31 research outputs found

    Analiza kosztów prac projektowych hal stalowych według standardów środowiskowych, zaleceń prawnych i cen rynkowych

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    The article presents the analysis of designing costs , which was based on the market data and prognostic calculations, concerning the preparation of the documentation for steel halls of various sizes. The obtained values were compared to those proposed by the Polish Architects Association and legal guidelines. The StatSoft’s Statistica programme was used for prognostic calculations. The GAM (Generalized Additive Models) method was used for the calculations. The conclusions were formulated on the basis of analysis of results.W artykule przedstawiono analizę cen prac projektowych na przykładzie danych rynkowych i obliczeń prognostycznych, dotyczących opracowania dokumentacji hal stalowych o zróżnicowanych wymiarach. Otrzymane wartości porównywano z kosztami prac projektowych proponowanymi przez Stowarzyszenie Architektów Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (SARP) i zaleceniami prawnymi. Do obliczeń prognostycznych zastosowano program Statistica firmy StatSoft. Do obliczeń wykorzystano metodę GAM (uogólnionych modeli addytywnych)

    Applying metaheuristic strategies in construction projects management

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    This work deals with the application of artificial intelligence instruments in a building schedule. In this article there was presented an original optimization scatter search algorithm taking into consideration both technological and organizational restrictions. This algorithm was applied to the real analysis of the industrial building project realization

    Solving resource-constrained construction scheduling problems with overlaps by metaheuristic

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    The paper concerns the problem of roadworks scheduling executed in the flow-shop system. Works may be performed parallelly with the acceleration (overlaps) of construction project, i.e. the following work on the assembly line can begin before the completion of the predecessor work. Taking into account the acceleration enables accurate modeling of complex real construction processes. The above fact can greatly shorten the time of realization of construction process which has a direct impact on reducing costs. The considered issue belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. We introduce the new: mathematical model, specific properties as an acceleration tools, as well as two new optimization algorithms for the problem considered: construction and tabu search. The execution of algorithms was illustrated on the example of a case study concerning the construction of roads. They were also verified on the examples taken from the literature and on already completed construction processes. The obtained results are fully satisfactory. The assigned execution times are close to optimal. The presented methods allow its practitioners (both the planners and the managers) to include in the model the acceleration of the works and the design of a much more efficient construction scheduling. The presented new scheduling method leads to a more competitive environment for contraction companies

    Planning of labor resources in construction organizations

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    Based on the reporting and technical documentation and for the objects under consideration, the authors were able to form resource schedules that reflect the planned and actual values of the labor force for certain time periods. After analyzing the available statistics in terms of the activities of the leading production stream, a number of graphs were compiled showing the movement of these teams at the facilities. Based on these data, the authors determined the average deviation of the actual number of workers in the leading stream from the planned one. Also, the availability of operational information from these objects made it possible to determine the consequences of deviations and a set of measures taken. As a result, the authors analyzed the dynamics of construction of typical facilities of different general contracting organizations, taking into account the scale factor (capacity of the construction organization) , indicating the difference in the values of the planned (predicted) and actual labor resources at the facilities. Possible solutions of this problem with the mathematical modeling of stable labor force distribution system at sites followed by a possible optimization of the objective function on limitations have been determined. Safe corridors of fluctuations in the values of the labor force, as well as the fundamental foundations of the optimization method, have been also determined

    The Fuzzy Project Scheduling Problem with Minimal Generalized Precedence Relations

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    In scheduling, estimations are affected by the imprecision of limited information on future events, and the reduction in the number and level of detail of activities. Overlapping of processes and activities requires the study of their continuity, along with analysis of the risks associated with imprecision. In this line, this paper proposes a fuzzy heuristic model for the Project Scheduling Problem with flows and minimal feeding, time and work Generalized Precedence Relations with a realistic approach to overlapping, in which the continuity of processes and activities is allowed in a discretionary way. This fuzzy algorithm handles the balance of process flows, and computes the optimal fragmentation of tasks, avoiding the interruption of the critical path and reverse criticality. The goodness of this approach is tested on several problems found in the literature; furthermore, an example of a 15-story building was used to compare the better performance of the algorithm implemented in Visual Basic for Applications (Excel) over that same example input in Primavera© P6 Professional V8.2.0, using five different scenarios.This research was supported by the FAPA program of Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. The authors would like to thank the research group of Construction Engineering and Management (INgeco) of Universidad de Los Andes, and the five anonymous referees for their helpful and constructive suggestions.Ponz Tienda, JL.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.; Benlloch Marco, J.; Andrés Romano, C. (2015). The Fuzzy Project Scheduling Problem with Minimal Generalized Precedence Relations. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 30(11):872-891. doi:10.1111/mice.12166S8728913011Adeli, H., & Park, H. S. (1995). Optimization of space structures by neural dynamics. 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    Application of parallelogram diagrams in scheduling construction processes

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    W artykule przedstawiono alternatywne podejście do standardowej, graficznej prezentacji danych przedstawianych zwykle przy użyciu cyklogramów, diagramów Gantta i diagramów sieciowych. Nowy typu wykresu nazwany został diagramem równoległobokowym. Jest on podobnie jak diagram sieciowy stosowany do przedstawienia procesów budowlanych, w których terminy rozpoczęcia i zakończenia przyjmują wartości z obliczonego przedziału liczb. Opracowano program komputerowy umożliwiający harmonogramowanie procesów budowlanych z zastosowaniem modelu graficznego – diagramów równoległobokowych. Stosowany może być w modelu planowania przedsięwzięć budowlanych z wykorzystaniem metod sprzężeń czasowych (Time Couplings Methods).The article presents an alternative approach to the standard, graphical presentation of data, which usually takes the form of cyclograms, Gantt’s diagrams and network diagrams. The new type of chart is called a parallelogram diagram. Similarly to the network diagram, it is used to present construction processes, in which the start and finish dates take values from the calculated range of numbers. A computer software was developed to enable scheduling of construction processes using a graphical model – parallelogram diagrams. It may be applied in construction project planning model using Time Couplings Methods)

    Scheduling of construction projects with application of metaheuristic algorithms

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    Przedstawiono badania autorów nad warunkami zastosowania algorytmów metaheurystycznych w metodach sprzężeń czasowych. Przeprowadzono analizę eksperymentalną z zastosowaniem tych algorytmów: przeszukiwania z zabronieniami, symulowanego wyżarzania, przeszukiwania genetycznego oraz algorytmu B&B. Użycie algorytmów metaheurystycznych, które są obecnie stosowane w rozwiązywaniu problemów teorii szeregowania zadań, pozwala na uzyskiwanie lepszych rozwiązań suboptymalnych niż otrzymywane obecnie algorytmem B&B. Doskonalenie metodyki harmonogramowania robót budowlanych z zastosowaniem metod sprzężeń czasowych (ang. TCM) 1, 7, 891013 jest podstawowym kierunkiem badań autorów. W szczególności opracowywane są problemy harmonogramowania procesów budowlanych o charakterze liniowym z uwzględnieniem optymalizacji czasowo-kosztowej.The paper presents the authors' research on the application of metaheuristic algorithms in Time Coupling Methods (TCM). The experimental analysis of algorithms: tabu search, genetic search, simulated annealing and B&B algorithm was conducted in the paper. The application of these algorithms, which are currently used to solve job scheduling problems, allows one to obtain better suboptimal solutions than with the currently used B&B algorithm. The main branch of the authors' research is developing the methodology of construction works scheduling with the application of TCM 17,8,9 1013. The problems of scheduling linear construction works using time-cost optimisation are worked out