503 research outputs found

    Between Art and Architecture

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    The line between these two disciplines may sometimes be hard to draw. And in the end it is unnecessary. Both were inspired by the same philosophy of their time. They reflected the way of thinking of their time and tried to structure a holistic picture of the world. Today the edge of marriage between art and architecture sometimes seems to be divorced. At least they have two separated house halls. Art is nearly a changeable furnishing chosen by different kinds of comities and left as an autonomous visitor to architecture, which many, especially artists, even prefer. At the same time contemporary architecture is affected by contemporary art, especially European architecture (and I think not too much the American) has been affected by modern American art since the 1960´s.Peer Reviewe

    Space, Time, and Architecture

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    The sky is overcast with heavy clouds and snow is falling lightly—perhaps that’s why I’m the only one here. The mounds rise up from the level field, over ten of them in different sizes, some so low that it’s possible to see over them, others two to three meters high

    Old Ditch — New Water

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    The following keynote was presented at the 12th International docomomo Conference that took place in Espoo, Finland, in August 2012. The title refers to the lecture given by an American artist James Turrell at the symposium Permanence in Architecture organized by Virginia Tech in 1998. In architecture and in all arts the new is eroding the old earth and slowly reforming tradition. “Survival of Modern” could be seen as an effort to use the built “modern” environment in a sustainable way. Mikko Heikkinen believes that our challenge is not only to make iconic masterpieces of the Modern Masters to survive but even more what to do with the vast mass of contemporary buildings not found in the architectural guide books. In his presentation, Mikko Heikkinen listed five different cases – five different strategies to make modern to survive: 1) recycling, 2) preserving and restoring the historical milieu, 3) creating a historical and functional collage, 4) preserving a historical fragment and 5) contradiction

    Teboil Service Station - Architecture Beyond Philosophical Ideas

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    We knew that there could be trouble at the border. Ten minutes driving east from Hamina, the last town before Russia, we saw the end of the line. Simo has read from the morning papers that the Russian frontier guard has introduced a new form for trucks, messing up all traffic traveling east. Ed. note: Project by Heikkinen-Komonen Architects

    Small corpus, great institution - and an attempt to understand them

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    The New Year\u27;s speech by the President of the Republic is one of the most important political speeches in Finland. We have gathered all the speeches from 1935 to 2007 into a corpus containing the speeches in writing. Our objective is to explore what the speeches are like in terms of linguistic choices and as a set or type of texts. We are also interested in the social dimensions of the speeches and the ideological meanings produced in them. This paper presents an analysis of our research questions and methods of analysis, rather than going into empirical results. We present the method and project we have decided to call "Teko\u27; (from text to corpus), based on the compilation and structuring of small, mutually comparable corpora, as well as on detailed quantitative (corpus linguistic) and qualitative analysis (based on text analysis, applying, e.g., the process analysis of the Systemic Functional Grammar). We are considering the following research positions and questions of analysis related to them: the uniformity of the speeches as compared to another set of texts, i.e. that of news (e.g. based on their morphological features that have been analysed semiautomatically), the internal uniformity of the speeches judging by how the speakers refer to themselves (differences arising from the speakers on the one hand and the topics on the other hand) and the uniformity of the speeches on the basis of process analysis (distribution of processes by presidents and topics). Our fundamental question in this paper is how the quantitative analysis of a small corpus can be connected to a qualitative analysis of individual texts

    Exploiting and Evaluating Live 360° Low Latency Video Streaming Using CMAF

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    Pohjoinen painotus - Eronteon ja vuorovaikutuksen diskurssit oululaisessa ruohonjuuritason musiikkiskenessä

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    Pro gradu tutkielmani käsittelee paikallisuuden merkityksiä ruohonjuuritasolla toimivan musiikkiskenen näkökulmista. Tutkimukseni keskittyy tarkastelemaan erityisesti toimijuutta, jossa korostuu pohjoinen identiteetti suhteessa lokaaliin ja globaaliin maailmaan. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu kuudesta oululaismuusikon ja alakulttuurintoimijan haastattelusta, jotka käsittelevät musiikillista toimijuutta paikallisessa musiikkiskenessä. Haastatteluaineistoa lähestyn diskurssianalyysin kautta. Tutkimukseni teoriaosuudessa käsittelen populaarikulttuuria glokaalissa ja medioituneessa maailmassa, toimijuutta paikallisessa skenessä, tilantuottamisen diskursseja, sekä DIY-kulttuuria toimijoita lähentävänä toimintakulttuurina. Analyysiosuudessa tarkastelen aineistoni kannalta kahta keskeistä diskurssia diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Olen nimennyt nämä diskurssit eronteon ja vuorovaikutuksen diskursseiksi. Näitä analyysin päälinjoja tarkastellaan muun muassa maantieteellisen etäisyyden, pohjoisen identiteetin, toiminnallisen vuorovaikutuksen, elämäntavan ja medioitumisen näkökulmista. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että paikallisuuden kokemukset määrittävät vahvasti diskursseja glokaalissa - eli paikallisesti maailmanlaajuisessa - skenessä. Paikallisuuskokemusten merkitys korostuu erityisesti puheessa paikallisen ruohonjuuritason toimijuuden oikeutuksista merkittävyyteen globaalissa maailmassa. Diskursseissa ilmenee myös, kuinka paikallisuus sosiaalisen tilan ja todellisuuden rakentajana alakulttuurissa haastaa stereotyyppisiä paikallisuusbrändejä. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, kuinka paikallisuus määrittää toimijuutta ja toimijuus paikallisuutta. Tämä ilmenee paikallisesti kehittyneinä vuorovaikutteisina toimintatapoina, joiden kautta paikallinen skene rakentaa ryhmänä sosiaalista todellisuuttaan. Yhteiskunnallisessa mielessä tutkimukseni osoittaa, kuinka paikallisuus ja sen diskurssit ovat merkittäviä globalisaatiosta ja medioitumisesta huolimatta. Paikallinen toimijuus ja yhdessä tekeminen synnyttävät erityisiä kulttuurisia kartastoja ja vastapuhetta, joiden kautta paikan identiteetti ja paikallinen musiikkikulttuuri asettuvat osaksi glokaaleja skenejä

    Comparison of User Traffic Characteristics on Mobile-Access versus Fixed-Access Networks

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    We compare Web traffic characteristics of mobile- versus fixed-access end-hosts, where herein the term "mobile" refers to access via cell towers, using for example the 3G/UMTS standard, and the term "fixed" includes Wi-Fi access. It is well-known that connection speeds are in general slower over mobile-access networks, and also that often there is higher packet loss. We were curious whether this leads mobile-access users to have smaller connections. We examined the distribution of the number of bytes-per-connection, and packet loss from a sampling of logs from servers of Akamai Technologies. We obtained 149 million connections, across 57 countries. The mean bytes-per-connection was typically larger for fixed-access: for two-thirds of the countries, it was at least one-third larger. Regarding distributions, we found that the difference between the bytes-per-connection for mobile- versus fixed-access, as well as the packet loss, was statistically significant for each of the countries; however the visual difference in plots is typically small. For some countries, mobile-access had the larger connections. As expected, mobile-access often had higher loss than fixed-access, but the reverse pertained for some countries. Typically packet loss increased during the busy period of the day, when mobile-access had a larger increase. Comparing our results from 2010 to those from 2009 of the same time period, we found that connections have become a bit smaller

    Eculizumab Treatment for Postpartum HELLP Syndrome and aHUS—Case Report

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder affecting ca 3% of all pregnant women. Preeclampsia is the source of severe pregnancy complications. Later life consequences for mother and infant include increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Preeclampsia is caused by the dysfunction of the endothelium with subsequent activation of complement and coagulation systems. HELLP syndrome is considered to be an extreme complication of preeclampsia but it can also present independently. Diagnostic symptoms in HELLP syndrome are Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets. Similar phenotype is present in thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) and HELLP syndrome is considered part of the TMA spectrum. Here, we present a case of severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome, which exacerbated rapidly and eventually led to need of intensive care, plasma exchange, and hemodialysis. The patient showed signs of hemolysis, disturbance in the coagulation, and organ damage in liver and kidneys. After comprehensive laboratory testing and supportive care, the symptoms did not subside and treatment with complement C5 inhibitor eculizumab was started. Thereafter, the patient started to recover. The patient had pregnancy-induced aHUS. Earlier initiation of eculizumab treatment may potentially shorten and mitigate the disease and hypothetically decrease future health risks of preeclamptic women.Peer reviewe