226 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the dairy goat primary sector at the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

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    A survey was done based on 19 goat shepherds at counties of Centre-highlands, Northern and North-western regions of the Rio de Janeiro State and at the county of Pedra Dourada, Zona da Mata region, State of Minas Gerais. We aimed to characterise the primary sector of the goat milk production chain settled at those regions. Therefore, questionnaires were applied in order to depict profiles of the shepherds, their families, the role of the wife in the activity, the resources available, dependence on income generated by the activity, and how producers administrate their business. Farms were distributed in five strata according to the following daily milk production averages and standard deviations: 8.8 ± 0.9, 15.7 ± 3.9, 22.6 ± 2.7, 34.4 ± 3.4, and 183.8 ± 54.2 L/d. Approximately 42% of the interviewed producers conducted their activities according to a household production model and the income earned was exclusively from the dairy goat husbandry. Sons and daughters performed an important role in the business (27.80%), but most of them (62.73%) worked out at non farm activities. The percentage of wives that worked directly in the activity (@47%) indicated that it could contribute to gender equity in the rural environment. Most of the production systems (63.16%) presented positive gross margins. We have noticed, however, that shepherds perceived only the business gross margin and that the most accurate registries taken were those related to revenues. In general, producers of the higher strata were favoured by their larger production scale, but asymptotic behaviours for costs and amounts invested in animals, equipments and buildings were observed. These characteristics should be considered when policies related to the dairy goat primary sector have to be planned

    Microalgae-mediated bioremediation and valorization of cattle wastewater previously digested in a hybrid anaerobic reactor using a photobioreactor: Comparison between batch and continuous operation

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    ABSTRACT: Scenedesmus obliquus (ACOI 204/07) microalgae were cultivated in cattle wastewater in vertical alveolar flat panel photobioreactors, operated in batch and continuous mode, after previous digestion in a hybrid anaerobic reactor. In batch operation, removal efficiencies ranges of 65 to 70% of COD, 98 to 99% of NH4+ and 69 to 77.5% of PO4-3 after 12 days were recorded. The corresponding figures for continuous flow were from 57 to 61% of COD, 94 to 96% of NH4+ and 65 to 70% of PO4-3 with mean hidraulic retention time of 12 days. Higher rates of CO2 fixation (327-547 mg L-1 d(-1)) and higher biomass volumetric productivity (213-358 mg L-1 d(-1)) were obtained in batch mode. This microalgae-mediated process can be considered promising for bioremediation and valorization of effluents produced by cattle breeding yielding a protein-rich microalgal biomass that could be eventually used as cattle feed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de detecção e alerta de quedas para idosos

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de detecção de queda cujo público alvo são pessoas idosas. Para isso, utiliza-se um sensor acelerômetro que determina a aceleração e a inclinação em relação a gravidade do objeto acoplado ao sensor, que neste caso é um ser humano. Os dados gerados pelo acelerômetro são processados por um algoritmo de 4 etapas que determinará se ocorreu ou não uma queda. Caso tenha ocorrido uma queda, o dispositivo encaminhará a um e-mail pré-cadastrado por um aplicativo Android também desenvolvido neste trabalho, uma mensagem com informações sobre a queda: nome da vítima, o horário, e a posição estimada da queda.This paper presents the development of a fall detection device whose target is the elderly. For this, an accelerometer sensor is used to determine the acceleration and inclination with respect to the gravity of the object coupled to the sensor, which in this case is a human being. The data generated by the accelerometer is processed by a 4-step algorithm that will determine whether or not a fall occurred. If a fall has been detected, the device will send to a pre-registered e-mail by an Android application also developed in this work, a message with information about the fall, such as the victim's name, the time, and the estimated position of the fall

    ERAS em Obstetrícia Da evidência à vivência da Maternidade

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    Introdução : The mission of ERAS Society is to develop perioperative care and to improve recovery through research, education, audit, and implementation of evidence-based practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Constructed wetlands systems batch: removal of biochemical oxygen demand and pH regulation for treatment dairy effluent

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    This work assessed the effectiveness of using constructed wetlands (CW's) to treat dairy effluent. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the influence of substrates and cultivated plants on the efficiency of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal and pH regulation in six experimental units operating at pilot scale. Six CW's for dairy sewage treatment were constructed in 100-liter High-Density Polyethylene Ethylene (HDPE) tanks. Three constructed wetlands containing fine gravel (0 mm) and another three with a mix of 20% sand and 80% fine gravel (0 mm) were used in the filtering stage. Four experimental units were planted with the macrophytes Typha dominguensis (cattail) and Hedychium coronarium (pond lily), the selected plants for this study, and two others were maintained as control units. A minimum average of 77.8% and a maximum of 95.2% BOD efficiency removal were achieved and a pH range of 5 to 9 was maintained as required by the Brazilian Resolution CONAMA N. 430 /2011 in order to release the effluent into a waterway. The six treatments showed similar removal of biodegradable carbonaceous compounds with no significant differences between the treatments at a 95% confidence level. This work showed that CW's operating in batch can be used to treat dairy raw water for BOD removal and pH regulation.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido, com sistemas alagados construídos (SACs), para avaliar a eficiência no tratamento de efluentes de laticínios. Procurou-se avaliar a influência de substratos e espécies vegetais, sobre a eficiência na remoção de DBO e regulação de pH, em seis unidades experimentais operadas, em batelada, em escala piloto. Os seis SACs foram montados em tanques de polietileno etileno de alta densidade (PEAD) com volume total de 100 litros, para tratamento de águas residuárias de laticínios (ARC). Os substratos utilizados foram a brita n° 0 em três dos SACs e brita n° 0 e areia em outros três, na proporção de 80% brita e 20% areia. Quatro unidades experimentais foram cultivadas e duas mantidas como testemunhas. As espécies selecionadas foram as macrófitas Typha dominguensis (taboa) e o Hedychium coronarium (lírio do brejo). A eficiência média mínima encontrada no tratamento foi de 77,8 % e máxima de 95,2 %, em termos de remoção de DBO, e foi mantida a faixa de pH entre 5 e 9, conforme estabelecido pela Resolução CONAMA 430/2011, para lançamento e curso de água. Os seis tratamentos apresentaram remoção de compostos carbonáceos biodegradáveis semelhantes não havendo diferenças significativas entre tratamentos com nível de confiança de 95%. O estudo mostrou que os SACs operando em batelada podem ser utilizados no tratamento de águas residuárias de laticínios para a remoção de DBO e regulação do pH

    Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from dairy wastewater using constructed wetlands systems operating in batch

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    This work presents the results of a study conducted for a period of seven months on the effectiveness of constructed wetland systems for the treatment of dairy wastewater aiming at removing, nitrogen and phosphorus. Six experimental systems were assembled with a net volume of 115 L using HDPE tanks, with length/width ratio of 2:1. In three of the systems, gravel 0 was used as substrate, while gravel 0 and sand was used in the three others, in the percentage of 80% and 20%, respectively. The systems were operated in batch cycles of 48 hours, applying 7.5 L of influent per cycle. Four of the experimental units were cultivated, and two kept as controls. The selected species chosen were the macrophytes, Typha domingensis and Hedychium coronarium. The removal efficiency concerning nitrogen compounds showed to be quite promising with values ranging from 29.4 to 73.4%, while phosphorus removal from the beds was lower, reaching efficiencies between 18.61 and 34.3%, considered good values, since the removal of these substances is quite difficult through conventional treatment.Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado durante 7 (sete) meses sobre a eficiência de sistemas alagados construídos, no tratamento de águas residuárias de laticínios, com ênfase na remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo. Os 6 (seis) sistemas experimentais foram construídos em tanques de PEAD com volume de 115 litros cada, com relação comprimento/largura na proporção de 2:1. Os materiais suporte utilizados foram brita 0 em três dos sistemas e brita 0 e areia em outros três, na proporção de 80% brita e 20% areia. Os sistemas foram operados em bateladas com ciclos de 48 horas, aplicando-se 7,5 litros do efluente por ciclo. Quatro das unidades experimentais foram cultivadas e duas mantidas como testemunhas. As espécies selecionadas foram as macrófitas Typha dominguensis e o Hedychium coronarium. A eficiência na remoção de compostos nitrogenados apresentou-se promissora com valores entre 29,4 a 73,4%, a remoção de fósforo pelos leitos foi inferior, atingindo eficiências entre 18,61 a 34,3%, valores promissores levando em conta a dificuldade da remoção destes elementos por sistemas convencionais

    Anesthetic Management of a Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Captive Undergoing Incisional Biopsy of a Skin Nodule

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    Background: The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is considered one of the largest terrestrial carnivores, native from temperate forest regions of North America, Europe and Asia. In Brazil, they are founded in captivity and their safe capture and immobilization are obtained with one effective anesthesia for management and surgical and diagnostic procedures. Some anesthetic protocols are described for these purposes, however, there is a lack for data on the anesthetic and adverse effects they have on bears when used. The aim of this case is to report the use and effects of the association of dexmedetomidine with tiletamine and zolazepam in the chemical containment of a captive adult brown bear.Case: A 33-year-old female brown bear, weighing 100 kg, belonging to the Zoobotanic Park of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, was chemically immobilized for an incisional biopsy of a cutaneous nodule with 1.0 cm diameter in the right face region. The anesthetic protocol included 6 μg/kg of dexmedetomidine associated with 3 mg/kg of tiletamine and zolazepam, administered intramuscularly by dart into the gluteal region of the right pelvic limb. The animal showed moderate ataxia at 5 min and assumed sternal decubitus 7 min after anesthetic administration. The bear's degree of sedation was considered adequate and safe to perform the biopsy at 10 min after administration. Heart rate (47 ± 3 bpm), respiratory rate (17 ± 2 mpm) and rectal temperature (38.7 ± 0.1ºC) were monitored. The bear remained immobile and unconscious throughout the procedure, with intense muscle relaxation, bilateral eyeball rotation, absent lateral palpebral reflex and mild medial reflex and without nystagmus. Complementary sedative doses were not necessary. At the beginning of anesthetic recovery, the bear received 6 µg/kg of atipamezole, intramuscularly. After 25 min of administration of atipamezole, the animal showed signs of recovery in the level of consciousness and reactivity to external stimuli, and assumed the quadrupedal position at 60 min after reverser application.Discussion: Even in captivity, the bears behavior is unpredictable and attack can occur, causing trauma or death to people. For this, the chemical immobilization is important to keep safety of everyone. This procedure was performed using blowgun-assisted darts thrown by a staff member who had experience in using this method, who darted accurately and effectively. The latency time observed after administration of the anesthetic protocol used is similar to reported in other studies with bears that also received intramuscular dexmedetomidine and tiletamine and zolazepam and showed intense muscle relaxation and immobility. The doses used contributed to the absence of bradycardia and hypoventilation and, performing the procedure in the morning, when the temperature is milder in the city, minimized the chance of hyperthermia and thermal stress in the animal, not requiring body cooling. The use of dexmedetomidine in chemical containment protocols for short and minimally invasive procedures allows the subsequent use of its antagonist, atipamezole, contributing to a shorter recovery time, return of the animal’s degree of consciousness and lower incidence of ataxia after assuming a quadrupedal position. The anesthetic protocol used was considered efficient, providing a quick and gentle chemical containment, adequate anesthetic plan and good anesthetic recovery in an adult brown bear from captivity.Keywords:atipamezole, dexmedetomidine, wildlife.Título: Manejo anestésico de um urso pardo (Ursus arctos) cativo submetido a biópsia incisional de nódulo cutâneoDescritores: atipamezole, dexmedetomidine, animais selvagens


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the viability and the outcomes of the sural flap performed with the pedicle covered by a strip of skin. Methods: A prospective cohort of 20 consecutive cases were evaluated in terms of flap viability, complication rate, and the amount of skin graft required. The location of the defects was the middle third of the tibia in 3 cases, the ankle and hindfoot in 15 cases, the middle foot in 1 case, and the forefoot in 1 case. The flap design was the same as described by Masquelet. The only modification included a strip of skin over the entire length of the pedicle. The intermediary skin between the donor site and the defect was incised and the skin was undermined to accommodate the pedicle without compression. Results: All cases had a satisfactory evolution, with adequate healing and without flap loss. Both the donor site and the pedicle were primarily closed in all cases. In one patient, the flap developed a limited area of superficial epidermolysis that healed spontaneously. Conclusion: the modified sural flap with a covered pedicle is feasible and reliable with a lower rate of complications when compared with the conventional sural flap. Level of Evidence IV, Cohort Studies


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    A qualidade das cascas do caule de Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. ex Griseb. (Bignoniaceae), conhecida como pau darco roxo, largamente empregada na prática popular, foi avaliada realizando-se análise qualitativa de pesquisa para fungos. Em mercados públicos da capital maranhense foi realizada amostragem aleatória simples das bancas de venda de plantas para uso medicinal, totalizando doze bancas selecionadas. No período de setembro/2000 a fevereiro/ 2001, amostras das cascas do caule Tabebuia avellanedae, foram adquiridas, por compra, em triplicata, nessas localidades. Na análise microbiológica, fragmentos uniformes das amostras comerciais foram inoculados em placas com meios ágar Sabouraud dextrose e ágar batata, mantidas em temperatura ambiente de 5 a 7 dias. Ocorrido crescimento de colônias de fungos, realizou-se a técnica de microcultivo em lâmina, utilizando lactofenol azul de algodão como corante. A identificação das espécies de fungos foi fundamentada na morfologia macroscópica das colônias e no estudo dos órgãos vegetativos e de frutificação do fungo cultivado pela técnica de microcultivo. Foram identificados fungos Absidia ssp., Rhizopus ssp., Penicillium ssp., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus e Aspergillus niger, este último presente em todas as amostras analisadas. Os resultados comprovam a má qualidade das amostras comerciais de pau darco roxo comercializadas em mercados de São Luís/MA; comprovando-se fungos não permitidos pela legislação vigente e literatura especializada; expondo o consumidor ao risco real de utilização de droga vegetal imprópria para o consumo, evidenciando-se, assim, a necessidade da adoção de programa de fiscalização, vigilância e controle de qualidade domaterial vegetal disponibilizado para comercialização para fins medicinais em mercados. MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF WOOD BARKS OF Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. ex Griseb. COMMERCIALIZED IN SÃO LUÍS/MARANHÃO Abstract The quality of wood barks of Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. ex Griseb. (Bignoniaceae), known as pau darco roxo, widely used in popular medicine, was evaluated by means of qualitative analysis of fungus. In public markets of the Maranhão capital it was carried through a simple random sampling of the sales banking of herbal medicinal, totaling twelve selected banking. During September/2000 to February/2001 samples of wood barks of Tabebuia avellanedae were acquired, by purchase in triplicate. In the microbiological analysis, uniform fragments of these commercial samples were inoculated in dishes with agar Sabouraud dextrose and agar potato held at room temperature from 5 to 7 days. After the growth in colonies of fungus, microcultive in lamina was made having blue lactophenol of cotton as ink. Identification of species of fungus was based on macroscopic morphology of colonies in the study of vegetative organs and of fructification ofmicrocultive cultivated fungus. Absidia ssp., Rhizopus ssp., Penicillium ssp., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus e Aspergillus niger were identified, being this last one present in all analyzed samples. The results proved the bad quality of the samples of pau darco roxo commercialized at markets in São Luís/ MA; also proven not allowed fungus by legislation in validity and specialized literature, exposing customers to risks of using vegetal drugs which are unfit for human consumption, which evidences therefore the need of a program of inspection, vigilance and quality control of vegetal drugs available for sale with medicinal aim at market places

    Combining biotechnology with circular bioeconomy: from poultry, swine, cattle, brewery, dairy and urban wastewaters to biohydrogen

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    ABSTRACT: The ability of microalgae to grow in nutrient-rich environments and to accumulate nutrients from wastewaters (WW) makes them attractive for the sustainable and low-cost treatment of WW. The valuable biomass produced can be further used for the generation of bioenergy, animal feed, fertilizers, and biopolymers, among others. In this study, Scenedesmus obliquus was able to remove nutrients from different wastewaters (poultry, swine and cattle breeding, brewery and dairy industries, and urban) with removal ranges of 95-100% for nitrogen, 63-99% for phosphorus and 48-70% for chemical oxygen demand. The biomass productivity using wastewaters was higher (except for poultry) than in synthetic medium (Bristol), the highest value being obtained in brewery wastewater (1025 mg/(L.day) of freeze-dried biomass). The produced biomass contained 31-53% of proteins, 12-36% of sugars and 8-23% of lipids, regardless of the type of wastewater. The potential of the produced Scenedesmus obliquus biomass for the generation of BioH(2) through batch dark fermentation processes with Enterobacter aerogenes was evaluated. The obtained yields ranged, in mL H-2/g Volatile Solids (VS), from 50.1 for biomass from anaerobically digested cattle WW to 390 for swine WW, whereas the yield with biomass cultivated in Bristol medium was 57.6 mL H-2/gvs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio