1,064 research outputs found

    Batı Anadolu’da genişleme alanı tipi jeotermal ortamın varlığına dair yapısal veriler: Afyon-Akşehir grabeni’nden örnek bir çalışma

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    Afyon-Akşehir Graben (AAG) which consists of the southeastern part of Akşehir-Simav Fault System (ASFS) is one of the active depression areas in Western Anatolia. The western sector of the NW-SEtrending AAG is controlled by many active normal fault segments, namely Erkmen, Gecek, and Gazlıgöl Faults. Two main geothermal fields namely, Ömer-Gecek and Gazlıgöl contain reservoirs of fluid with temperatures up to 130° C, are located on the junction points of Gecek-Erkmen faults and GazlıgölYarımca faults, respectively. The area contains three unconformity bounded geological units; Mesozoic rocks of the Afyon Metamorphic Zone (reservoir unit), Miocene volcano-sedimentary succession (cover unit), including several sedimentary and volcanic units and Quaternary modern basin-fills of alluvial, fluvial and travertine deposits. This study involves use of geological mapping and structural geology methods to identify play type of geothermal fields mentioned above. Paleostress inversion analysis based on basin-bounding active faults and active extensional cracks along the travertine depositsshows that the AAG has been deformed under the control of multidirectional extension, with E-W and NE-SW to NW-SE orientations since Plio-Quaternary time. These types of extension are directly related with the linkage of cross faults that oriented at high-angle to the strike of NW-SE-trending major breakaway fault of AAG. Field-based studies also reveals that geothermal fields in AAG develops on the interactions of these active faults on the extensional domain type geothermal play without active volcanism coming to the surface.Akşehir-Simav Fay Sistemi’nin güneydoğu bölümünü temsil eden Afyon-Akşehir Grabeni (AAG), Batı Anadolu’daki aktif çöküntü alanlarından birisidir. KB-GD uzanımı AAG’nin batı bölümü Erkmen, Gecek, Gazlıgöl gibi diri normal faylar ile kontrol edilmektedir. 130° C’ye varan rezervuar su sıcaklıkları ile bu bölgedeki en önemli jeotermal sahalar olan Ömer-Gecek ve Gazlıgöl Jeotermal sahaları sırasıyla Gecek ve Erkmen Fayları ile Gazlıgöl ve Yarımca faylarının kesişim alanlarında yer almaktadır. Bölgede yüzlek veren jeolojik birimler, birbirlerinden uyumsuzlukla ayrılan Afyon Metamorfik Zonu’na ait Mesozoyik kayaçlar (rezervuar birim), Miyosen yaşlı volkano-sedimanter ve volkanik birimler (örtü birimi) ile Kuvaterner yaşlı alüvyal-flüvyal ve travertenlerden oluşan modern havza dolgularından oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma, yukarıda bahsedilen jeotermal sahaların ortam tipini, jeolojik haritalama ve yapısal jeoloji gibi saha çalışmalarını içeren metodlar kullanılarak tanımlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Havzayı sınırlayan fay düzlemleri üzerinde yapılan paleostres analizleri ve faylar üzerinde ölçülen güncel açılma çatlakları, AAG’nin Pliyo-Kuvaterner’den beri, D-B ve KD-GB’dan KB-GD yönüne kadar değişiklik gösteren çok yönlü genişlemeli tektonizma etkisinde şekillendiğine işaret etmektedir. Genişleme tipi, AAG’nin KB-GD uzanımlı ana graben fayı ile bu faya yüksek açılı uzanan çapraz fayların bağlantıları ile ilişkilidir. Arazi bazlı çalışmalar, AAG içerisindeki jeotermal sahaların yüzeye gelmiş aktif volkanizma olmaksızın diri fayların kesişim noktalarında gelişen genişleme alanı tipi jeotermal ortamlara işaret ettiğini göstermektedir

    Structural controls on Gülbahçe Geothermal System and its hydrogeochemical properties (Western Turkey)

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    The 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 13-17 October 2014 / Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, TurkeyGülbahçe Geothermal Field (GGF) is located in eastern parts of the Karaburun Peninsula and is about 45 km away from the city of Izmir, Turkey. The stratigraphy around the GGF is represented by a Miocene volcano-sedimentary succession, including several sedimentary and volcanic units. These units overlie the basement rocks of the Karaburun Platform Carbonates and Bornova Flysch Zone which consists of carbonate blocks embedded in sandstone and mudstone alternations. GGF is located on the Gülbahçe Fault Zone, and are composed of series of NW-SE to NE-SW trending faults, extending from Sığacık Bay to Gülbahçe Bay. While most of the geothermal systems in western Turkey are controlled by normal faults, geothermal systems at the Gülbahçe are controlled by NE/NW-trending strike-slip faults and NE/NW-trending oblique-slip normal faults. An association of these active faults accommodating deep circulation of hydrothermal fluids of sea water origin is the primary control mechanisms of geothermal systems of Gülbahçe

    Evidence for sea water intrusion in karstic aquifer of Karaburun Peninsula, NW Turkey

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    IWA 2nd Regional Symposium on water, wastewater and environment, 22-24 March 2017, Cesme, İzmirKarstic aquifers are considered to be significant sources of groundwater and are mostly under threat due to sea water intrusion in many parts of the world. Seawater intrusion is also a common problem on karstic aquifers of Karaburun Peninsula in north of Mediterranean Region. The hydrogeology of Karaburun Peninsula is fairly complex and is mostly characterized by highly permeable karstic formations with significant water storage in an otherwise water scarce area. The karstic aquifers of the region were recently found to be under severe salt water intrusion, which significantly altered the position of fresh water/sea water interface as a result of excessive pumping and fault zones controlling the karstic network.The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey project number 113Y04

    Investigation of sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers: A case study from Karaburun Peninsula, Turkey

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    36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the NetherlandsGroundwater is an important natural resource; as of today, more than 2 billion people depend on groundwater. Determination of the quantity of available water resources is crucial due to continuously increasing water demand and unequal spatial distribution of water in the world. Coastal areas are typically considered to be areas of limited supply and large demand and groundwater is mostly the resource that is used for water supply purposes for coastal communities. Thus, there exist numerous studies in literature that focus on the determination of the groundwater characteristics in coastal regions with particular emphasis on the geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical properties of coastal groundwater. Coastal aquifers are considered to be significant water resources and are mostly under threat due to salt water intrusion. The reason for salt water intrusion is mostly anthropogenic such as over exploitation but occasionally natural causes like tectonic boundaries or fault lines could be influential. When coupled with low recharge rates that are common in semi-arid regions such as the Mediterranean, effective and sustainable supply of water with sufficient quality and quantity becomes a real challenge for coastal communities

    Modeling of seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer of Karaburun Peninsula, western Turkey

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    Seawater intrusion is a major problem to freshwater resources especially in coastal areas where fresh groundwater is surrounded and could be easily influenced by seawater. This study presents the development of a conceptual and numerical model for the coastal aquifer of Karareis region (Karaburun Peninsula) in the western part of Turkey. The study also presents the interpretation and the analysis of the time series data of groundwater levels recorded by data loggers. The SEAWAT model is used in this study to solve the density-dependent flow field and seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer that is under excessive pumping particularly during summer months. The model was calibrated using the average values of a 1-year dataset and further verified by the average values of another year. Five potential scenarios were analyzed to understand the effects of pumping and climate change on groundwater levels and the extent of seawater intrusion in the next 10 years. The result of the analysis demonstrated high levels of electrical conductivity and chloride along the coastal part of the study area. As a result of the numerical model, seawater intrusion is simulated to move about 420 m toward the land in the next 10 years under “increased pumping” scenario, while a slight change in water level and TDS concentrations was observed in “climate change” scenario. Results also revealed that a reduction in the pumping rate from Karareis wells will be necessary to protect fresh groundwater from contamination by seawater.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK 113Y042

    Luminescence dating of Quaternary marine terraces from the coastal part of Eastern Black Sea and their tectonic implications for the Eastern Pontides, Turkey

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    The timing of the deposition of the well-preserved Quaternary marine terraces in the coastal region of northeastern Turkey are crucial in understanding the Quaternary tectonics of the Pontides. The chronology of raised marine terraces between Trabzon and Rize has remained unrevealed because of chronologic limitations. This study aims to establish chronology for the terrace deposits by applying optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods using single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) techniques on quartz grains extracted from marine terraces. Eleven samples were collected from the lowest three Quaternary marine terraces. The OSL ages clusters into three groups: 52.4 ± 4.6 to 60.0 ± 4.7 ka (terrace level T1); 16.8 ± 0.8 to 33.9 ± 2.8 ka (T2); and 11.7 ± 0.9 ka (T3). This chronology is consistent with the classical terrace stratigraphy; i.e. younger terraces are located at lower elevations and vice versa for the older terraces. We correlate the established terrace chronology with MIS 3c, MIS 3a, and MIS 1. We calculated apparent uplift rates are 0.98 ± 0.12 mm/year, 1.39 ± 0.26 mm/year, and 1.50 ± 0.78 mm/year from marine terrace levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Based on the existing eustatic sea-level data/curve, we estimated tectonic uplift rates up to 5 mm per year. Our results indicate that the coastal region of the Eastern Pontides experienced three accumulation periods, with sea-level highstands overprinting the uplifting coastline, and the coastal region of Eastern Pontides has been tectonically active from Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene. This study reveals that marine terraces in the coastal region of northeastern Anatolia might have displaced by the South Black Sea Fault which ultimately points to a regional subsidence with the higher uplift rate, and it points to a differential uplift along the Eastern Pontides

    Seismic history of western Anatolia during the last 16 kyr determined by cosmogenic 36Cl dating.

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    Western Anatolia is one of the most seismically active regions worldwide. To date, the paleoseismic history of many major faults, in terms of recurrence intervals of destructive earthquakes, their magnitude, displacement, and slip rates is poorly understood. Regional crustal extension has produced major horst-graben systems bounded by kilometer-scale normal faults locally in carbonates, along which vertical crustal displacements occurred. In this study, we explore the seismic history of western Anatolia using 36Cl exposure dating through study of well-preserved carbonate normal fault scarps. To accomplish this, 36Cl concentrations in 214 samples from fault plane transects on the Rahmiye and Ören fault scarps were measured and compared with existing 36Cl measurements of 370 samples on five fault scraps in western Anatolia. At least 20 seismic events have been reconstructed over the past 16 kyr. The age correlation of the seismic events implies four phases of high seismic activity in western Anatolia, at around 2, 4, 6, and 8 ka. Slips are modeled ranging between 0.6 to 4.2 m per seismic event, but are probably the result of clustered earthquakes of maximum magnitude 6.5 to 7.1. While the average slip rates have values of 0.3 to 1.9 mm/yr, incremental slip rates of the faults range greater than 0.1 to 2.2 mm/yr, showing more activity mostly through late Holocene. Our finding reveals high capability of cosmogenic 36Cl dating to explore seismic behavior of active faults beyond the existing earthquake records. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s00015-022-00408-x

    Aktivna deformacija Zemljine površine utvrđena preciznim nivelmanskim premjerom u Afyon-Akşehir grabenu u Zapadnoj Anadoliji u Turskoj

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    In the actively deforming region of western Anatolia, crustal deformation is accommodated by destructive earthquakes and a variety of aseismic events. In this study, we investigated the 2016–2017 aseismic sequence located in the Bolvadin Fault, one of the segments of the Akşehir-Simav Fault System of western Anatolia by analysing surface deformation derived from detailed geological mapping. Our findings suggest that surface deformation in the Bolvadin Fault is accommodated by aseismic episodes. During the field studies in the Bolvadin area, progressive surface deformations, such as surface faults and earth fissures with a length of 800 meters to 3 kilometres and strike of N15°E to N70°E were mapped on a 1/5000 scale. Furthermore, a levelling network was established to calculate the vertical displacements and deformation rate along the surface deformations. Precision level measurements were undertaken in 2016 and 2017. On the routes to the NW of the Bolvadin settlement, a vertical deformation rate of 30 mm/yr was detected in the period of 2016–2017, and a large deformation rate of 40 mm/yr was detected in the same period.Aktivna deformacija Zemljine kore se u regiji Zapadne Anadolije kompenzira razornim potresima i drugim seizmičkim događajima. U ovom smo radu na temelju detaljnog geološkog kartiranja analizirali deformaciju površine kako bismo proučili niza seizmičkih događaja u razdoblju 2016.–2017. na lokaciji rasjeda Bolvadin, jednoga od segmenata rasjednoga sustava Akşehir-Simav u Zapadnoj Anadoliji. Naši rezultati ukazuju na to da se površinska deformacije kompenzira tijekom aseizmičkih epizoda. Tijekom terenskih istraživanja u području Bolvadin, progresivne su površinske deformacije, poput površinskih rasjeda ili pukotina duljina od 800 m do 3 km, pružanja N15°E do N70°E, kartirane u mjerilu 1:5 000. Nadalje, uspostavljena je nivelmanska mreža kako bi se izmjerila brzina pomaka i deformacija. Precizna nivelmanska mjerenja izvedena su 2016. i 2017. godine. Na pravcima usmjerenima SZ od naselja Bolvadin, ustanovljena je brzina vertikalne deformacije od 30 mm/god., a u istom je razdoblju izmjerena i velika brzina deformacije od 40 mm/god

    Calibration of the CMS hadron calorimeters using proton-proton collision data at root s=13 TeV

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    Methods are presented for calibrating the hadron calorimeter system of theCMSetector at the LHC. The hadron calorimeters of the CMS experiment are sampling calorimeters of brass and scintillator, and are in the form of one central detector and two endcaps. These calorimeters cover pseudorapidities vertical bar eta vertical bar ee data. The energy scale of the outer calorimeters has been determined with test beam data and is confirmed through data with high transverse momentum jets. In this paper, we present the details of the calibration methods and accuracy.Peer reviewe