1,457 research outputs found

    Value Co-Creation in Ecotourism: Finding Solutions in a Digital Era

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    This study aims to identify the main actors in the ecotourism online value co-creation ecosystem. With the ever-increasing demand to which the ecotourism sector has been subject in recent years, there is a need for business models featuring interactive tools that allow ecotourists to participate and co-create their own experiences. Not only will ecotourism businesses and ecotourists participate in this process, but so too will several other stakeholders, becoming key actors in the co-creation of value. Ecotourism, being of a hedonic and experiential nature, requires strategies that are geared towards enjoyment of the joint value co-creation experience. With this finality, we present some factors, such as motivation, that are necessary for the ecotourist's value co-creation, as well as various other aspects that influence their behavior. Our expectation is that value co-creation will have a positive effect on the behavior and experiences of tourists when it comes to developing ecotourism products and services. Specifically, we expect that the implementation of a co-creation strategy will lead to greater satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, drawing on the existing literature, we present a theoretical proposal of the antecedents and consequents that affect and enable online value co-creation by ecotourists

    Análisis de las dinámicas culturales al interior de un clúster empresarial

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    Los clústeres empresariales se hanconstituido en mecanismos para impulsarla competitividad de sectoresen regiones y tradicionalmente hansido analizados desde la perspectivaeconómica (por su aporte en variablesmacroeconómicas), pero parasu consolidación todo conglomeradoempresarial requiere la comprensiónde relaciones sociales, culturales ypolíticas.Resulta difícil estudiar estas relacionesdesde teorías organizacionalestradicionales como la estructuralistao la contingencial, y se debe recurrira otras perspectivas como el neoinstitucionalismosociológico, enfoqueque es utilizado en la presente investigación.La investigación fundamento delartículo se hizo en un sector consideradodinámico para el eje cafeterocomo es el de herramientas, la cualfue abordada desde un enfoque cualitativomediante la aplicación de dosguías de entrevista semiestructurada(se aplicaron a treinta empresas dela cadena productiva y a nueve entidadesde apoyo), diario de campo yanálisis de fuentes documentales.Se concluye que en el clúster predominanel individualismo, la desconfianzay la ausencia de elementosidentitarios, simultáneamente confuertes lazos comerciales y prácticasde gestión que se han institucionalizadopor procesos isomórficos.

    Vinculación de niños a grupos armados en Colombia : tratamiento del tema en el periódico "El Tiempo" (2003-2006).

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    La presente tesis de maestría, se inscribe en la línea Infancia, cultura y educación, del grupo de investigación Educación y Cultura Política de la Facultad de Educación de la UPN. Esta tesis surge de la inquietud por el tratamiento dado en los medios al tema de la niñez vinculada a grupos armados, en el periodo 2003-2006, en Colombia, en tanto fue un momento en el que se dio un proceso de negociación entre el Gobierno de turno con las AUC. Para ello, se propuso analizar y problematizar los discursos que circularon en el periódico ―El Tiempo‖, durante un lapso del periodo de las desmovilización paramilitar, en torno a los niños vinculados a los grupos armados, en un sentido general Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: Identificar las voces, referentes y fuentes a las cuales se acudió en el periódico el Tiempo, para argumentar y construir un saber sobre los niños vinculados y desvinculados de grupos armados en el periodo 2003-2006. Rastrear las valoraciones y el tratamiento del estatus de los niños vinculados y desmovilizados de grupos armados, en el periódico el Tiempo en el periodo de análisis. Indagar por las causas y las responsabilidades asociadas a la problemática de la vinculación de niños a grupos armados, en el periódico el Tiempo, en el periodo 2003-2006. Analizar las nominaciones y diferenciaciones explicitas alusivas a los diferentes grupos armados, en el corpus documental

    Recent advances in biologically active coumarins from marine sources: Synthesis and evaluation

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    Producción CientíficaCoumarin and its derivatives have significantly attracted the attention of medicinal chemists and chemical biologists due to their huge range of biological, and in particular, pharmacological properties. Interesting families of coumarins have been found from marine sources, which has accelerated the drug discovery process by inspiring innovation or even by the identification of analogues with remarkable biological properties. The purpose of this review is to showcase the most interesting marine-derived coumarins from a medicinal chemistry point of view, as well as the novel and useful synthetic routes described to date to achieve these chemical structures. The references that compose this overview were collected from PubMed, Mendeley and SciFinder.Junta de Castilla y León - (grant VA294-P18)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (PID2020-116076RJI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Trends of e-government research: contextualization and research opportunities

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    E-Government is a broad research field in which researchers are currently involved in a range of different research projects. Our purpose in this paper is to assist researchers in the development and direction of future analyses, identifying trends in terms of research and the methodology used. Universities and departments that make the main scientific contributions are identified, in order to locate and contextualize the research carried out into e-Government and to enhance intercommunication among researchers and thus knowledge in this field. To achieve this goal, we examined periodical publications listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in the fields of Public Administration and Information Science, during the period 2000-2009. Knowledge gaps and research opportunities have been derived, highlighting the need to use quantitative methodologies and to identify key factors to promote a theoretical framework to enhance the efficient implementation of e-Government, as well as identification the main universities where the researchers can complete their doctoral academic training

    Financial determinants for improving public sector accountability: a meta-analytic study

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    The economic crisis has highlighted the need to pay close attention to the disclosure of financial information by public administration institutions; this is an element contributing to the control, accountability and responsibility and thus to achieving greater financial stability and sustainability. Although the disclosure of public financial information has traditionally been linked with financial variables, previous researches in this respect have been somewhat inconsistent in their findings, and conclusive evidence has yet to be provided regarding these factors and their influence on the level of disclosure. The present meta-analysis tries to reveal the existence of a statistically significant association between certain financial variables and the disclosure of public financial information, although the strength and sign of this association will depend on the context under analysis. The results obtained indicate that, depending on the context in which public managers are operating, they may have different attitudes toward the disclosure of public financial information; the medium employed for the dissemination and public indebtedness are also significant factors to this disclosure. Therefore, results reveal a variable degree of predisposition among public managers to adopt policies aimed at increasing the disclosure of public financial information

    Gestión cultural musical en las personas del común a través de conciertos didácticos de un cuarteto de cuerda frotada en diferentes sectores de la ciudad de Pereira

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    Este proyecto describe el proceso de gestión cultural musical a través de conciertos didácticos de un cuarteto de cuerda frotada diferentes sectores de la ciudad de Pereira, llevándolo también a barrios de vulnerabilidad social y económica con el fin de generar conciencia cultural en los habitantes de la ciudad. Este proyecto está dirigido a todos los adultos y niños de nuestra comunidad, con el fin de sensibilizar musicalmente la sociedad sin segregaciones ni exclusión

    Implications of a Change of Paradigm in Alpha1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Augmentation Therapy: From Biochemical to Clinical Efficacy

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    Ever since the first studies, restoring proteinase imbalance in the lung has traditionally been considered as the main goal of alpha1 antitrypsin (AAT) replacement therapy. This strategy was therefore based on ensuring biochemical efficacy, identifying a protection threshold, and evaluating different dosage regimens. Subsequently, the publication of the results of the main clinical trials showing a decrease in the progression of pulmonary emphysema has led to a debate over a possible change in the main objective of treatment, from biochemical efficacy to clinical efficacy in terms of lung densitometry deterioration prevention. This new paradigm has produced a series controversies and unanswered questions which face clinicians managing AAT deficiency. In this review, the concepts that led to the approval of AAT replacement therapy are reviewed and discussed under a new prism of achieving clinical efficacy, with the reduction of lung deterioration as the main objective. Here, we propose the use of current knowledge and clinical experience to face existing challenges in different clinical scenarios, in order to help clinicians in decision-making, increase interest in the disease, and stimulate research in this field

    Surface chemistry of metal-organic polyhedra

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    This work was funded by the CERCA Programme/Gen-eralitat de Catalunya and through a fellowship (LCF/BQ/PR20/ 11770011) from the "La Caixa" Foundation (ID 100010434).Metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) are discrete, intrinsically-porous architectures that operate at the molecular regime and, owing to peripheral reactive sites, exhibit rich surface chemistry. Researchers have recently exploited this reactivity through post-synthetic modification (PSM) to generate specialised molecular platforms that may overcome certain limitations of extended porous materials. Indeed, the combination of modular solubility, orthogonal reactive sites, and accessible cavities yields a highly versatile molecular platform for solution to solid-state applications. In this feature article, we discuss representative examples of the PSM chemistry of MOPs, from proof-of-concept studies to practical applications, and highlight future directions for the MOP field