42 research outputs found


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    This research is motivated by the low job satisfaction of employees which has an impact on service quality, aims to read and analyze: 1) organizational climate, career development, job satisfaction, and service quality in Cigasong District; 2) The magnitude of the influence of organizational climate on job satisfaction; 3) The magnitude of the influence of career development on job satisfaction; 4) The magnitude of the influence of organizational climate and career development on job satisfaction; and 5) The amount of influence of work on service quality. The research method used with survey techniques. Data collection using a questionnaire with a sample of 50 people who were determined by random sampling techniques. Data processing uses path analysis with the help of a SPSS computer program. The results of descriptive research are conducive organizational climate, transparent career development, satisfied employees, and good enough service quality; In terms of organizational climate and career development affect job satisfaction both partially and collectively, and job satisfaction affects the quality of service. Conclusion, both partially and jointly organizational climate and career development have an effect on job satisfaction and job satisfaction has an impact on service qualityThis research is motivated by the low job satisfaction of employees which has an impact on service quality, aims to read and analyze: 1) organizational climate, career development, job satisfaction, and service quality in Cigasong District; 2) The magnitude of the influence of organizational climate on job satisfaction; 3) The magnitude of the influence of career development on job satisfaction; 4) The magnitude of the influence of organizational climate and career development on job satisfaction; and 5) The amount of influence of work on service quality. The research method used with survey techniques. Data collection using a questionnaire with a sample of 50 people who were determined by random sampling techniques. Data processing uses path analysis with the help of a SPSS computer program. The results of descriptive research are conducive organizational climate, transparent career development, satisfied employees, and good enough service quality; In terms of organizational climate and career development affect job satisfaction both partially and collectively, and job satisfaction affects the quality of service. Conclusion, both partially and jointly organizational climate and career development have an effect on job satisfaction and job satisfaction has an impact on service qualit


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    AbstrakKeberadaan teknologi informasi  memberikan pengaruh positif untuk pelaku usaha. Seperti yang terjadi beberapa tahun belakangan ini, media sosial seperti twitter, facebook, whats app,istagram yang semula digunakan sebagai alat penyampai pesan kini menjadi media memasarkan produk. Alasannya sederhana selain jangkauan internet yang luas, aksesnya mudah, serta biayanya murah. Selain itu media sosial memfasilitasi komunikasi dua arah dengan mengizinkan setiap orang dapat berinteraksi dan berkontribusi melalui percakapan online. Inilah yang menyebabkan media sosial menjadi paradigm baru dalam hal pemasaran produk. Namun demikian kenyataannya masih banyak juga pelaku usaha melakukan pemasaran secara tradisional sehingga  cakupan peluang untuk mendapat omzet yang besar terbatas. Seperti halnya yang dilakukan kaum ibu pelaku usaha ikan asin di Samadikun Cirebon. Mereka masih menggunakan cara tradisional dalam memasarkan produknya. Belum lagi banyak ditemukan kardus bekas  di sekitar rumah warga yang tidak dikelola. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian merancang suatu pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mini studio dari kardus bekas untuk digunakan sebagai media foto produk ikan asin. Pelaku usaha juga dibekali dengan pelatihan teknik foto produk melalui smartphone. Tujuannya meningkatkan keterampilan membuat mini studio, foto produk dan meningkatkan pengetahuan market acces pelaku usaha. Adapun metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan ceramah, tanya jawab, dan simulasi. Tahapan yang dilakukan mulai dari observasi lapangan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Melalui kegiatan PKM ini pelaku usaha ikan asin dapat meningkatkan omzet penjualan dengan memanfaatkan media social. AbstractThe existence of information technology has a positive influence on business actors. As has happened in recent years, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, which were originally used as a means of conveying messages, have now become media to market products. The reason is simple apart from wide internet coverage, easy access, and low cost. In addition, social media facilitates two-way communication by allowing everyone to interact and contribute through online conversations. This is what causes social media to become a new paradigm in product marketing. However, in reality there are still many business actors doing traditional marketing so that the scope of opportunities to get large turnover is limited. As has been done by the women who run salted fish business in Samadikun Cirebon. They still use traditional methods in marketing their products. Not to mention that many used cardboard boxes were found around residents' houses that were not managed.Therefore, the community service team designed a training and assistance in making a mini studio from used cardboard to be used as a media for photos of salted fish products. Business actors are also provided with training on product photo techniques via smartphones. The goal is to improve skills in making mini studios, product photos and increase market access knowledge of business people. The method of community service activities is carried out by lectures, questions and answers, and simulations. The stages are carried out starting from field observations, socialization, training, and evaluation. Through this PKM activity, salted fish business actors can increase sales turnover by utilizing social media

    Distribution of Wind Speed Before and After Through Vane Tube Type Flow Straightener

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    Wind energy is one of the most potential renewable energy sources to be utilized as a source of electrical energy. Utilization of wind energy for electricity generation does not cause negative impact on the environment. Wind in the atmosphere is in turbulent conditions. Wind in turbulent conditions has a random and uniform velocity. In wind power plants wind speed is a major factor affecting the amount of wind energy input that can be converted into electrical anergy. The main part of wind power is wind turbines. This wind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy of shaft rotation and then converted into electrical energy by electric generator. To measure wind speed the wind speed conditions are made uniformly by using wind flow alignment. The wind flow straightening test kit consists of flow alignment, fan, pitot tube meter, and pitot tube holder arm rod. Straight stream flow used in this study is the type of vane tube. In this study, the wind speed measurement was taken before and after passing the flow straighteners. Measurements of wind velocity on the cross section of the wind turbine are performed horizontally, vertically and diagonally. The number of wind speed measurements as much as fifty-two points of gravity with the distance between the point of measurement about two centimeters. Based on the results of measurement and analysis, the average wind speed before passing the straightener is about 4.94 m/s and after passing the flow alignment is about 3.22 m/s. The wind velocity distribution after passing through the vane tube flow alignment is more uniform

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kinerja Dan Prestasi Pekerja Dalam Menentukan Keunggulan Bersaing

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    Sistem informasi manajemen penting dalam mengarahkan segala sumber  daya. Tujuan mengetahui oftimalisasi sumber daya dalam meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing.  Sistem informasi sebagai inti dalam organisasi. Meningkatkan dan megembankan organisasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan sistem informasi yaitu: (a). Keunggulan sistem informasi (b). Pengembangan sistem informasi (c). Meningkatkan sumber daya yang ada (d). Dimensi Sistem informasi. Suatu kemajuan dan dalam  teknologi informasi yang perlu dalam proses data secara baik dan benar. menjadi output dan outcomes yang variatif dan bermanfaat bagi organisasi. Kesimpulan: (1). Optimalisasi teknologi sistem informasi menjadi faktor penting bagi pengguna (2). Dapat menningkatkan kemapanan dan penentu kelangsungan organisasi. (3). Sebagai instrument sistem informasi dalam prosedur organisasi. (4). Dapat mengantipasi terhadap perubahan (5). Menjadi  faktor penentu  pada organisas.   Kata Kunci: Analisis SIM, Efektifitas, Organisas

    Absorption Co2 Gas Using Monoethanolamine

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    The air on an area of solid industry, having a level pollution that high . it is muchcaused the process of combustion done by most of the industry , whereby on the process ofcombustion will be produced a gas of dioxide carbon ( CO2 ) that edangers . Hence , requireda method to depress figures pollution resulting from the womb overgrowth CO2 in the air the ,one of them is with the process of absorption .CO2 absorption process usingmonoethanolamine (MEA) performed in a packed column absorber aims to determine the priceof overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient of the gas phase to the variable operation andknow the value of the interfacial area per unit volume packing (a) of the price of the coefficientvolumetric mass transfer. CO2 gas flowing to the packed column using MEA as a solvent. Theresults are overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient of the gas phase, KGa the greater therate of CO2 gas at a constant flow rate of MEA and its getting bigger. Likewise, under the sameconditions, the price of interfacial area per unit volume will increase packing. But at aconstant rate of MEA with greater gas flow rate of CO2 will cause the overall mass transfercoefficient of the gas phase, KGa decreases. While at the greater concentration of MEAsolution will cause the KGa is increasing. The interfacial area per unit volume packing is notaffected by changes in gas flow rate and concentration of MEA


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    AbstractThis study aims to improve the creativity and learning outcomes of students of grade V SD N Tukang 02 by using the model of Project Based Learning. The type of research used is classroom action research (PTK). The data obtained using test and observation techniques. The research instrument used in the form of observation sheet of teacher activity and the achievement of syntax on the model used. Data analysis technique in the research is qualitative data and quantitative data. Based on the results of data analysis showed that the creativity of students on the pre cycle of low category, then the first cycle medium category, and cycle II high category. The result of student learning showed on the pre cycle of 25 students as many as 10 students who have value above> 70, while 15 students get score <70. After the first cycle, the result of learning of grade V SDN Tukang 02 has increased.  From 25 students, 18 students have score> 70 and there are 8 students who have score <70. And then to cycle II shows improvement of 25 students as much as 23 students have value> 70 and 2 students have <70. The results of this study show that by applying the model of Project Based Learning can improve creativity and student learning outcomes theme 9 class V SD N Tukang 02.Keywords: Project Based Learning, Creativity, Learning Outcomes.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD N Tukang 02 dengan menggunakan model Project Based Learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data yang didapat menggunakan teknik tes dan observasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi kegiatan guru dan ketercapaian sintak pada model yang digunakan. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa kreativitas siswa pada pra siklus masuk kategori rendah, kemudian siklus I  kategori sedang, dan siklus II kategori tinggi. Hasil belajar siswa menunjukan pada pra siklus dari 25 siswa sebanyak 10 siswa yang memiliki nilai di atas > 70, sedangkan 15 siswa mendapatkan nilai < 70. Setelah siklus I dilakukan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD N Tukang 02 mengalami peningkatan. Dari 25 siswa sebanyak 18 siswa memiliki nilai >70 dan ada 8 siswa yang memiliki nilai < 70. Dan dilanjukan ke siklus II menunjukkan peningkatan kembali dari 25 siswa sebanyak 23 siswa memiliki nilai > 70 dan 2 siswa memiliki nilai < 70. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menerapkan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa tema 9 kelas V SD N Tukang 02.Kata kunci: Model Project Based Learning, Kreativitas, Hasil Belajar

    Social Capital of the Fragrant Root Oil Workers Community in Indonesia

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    Social capital is something very important in the survival of a group or individual. The strength of social capital can be known through elements that are embedded in the social structure of the community which includes trust, norms, and networks. This article discusses the social capital of fragrant root oil workers in Garut Regency, Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis was performed using the Miles & Huberman model. This study found that social capital formed in the fragrant oil worker environment is social capital that grows from active participation,trust, cooperation, and reciprocit

    Inventory of Pests and Intensity of Fruit Fly Attacks (Bactrocera dorsalis) on Curly Red Chili Plants (Capsicum annum L.) in Sido Luhur Farmer Group of Cabeyan Village

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    Curly red chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticultural plant that has high economic value. So many people are cultivating it. Chili plants are susceptible to the attack of Plant Disrupting Organisms (OPT) which can decrease the production yield and quality of chili harvests. One of the potentially damaging Plant Disrupting Organisms is pests, whose presence in chili plants is very diverse. The life cycle and eating activities are very detrimental to farmers because it will reduce the yield of chili plants. The purpose of this study is to find out the diversity of pest types and to determine the rate of attack from fruit fly pests (Bactrocera dorsalis) on the curly red chili plant (Capsicum annum L.). Research has been carried out in Cabeyan Village, Bendosari district, Sukoharjo. October 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021. The study used observational, descriptive, and interview methods. Data collection is done directly and sampling using random sampling methods. In this study found several types of pests consisting of 12 species divided into 11 species into phylum Artropoda and 1 Species of Phylum Mollusca. As well as the rate of attack of fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) with the highest average intensity of attack at 76% of the attack scale is very heavy.Curly red chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticultural plant with high economic value. So many people are cultivating it. Chili plants are susceptible to Plant Disrupting Organisms (OPT) attack, which can decrease the production yield and quality of chili harvests. One potentially damaging Plant Disrupting organism is pests, whose presence in chili plants is very diverse. The life cycle and eating activities are very detrimental to farmers because they will reduce the yield of chili plants. This study aims to determine the diversity of pest types and the rate of attack from fruit fly pests (Bactrocera dorsalis) on the curly red chili plant (Capsicum annum L.). Research has been carried out in Cabeyan Village, Bendosari district, and Sukoharjo from October 1, 2020–February 28, 2021. The study used observational, descriptive, and interview methods. Data collection is done directly and sampling using random sampling methods. This study found several types of pests consisting of 12 species divided into 11 species into phylum Arthropoda and 1 Species of Phylum Mollusca. As well as, the rate of attack of fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) with the highest average intensity of attack at 76% of the attack scale is hefty

    Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP-IV) Inhibitory Activity of Ultrafiltration and Gel Filtration Fraction of Gelatin Hydrolyaste Derived from Bone of Fish for Antidiabetes

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    Bioactive peptides have been investigated largely for many biofunctional properties. The aim of this research was to determine the inhibitory activity of ultrafiltration (UF) and gel filtration (GF) fractions of gelatin derived from bone of Pangasius catfish against dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV). Previous studies have shown that gelatin from skins of salmon, hake, halibut, milkfish, tilapia and bone of pangasius catfish have the activity in DPP-IV inhibition. While, as inhibitor, most of previous and recent studies shown that separation and fractination of gelatin hydrolysate increase their activity. This research was conducted in three stages including gelatin hydrolysates fractination by ultrafiltration (UF), UF fraction loaded into gel filtration (GF) and DPP-IV inhibition measurement. The fish bone gelatin was hydrolyzed using flavourzyme at three enzyme/substrate ratios (E/S of 3%, 6% and 9%) with incubation times 4, 6, and 8 h. Then, the hydrolysates fractioned by ultrafiltration with 3 kDa cutoff membrane continued with Superfine G-25 sephadex column (65 cm x 3 cm, flow rate 1 mL/min). The result shown that both group of fractions i.e UF and GF have inhibitory activity regarding their capacity to inhibit DPP-IV.  The UF fraction >3 kDa derived from 9% (E/S) ratio for hdyrolysis were superb as DPP-IV inhibitor than other fractions, the highest one also has bioactivity higher than other previous fish gelatin fractions.