentos de los últimos años se incluyen en inglés y español, con el fn de cubrir la mayor cantidad de reflexiones y hallazgos de los autores. El análisis de las publicaciones indica que existe un área importante de oportunidad para el desarrollo de iniciativas que consideren el uso de residuos biodegradables, generados a partir de las diferentes actividades del sector agroindustrial. Los principales desafíos para alcanzar este objetivo, sin duda, están relacionados con la inversión en tecnología, la evaluación de la viabilidad económica y fnanciera y la conciencia humana para promover un cambio de paradigma para mejorar la recolección en la fuente

    Retraction: time series decomposition using automatic learning techniques for predictive models

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    This article, and others within this volume, has been retracted by IOP Publishing following clear evidence of plagiarism and citation manipulation. This work was originally published in Spanish (1) and has been translated and published without permission or acknowledgement to the original authors. IOP Publishing Limited has discovered other papers within this volume that have been subjected to the same treatment. This is scientific misconduct. Misconduct investigations are ongoing at the author's institutions. IOP Publishing Limited will update this notice if required once those investigations have concluded. To date, there is no evidence to suggest anyone other than Amelec Viloria / Jesus Silva was directly culpable for the actions that led to retraction

    Coupling architecture between INS/GPS for precise navigation on set paths

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    GPS offers the advantage of providing high long-term position accuracy with residual errors that affect the final positioning solution to a few meters with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz (Marston et al. in Decis Support Syst 51:176–189, 2011 [1]). The signals are also subject to obstruction and interference, so GPS receivers cannot be relied upon for a continuous navigation solution. On the contrary, the inertial navigation system has a sampling frequency of at least 50 Hz and exhibits low noise in the short term. In this research, a prototype based on development cards is implemented for the coupling of the inertial navigation system with GPS to improve the precision of navigation on a trajectory

    Parallel Algorithm for Reduction of Data Processing Time in Big Data

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    Technological advances have allowed to collect and store large volumes of data over the years. Besides, it is significant that today's applications have high performance and can analyze these large datasets effectively. Today, it remains a challenge for data mining to make its algorithms and applications equally efficient in the need of increasing data size and dimensionality [1]. To achieve this goal, many applications rely on parallelism, because it is an area that allows the reduction of cost depending on the execution time of the algorithms because it takes advantage of the characteristics of current computer architectures to run several processes concurrently [2]. This paper proposes a parallel version of the FuzzyPred algorithm based on the amount of data that can be processed within each of the processing threads, synchronously and independently

    Natural Language Explanation Model for Decision Trees

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    This study describes a model of explanations in natural language for classification decision trees. The explanations include global aspects of the classifier and local aspects of the classification of a particular instance. The proposal is implemented in the ExpliClas open source Web service [1], which in its current version operates on trees built with Weka and data sets with numerical attributes. The feasibility of the proposal is illustrated with two example cases, where the detailed explanation of the respective classification trees is shown

    Importância dos Elementos de Terras Raras na Sociedade Moderna e sua Potencial Fonte nas Cinzas de Carvão

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    Introduction: Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are crucial for advanced technologies in modern society, ranging from electronics to renewable energy and defense. Their increasing demand in critical industries underscores the need for a consistent and sustainable supply. Historically extracted from REE-rich minerals such as bastnäsite and monazite, the search for alternative sources has gained prominence, among these, coal ashes stand out, produced by burning coal to generate energy, ashes contain REEs in relatively low concentrations but with significant potential due to their massive global volume. The importance of ensuring the resilience of the REE supply chain has driven research to extract these elements from coal ashes, diversifying sources and reducing reliance on specific minerals. As technologies advance and REE applications expand, the ability to recover them from unconventional sources like coal ashes could have a sustainable impact on our societies. Research into the extraction and utilization of REEs from ashes is in progress and may enhance supply security. This study highlights the global importance of finding alternative sources of REE, such as coal ash, emphasizing the need to ensure a consistent and sustainable supply of these essential elements.Introducción: Los Elementos de Tierras Raras (ETR) son vitales para tecnologías avanzadas en la sociedad actual, desde electrónica hasta energía renovable y defensa. Su demanda creciente en industrias clave subraya la necesidad de un suministro constante y sostenible. Históricamente extraídos de minerales ricos en ETR, como bastnasita y monazite, la búsqueda de fuentes alternativas ha cobrado relevancia, entre estas, las cenizas de carbón se destacan, producidas al quemar carbón para generar energía, las cenizas contienen ETR en concentraciones relativamente bajas pero con un potencial significativo debido a su gran volumen global. La importancia de garantizar la resiliencia de la cadena de suministro de ETR ha impulsado la investigación para extraer estos elementos de las cenizas de carbón, diversificando fuentes y reduciendo la dependencia de minerales específicos. A medida que las tecnologías avanzan y las aplicaciones de ETR se expanden, la capacidad de recuperarlos de fuentes no convencionales como las cenizas de carbón podría tener un impacto sostenible en nuestras sociedades. La investigación en la extracción y uso de ETR de cenizas está en desarrollo y puede aumentar la seguridad en su suministro. Este estudio destaca la importancia global de encontrar fuentes alternativas de REE, como las cenizas de carbón, enfatizando la necesidad de garantizar un suministro constante y sostenible de estos elementos esenciales.Introdução: Os Elementos de Terras Raras (ETRs) são vitais para as tecnologias avançadas na sociedade moderna, desde a eletrônica até a energia renovável e a defesa. Sua demanda crescente em indústrias-chave sublinha a necessidade de um suprimento constante e sustentável. Historicamente extraídos de minerais ricos em ETRs, como bastnasita e monazita, a busca por fontes alternativas tem ganhado relevância, entre essas fontes, as cinzas de carvão se destacam, produzidas pela queima de carvão para gerar energia, as cinzas contêm ETRs em concentrações relativamente baixas, mas com potencial significativo devido ao seu grande volume global. A importância de garantir a resiliência da cadeia de suprimentos de ETRs impulsionou a pesquisa para extrair esses elementos das cinzas de carvão, diversificando as fontes e reduzindo a dependência de minerais específicos. À medida que as tecnologias avançam e as aplicações de ETRs se expandem, a capacidade de recuperá-los de fontes não convencionais, como as cinzas de carvão, poderia ter um impacto sustentável em nossas sociedades. A pesquisa sobre a extração e utilização de ETRs das cinzas está em andamento e pode melhorar a segurança no fornecimento. Este estudo destaca a importância global de encontrar fontes alternativas de REE, como as cinzas de carvão, enfatizando a necessidade de garantir um fornecimento consistente e sustentável destes elementos essenciais

    Riesgo psicosocial: tendencias y nuevas orientaciones laborales

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    Con el presente artículo de revisión se pretende identificar las tendencias y nuevas orientaciones laborales sobre el riesgo psicosocial en los diferentes sectores empresariales de Colombia, teniendo en cuenta los diversos factores presentes en los escenarios de ejercicio profesional de los trabajadores. En los últimos años, se ha observado un creciente impacto de las consecuencias de la exposición a los diferentes riesgos psicosociales dentro de las organizaciones, por lo cual resulta indispensable estudiar la normatividad aplicada en el entorno nacional e internacional, para clarificar la perspectiva que están manejando actualmente las organizaciones nacionales frente a estos riesgos, y si las medidas tomadas están siendo efectivas para la prevención de las consecuencias derivadas de la exposición del trabajador a los peligros propios de los distintos ambientes

    Responsabilidad social empresarial, zona urbana del distrito de Barranquilla: estudio etnografico

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    El presente artículo se desarrolló de un estudio de investigación cualitativo utilizando el método etnográfico, y así dar a conocer las prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de los puertos de Barranquilla en los barrios subnormales del perímetro urbano bajo el enfoque histórico hermenéutico, desde la mirada de las representaciones sociales. Primero, se observa una introducción de la Propuesta Investigativa. Segundo, se justifica realizando un breve análisis epistemológico, evidenciando los programas de responsabilidad social que tiene el puerto de Barranquilla y muestra la problemática del contexto. Tercero, se desarrolla una breve revisión del estado del arte de la Responsabilidad Social, Puerto de Barranquilla y la Normatividad. Cuarto, muestra la metodología a desarrollar y Quinto, el impacto que genera la Investigación (epistemológicos, disciplinares, gerenciales). En la sociedad actual demanda que las organizaciones y compañías, reconozcan su capacidad de ocasionar serios impactos negativos sobre el medio, en sus dimensiones social, natural y económica; por lo cual deben ser totalmente responsables en la gestión de la actividad empresarial para la consecución de valor agregado y competitividad para el fortalecimiento de la economía.Globalization and the business environment in the world have increased the demand of a more socially responsible and committed behavior of companies. This paper is based on a qualitative research that used the ethnographic approach to set forward Corporate Social Responsibility practices of port businesses in substandard settlements of the city’s urban perimeter. The research was performed under a hermeneutic approach and the perspective of social representation. This paper is divided into five sections: Introduction to the research proposal; then, research justification is performed through an epistemological analysis of social responsibility programs in the port, and the problem of the context is also outlined. Afterwards, a literature review on Social Responsibility, Port context, and Regulations is executed. Next, the method used in the research is presented; and finally, the impact of the research is put forth. It is concluded that the theories backing this research are efficient tools to determine socially responsible practices within the cultural dimension and the phenomenon evidenced in the ports of Barranquilla and the settlements of the urban perimeter
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