338 research outputs found

    Párrocos, agentes fiscales y comunidades andinas: conflictos e imaginarios (Tarapacá, Norte de Chile 1893-1914)

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    This article deals with one of the less studied aspects of the chilenization processes carried out in Tarapacá between the 1880 and 1920 decades: the role of priests in the Andean space and articulation dynamics and conflicts with state agents and indigenous peoples. Specifically, based on documents taken from the Bishopric Archive of Iquique, the viewpoint that the priests had about the Andean population and the difficulties they encountered in their pastoral work aimed at the socialization of the Chilean is analyzed.En este artículo se aborda uno de los aspectos menos estudiados del proceso de chilenización llevado a cabo en Tarapacá entre las décadas de 1880 y 1920: el rol de los curas en el espacio andino y las dinámicas de articulación y conflicto con los agentes fiscales y las poblaciones indígenas. Puntualmente, usando como base documentación del Archivo del Obispado de Iquique, se analiza la mirada que tuvieron los sacerdotes sobre la población andina y las dificultades que enfrentaron en su labor pastoral orientada a la socialización de lo chileno

    Plan maestro de producción para la empresa industrias graficas Mercurio S.A, correspondiente al tercer trimestre del año 2015

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    Presenta el plan maestro de producción para la empresa industrias graficas Mercurio S.A, correspondiente al tercer trimestre del año 2015, en el cual se determinó la capacidad instalada de producción por medio de un estudio de tiempo y movimiento, se realizó un pronóstico de la demanda, se elaboró un plan agregado de producción y se definieron los requerimiento de materiales para el plan maestro de producción

    Conducta alimentaria : una mirada desde las personas que viven solas y las que viven acompañadas

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    El propósito del estudio fue comparar la conducta alimentaria de personas que viven solas con relación a las que viven acompañadas. Metodología de investigación cualitativa y técnica de levantamiento de información la historia de vida, la información se recogió en etapas de la siguiente manera: 1) Realización de cuatro historias de vida a profesores de la Universidad Javeriana. 2) Transcripción de entrevistas. 3) Organización de información obtenida y diseño de base de datos. 4) Establecimiento de categorías, subcategorías e identificación de temas. 5) Análisis e interpretación de información. 6) Elaboración del informe final. Entre los resultados se encontró que la preparación de alimentos para los hombres es una labor aburrida y que demanda tiempo cuando es para ellos a diferencia de las mujeres que disfrutan en general al hacerlo porque se convierte en un espacio para experimentar con diferentes ingredientes y mezclas. Las rutinas cotidianas son rituales familiares que ayudan a definir los roles y responsabilidades de cada uno de los miembros. En general, las tradiciones familiares se mantienen en ambos grupos porque representan un espacio de unión familiar y de placer. Para los dos grupos el acto de comer no solo se hace para sobrevivir o para desarrollarse adecuadamente, sino que involucra placer, gusto y satisfacción teniendo en común los recuerdos de alimentos de su infancia, momentos y emociones agradables. Finalmente se encontró que el comportamiento alimentario de una persona cambia, se construye y se complementa de acuerdo con las opciones que adopte a lo largo de su vida.The purpose of the study was to compare the eating behavior of people living alone in relation to those living with. Life history information technical and qualitative research methodology, (the information was collected in stages in the following way: 1) preparation of four stories from life to professors of the Universidad Javeriana. (2) transcription of interviews. (3) Organization of information obtained and data base design. (4) establishment of categories, subcategories and identification of issues. (5) analysis and interpretation of information. (6) production of the final report. The results found that preparing food for men is a boring job and that demand time when it is for them as opposed to women who generally enjoy doing because it becomes a space for experimenting with different ingredients and mixtures. Daily routines are family rituals that help define the roles and responsibilities of each of the members. In general, family traditions are maintained in both groups because they represent a space of family union and pleasure. For both groups the Act of eating not only is made to survive or to develop properly, but it involves pleasure, taste and satisfaction having in common memories of childhood food, moments and pleasant emotions. Finally found the good behavior of a person changes, is built and complemented according to the options adopted throughout his life.Nutricionista DietistaPregrad

    Una mirada de los obstáculos epistemológicos desde Gaston Bachelard

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    El siguiente ensayo está basado en el proyecto de investigación que se está desarrollando en el Departamento de Educación, el cual consiste en descubrir los Obstáculos Epistemológicos que más se presentan en la formación pedagógica de los docentes de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y que a su vez de alguna manera se manifiestan en su práctica docente, haciendo énfasis en los obstáculos que plantea Gastón Bachelard

    Calidad de vida en niños pequeños portadores de un implante coclear

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    ResumenEn este artículo se presenta una investigación desarrollada durante un curso escolar en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (2010-2011). El tema central del estudio es analizar la influencia del implante coclear en la mejora de la calidad de vida de niños que lo han recibido en sus primeros años de vida. No es el propósito de este trabajo describir íntegramente la investigación, sino que de forma selectiva se hace un recorrido por el diseño metodológico y los resultados de la investigación, que nos lleva a plantear una serie de reflexiones finales acerca de la mejora de la forma de vida y del desarrollo personal de niños que padecen hipoacusia y son portadores de un implante coclear.AbstractThis article describes a study conducted in an Andalusia Community school (year 2010-2011). It studied the influence of cochlear implantation on improving the quality of life of the children who received implants during their early years. The methodological design and results of the study are also presented, in order to find a better solution to improve the life conditions and personal development of children suffering hearing loss, and having a cochlear implant

    Análisis de la calidad del servicio de los hoteles pymes de Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana

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    In recent years, the hotel industry has been facing an increment of travelers willing to enjoy better conditions in tourist destinations. The demanding changes in tourist preferences, and the increasing range of offers that they find to meet their needs, has made the hotel industry to focus its attention to service. Therefore, in this document, the principles that impact the evaluation of a quality service are analyzed. This research takes a sample of 384 small and medium size hotel companies’ guests. A Likert type questionnaire is applied. Its evaluation is conducted through SPSS software through bivariate analysis. In the results, influential aspects were identified such as: encouraging customer loyalty, special offers, innovation, premises and equipment, human talent training, among others.El sector de la hotelería, en los últimos años, ha tenido que afrontar el incremento de viajeros dispuestos a disfrutar en las mejores condiciones los destinos turísticos. Los cambios en las preferencias de los turistas, cada vez más exigentes, y el aumento en variedad de ofertas que encuentran para suplir sus necesidades, han hecho que la industria hotelera desvíe su atención hacia el servicio. Por tanto, desde este trabajo, se analizan los aspectos que inciden en la evaluación de un servicio con calidad. Esta investigación toma una muestra de 383 huéspedes de hoteles pymes. Se aplica un cuestionario con respuesta tipo Likert. Su evaluación es realizada a través del software SPSS mediante análisis bivariado. En los resultados, se identifican aspectos influyentes como: fidelización, promoción, innovación, promesa de venta, equipamiento, formación del talento humano, entre otros

    Long-Term Preservation and Storage of Faecal Samples in Whatman® Cards for PCR Detection and Genotyping of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium hominis

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    Preservation and conservation of biological specimens, including faecal samples, is a challenge in remote areas or poor-resource settings where the cold chain cannot be maintained. This study aims at evaluating the suitability of filter cards for long-term storage of faecal samples of animal and human origin positive to the diarrhoea-causing protozoan parasites, Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium hominis. Three commercially available Whatman® Filter Cards were comparatively assessed: the FTA® Classic Card, the FTA® Elute Micro Card, and the 903 Protein Saver Card. Human faecal samples positive to G. duodenalis (n = 5) and C. hominis (n = 5) were used to impregnate the selected cards at given storage (1 month, 3 months, and 6 months) periods and temperature (-20 °C, 4 °C, and room temperature) conditions. Parasite DNA was detected by PCR-based methods. Sensitivity assays and quality control procedures to assess suitability for genotyping purposes were conducted. Overall, all three Whatman® cards were proven useful for the detection and molecular characterisation of G. duodenalis and C. hominis under the evaluated conditions. Whatman® cards represent a simple, safe, and cost-effective option for the transportation, preservation, and storage of faecal samples without the need of the cold chain.This research was funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain), grant number PI16CIII/00024. David González-Barrio was recipient of a “Sara Borrell” postdoctoral fellow-ship (CD19CIII/00011) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.S

    Prevalence and public health relevance of enteric parasites in domestic dogs and cats in the region of Madrid (Spain) with an emphasis on Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium sp

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    Background: Pet dogs and cats exert an unquestionable beneficial effect in the well-being of their owners, but can also act as a source of zoonotic infections if improperly cared. Objectives: We investigated the occurrence, risk factors, genetic variability and zoonotic potential of intestinal parasites in dogs and cats attended in a clinical veterinary setting in Spain. Methods: Canine (n = 252) and feline (n = 35) faecal samples were collected during 2017-2019 and analysed by coproparasitological methods. A rapid lateral immunochromatographic test (ICT) was used for detecting Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium sp. Samples positive at microscopy examination and/or ICT were reassessed by molecular methods. Results: Overall, 48.8% (123/252) of dogs and 48.6% (17/35) of cats were infected by enteric parasites. In dogs, G. duodenalis was the most prevalent species (40.9%), followed by Cystoisospora sp. (7.1%), and Toxocara canis (5.2%). In cats, Joyeuxiella sp. and Toxocara cati were the dominant species (20.0% each), followed by G. duodenalis (14.3%), D. caninum (5.7%) and Cystoisospora felis and Toxascaris leonina (2.9% each). Pups and kittens were more likely to harbour intestinal parasites and develop clinical signs. Sequence analyses of dog isolates revealed the presence of assemblages A (n = 1), C (n = 4), D (n = 4) and C+D (n = 1) within G. duodenalis; C. parvum (n = 1) and C. canis (n = 4) within Cryptosporidium and PtEb IX (n = 1) in Enterocytozoon bieneusi. A novel C. canis subtype family, named XXi, is reported. Conclusions: Our results highlight that (i) well-cared dogs carry zoonotic enteric protozoan parasites of public health relevance, (ii) proper hygiene practices and routine veterinary treatment are essential to prevent zoonotic infections, (iii) vulnerable populations should avoid contact with pups/kittens with diarrhoea and (iv) infected dogs might be major contributors to the environmental contamination with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) eggs.This study was partially funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project PI19CIII/00029, and by Alfonso X el Sabio Foundation under proyect 1.011.019 (Grant / Award Number).S

    Co-Infection with Cryptosporidium meleagridis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in an HIV+ Colombian Patient

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    A 44-year-old human immunodeficiency virus-infected (HIV+) female with severe immunodeficiency Category 3 (C3) diagnosed in 2010 was admitted to hospital with acute diarrhoea. She was non-adherent to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and had a previous suspicion of respiratory symptoms with a cough that had been persisting for 15 days. Clinical examination revealed severe immune deterioration (viral load: 109,655 copies/mL; CD4+ count: 14 cells/mm3), respiratory symptoms (negative sputum Gram stain and tuberculosis culture), and neurological deterioration (serological assays negative for Cryptococcus spp. and Toxoplasma gondii). A coproculture was negative for Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp. Ziehl–Neelsen staining of faecal smears revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. PCR testing and sequencing confirmed a concomitant infection with C. meleagridis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi. The patient was treated with metronidazole (500 mg every 8 h for 5 days) and nitazoxanide (500 mg every 12 h for 14 days). After requesting voluntary discharge and abandoning ART and parasiticidal treatments, she experienced a dramatic deterioration of her state of health and contact with her was lost. Our results have demonstrated that molecular-based testing improves the detection of opportunistic pathogens that are difficult to detect by routine microscopy, allows for transmission dynamics investigations, and assists in choosing the best chemotherapeutical option.This research was funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) under project PI16CIII/00024.S