35 research outputs found

    The Role of Cargo Proteins in GGA Recruitment

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    Coat proteins are recruited onto membranes to form vesicles that transport cargo from one compartment to another, but the extent to which the cargo helps to recruit the coat proteins is still unclear. Here we have examined the role of cargo in the recruitment of Golgi-localized, Îł-ear-containing, ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-binding proteins (GGAs) onto membranes in HeLa cells. Moderate overexpression of CD8 chimeras with cytoplasmic tails containing DXXLL-sorting signals, which bind to GGAs, increased the localization of all three GGAs to perinuclear membranes, as observed by immunofluorescence. GGA2 was also expressed at approximately twofold higher levels in these cells because it was degraded more slowly. However, this difference only partially accounted for the increase in membrane localization because there was a approximately fivefold increase in GGA2 associated with crude membranes and a ∌12-fold increase in GGA2 associated with clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) in cells expressing CD8-DXXLL chimeras. The effect of cargo proteins on GGA recruitment was reconstituted in vitro using permeabilized control and CD8-DXXLL-expressing cells incubated with cytosol containing recombinant GGA2 constructs. Together, these results demonstrate that cargo proteins contribute to the recruitment of GGAs onto membranes and to the formation of GGA-positive CCVs

    Communicating content: development and evaluation of icons for academic document triage through visualisation and perception

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    This work seeks to identify key features and characteristics for the design of icons that can support the tasks of information seekers in academic document triage interfaces. Such icons are meant to act as visual links to the specific elements or sections in an academic document. We suggest that icons in triage interfaces are better able to communicate information, provide feedback and enable faster user interactions than text, particularly in mobile-based interfaces. Through investigation of visualisation and perception processes, we are able to propose five primary icon categories, the two most dominant being iconic and symbolic: iconic representations mostly apply to graphically and spatially distinct document elements (i.e. Title, Abstract, Tables and Figures), externalising the elements’ surface propositions. Symbolic representations are largely associated with elements of greater semantic value (Introduction, Conclusion, Full text and Author), drawing upon the elements’ deep propositions

    Modeling potential river management conflicts between frogs and salmonids

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    Management of regulated rivers for yellow-legged frogs and salmonids exemplifies potential conflicts among species adapted to different parts of the natural flow and temperature regimes. Yellow-legged frogs oviposit in rivers in spring and depend on declining flows and warming temperatures for egg and tadpole survival and growth, whereas salmonid management can include high spring flows and low-temperature reservoir releases. We built a model of how flow and temperature affect frog breeding success. Its mechanisms include adults selecting oviposition sites to balance risks of egg dewatering by decreasing flow versus scouring by high flow, temperature effects on development, habitat selection by tadpoles, and mortality via dewatering and scouring. In simulations of a regulated river managed primarily for salmonids, below-natural temperatures delayed tadpole metamorphosis into froglets, which can reduce overwinter survival. However, mitigating this impact via higher temperatures was predicted to cause adults to oviposit before spring flow releases for salmonids, which then scoured the egg masses. The relative timing of frog oviposition and high flow releases appears critical in determining conflicts between salmonid and frog management.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    LA FASP (fiction à substrat professionnel), une autre voie d'accÚs à l'anglais de spécialité : enjeux didactiques

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    L’identification et la codification de la fiction Ă  substrat professionnel (ou FASP) en tant que genre par Michel Petit en 1999 a suscitĂ© de nombreux travaux de recherche qui se sont focalisĂ©s, dans un premier temps, essentiellement sur le potentiel didactique du genre dans le domaine de l’anglais de spĂ©cialitĂ©, pour ensuite s’intĂ©resser davantage au genre lui-mĂȘme et Ă  son Ă©volution. Dans un retour aux questions didactiques qui ont sous-tendu l’intĂ©rĂȘt initial soulevĂ© par la FASP en tant qu’outil didactique en anglais de spĂ©cialitĂ©, les articles publiĂ©s ici visent Ă  revisiter les enjeux didactiques et pĂ©dagogiques du genre. Au reflet de l’évolution de la recherche depuis l’article sĂ©minal, ces articles couvrent une palette de domaines de spĂ©cialisation classiques et nouveaux – droit, mĂ©decine, mĂ©decine lĂ©gale, nuclĂ©aire, commerce, publicitĂ©, social. Ils ouvrent Ă©galement de nouveaux chantiers de rĂ©flexion en jaugeant le potentiel de la FASP comme outil de mĂ©diation des connaissances factuelles relatives au domaine de spĂ©cialisation, les pratiques et le discours professionnels, ainsi que la culture spĂ©cialisĂ©e qui les subsument

    3D representation of Wnt and Frizzled gene expression patterns in the mouse embryo at embryonic day 11.5 (Ts19)

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    Wnt signalling is one of the fundamental cell communication systems operating in the embryo and the collection of 19 Wnt and 10 Frizzled (Fzd) receptor genes (in mouse and human) represent just part of a complex system to be unravelled. Here we present a spatially comprehensive set of data on the 3D distribution of Wnt and Fzd gene expression patterns at a carefully selected single stage of mouse development. Overviews and selected features of the patterns are presented and the full 3D data set, generated by fully described probes, is available to the research community through the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression. In addition to being comprehensive, the data set has been generated and recorded in a consistent manner to facilitate comparisons between gene expression patterns with the capacity to generate matching virtual sections from the 3D representations for specific studies. Expression patterns in the left forelimb were selected for more detailed comparative description. In addition to confirming the previously published expression of these genes, our whole embryo and limb bud analyses significantly extend the data in terms of details of the patterns and the addition of previously undetected sites of expression. Our focussed analysis of expression domains in the limb, defined by just two gene families, reveals a surprisingly high degree of spatial complexity and underlines the enormous potential for local cellular interactions that exist within an emerging structure. This work also highlights the use of OPT to generate detailed high-quality, spatially complex expression data that is readily comparable between specimens and can be reviewed and reanalysed as required for specific studies. It represents a core set of data that will be extended with additional stages of development and through addition of potentially interacting genes and ultimately other cross-regulatory communication pathways operating in the embryo