120 research outputs found

    Maternal psychological distress and placental circulation in pregnancies after a previous offspring with congenital malformation

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    Introduction: Antenatal maternal psychological distress may be associated with reduced placental circulation, which could lead to lower birthweight. Studies investigating this in humans show mixed results, which may be partially due to type, strength and timing of distress. In addition, the arterial vascular resistance measures often used as outcome measures do not detect smaller changes in placental volume blood flow. We aimed to investigate the effect of a specific stressor, with increased levels of stress early in pregnancy, on the fetoplacental volume blood flow in third trimester. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of 74 pregnant women with a congenital malformation in a previous fetus or child. Psychological distress was assessed twice, around 16 and 30 weeks’ gestation. Psychometric measures were the General Health Questionnaire-28 (subscales anxiety and depression), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and Impact of Event Scale-22 (subscales intrusion, avoidance, and arousal). Placental circulation was examined at 30 weeks, using Doppler ultrasonography, primarily as fetoplacental volume blood flow in the umbilical vein, normalized for abdominal circumference; secondarily as vascular resistance measures, obtained from the umbilical and the uterine arteries. Results: Maternal distress in second but not third trimester was associated with increased normalized fetoplacental blood flow (P-values 0.006 and 0.013 for score . mean for depression and intrusion, respectively). Post-hoc explorations suggested that a reduced birthweight/placental weight ratio may mediate this association. Psychological distress did not affect vascular resistance measures in the umbilical and uterine arteries, regardless of adjustment for confounders. Conclusions: In pregnant women with a previous fetus or child with a congenital malformation, higher distress levels in second trimester were associated with third trimester fetoplacental blood flow that was higher than expected for the size of the fetus. The results do not support placental blood flow reduction as a pathway between maternal distress and reduced birthweight

    Paternal psychological stress after detection of fetal anomaly during pregnancy. A prospective longitudinal observational study

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    Background and Aims. Knowledge of carrying a fetus with a prenatal diagnosed anomaly may cause acute psychological stress to the parents. Most studies focus on maternal stress, yet fathers are often present at the ultrasound examinations and birth, and therefore may be affected similarly to the expectant mother. However, to date no existing studies have examined how detection of a fetal anomaly emotionally affects the expectant fathers throughout the pregnancy. Our aim was to longitudinally examine general health perceptions, social dysfunction and psychological distress in a subgroup of men where fetal anomaly was detected during pregnancy. Methods and Results. This study is part of the SOFUS study, a prospective, longitudinal, observational study. Participants were recruited when referred for an ultrasound examination conducted by a specialist in fetal medicine at Oslo University Hospital on suspicion of fetal malformation (study group). We examined differences between the men in the study group (N= 32) and a comparison group (N=83) on the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Impact of Event Scale (IES) and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EDPS) across four time points in pregnancy. Results from repeated measured ANOVA suggests that depression decreased over time among men in both groups (Ρ2 =.15, p<.001). This effect was stronger in the study group, and differed from the comparison group (Ρ2=.08, p<.001). There was also a main effect of time on IES scores, which decreased over time for both men in the study group and in the comparison group (Ρ2=0.32, p<.001). That is, men in the study group were higher on IES initially, but this effect decreased more in the study group than in the comparison group. Men in tthe study group and comparison group did not differ on perceived general health (GHQ: p=.864,). Conclusion: Results suggests that detection of a fetal anomaly has implications for paternal mental health during pregnancy. Expectant fathers scored higher on EPDS and IES than the comparison group in the acute phase after detection of fetal anomaly, thus there is impetus to provide psychological support for fathers, as well as mothers, at this difficult time

    Heart function by M-mode and tissue Doppler in the early neonatal period in neonates with fetal growth restriction

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    Background: Fetal growth restricted (FGR) neonates have increased risk of circulatory compromise due to failure of normal transition of circulation after birth. Aim: Echocardiographic assessment of heart function in FGR neonates first three days after birth. Study design: Prospective observational study. Subjects: FGR- and non-FGR neonates. Outcome measures: M-mode excursions and pulsed-wave tissue Doppler velocities normalised for heart size and E/e′ of the atrioventricular plane day one, two and three after birth. Results: Compared with controls (non-FGR of comparable gestational age, n = 41), late-FGR (gestational age ≥ 32 weeks, n = 21) exhibited higher septal excursion (15.9 (0.6) vs. 14.0 (0.4) %, p = 0.021) (mean (SEM)) and left E/e′ (17.3 (1.9) vs.11.5 (1.3), p = 0.019). Relative to day three, indexes on day one were higher for left excursion (21 (6) % higher on day one, p = 0.002), right excursion (12 (5) %, p = 0.025), left e′ (15 (7) %, p = 0.049), right a′ (18 (6) %, p = 0.001), left E/e′ (25 (10) %, p = 0.015) and right E/e′ (17 (7) %, p = 0.013), whereas no index changed from day two to day three. Late-FGR had no impact on changes from day one and two to day three. No measurements differed between early-FGR (n = 7) and late-FGR. Conclusions: FGR impacted neonatal heart function the early transitional days after birth. Late-FGR hearts had increased septal contraction and reduced left diastolic function compared with controls. The dynamic changes in heart function between first three days were most evident in lateral walls, with similar pattern in late-FGR and non-FGR. Early-FGR and late-FGR exhibited similar heart function.publishedVersio

    The impact of diagnosed fetal anomaly, diagnostic severity and prognostic ambiguity on parental depression and traumatic stress: a prospective longitudinal cohort study

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    Introduction - The detection of a fetal anomaly during routine obstetric ultrasound is a potentially traumatic experience. The aim of this study is to examine longitudinally the impact of diagnosis of fetal anomaly on symptoms of depression and traumatic stress among mothers and fathers, and to examine how variations in psychological adjustment relate to diagnostic severity and prognostic ambiguity. Material and methods - In this prospective observational study conducted at a tertiary perinatal referral center, 81 mothers and 69 fathers with ultrasound findings of fetal anomaly completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Impact of Events Scale (IES) at four time points in pregnancy (T1–T4) and 6 weeks after birth (T5). We compared this with depression and traumatic stress in a sample of non-affected parents (n = 110 mothers, 98 fathers). Results - Linear mixed effects models indicated that parents who received a diagnosis of fetal anomaly experienced higher levels of depression and traumatic stress over time, compared with non-affected parents. Depression: mean difference mothers = 4.46 ± 0.47, fathers = 2.80 ± 0.42. Traumatic stress: mean difference mothers = 20.04 ± 2.13, fathers = 12.66 ± 1.74. Parents with a more severe diagnosis experienced elevated symptoms compared with parents with a less severe diagnosis. Among mothers, prognostic ambiguity and changes in the anticipated diagnosis after birth were also associated with increased distress, regardless of whether the change was for the better or worse. Conclusions - Diagnosis of fetal anomaly increases risk of depression and traumatic stress in expectant mothers and fathers, both acutely and over time

    Forhold for overlevelse av Gyrodactylus salaris i Oslofjorden

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    Prosjektleder: AndrÊ StaalstrømI denne rapporten har modellkjøringer med FjordOs-modellen blitt kalibrert mot mülinger av saltholdighet i overflatelaget i Oslofjorden. Disse modellresultatene er brukt for ü vurdere muligheten for at vandrende laks kan overføre parasitten Gyrodactylus salaris fra elv til elv via sjøen. Det er en mulighet for G.salaris kan overføres fra Drammenselva til Aulivassdraget, selv om sannsynligheten for at dette skjer er liten. I en ekstrem flomsituasjon i fjordsystemet slik som den i juni 1995, vil det vÌre stor sannsynlighet for at parasitter ville overleve pü fisk hvis de hadde vandret mellom Glomma og Aulivassdraget, eller motsatt.Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommunepublishedVersio

    Cardiac morphology in neonates with fetal growth restriction

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    Objective: Assess effects of fetal growth restriction (FGR) on cardiac modelling in premature and term neonates. Study design: Prospective echocardiographic study of a cohort of FGR neonates (n = 21) and controls (n = 41) with normal prenatal growth and circulation. Results: Unadjusted for gestational age, birth weight, sex, and twin/singleton, Late-FGR neonates had smaller hearts than controls, with globular left ventricles and symmetrical right ventricles. Adjusted estimates showed smaller left ventricles and similarly sized right ventricles, with symmetrical left and right ventricles. Early-FGR (compared with Late-FGR) had smaller hearts and globular left ventricles in unadjusted estimates, but after adjustment, sizes and shapes were similar. Conclusion: FGR had significant impact on cardiac modelling, seen in both statistical models unadjusted and adjusted for gestational age, birth weight, sex, and twin/singleton. The adjustments, however, refined the results and revealed more specific effects of FGR, thus underscoring the importance of statistical adjustments in such studies.acceptedVersio

    Fetal Liver Blood Flow Distribution: Role in Human Developmental Strategy to Prioritize Fat Deposition versus Brain Development

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    Among primates, human neonates have the largest brains but also the highest proportion of body fat. If placental nutrient supply is limited, the fetus faces a dilemma: should resources be allocated to brain growth, or to fat deposition for use as a potential postnatal energy reserve? We hypothesised that resolving this dilemma operates at the level of umbilical blood distribution entering the fetal liver. In 381 uncomplicated pregnancies in third trimester, we measured blood flow perfusing the fetal liver, or bypassing it via the ductus venosus to supply the brain and heart using ultrasound techniques. Across the range of fetal growth and independent of the mother's adiposity and parity, greater liver blood flow was associated with greater offspring fat mass measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, both in the infant at birth (r = 0.43, P<0.001) and at age 4 years (r = 0.16, P = 0.02). In contrast, smaller placentas less able to meet fetal demand for essential nutrients were associated with a brain-sparing flow pattern (r = 0.17, p = 0.02). This flow pattern was also associated with a higher degree of shunting through ductus venosus (P = 0.04). We propose that humans evolved a developmental strategy to prioritize nutrient allocation for prenatal fat deposition when the supply of conditionally essential nutrients requiring hepatic inter-conversion is limited, switching resource allocation to favour the brain if the supply of essential nutrients is limited. Facilitated placental transfer mechanisms for glucose and other nutrients evolved in environments less affluent than those now prevalent in developed populations, and we propose that in circumstances of maternal adiposity and nutrient excess these mechanisms now also lead to prenatal fat deposition. Prenatal developmental influences play important roles in the human propensity to deposit fat.publishedVersio

    Fetal liver blood flow distribution: role in human developmental strategy to prioritize fat deposition versus brain development

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    Among primates, human neonates have the largest brains but also the highest proportion of body fat. If placental nutrient supply is limited, the fetus faces a dilemma: should resources be allocated to brain growth, or to fat deposition for use as a potential postnatal energy reserve? We hypothesised that resolving this dilemma operates at the level of umbilical blood distribution entering the fetal liver. In 381 uncomplicated pregnancies in third trimester, we measured blood flow perfusing the fetal liver, or bypassing it via the ductus venosus to supply the brain and heart using ultrasound techniques. Across the range of fetal growth and independent of the mother's adiposity and parity, greater liver blood flow was associated with greater offspring fat mass measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, both in the infant at birth (r = 0.43, P&lt;0.001) and at age 4 years (r = 0.16, P = 0.02). In contrast, smaller placentas less able to meet fetal demand for essential nutrients were associated with a brain-sparing flow pattern (r = 0.17, p = 0.02). This flow pattern was also associated with a higher degree of shunting through ductus venosus (P = 0.04). We propose that humans evolved a developmental strategy to prioritize nutrient allocation for prenatal fat deposition when the supply of conditionally essential nutrients requiring hepatic inter-conversion is limited, switching resource allocation to favour the brain if the supply of essential nutrients is limited. Facilitated placental transfer mechanisms for glucose and other nutrients evolved in environments less affluent than those now prevalent in developed populations, and we propose that in circumstances of maternal adiposity and nutrient excess these mechanisms now also lead to prenatal fat deposition. Prenatal developmental influences play important roles in the human propensity to deposit fa

    Fetal thoracic circumference in mid-pregnancy and infant lung function

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Background and Aim: Impaired lung function in early infancy is associated with later wheeze and asthma, while fetal thoracic circumference (TC) predicts severity of neonatal lung hypoplasia. Exploring fetal origins of lung function in infancy, we aimed to determine if fetal TC in mid‐pregnancy was associated with infant lung function. Methods: From the prospective Scandinavian general population‐based PreventADALL mother–child birth cohort, all 851 3‐month‐old infants with tidal flow‐volume measurements in the awake state and ultrasound fetal size measures at 18 (min–max 16–22) weeks gestational age were included. Associations between fetal TC and time to peak tidal expiratory flow to expiratory time (tPTEF/tE) were analyzed in linear regression models. To account for gestational age variation, we adjusted TC for simultaneously measured general fetal size, by head circumference (TC/HC), abdominal circumference (TC/AC), and femur length (TC/FL). Multivariable models were adjusted for maternal age, maternal asthma, pre‐pregnancy body mass index, parity, nicotine exposure in utero, and infant sex. Results: The infants (47.8% girls) were born at mean (SD) gestational age of 40.2 (1.30) weeks. The mean (SD) tPTEF/tE was 0.39 (0.08). The mean (SD) TC/HC was 0.75 (0.04), TC/AC 0.87 (0.04), and TC/FL 4.17 (0.26), respectively. Neither TC/HC nor TC/AC were associated with infant tPTEF/tE while a week inverse association was observed between TC/FL and tPTEF/tE (β ^ = −0.03, 95% confidence interval [−0.05, −0.007], p = 0.01). Conclusion: Mid‐pregnancy fetal TC adjusted for fetal head or abdominal size was not associated with tPTEF/tE in healthy, awake 3‐month‐old infants, while a weak association was observed adjusting for fetal femur length.publishedVersio
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