86 research outputs found

    Analyte response in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    The dependence of analyte sensitivity and vaporization efficiency on the operating parameters of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) was investigated for a wide range of elements in aerosols, produced by laser ablation of silicate glass. The ion signals were recorded for different carrier gas flow rates at different plasma power for two different laser ablation systems and carrier gases. Differences in atomization efficiency and analyte sensitivity are significant for the two gases and the particle size distribution of the aerosol. Vaporization of the aerosol is enhanced when helium is used, which is attributed to a better energy-transfer from the plasma to the central channel of the ICP and a higher diffusion rate of the vaporized material. This minimizes elemental fractionation caused by sequential evaporation and reduces diffusion losses in the ICP. The sensitivity change with carrier gas flow variation is dependent on m/z of the analyte ion and the chemical properties of the element. Elements with high vaporization temperatures reach a maximum at lower gas flow rates than easily vaporized elements. The sensitivity change is furthermore dependent on m/z of the analyte ion, due to the mass dependence of the ion kinetic energies. The mass response curve of the ICPMS is thus not only a result of space charge effects in the ion optics but is also affected by radial diffusion of analyte ions and the mismatch between their kinetic energy after expansion in the vacuum interface and the ion optic setting

    Euroanalysis 2023 in Geneva

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    Systematic studies on the determination of Hg-labelled proteins using laser ablation-ICPMS and isotope dilution analysis

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    A method was developed for the precise and accurate determination of ovalbumin labelled with p-hydroxy-mercuribenzoic acid (pHMB) using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with ns-laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Following systematic optimisation of the ablation process in terms of detection sensitivity, two different quantification strategies were applied: external calibration using standards of the derivatized protein after 13C+ normalization and, as a proof of concept, label-specific isotope dilution analysis (IDA) using pHMB enriched in the isotope 199Hg. Due to the inhomogeneous distribution of the protein within the gel bands, it could be demonstrated that the IDA approach was superior in terms of precision and accuracy. Furthermore, it permits a reliable quantification, if more complex separation protocols are applied, as typically occurring analyte loss and degradation can be compensated for as soon as complete mixture of spike and sample is achieved. The estimated limit of detection was 160fmol in the case of ovalbumin. In contrast to earlier studies using metals naturally present in proteins, no loss of mercury was observed during separation under denaturing conditions and other sample preparation steps. Using label-specific IDA, the measured isotope ratios in the gel corresponded to recoveries between 95% and 103

    Online electrothermal heating of laser-generated aerosols: effects on aerosol particle size and signal intensities in ICPMS

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    To achieve separation of isobaric interferences and minimization of matrix related interferences for laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) electrothermal heating of laser generated aerosols was investigated by analyzing a range of solid samples: NIST SRM 610, MBH B26, BAM M381, BAM M601 and Tantalum. ICPMS measurements showed that individual elements can be removed from the laser-generated aerosol at characteristic temperatures for different solid materials. Signal reduction as high as 3 orders of magnitude were achieved for volatile elements, such as Ag and Cd when heating laser-generated aerosol of NIST SRM 610 silicate glass. A signal reduction of more than 99% was obtained for Rb while Sr remained practically unaffected. A temperature- and matrix-dependent change of particle size distribution after aerosol heating was observed by means of laser light scattering (direct aerosol visualization) and scanning electron microscopy. In the temperature range between 900 and 1,200°C, element unspecific signal suppression was observed, which could be related to a change of the particle size distribution

    Gefäß, Tasse

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    Rand- und Körperfragment einer Tasse. Konkaves Oberteilprofil, scharfe Knickwand und niedriger Unterteil. Schwarze Farbe. Außen: An Schulter umlaufenden Rillen. Am Körper bis zum Knick Stempeldekor mit senkrechten Winkeln und einem Punkt innen

    Results of an interlaboratory comparison for characterization of Pt nanoparticles using single-particle ICP-TOFMS

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    This study describes an interlaboratory comparison (ILC) among nine (9) laboratories to evaluate and validate the standard operation procedure (SOP) for single-particle (sp) ICP-TOFMS developed within the context of the Horizon 2020 project ACEnano. The ILC was based on the characterization of two different Pt nanoparticle (NP) suspensions in terms of particle mass, particle number concentration, and isotopic composition. The two Pt NP suspensions were measured using icpTOF instruments (TOFWERK AG, Switzerland). Two Pt NP samples were characterized and mass equivalent spherical sizes (MESSs) of 40.4 ± 7 nm and 58.8 ± 8 nm were obtained, respectively. MESSs showed <16% relative standard deviation (RSD) among all participating labs and <4% RSD after exclusion of the two outliers. A good agreement was achieved between the different participating laboratories regarding particle mass, but the particle number concentration results were more scattered, with <53% RSD among all laboratories, which is consistent with results from previous ILC studies conducted using ICP-MS instrumentation equipped with a sequential mass spectrometer. Additionally, the capabilities of sp-ICP-TOFMS to determine masses on a particle basis are discussed with respect to the potential for particle density determination. Finally, because quasi-simultaneous multi-isotope and multi-element determinations are a strength of ICP-TOFMS instrumentation, the precision and trueness of isotope ratio determinations were assessed. The average of 1000 measured particles yielded a precision of below ±1% for intensity ratios of the most abundant Pt isotopes, i.e.194Pt and 195Pt, while the accuracy of isotope ratios with the lower abundant isotopes was limited by counting statistics

    Laser Ablation – Accelerator Mass Spectrometry:a novel approach for rapid radiocarbon analyses of carbonate archives at high spatial resolution

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    Additional file 5. Immunohistochemistry of SAV-infected heart tissue stained using polyclonal rabbit antiserum targeting PRV σ1 (right panel) and monoclonal murine anti-SAV E2 (left panel). The heart tissue had a SAV Ct-value of 17.1

    Persistence of engineered nanoparticles in a municipal solid-waste incineration plant

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    More than 100 million tonnes of municipal solid waste are incinerated worldwide every year1. However, little is known about the fate of nanomaterials during incineration, even though the presence of engineered nanoparticles in waste is expected to grow2. Here, we show that cerium oxide nanoparticles introduced into a full-scale waste incineration plant bind loosely to solid residues from the combustion process and can be efficiently removed from flue gas using current filter technology. The nanoparticles were introduced either directly onto the waste before incineration or into the gas stream exiting the furnace of an incinerator that processes 200,000 tonnes of waste per year. Nanoparticles that attached to the surface of the solid residues did not become a fixed part of the residues and did not demonstrate any physical or chemical changes. Our observations show that although it is possible to incinerate waste without releasing nanoparticles into the atmosphere, the residues to which they bind eventually end up in landfills or recovered raw materials, confirming that there is a clear environmental need to develop degradable nanoparticles

    Deep and bottom water export from the Southern Ocean to the Pacific Ocean over the past 38 million years

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    The application of radiogenic isotopes to the study of Cenozoic circulation patterns in the South Pacific Ocean has been hampered by the fact that records from only equatorial Pacific deep water have been available. We present new Pb and Nd isotope time series for two ferromanganese crusts that grew from equatorial Pacific bottom water (D137-01, “Nova,” 7219 m water depth) and southwest Pacific deep water (63KD, “Tasman,” 1700 m water depth). The crusts were dated using 10Be/9Be ratios combined with constant Co-flux dating and yield time series for the past 38 and 23 Myr, respectively. The surface Nd and Pb isotope distributions are consistent with the present-day circulation pattern, and therefore the new records are considered suitable to reconstruct Eocene through Miocene paleoceanography for the South Pacific. The isotope time series of crusts Nova and Tasman suggest that equatorial Pacific deep water and waters from the Southern Ocean supplied the dissolved trace metals to both sites over the past 38 Myr. Changes in the isotopic composition of crust Nova are interpreted to reflect development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and changes in Pacific deep water circulation caused by the build up of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Nd isotopic composition of the shallower water site in the southwest Pacific appears to have been more sensitive to circulation changes resulting from closure of the Indonesian seaway