283 research outputs found

    A High-resolution Adaptive Moving Mesh Hydrodynamic Algorithm

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    An algorithm for simulating self-gravitating cosmological astrophysical fluids is presented. The advantages include a large dynamic range, parallelizability, high resolution per grid element and fast execution speed. The code is based on a finite volume flux conservative Total-Variation-Diminishing (TVD) scheme for the shock capturing hydro, and an iterative multigrid solver for the gravity. The grid is a time dependent field, whose motion is described by a generalized potential flow. Approximately constant mass per cell can be obtained, providing all the advantages of a Lagrangian scheme. The grid deformation combined with appropriate limiting and smoothing schemes guarantees a regular and well behaved grid geometry, where nearest neighbor relationships remain constant. The full hydrodynamic fluid equations are implemented in the curvilinear moving grid, allowing for arbitrary fluid flow relative to the grid geometry. This combination retains all the advantages of the grid based schemes including high speed per fluid element and a rapid gravity solver. The current implementation is described, and empirical simulation results are presented. Accurate execution speed calculations are given in terms of floating point operations per time step per grid cell. This code is freely available to the community.Comment: 53 pages including 14 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey - Searching for Cosmic Voids

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    The characterisation of cosmic voids gives unique information about the large-scale distribution of galaxies, their evolution and the cosmological model. We identify and characterise cosmic voids in the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) at redshift 0.55 < z < 0.9. A new void search method is developed based upon the identification of empty spheres that fit between galaxies. The method can be used to characterise the cosmic voids despite the presence of complex survey boundaries and internal gaps. We investigate the impact of systematic observational effects and validate the method against mock catalogues. We measure the void size distribution and the void-galaxy correlation function. We construct a catalogue of voids in VIPERS. The distribution of voids is found to agree well with the distribution of voids found in mock catalogues. The void-galaxy correlation function shows indications of outflow velocity from the voids

    New Policies, New Technologies: Modelling the Potential for Improved Smear Microscopy Services in Malawi

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    Background To quantify the likely impact of recent WHO policy recommendations regarding smear microscopy and the introduction of appropriate low-cost fluorescence microscopy on a) case detection and b) laboratory workload.Methodology/Principal Findings An audit of the laboratory register in an urban hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi, and the application of a simple modelling framework. The adoption of the new definition of a smear-positive case could directly increase case detection by up to 28%. Examining Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) sputum smears for up to 10 minutes before declaring them negative has previously been shown to increase case detection (over and above that gained by the adoption of the new case definition) by 70% compared with examination times in routine practice. Three times the number of staff would be required to adequately examine the current workload of smears using ZN microscopy. Through implementing new policy recommendations and LED-based fluorescence microscopy the current laboratory staff complement could investigate the same number of patients, examining auramine-stained smears to an extent that is equivalent to a 10 minutes ZN smear examination.Conclusions/Significance Combined implementation of the new WHO recommendations on smear microscopy and LED-based fluorescence microscopy could result in substantial increases in smear positive case-detection using existing human resources and minimal additional equipment

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) : galaxy segregation inside filaments at z ≃ 0.7

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    We present the first quantitative detection of large-scale filamentary structure at z ≃ 0.7 in the large cosmological volume probed by the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). We use simulations to show the capability of VIPERS to recover robust topological features in the galaxy distribution, in particular the filamentary network. We then investigate how galaxies with different stellar masses and stellar activities are distributed around the filaments and find a significant segregation, with the most massive or quiescent galaxies being closer to the filament axis than less massive or active galaxies. The signal persists even after down-weighting the contribution of peak regions. Our results suggest that massive and quiescent galaxies assemble their stellar mass through successive mergers during their migration along filaments towards the nodes of the cosmic web. On the other hand, low-mass star-forming galaxies prefer the outer edge of filaments, a vorticity rich region dominated by smooth accretion, as predicted by the recent spin alignment theory. This emphasizes the role of large scale cosmic flows in shaping galaxy properties.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Testing a Phenomenologically Extended DGP Model with Upcoming Weak Lensing Surveys

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    A phenomenological extension of the well-known brane-world cosmology of Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (eDGP) has recently been proposed. In this model, a cosmological-constant-like term is explicitly present as a non-vanishing tension sigma on the brane, and an extra parameter alpha tunes the cross-over scale r_c, the scale at which higher dimensional gravity effects become non negligible. Since the Hubble parameter in this cosmology reproduces the same LCDM expansion history, we study how upcoming weak lensing surveys, such as Euclid and DES (Dark Energy Survey), can confirm or rule out this class of models. We perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations to determine the parameters of the model, using Type Ia Supernov\ae, H(z) data, Gamma Ray Bursts and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. We also fit the power spectrum of the temperature anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background to obtain the correct normalisation for the density perturbation power spectrum. Then, we compute the matter and the cosmic shear power spectra, both in the linear and non-linear regimes. The latter is calculated with the two different approaches of Hu and Sawicki (2007) (HS) and Khoury and Wyman (2009) (KW). With the eDGP parameters coming from the Markov Chains, KW reproduces the LCDM matter power spectrum at both linear and non-linear scales and the LCDM and eDGP shear signals are degenerate. This result does not hold with the HS prescription: Euclid can distinguish the eDGP model from LCDM because their expected power spectra roughly differ by the 3sigma uncertainty in the angular scale range 700<l<3000; on the contrary, the two models differ at most by the 1sigma uncertainty over the range 500<l<3000 in the DES experiment and they are virtually indistinguishable.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, JCAP in pres

    Using the properties of Primate Motion Sensitive Neurons to extract camera motion and depth from brief 2-D Monocular Image Sequences

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    Humans and most animals can run/fly and navigate efficiently through cluttered environments while avoiding obstacles in their way. Replicating this advanced skill in autonomous robotic vehicles currently requires a vast array of sensors coupled with computers that are bulky, heavy and power hungry. The human eye and brain have had millions of years to develop an efficient solution to the problem of visual navigation and we believe that it is the best system to reverse engineer. Our brain and visual system appear to use a very different solution to the visual odometry problem compared to most computer vision approaches. We show how a neural-based architecture is able to extract self-motion information and depth from monocular 2-D video sequences and highlight how this approach differs from standard CV techniques. We previously demonstrated how our system works during pure translation of a camera. Here, we extend this approach to the case of combined translation and rotation

    Adherence with isoniazid for prevention of tuberculosis among HIV-infected adults in South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV-infected adults in developing countries. Isoniazid (INH) is recommended for treatment of latent TB infection, however non-adherence is common. The purpose of this study was to apply in-house prepared isoniazid (INH) urine test strips in a clinical setting, and identify predictors of positive test results in an adherence questionnaire in HIV-infected adults taking INH for prevention of TB. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of adherence using a questionnaire and urine test strips for detection of INH metabolites at two hospitals in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Participants were aged at least 18 years, HIV positive, and receiving INH for prevention of tuberculosis disease. Univariate and multivariate analyses are used to identify factors relevant to adherence. RESULTS: 301 consecutive patients were recruited. 28% of participants had negative urine tests. 32 (37.2%, 95% CI25.4, 45.0) of the 86 patients who received INH from peripheral pharmacies said the pharmacy had run out of INH at some time, compared with central hospital pharmacies (p = 0.0001). In univariate analysis, a negative test was associated with self-reported missed INH doses (p = 0.043). Each 12-hour increment since last reported dose increased the likelihood of a negative test by 34% (p = 0.0007). Belief in INH safety was associated with a positive test (p = 0.021). In multivariate analysis, patients who believed INH is important for prevention of TB disease were more likely to be negative (p = 0.0086). CONCLUSION: Adequate drug availability at peripheral pharmacies remains an important intervention for TB prevention. Key questions may identify potentially non-adherent patients. In-house prepared urine tests strips are an effective and cheap method of objectively assessing INH adherence, and could be used an important tool in TB control programs

    Impact of five years of peer-mediated interventions on sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since 2000, peer-mediated interventions among female sex workers (FSW) in Mombasa Kenya have promoted behavioural change through improving knowledge, attitudes and awareness of HIV serostatus, and aimed to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (STI) by facilitating early STI treatment. Impact of these interventions was evaluated among those who attended peer education and at the FSW population level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A pre-intervention survey in 2000, recruited 503 FSW using snowball sampling. Thereafter, peer educators provided STI/HIV education, condoms, and facilitated HIV testing, treatment and care services. In 2005, data were collected using identical survey methods, allowing comparison with historical controls, and between FSW who had or had not received peer interventions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over five years, sex work became predominately a full-time activity, with increased mean sexual partners (2.8 versus 4.9/week; <it>P </it>< 0.001). Consistent condom use with clients increased from 28.8% (145/503) to 70.4% (356/506; <it>P </it>< 0.001) as well as the likelihood of refusing clients who were unwilling to use condoms (OR = 4.9, 95%CI = 3.7–6.6). In 2005, FSW who received peer interventions (28.7%, 145/506), had more consistent condom use with clients compared with unexposed FSW (86.2% versus 64.0%; AOR = 3.6, 95%CI = 2.1–6.1). These differences were larger among FSW with greater peer-intervention exposure. HIV prevalence was 25% (17/69) in FSW attending ≥ 4 peer-education sessions, compared with 34% (25/73) in those attending 1–3 sessions (P = 0.21). Overall HIV prevalence was 30.6 (151/493) in 2000 and 33.3% (166/498) in 2005 (<it>P </it>= 0.36).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Peer-mediated interventions were associated with an increase in protected sex. Though peer-mediated interventions remain important, higher coverage is needed and more efficacious interventions to reduce overall vulnerability and risk.</p