107 research outputs found

    Arctic – Atlantic exchange of the dissolved micronutrients Iron, Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc with a focus on Fram Strait

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    The Arctic Ocean is considered a source of micronutrients to the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic Ocean through the gateway of Fram Strait. However, there is a paucity of trace element data from across the Arctic Ocean gateways, and so it remains unclear how Arctic and North Atlantic exchange shapes micronutrient availability in the two ocean basins. In 2015 and 2016, GEOTRACES cruises sampled the Barents Sea Opening (GN04, 2015) and Fram Strait (GN05, 2016) for dissolved iron (dFe), manganese (dMn), cobalt (dCo), nickel (dNi), copper (dCu) and zinc (dZn). Together with the most recent synopsis of Arctic-Atlantic volume fluxes, the observed trace element distributions suggest that Fram Strait is the most important gateway for Arctic-Atlantic dissolved micronutrient exchange as a consequence of Intermediate and Deep Water transport. Combining fluxes from Fram Strait and the Barents Sea Opening with estimates for Davis Strait (GN02, 2015) suggests an annual net southward flux of 2.7 ± 2.4 Gg·a-1 dFe, 0.3 ± 0.3 Gg·a-1 dCo, 15.0 ± 12.5 Gg·a-1 dNi and 14.2 ± 6.9 Gg·a-1 dCu from the Arctic towards the North Atlantic Ocean. Arctic-Atlantic exchange of dMn and dZn were more balanced, with a net southbound flux of 2.8 ± 4.7 Gg·a-1 dMn and a net northbound flux of 3.0 ± 7.3 Gg·a-1 dZn. Our results suggest that ongoing changes to shelf inputs and sea ice dynamics in the Arctic, especially in Siberian shelf regions, affect micronutrient availability in Fram Strait and the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean

    Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise

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    © 2018 Author(s). The GEOVIDE cruise, a collaborative project within the framework of the international GEOTRACES programme, was conducted along the French-led section in the North Atlantic Ocean (Section GA01), between 15 May and 30 June 2014. In this special issue (https://www.biogeosciences.net/special-issue900.html), results from GEOVIDE, including physical oceanography and trace element and isotope cyclings, are presented among 18 articles. Here, the scientific context, project objectives, and scientific strategy of GEOVIDE are provided, along with an overview of the main results from the articles published in the special issue

    Global Ocean Sediment Composition and Burial Flux in the Deep Sea

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    Quantitative knowledge about the burial of sedimentary components at the seafloor has wide-ranging implications in ocean science, from global climate to continental weathering. The use of 230Th-normalized fluxes reduces uncertainties that many prior studies faced by accounting for the effects of sediment redistribution by bottom currents and minimizing the impact of age model uncertainty. Here we employ a recently compiled global data set of 230Th-normalized fluxes with an updated database of seafloor surface sediment composition to derive atlases of the deep-sea burial flux of calcium carbonate, biogenic opal, total organic carbon (TOC), nonbiogenic material, iron, mercury, and excess barium (Baxs). The spatial patterns of major component burial are mainly consistent with prior work, but the new quantitative estimates allow evaluations of deep-sea budgets. Our integrated deep-sea burial fluxes are 136 Tg C/yr CaCO3, 153 Tg Si/yr opal, 20Tg C/yr TOC, 220 Mg Hg/yr, and 2.6 Tg Baxs/yr. This opal flux is roughly a factor of 2 increase over previous estimates, with important implications for the global Si cycle. Sedimentary Fe fluxes reflect a mixture of sources including lithogenic material, hydrothermal inputs and authigenic phases. The fluxes of some commonly used paleo-productivity proxies (TOC, biogenic opal, and Baxs) are not well-correlated geographically with satellite-based productivity estimates. Our new compilation of sedimentary fluxes provides detailed regional and global information, which will help refine the understanding of sediment preservation

    Widespread microbial mercury methylation genes in the global ocean

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    International audienceMethylmercury is a neurotoxin that bioaccumulates from seawater to high concentrations in marine fish, putting human and ecosystem health at risk. High methylmercury levels have been found in the oxic subsurface waters of all oceans, yet only anaerobic microorganisms have been identified so far as efficient methylmercury producers in anoxic environments. The microaerophilic nitrite oxidizing bacteria Nitrospina has been previously suggested as a possible mercury methylator in Antarctic sea ice. However, the microorganisms processing inorganic mercury into methylmercury in oxic seawater remain unknown. Here we show metagenomic evidence from open ocean for widespread microbial methylmercury production in oxic subsurface waters. We find high abundances of the key mercury methylating genes hgcAB across all oceans corresponding to taxonomic relatives of known mercury methylators from Deltaproteobacteria, Firmicutes and Chloroflexi. Our result

    World war munitions as a source of mercury in the southwest Baltic Sea

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    International audienceMercury (Hg) fulminate was used as a primary fuse in World War (WW) munitions, and may consequently be a Hg source for impacted environments. Mercury is a conspicuous and persistent pollutant, with methylmercury (MeHg) acting as a notorious neurotoxin. Considerable amounts of munitions were intentionally dumped in the North Sea and Baltic Sea following the First and Second WWs. After more than 70 years on the seafloor many munitions have corroded and likely release explosive compounds, including Hg fulminate. The Germany coastal city of Kiel was a manufacturing centre for submarines, and accordingly a prominent target for bombing and post-war disarmament. We collected water and sediment samples around Kiel Bay to assess regional levels and quantify any Hg contamination. The munition dump site Kolberger Heide (KH) and a former anti-aircraft training center DĂ€nisch-Nienhof are situated in Kiel Bay, and were targeted for sampling. Sediment Hg concentrations around KH were notably elevated. Average Hg concentrations in KH sediments were 125 ± 76 ng/g, compared to 14 ± 18 ng/g at background (control) sites. In contrast, dissolved Hg in the water column exhibited no site variations, all ranging between 0.8 and 2.1 pM. Methylmercury in sediments and waters did not have enhanced concentrations amongst sites (400 pmol m−2 d−1 MeHg) at one KH location, however remaining cores had low to no Hg and MeHg output (<0–27 pmol m−2 d−1 MeHg). Thus, sediments in Kiel Bay proximate to WW munitions could harbor and form a source of Hg, however water column mixing and removal processes attenuate any discharge from the seafloor to overlying waters
