597 research outputs found

    Localized Acceleration of Energetic Particles by a Weak Shock in the Solar Corona

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    Globally-propagating shocks in the solar corona have long been studied to quantify their involvement in the acceleration of energetic particles. However, this work has tended to focus on large events associated with strong solar flares and fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs), where the waves are sufficiently fast to easily accelerate particles to high energies. Here we present observations of particle acceleration associated with a global wave event which occurred on 1 October 2011. Using differential emission measure analysis, the global shock wave was found to be incredibly weak, with an Alfv\'en Mach number of ~1.008-1.013. Despite this, spatially-resolved type III radio emission was observed by the Nan\c{c}ay RadioHeliograph at distinct locations near the shock front, suggesting localised acceleration of energetic electrons. Further investigation using a magnetic field extrapolation identified a fan structure beneath a magnetic null located above the source active region, with the erupting CME contained within this topological feature. We propose that a reconfiguration of the coronal magnetic field driven by the erupting CME enabled the weak shock to accelerate particles along field lines initially contained within the fan and subsequently opened into the heliosphere, producing the observed type III emission. These results suggest that even weak global shocks in the solar corona can accelerate energetic particles via reconfiguration of the surrounding magnetic field

    Charged Particles in a 2+1 Curved Background

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    The coupling to a 2+1 background geometry of a quantized charged test particle in a strong magnetic field is analyzed. Canonical operators adapting to the fast and slow freedoms produce a natural expansion in the inverse square root of the magnetic field strength. The fast freedom is solved to the second order. At any given time, space is parameterized by a couple of conjugate operators and effectively behaves as the `phase space' of the slow freedom. The slow Hamiltonian depends on the magnetic field norm, its covariant derivatives, the scalar curvature and presents a peculiar coupling with the spin-connection.Comment: 22 page

    Refraction Wiggles for Measuring Fluid Depth and Velocity from Video

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    We present principled algorithms for measuring the velocity and 3D location of refractive fluids, such as hot air or gas, from natural videos with textured backgrounds. Our main observation is that intensity variations related to movements of refractive fluid elements, as observed by one or more video cameras, are consistent over small space-time volumes. We call these intensity variations “refraction wiggles”, and use them as features for tracking and stereo fusion to recover the fluid motion and depth from video sequences. We give algorithms for 1) measuring the (2D, projected) motion of refractive fluids in monocular videos, and 2) recovering the 3D position of points on the fluid from stereo cameras. Unlike pixel intensities, wiggles can be extremely subtle and cannot be known with the same level of confidence for all pixels, depending on factors such as background texture and physical properties of the fluid. We thus carefully model uncertainty in our algorithms for robust estimation of fluid motion and depth. We show results on controlled sequences, synthetic simulations, and natural videos. Different from previous approaches for measuring refractive flow, our methods operate directly on videos captured with ordinary cameras, do not require auxiliary sensors, light sources or designed backgrounds, and can correctly detect the motion and location of refractive fluids even when they are invisible to the naked eye.Shell ResearchMotion Sensing Wi-Fi Sensor Networks Co. (Grant 6925133)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship (Grant 1122374)Microsoft Research (PhD Fellowship

    Noncommutative Inspired Black Holes in Extra Dimensions

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    In a recent string theory motivated paper, Nicolini, Smailagic and Spallucci (NSS) presented an interesting model for a noncommutative inspired, Schwarzschild-like black hole solution in 4-dimensions. The essential effect of having noncommutative co-ordinates in this approach is to smear out matter distributions on a scale associated with the turn-on of noncommutativity which was taken to be near the 4-d Planck mass. In particular, NSS took this smearing to be essentially Gaussian. This energy scale is sufficiently large that in 4-d such effects may remain invisible indefinitely. Extra dimensional models which attempt to address the gauge hierarchy problem, however, allow for the possibility that the effective fundamental scale may not be far from \sim 1 TeV, an energy regime that will soon be probed by experiments at both the LHC and ILC. In this paper we generalize the NSS model to the case where flat, toroidally compactified extra dimensions are accessible at the Terascale and examine the resulting modifications in black hole properties due to the existence of noncommutativity. We show that while many of the noncommutativity-induced black hole features found in 4-d by NSS persist, in some cases there can be significant modifications due the presence of extra dimensions. We also demonstrate that the essential features of this approach are not particularly sensitive to the Gaussian nature of the smearing employed by NSS.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures; slight text modifications and references adde

    Flavour Symmetries and Kahler Operators

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    Any supersymmetric mechanism to solve the flavour puzzle would generate mixing both in the superpotential Yukawa couplings and in the Kahler potential. In this paper we study, in a model independent way, the impact of the nontrivial structure of the Kahler potential on the physical mixing matrix, after kinetic terms are canonically normalized. We undertake this analysis both for the quark sector and the neutrino sector. For the quark sector, and in view of the experimental values for the masses and mixing angles, we find that the effects of canonical normalization are subdominant. On the other hand, for the leptonic sector we obtain different conclusions depending on the spectrum of neutrinos. In the hierarchical case we obtain similar conclusion as in the quark sector, whereas in the degenerate and inversely hierarchical case, important changes in the mixing angles could be expected.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Clinical practice guidelines for laboratory diagnosis of epidermolysis bullosa

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    This guideline were initiated by DEBRA International; financial support was provided by DEBRA Austria. The generous assistance of Rebecca Bodan, Lisa Brains, Sharon Cassidy and Kelsey Townsend-Miller is gratefully acknowledged in providing patient or lay input into this guideline. The authors acknowledge the guidance of Kattya Mayre-Chilton (DEDRA International). Johann Bauer (Paracelsus University and EB House, Salzburg, Austria), Christine Bodemer (Hôpital Universitaire Necker, Paris, France), Judith Fischer (Institute of Human Genetics, University of Freiburg, Germany), Jemima Mellerio (St John's Institute of Dermatology, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, U.K.), Francis Palisson (Universidad del Desarrollo and DEBRA, Chile), Eli Sprecher (Department of Dermatology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel) and Jouni Uitto, Leila Youssefian and Hassan Vahidnezhad (all from the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.) are acknowledged as reviewers

    Age group, location or pedagogue: factors affecting parental choice of kindergartens in Hungary

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    Hungary has experienced significant political, economic, demographic and social changes since the end of Soviet domination in the 1990s. The gradual move towards liberal-democracy has been accompanied by growing emphasis on individualism, choice and diversity. Universal kindergarten provision for 5-6 year olds is a long established feature of the Hungarian education system, but little is known about parental choice (Török, 2004). A case study (Yin, 2004) of factors influencing parental choice and satisfaction was undertaken in one Hungarian town. This was based on a survey of 251 parents of children attending both mixed-age and same-age groups across 12 kindergartens. Parents suggested that the most important influences were geographical location and the individual pedagogue(s). Given that traditionally each pedagogue follows ‘their’ cohort from kindergarten entry to primary school, their influence appears heightened. Although generally satisfied with their chosen arrangement, parents from same-age groups expressed significantly more confidence and satisfaction, particularly in relation to cognitive development and preparation for school. Parents appear less convinced about the trend towards mixed-age groups and questions are raised about sufficiency of evidence of their benefits in a Hungarian context and the driving factors behind change

    Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

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    Intra-abdominal infections (IAI) are an important cause of morbidity and are frequently associated with poor prognosis, particularly in high-risk patients. The cornerstones in the management of complicated IAIs are timely effective source control with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Empiric antimicrobial therapy is important in the management of intra-abdominal infections and must be broad enough to cover all likely organisms because inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy is associated with poor patient outcomes and the development of bacterial resistance. The overuse of antimicrobials is widely accepted as a major driver of some emerging infections (such as C. difficile), the selection of resistant pathogens in individual patients, and for the continued development of antimicrobial resistance globally. The growing emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms and the limited development of new agents available to counteract them have caused an impending crisis with alarming implications, especially with regards to Gram-negative bacteria. An international task force from 79 different countries has joined this project by sharing a document on the rational use of antimicrobials for patients with IAIs. The project has been termed AGORA (Antimicrobials: A Global Alliance for Optimizing their Rational Use in Intra-Abdominal Infections). The authors hope that AGORA, involving many of the world's leading experts, can actively raise awareness in health workers and can improve prescribing behavior in treating IAIs

    Alu-Alu Recombination Underlying the First Large Genomic Deletion in GlcNAc-Phosphotransferase Alpha/Beta (GNPTAB) Gene in a MLII Alpha/Beta Patient

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    Mucolipidosis type II α/β is a severe, autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, caused by a defect in the GNPTAB gene that codes for the α/β subunits of the GlcNAc-phosphotransferase. To date, over 100 different mutations have been identified in MLII α/β patients, but no large deletions have been reported. Here we present the first case of a large homozygous intragenic GNPTAB gene deletion (c.3435-386_3602 + 343del897) encompassing exon 19, identified in a ML II α/β patient. Long-range PCR and sequencing methodologies were used to refine the characterization of this rearrangement, leading to the identification of a 21 bp repetitive motif in introns 18 and 19. Further analysis revealed that both the 5' and 3' breakpoints were located within highly homologous Alu elements (Alu-Sz in intron 18 and Alu-Sq2, in intron 19), suggesting that this deletion has probably resulted from Alu-Alu unequal homologous recombination. RT-PCR methods were used to further evaluate the consequences of the alteration for the processing of the mutant pre mRNA GNPTAB, revealing the production of three abnormal transcripts: one without exon 19 (p.Lys1146_Trp1201del); another with an additional loss of exon 20 (p.Arg1145Serfs*2), and a third in which exon 19 was substituted by a pseudoexon inclusion consisting of a 62 bp fragment from intron 18 (p.Arg1145Serfs*16). Interestingly, this 62 bp fragment corresponds to the Alu-Sz element integrated in intron 18.This represents the first description of a large deletion identified in the GNPTAB gene and contributes to enrich the knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying causative mutations in ML II.This work was supported by FCT - project PIC/IC/83252/2007 (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/). Coutinho MF and Quental S received grants from the FCT (SFRH/BD/48103/2008; SFRH/BPD/64025/2009)

    Mechanisms of Natural Gene Therapy in Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Item does not contain fulltextRevertant mosaicism has been reported in several inherited diseases, including the genetic skin fragility disorder epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Here, we describe the largest cohort of seven patients with revertant mosaicism and dystrophic EB (DEB), associated with mutations in the COL7A1 gene, and determine the underlying molecular mechanisms. We show that revertant mosaicism occurs both in autosomal dominantly and recessively inherited DEB. We found that null mutations resulting in complete loss of collagen VII and severe disease, as well as missense or splice-site mutations associated with some preserved collagen VII function and a milder phenotype, were corrected by revertant mosaicism. The mutation, subtype, and severity of the disease are thus not decisive for the presence of revertant mosaicism. Although collagen VII is synthesized and secreted by both keratinocytes and fibroblasts, evidence for reversion was only found in keratinocytes. The reversion mechanisms included back mutations/mitotic recombinations in 70% of the cases and second-site mutations affecting splicing in 30%. We conclude that revertant mosaicism is more common than previously assumed in patients with DEB, and our findings will have implications for future therapeutic strategies using the patient's naturally corrected cells as a source for cell-based therapies