753 research outputs found


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    The title of this research is distributed by some of the statements in the Qur'an about ethics against the property. On the one hand the Qur'an looked positively treasure, on the other hand the Quran as if not condone. This research would like to find a concept of how the Qur'an against ethics against property by emphasizing the ethical discussion of acquiring property, possession and utilization of ethics of property. The type and pattern of this research is a library that is descriptive qualitative analysis. The main object of his research is the Qur'an. Therefore, the method used is the science of tafseer. Because this research is to find a concept, the approach used was thematic tafseer. The texts relating to the subject matter of discussion. As for to analyze the problem, the authors use think inductively, that is, seeks to provide answers to various issues of life with departure from nas Qur'an towards reality (min al-Qur'an ila al-wâqi '). With this approach the authors limit themselves to things that are described by the Qur'an, including in the selection of the theme, and only use the vocabulary or term used Al Qur'an. The discussion in this paper are not directed to the type, quality or quantity of property. Instead it focused on the ethical attitude of man against the property, in which case the problem of acquiring property, possession and utilization of property. Of exposure data in this discussion, several conclusions, among them. The mention of the Qur'an on wealth seems less condone, not aimed at the material, melain aimed at human attitude towards wealth that made the property into a negative. The advice of the Qur'an against the wealth not only technical problems, but rather ethical issues as moral values built in Islam. Judul penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa pernyataan Al-Qur’an tentang etika terhadap harta. Di satu sisi Al-Qur’an memandang harta secara positif, di sisi lain Al-Qur’an seolah-olah tidak merestui. Penelitian ini ingin mencari konsep bagaimana pandangan Al-Qur’an terhadap etika terhadap harta dengan menekankan pembahasan etika memperoleh harta, memiliki harta dan etika pendayagunaan harta. Jenis dan corak penelitian ini adalah library yang bersifat deskriptif analisis kualitatif. Objek utama penelitiannya adalah Al-Qur’an. Oleh karena itu, metode yang digunakan adalah ilmu tafsir. Karena penelitian ini untuk menemukan konsep, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah tafsir tematik. Ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan pokok pembahasan. Adapun untuk menganalisa masalah, penulis menggunakan pikir induktif, yakni berupaya memberikan jawaban terhadap berbagai persoalan kehidupan dengan berangkat dari nas Al-Qur’an menuju realita ( min al-Qur’an ila al-wâqi’). Dengan pendekatan ini penulis membatasi diri pada hal-hal yang dijelaskan oleh Al-Qur’an, termasuk dalam pemilihan tema, dan hanya menggunakan kosa kata atau term yang digunakan Al-Qur’an. Pembahasan dalam tulisan ini tidak diarahkan pada jenis, kualitas atau kuantitas harta. Melainkan difokuskan pada sikap etis manusia terhadap harta, dalam hal masalah memperoleh harta, memiliki harta dan pendayagunaan harta. Dari pemaparan data dalam pembahasan ini, menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan, di antaranya. Penyebutan Al-Qur’an terhadap kekayaan seolah-olah kurang merestui, bukan ditujukan pada materinya, melain ditujukan pada sikap manusia terhadap kekayaan yang menjadikan harta menjadi negatif. Nasihat Al-Qur’an terhadap harta kekayaan bukan hanya masalah teknis, melainkan masalah etika sebagai nilai-nilai moral yang dibangun dalam Islam

    The medical dangers of literary genius

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    This essay examines three key texts, by William Buchan, Isaac D’Israeli, and Richard Robert Madden, which demonstrate the emergence of the newly conceived idea of literary genius in the Romantic period. It considers the role of a new genre, the “medical biography”, in the development of this phenomenon. While the mental precariousness of the Romantic genius has been much commented upon, this essay concentrates instead on the bodily or physical aspects of genius, which is itself figured as a disease. The study and writing involved in publication are viewed as stimulants that can be addictive, ruining the health and wellbeing of authors and even leading to their early deaths

    Optimal Location of Facilities

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    This text is written for undergraduate students. It is derived from class notes developed for a senior-level course in the Department of Geography at The University of Iowa called The Location of Services. It uses several of the computer programs listed and documented in the companion monograph, Computer Programs for Location-Allocation Problems. The purpose of the course, and much of this book, is to show that the location pattern of any activity influences the quality and quantity of services received and that methodologies exist to evaluate the locational effectiveness of any location pattern, to determine improvements that can be made and to compute location patterns that are optimum with respect to defined criteria.https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/rri-web-book/1027/thumbnail.jp


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    The crocodile or spiny skinks, Tribolonotus, comprise eight secretive semi-fossorial lizards, which are generally found under vegetation in the immediate vicinity of water (Greer and Parker, 1968; O'Shea, 1991, 1994; Rogner, 1997). Tribolonotus gracilis (Figure 1) and Tribolonotus novaeguineae are restricted to New Guinea, while the remaining six species range throughout Indonesia, Manus, New Britain, Bougainville, and the Solomon Islands (McCoy, 1980; O'Shea, 1991, 1994). Because scant life history information is available for the genus Tribolonotus, the purpose of the present contribution is to document the vocalization and parental care of T. gracilis

    Humphry Davy in 1816:Letters and the Lamp

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    The Long Road to Nowhere: Population, Transportation and Home Working in Bergen

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    HARMONIC INTONATION AND IMPLICATION (ANALYSES AND COMPOSITIONS): Harmonic perception and intonation in the reception and performance of alternative tuning systems in contemporary composition

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    Most composers and theorists will acknowledge that some compromise is necessary when dealing with the limitations of human performance, perception, and the realities of acoustic theory. Identifying the thresholds for pitch discrimination and execution is an important point of departure for defining workable tuning schemes, and for training musicians to realise compositions in just intonation and other alternative tuning systems. The submitted paper 'HARMONIC INTONATION AND IMPLICATION (ANALYSES AND COMPOSITIONS): Harmonic perception and intonation in the reception and performance of alternative tuning systems in contemporary composition' is a phenomenological study of harmonic perception and intonation through the analysis of recordings, scores, theoretical papers, and discussion with practicing musicians. The examined repertoire covers western 'art' music of the late nineteenth to early twenty-first centuries. I approach my research from the composer's point of view though filtered through the ears and eyes of the performer, who is here considered 'expert listener'. lt is considered that intonation is a dynamic experience subject to influences beyond just intonation or equal temperament (the two poles for intonational reference)-the performance is assumed 'correct', rather than the idealised version of the composer. My goal is to relate the performance to the intentions of the composer and raise questions regarding the choice of notation, resolution of the tuning systems, the complexity of the harmonic concept, etc. and perhaps to suggest how to extend a general theory of harmony that embraces both musical practice and psychoacoustics. lt is with the understanding that harmonic implication affects intonation, but that intonation is subject to several other forces making intonation a complex system (and therefore not fully predictable)

    Technology adoption on farms: Using Normalisation Process Theory to understand sheep farmers’ attitudes and behaviours in relation to using precision technology in flock management

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    Evidence suggests that UK sheep farmers experience lower productivity and profit margins than other livestock sectors and that they do not necessarily know where they gain or lose income from their flocks. More efficient use of precision technology has been identified as a potential way of addressing this problem. The mandatory requirement for Electronic Identification (EID) tags to be placed on all sheep offers an opportunity for sheep farmers to adopt precision technologies to manage herd health and maximise production and profit. Although the charactistics of farmers that are associated with adoption or non adoption of technology have been identified little is known about the social processes, meanings and experiences that influence uptake. This paper is novel as it draws on data from 36 sheep farmers in the UK and applies Normalization Process Theory (NPT) to gain an understanding of the reasons they do or do not use EID related precision technology on their farms. The interviews were tape recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using NVivo. Although respondents acknowledged the potential value of precision technology to improve their farm businesses they appeared to have alternative beliefs that were counter productive. Their beliefs that using precision technology posed a threat to their role as a good stockman, that it could not replace the need for hands-on interaction with their animals and that it was costly and difficult to use created an implementation gap. The use of NPT as an evaluation framework provided a valuable tool for increasing the understanding of contextual characteristics that undermine the routine embedding of such technology by sheep farmers. The data suggests that normalisation of the use of precision technology amongst sheep farmers could potentially be increased if manufacturers/suppliers co-design and work with farmer’s to ensure that the technology enables the farmer to be in control and operates as an aid to achieving high quality stockmanship rather than a mechanism for profit maximisation

    Keeping the Records Straight

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    The impact of discourses of authenticity on the development and application of statutory definitions of gypsies and travellers; A study of their legal access to accommodation in England and Wales since 1959

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    The research investigates the impact of discourses of authenticity on the development and application of statutory definitions of Gypsies and Travellers in England and Wales since 1959, and the subsequent consequences for access to accommodation for these communities. These definitions are concerned with land use, equalities, housing, and homelessness legislation. The basis of these definitions is found in statute and policy and decision makers ranging from local authorities through to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) are responsible for their development and application. Each of these definitions has different consequences with regard to access to accommodation. The research examines a chronological analytical narrative of the development and application of these definitions over a 53 year period, which consists of an examination of relevant case law, policy, law and other useful sources. Interviews with key informants involved in the development and application of statutory definitions serve to reinforce the interpretation of the evidence. The evidence is assessed using the notions of discourses of authenticity, which are constructed as the discourse regarding the authenticity of an individual or group as Gypsies or Travellers as prescribed by other individuals, groups or institutions and the implications of this ascription. There has not been a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the discourse around the authenticity of Gypsies and Travellers and statutory definitions in modern times. This research bridges the gap in the existing literature by undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the development, application and consequences of statutory definitions in the light of the existing knowledge on discourses of authenticity with regard to Gypsies and Travellers