54 research outputs found

    Field trial performance of Norway spruce families from Opsahl Seed Orchard

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    Field trials with Norway spruce seedlings from 84 full-sib families from a factorial cross in Opsahl Seed Orchard and 11 provenances were planted at eight sites between altitudes between 600 and 900 m in Oppland County in Norway. Measurements of tree heights and assessments of stem and branch defects were made at regular intervals until 34 years from seed. Data from measurements made in nursery trials and from artificial freezing trials were also available. The families from the seed orchard had on average 12 % better height growth than the provenances. For volume growth per hectare, measured in two of the trials 30 years after planting, the families had a superiority of more than 30 %. A large variation among families was present for height growth and additive genetic variation was the main genetic factor. For the maternal half-sib families, the ranking of families for height was stable after 15 years from seed, and the five best families selected for height at that age were at age 34 years 6 % taller and produced 13 % more volume per hectare compared with the mean of all families. Weak relationships were present between traits measured in the nursery trial, the freezing test and the field trials. Assessments were made of cone production at age 20 years after planting and showed variation among families for the frequency of trees with cones.Field trial performance of Norway spruce families from Opsahl Seed OrchardpublishedVersio

    The bromotyrosine derivative Ianthelline isolated from the Arctic marine sponge Stryphnus fortis inhibits marine micro- and macrobiofouling

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    International audienceThe inhibition of marine biofouling by the bromotyrosine derivative ianthelline, isolated from the Arctic marine sponge Stryphnus fortis, is described. All major stages of the fouling process are investigated. The effect of ianthelline on adhesion and growth of marine bacteria and microalgae is tested to investigate its influence on the initial microfouling process comparing with the known marine antifoulant barettin as a reference. Macrofouling is studied via barnacle (Balanus improvisus) settlement assays and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) phenoloxidase inhibition. Ianthelline is shown to inhibit both marine micro-and macrofoulers with a pronounced effect on marine bacteria (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values 0.1-10 mu g/mL) and barnacle larval settlement (IC50= 3.0 mu g/mL). Moderate effects are recorded on M. edulis (IC50= 45.2 mu g/mL) and microalgae, where growth is more affected than surface adhesion. The effect of ianthelline is also investigated against human pathogenic bacteria. Ianthelline displayed low micromolar MIC values against several bacterial strains, both Gram positive and Gram negative, down to 2.5 mu g/mL. In summary, the effect of ianthelline on 20 different representative marine antifouling organisms and seven human pathogenic bacterial strains is presented

    Tidlig ute og tett på: Evaluering av virksomhetsorganiserte team som ledd i NAV-Østfolds deltakelse i prosjektet “Ned med sykefraværet – IA-ledelse 2.0”

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    Dette er en rapport om prosjektet «NED med sykefraværet – IA-ledelse 2.0», et ett-årig prosjekt gjennomført av NAV Østfold. Prosjektet har dreid seg om å gjennomføre forsøk med virksomhetsbaserte team der målet har vært å redusere sykefraværet i 6 kommuner i fylket. Evalueringen er gjennomført ved at vi har intervjuet ansatte i de virksomhetsbaserte teamene og ledere i de virksomhetene teamene har betjent. Intervjuene er etterpå analysert med sikte på å få frem et best mulig bilde av hvordan teamene har bidratt til å oppnå de målene som prosjektledelsen hadde satt opp på forhånd. Vår konklusjon er at prosjektet langt på vei har oppnådd sine tallfestete mål, men at det fortsatt er en del som gjenstår før de organisatoriske målsettingene er full ut ivaretatt. Punktvis kan vi oppsummere resultatene på følgende måte: Prosjektet har ført til: • markert reduksjon i sykefravær blant de virksomhetene som har deltatt. Tallene varierer fra 20-40 % reduksjon • at arbeidsgiver har fått ett kontaktpunkt for oppfølging av alle sine sykemeldte arbeidstakere • at oppfølgingen av sykemeldte har kommet i gang tidligere enn før • at NAV-ansatte har fått større beslutningsmyndighet, men ikke så mye som de mener det er nødvendig for å gjøre jobben effektivt

    NAV: Virksomhetsbaserte team – redusert sykefravær?

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    Does bilingualism come with linguistic costs? A meta-analytic review of the bilingual lexical deficit

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    A series of recent studies have shown that the once-assumed cognitive advantage of bilingualism finds little support in the evidence available to date. Surprisingly, however, the view that bilingualism incurs linguistic costs (the so-called lexical deficit) has not yet been subjected to the same degree of scrutiny, despite its centrality for our understanding of the human capacity for language. The current study implemented a comprehensive meta-analysis to address this gap. By analyzing 478 effect sizes from 130 studies on expressive vocabulary, we found that observed lexical deficits could not be attributed to bilingualism: Simultaneous bilinguals (who acquired both languages from birth) did not exhibit any lexical deficit, nor did sequential bilinguals (who acquired one language from birth and a second language after that) when tested in their mother tongue. Instead, systematic evidence for a lexical deficit was found among sequential bilinguals when tested in their second language, and more so for late than for early second language learners. This result suggests that a lexical deficit may be a phenomenon of second language acquisition rather than bilingualism per se

    Still Arctic? — The changing Barents Sea

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    The Barents Sea is one of the Polar regions where current climate and ecosystem change is most pronounced. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological systems in the Barents Sea. Physical conditions in this area are characterized by large seasonal contrasts between partial sea-ice cover in winter and spring versus predominantly open water in summer and autumn. Observations over recent decades show that surface air and ocean temperatures have increased, sea-ice extent has decreased, ocean stratification has weakened, and water chemistry and ecosystem components have changed, the latter in a direction often described as “Atlantification” or “borealisation,” with a less “Arctic” appearance. Temporal and spatial changes in the Barents Sea have a wider relevance, both in the context of large-scale climatic (air, water mass and sea-ice) transport processes and in comparison to other Arctic regions. These observed changes also have socioeconomic consequences, including for fisheries and other human activities. While several of the ongoing changes are monitored and quantified, observation and knowledge gaps remain, especially for winter months when field observations and sample collections are still sparse. Knowledge of the interplay of physical and biogeochemical drivers and ecosystem responses, including complex feedback processes, needs further development.Still Arctic? — The changing Barents SeapublishedVersio

    Recent studies of the distribution and abundance of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in north Norway, and their possible influence on parasitic infestations in fish

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    Distributions of grey seals Halichoerus grypus were studied during aerial and ground surveys in North Norway. Surveys were conducted from Lofoten to the Soviet border during the moult (March-April, Finnmark) and breeding (October-December, whole area) periods in 1988-1991. Numbers of grey seals seem to have increased during the past 25-30 years, and the present minimum total estimates are approximately 200 animals in Lofoten, none in Vesterålen, 110 in Troms and 550 in Finnmark. Breeding occurs at a number of sites along the coast, with a delay in the start of the breeding period along a south-north axis. In Lofoten breeding occurs mainly in the first half of October, in Troms/western Finnmark in the middle of November, and in eastern Finnmark in December. Considerable variations were observed in the degree of cod worm Pseudoterranova decipiens infestations in cod Gadus morhua captured near grey seal breeding sites. There was large variability both from year to year and between areas within the same year. Variations in food habits (e.g., change from demersal to pelagic food chains) of the grey seals (known to be important vectors for cod worm) may have contributed to the observed differences

    Medical Predictors of Disability Pension in Long-term Sickness Absence. Results from a population-based prospective study in the Norwegian county of Hordaland 1994–1999

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    Background: While several socio-demographic predictors of disability pension have been identified, less is known about the importance of the medical aspects. The aim of this study was to explore the importance of diagnoses, prognoses, level of care and previous sickness absence as predictors for future disability pension status among long-term sickness absentees. Methods: A representative sample of Norwegian long-term sickness absentees, 2043 women and 1585 men, with detailed diagnostic information (based on International Classification of Primary Care), was followed up for 5 years. The date of granting of disability pension was obtained from the Norwegian disability register and was used as the dependent variable in Cox multivariate regression. Results: Kaplan-Meier estimates of the 5-year risk of disability pension (1- survival) were 22.9% for the full sample, 22.5% for men and 23.3% for the women. Men on sick leave for mental health disorders had an increased disability risk. For women a diagnosis of a cardiovascular disorder implied a slightly increased risk, while a pregnancy-related sickness absence carried almost no risk for disability pension during follow-up. Among cases with musculoskeletal disorders (54.5% of the sample), subgroups with significantly different disability risks were identified, with a gender-specific pattern. The prognoses formulated by the certifying doctor significantly predicted the outcome. Previous sickness absence days increased the disability risk, but were significant only for total absence above 20 weeks in the 4 years preceding inclusion. The level of care at the eight-week sickness certification did not affect the disability risk. Conclusion: Medical factors were important in identifying cases with an increased risk of disability pension.Medisinske prediktorer for overgang fra langtidssykemelding til uførepensjon: Resultater fra en befolkningsbasert, prospektiv undersøkelse i Hordaland 1994–99. Det er tidligere påvist en rekke sosio-demografiske prediktorer for å bli uførepensjonert, mens mindre er kjent m.h.t. betydningen av medisinske forhold. Hensikten med undersøkelsen var å klargjøre betydningen av legenes diagnoser, prognostisering, behandlingsnivå og tidligere sykefravær. Alle langtidssykemeldinger i Hordaland (sykemelding> 8 uker) i to perioder i 1994 ble registret. Utvalget besto av 2043 kvinner og 1585 menn alderen 16–62 år, hvor ICPC diagnosen var kjent fra Sykemelding 2-skjemaet. Utvalget ble fulgt opp til utgangen av 1999, dvs. en oppfølging på minst 5 år, for individer som ikke ble sensurert ved død eller emigrasjon. Tidspunkt for innvilget uførepensjon var utfallsvariabel i en Cox regresjonsanalyse. 5 års risiko for overgang fra 8 ukers langtidssykemelding til uførepensjon var 22,5% for menn og 23,3% for kvinner. Menn som var langtidssykemeldt for en psykisk lidelse hadde øket risiko for å blir uførepensjonert. For kvinner var en diagnose fra hjerte/karsystemet mer alvorlig, mens kvinner sykemeldt for en svangerskapsrelatert tilstand ikke hadde noen uførerisiko av betydning. 54,5% av utvalget var langtidssykemeldt pga plager fra muskel- og skjelettsystemet. Blant disse ble det funnet subgrupper som hadde signifikant ulik uførerisiko, (etter kontroll for andre faktorer). Mønsteret var ulikt for menn og kvinner. Prognosen som var gitt av behandlende lege predikerte utfallet rimelig godt. Tidligere sykefravær økte sannsynligheten for overgang til uførepensjon, men dette var ikke signifikant for samlet fravær over 20 uker i løpet av de fire foregående år. Behandlingsnivå ved 8 uker predikerte ikke utfallet. Medisinske faktorer er viktig når man skal identifisere langtidssykemeldte med øket uførerisiko, noe som kan være viktig hvis man vil redusere tilgangen til uførepensjon