16 research outputs found

    PNA e Mobral: concepçÔes e métodos de alfabetização da EJA no BRASIL no governo de João Goulart e na ditadura militar

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    O presente artigo toma como base a pesquisa documental sobre as iniciativas oficiais voltadas para o combate ao analfabetismo no Brasil, do ano de 1961 ao ano de 1985. Nesse sentido, localizamos leis e decretos produzidos durante o perĂ­odo em estudo. Mais estritamente, situamos as concepçÔes e os mĂ©todos de alfabetização que estĂŁo materializados nas polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas de alfabetização de jovens eadultos no governo de JoĂŁo Goulart (1961-1964) e no perĂ­odo da Ditadura Militar brasileira (1964-1985).Privilegiamos informaçÔes acerca da fundamentação teĂłrico-metodolĂłgica que orientou o ensino delĂ­ngua materna, destinado a jovens e adultos, sobretudo a concepção de alfabetização funcional utilizadapela UNESCO para fundamentar as prĂĄticas alfabetizadoras desenvolvidas nos paĂ­ses da AmĂ©rica Latina

    Social acceptability of a marine protected area: The case of Reunion Island

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    This paper examines variations in social acceptability of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) prior to implementation. The influence of a number of factors, including socio-economic characteristics, perception of coral resources state of health and attitudes towards non-compliance with regulations are analysed. During May 2006, 640 questionnaires were distributed to school children around Reunion Island, Western Indian Ocean, for completion by their parents, following an informal educational activity made in school. From a 73% (n = 469) response rate, results showed that 78% of participants were in favour of the MPA. Analysis further identified that those supportive of the MPA were generally from higher socio-professional categories, had a negative perception of the coral reef ecosystem's health and were not originally from Reunion. In contrast, locals (born in Reunion) from lower socio-professional categories or with no employment activity and having a positive perception of the health status of coral reefs offered no opinion on the MPA. Attitudes towards enforcement and compliance highlighted that SCUBA divers, fishers and jet skiers attributed a higher value to the protection of the coral reef environment through enforcement of MPA regulations than to their own use of the coral reef resource. When asked about the use of penalties to deter non-compliance, swimmers were awarded the lowest fines, followed by SCUBA divers, fishers then jet skiers being awarded the highest fines. Thus, the more severe the act of non-compliance by a resource user group was perceived to be, the more these users themselves disapproved of non-compliant behaviour and supported use of high penalties. The survey design through focusing on school children's parents, demonstrated a simple and cost-effective method for data collection while providing environmental education, which could be employed in similar case studies elsewhere

    Insights into the Management of Emerging Infections: Regulating Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Transfusion Risk in the UK and the US

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    BACKGROUND: Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is a human prion disease caused by infection with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. After the recognition of vCJD in the UK in 1996, many nations implemented policies intended to reduce the hypothetical risk of transfusion transmission of vCJD. This was despite the fact that no cases of transfusion transmission had yet been identified. In December 2003, however, the first case of vCJD in a recipient of blood from a vCJD-infected donor was announced. The aim of this study is to ascertain and compare the factors that influenced the motivation for and the design of regulations to prevent transfusion transmission of vCJD in the UK and US prior to the recognition of this case. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A document search was conducted to identify US and UK governmental policy statements and guidance, transcripts (or minutes when transcripts were not available) of scientific advisory committee meetings, research articles, and editorials published in medical and scientific journals on the topic of vCJD and blood transfusion transmission between March 1996 and December 2003. In addition, 40 interviews were conducted with individuals familiar with the decision-making process and/or the science involved. All documents and transcripts were coded and analyzed according to the methods and principles of grounded theory. Data showed that while resulting policies were based on the available science, social and historical factors played a major role in the motivation for and the design of regulations to protect against transfusion transmission of vCJD. First, recent experience with and collective guilt resulting from the transfusion-transmitted epidemics of HIV/AIDS in both countries served as a major, historically specific impetus for such policies. This history was brought to bear both by hemophilia activists and those charged with regulating blood products in the US and UK. Second, local specificities, such as the recall of blood products for possible vCJD contamination in the UK, contributed to a greater sense of urgency and a speedier implementation of regulations in that country. Third, while the results of scientific studies played a prominent role in the construction of regulations in both nations, this role was shaped by existing social and professional networks. In the UK, early focus on a European study implicating B-lymphocytes as the carrier of prion infectivity in blood led to the introduction of a policy that requires universal leukoreduction of blood components. In the US, early focus on an American study highlighting the ability of plasma to serve as a reservoir of prion infectivity led the FDA and its advisory panel to eschew similar measures. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study yield three important theoretical insights that pertain to the global management of emerging infectious diseases. First, because the perception and management of disease may be shaped by previous experience with disease, especially catastrophic experience, there is always the possibility for over-management of some possible routes of transmission and relative neglect of others. Second, local specificities within a given nation may influence the temporality of decision making, which in turn may influence the choice of disease management policies. Third, a preference for science-based risk management among nations will not necessarily lead to homogeneous policies. This is because the exposure to and interpretation of scientific results depends on the existing social and professional networks within a given nation. Together, these theoretical insights provide a framework for analyzing and anticipating potential conflicts in the international management of emerging infectious diseases. In addition, this study illustrates the utility of qualitative methods in investigating research questions that are difficult to assess through quantitative means

    Le principe de précaution appliqué à la transfusion sanguine

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    Cette thĂšse rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir d'entretiens avec des acteurs de la transfusion sanguine a pour objectif d'Ă©tablir les reprĂ©sentations qu'ils ont de l'application du principe de prĂ©caution dans ce champ particulier et des consĂ©quences en termes de gestion des risques et des droits des patients. A partir de ces reprĂ©sentations, les Ă©lĂ©ments favorables et dĂ©favorables Ă  l'application du principe de prĂ©caution sont analysĂ©s. A l'issue de l'analyse, il apparait que le principe de prĂ©caution relĂšve d'une confusion. il est plus perçu comme une protection pour le dĂ©cideur que pour le malade, et poussĂ© Ă  l'extrĂȘme il pourrait e tre prĂ©judiciable Ă  la logique mĂ©dicale. Cependant, il apparait aussi porteur de dispositifs qui renouvellent et font Ă©voluer la gestion du risque transfusionnel. Ils inscivent alors la prĂ©caution dans une Ă©thique de l'action publique en universPARIS5-BU-Necker : FermĂ©e (751152101) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    ContrĂŽle de l’intimitĂ© et normes de genre : la qualification d’un comportement suspect et sa contestation dans le cadre de perquisitions et d’assignations Ă  rĂ©sidence pendant l’état d’urgence

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    This article analyzes the control of intimacy in the context of searches and house arrests, following the November 13, 2015 attacks in France. The article relies on the analysis of repeated interviews and files of individuals who were suspected of Islamic radicalization and who experienced a search and/or a house arrest. It analyzes the state attention paid to religious practices, intertwined with presumed unequal gendered behaviors between suspected men and women. Yet appeals can constitute a tool for contesting this suspicion of a transgression of social norms. The promotion of a gendered sociability, of the model of the good father or of a liberal masculinity highlights a reappropriation of normative categories by suspected subjects in order to prove a private life in conformity with social norms. This study on the use of gender norms to justify or to contest some security measures article extends the analysis of state control of intimacy, beyond the domestic space, to the arena of administrative justice

    Global risk management

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    International audienceRisk management is a fundamental component of any successful company, whether it is in economic, societal or environmental aspect. Risk management is an especially important activity for companies that optimal security challenge of products and services is great. This is the case especially for the health sector institutions. Risk management is therefore a decision support tool and a means to ensure the sustainability of an organization. In this context, what methods and approaches implemented to manage the risks? Through this state of the art, we are interested in the concept of risk and risk management processes. Then we focus on the different methods of risk management and the criteria for choosing among these methods. Finally we highlight the need to supplement these methods by a systemic and global approach including through risk assessment by the audits

    [Informing the transfused patient of the possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by blood transfusion]

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    TRUE RISKS AND THEORETICAL RISKS: The texts ruling the obligation of the physician to inform the patient appears not to include theoretical risks in their application. In France however, the field of blood transfusions extends this obligation to the theoretical risk of potential transmission through the blood of the infectious agent responsible for Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease. UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: From an ethical point of view, is information on the theoretical risk of transmission founded? From a formal point of view, the means used for such an extension (i.e.,a bulletin) is debatable; was this an adequate measure? THE RETURN OF COMMON SENSE: If we look at the earlier texts, the principle of an obligation to inform the patient of the theoretical risks does not appear widespread or even confirmed. Do these text simply the return of "common sense"? And if so, to what extent does it encourage the illusion of a zero risk...