866 research outputs found

    Középiskolai tanárok Magyarországon 1900-1950 = Secondary school teachers. Hungary, 1900-1945

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    Az empirikus történetszociológiai források közül a korabeli statisztikák elemzése volt az első teendő. A népszámlálások kéziratos tábláiból, a statisztikai évkönyvekből és a rétegstatisztikákból építettünk adatbázist. Személysoros adatbázis készült valamennyi középfokú iskola tanárnépességéről - 18 mintaévvel kapcsolatban. Ebből az iskolák és iskolatípusok közötti mozgás, hely, fenntartó, névjelleg, nem, pozíció specifikusan tanulmányozható a nagy kiépülés éveire (1886-1896) évenként, egyébként évtizedenként. Az 1906, 1922, 1928, 1936, 1942 tanári zsebkönyvekből épült statisztikai adatbázist összeépítettük a koloszvári bölcsészkar anyakönyvi, az 1918 előtti Budapest diplomakönyveivel, valamint az 1918 utáni négy egyetem anyakönyveivel és diplomakönyveivel. Néhány bibliográfiai adatbázis összeállításával a publikáló tanárokat, tudós tanárok csoportját egyaránt megragadhatóvá tettük. A magyar oktatástörténetben először ezzel rekonstruálhatóvá vált a magyar középiskolai tanárság pályaíve, nemcsak a szociodemográfiai háttértényezők függvényében, de az egyetemistaként mutatott tanulmányi kiválóság, ill a felnőttként mutatott publikkálási aktivtiást függvényében is. A kutatás eredményeit számos tanulmány és konferenciaelőadás használta már. A monográfia készülőben van. | Our first job was to study the statistical sources. The original - non published - tables of national censuses, the statistical yearbooks and the special surveys served as a source for the 1 st database building. An other database - in which the cases were the individuals - were built about the teachers (not only secondary school teachers) of 18 selected years. The carrier routes between schools, schooltype is studiable in the relation of place of school, ethnical sign of surnames, school position, in time axis. We can describe the slite moving in the years of great expansion (1886-1896 year by year) and a great overview in every tenth year, approcimately. The teachers pocket book of 1906,1922, 1928, 2936, 1942 served as a source of a third new database. They were combined with the inscription files anf final exam papers of the universitioes. Some bibliographical databases have been built into this database - aiming to difine the most active groop of teachers. That is the first time in the history of Hungarian educational historiography, that we can reconstruate the carrier route of teachers combining not only with the socio demographical background, but university marks and activities in the publications. The outcome of the project have been used in several studies and conference presentations. A monography in is writing

    Eine Frage des Flächensparens: Wo können 1 Milliarde Photovoltaik-Module in Deutschland installiert werden?

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    Dieser Beitrag fokussiert auf die bauwerksintegrierte Photovoltaik (BIPV) und widmet sich den folgenden Fragen: Wie kann das Flächenpotenzial deutscher Gebäudefassaden in Bezug auf die Eignung für BIPV überschlägig erfasst, beschrieben und nach verschiedenen Gebäudefunktionen bewertet werden? Wo können künftig 1 Milliarde PV-Module in Deutschland installiert werden? Untersucht wird das theoretische Fassadenflächenpotenzial (ohne Berücksichtigung von Fenster- und Türflächenanteilen, ohne Bewertung der tatsächlichen Solareinstrahlung) in Deutschland, um zu analysieren, ob ausreichend Fassadenflächen für die Bereitstellung der benötigten elektrischen Leistung vorhanden sind. Es wird eine Bestandsanalyse für alle Gebäude in Deutschland durchgeführt, die darauf abzielt, jene Gebäudefunktion mit besonderer Eignung für BIPV unter Berücksichtigung der Fassadenausrichtung zu bestimmen. Außerdem wird ermittelt, auf welche Stadt- und Gemeindetypen besonders relevante Gebäude entfallen

    Field-induced effects in the spin liquid candidate PbCuTe2_{2}O6_{6}

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    PbCuTe2_2O6_6 is considered as one of the rare candidate materials for a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid (QSL). This assessment was based on the results of various magnetic experiments, performed mainly on polycrystalline material. More recent measurements on single crystals revealed an even more exotic behavior, yielding ferroelectric order below TFE1KT_{\text{FE}}\approx 1\,\text{K}, accompanied by distinct lattice distortions, and a somewhat modified magnetic response which is still consistent with a QSL. Here we report on low-temperature measurements of various thermodynamic, magnetic and dielectric properties of single crystalline PbCuTe2_2O6_6 in magnetic fields B14.5TB\leq 14.5\,\text{T}. The combination of these various probes allows us to construct a detailed BB-TT phase diagram including a ferroelectric phase for BB \leq 8T8\,\text{T} and a BB-induced magnetic phase at BB \geq 11T11\,\text{T}. These phases are preceded by or coincide with a structural transition from a cubic high-temperature phase into a distorted non-cubic low-temperature state. The phase diagram discloses two quantum critical points (QCPs) in the accessible field range, a ferroelectric QCP at Bc1B_{c1} = 7.9T7.9\,\text{T} and a magnetic QCP at Bc2B_{c2} = 11T11\,\text{T}. Field-induced lattice distortions, observed in the state at T>T> 1K1\,\text{K} and which are assigned to the effect of spin-orbit interaction of the Cu2+^{2+}-ions, are considered as the key mechanism by which the magnetic field couples to the dielectric degrees of freedom in this material

    Nanoparticle mediated delivery and small molecule triggered activation of proteins in the nucleus

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    Protein transfection is a versatile tool to study or manipulate cellular processes and also shows great therapeutic potential. However, the repertoire of cost effective techniques for efficient and minimally cytotoxic delivery remains limited. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are multifunctional nanocarriers for cellular delivery of a wide range of molecules, they are simple and economical to synthesize and have shown great promise for protein delivery. In this work we present a general strategy to optimize the delivery of active protein to the nucleus. We generated a bimolecular Venus based optical sensor that exclusively detects active and bioavailable protein for the performance of multi-parameter optimization of protein delivery. In conjunction with cell viability tests we maximized MSN protein delivery and biocompatibility and achieved highly efficient protein transfection rates of 80%. Using the sensor to measure live-cell protein delivery kinetics, we observed heterogeneous timings within cell populations which could have a confounding effect on function studies. To address this problem we fused a split or dimerization dependent protein of interest to chemically induced dimerization (CID) components, permitting control over its activity following cellular delivery. Using the split Venus protein we directly show that addition of a small molecule dimerizer causes synchronous activation of the delivered protein across the entire cell population. This combination of cellular delivery and triggered activation provides a defined starting point for functional studies and could be applied to other protein transfection methods

    Stepped fans and facies-equivalent phyllosilicates in Coprates Catena, Mars

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    Stepped fan deposits and phyllosilicate mineralogies are relatively common features on Mars but have not previously been found in association with each other. Both of these features are widely accepted to be the result of aqueous processes, but the assumed role and nature of any water varies. In this study we have investigated two stepped fan deposits in Coprates Catena, Mars, which have a genetic link to light-toned material that is rich in Fe–Mg phyllosilicate phases. Although of different sizes and in separate, but adjacent, trough-like depressions, we identify similar features at these stepped fans and phyllosilicates that are indicative of similar formation conditions and processes. Our observations of the overall geomorphology, mineralogy and chronology of these features are consistent with a two stage formation process, whereby deposition in the troughs first occurs into shallow standing water or playas, forming fluvial or alluvial fans that terminate in delta deposits and interfinger with interpreted lacustrine facies, with a later period of deposition under sub-aerial conditions, forming alluvial fan deposits. We suggest that the distinctive stepped appearance of these fans is the result of aeolian erosion, and is not a primary depositional feature. This combined formation framework for stepped fans and phyllosilicates can also explain other similar features on Mars, and adds to the growing evidence of fluvial activity in the equatorial region of Mars during the Hesperian and Amazonian

    Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe2O6

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    Geometrical frustration among interacting spins combined with strong quantum fluctuations destabilize long-range magnetic order in favour of more exotic states such as spin liquids. By following this guiding principle, a number of spin liquid candidate systems were identified in quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) systems. For 3D, however, the situation is less favourable as quantum fluctuations are reduced and competing states become more relevant. Here we report a comprehensive study of thermodynamic, magnetic and dielectric properties on single crystalline and pressed-powder samples of PbCuTe2_2O6_6, a candidate material for a 3D frustrated quantum spin liquid featuring a hyperkagome lattice. Whereas the low-temperature properties of the powder samples are consistent with the recently proposed quantum spin liquid state, an even more exotic behaviour is revealed for the single crystals. These crystals show ferroelectric order at TFE1KT_{\text{FE}} \approx 1\,\text{K}, accompanied by strong lattice distortions, and a modified magnetic response -- still consistent with a quantum spin liquid -- but with clear indications for quantum critical behaviour.Comment: 59 pages, 15 figures, This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available onlin

    Pacing Early Mars fluvial activity at Aeolis Dorsa: Implications for Mars Science Laboratory observations at Gale Crater and Aeolis Mons

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    The impactor flux early in Mars history was much higher than today, so sedimentary sequences include many buried craters. In combination with models for the impactor flux, observations of the number of buried craters can constrain sedimentation rates. Using the frequency of crater-river interactions, we find net sedimentation rate \lesssim 20-300 {\mu}m/yr at Aeolis Dorsa. This sets a lower bound of 1-15 Myr on the total interval spanned by fluvial activity around the Noachian-Hesperian transition. We predict that Gale Crater's mound (Aeolis Mons) took at least 10-100 Myr to accumulate, which is testable by the Mars Science Laboratory.Comment: Submitted to Icarus; minor changes from submitted versio

    Localized precipitation and runoff on Mars

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    We use the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) to simulate lake storms on Mars, finding that intense localized precipitation will occur for lake size >=10^3 km^2. Mars has a low-density atmosphere, so deep convection can be triggered by small amounts of latent heat release. In our reference simulation, the buoyant plume lifts vapor above condensation level, forming a 20km-high optically-thick cloud. Ice grains grow to 200 microns radius and fall near (or in) the lake at mean rates up to 1.5 mm/hr water equivalent (maximum rates up to 6 mm/hr water equivalent). Because atmospheric temperatures outside the surface layer are always well below 273K, supersaturation and condensation begin at low altitudes above lakes on Mars. In contrast to Earth lake-effect storms, lake storms on Mars involve continuous precipitation, and their vertical velocities and plume heights exceed those of tropical thunderstorms on Earth. Convection does not reach above the planetary boundary layer for lakes O(10^2) mbar. Instead, vapor is advected downwind with little cloud formation. Precipitation occurs as snow, and the daytime radiative forcing at the land surface due to plume vapor and storm clouds is too small to melt snow directly (<+10 W/m^2). However, if orbital conditions are favorable, then the snow may be seasonally unstable to melting and produce runoff to form channels. We calculate the probability of melting by running thermal models over all possible orbital conditions and weighting their outcomes by probabilities given by Laskar et al., 2004. We determine that for an equatorial vapor source, sunlight 15% fainter than at present, and snowpack with albedo 0.28 (0.35), melting may occur with 4%(0.1%) probability. This rises to 56%(12%) if the ancient greenhouse effect was modestly (6K) greater than today.Comment: Submitted to JGR Planet

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast carcinoma in Jordan

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    INTRODUCTION: Although breast carcinoma (BC) is the most common malignancy affecting Jordanian females and the affected population in Jordan is younger than that in the West, no information is available on its biological characteristics. Our aims in this study are to evaluate the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) and Her-2/neu overexpression in BC in Jordan, and to compare the expression of these with other prognostic parameters for BC such as histological type, histological grade, tumor size, patients' age, and number of lymph node metastases. METHOD: This is a retrospective study conducted in the Department of Pathology at Jordan University of Science and Technology. A confirmed 91 cases of BC diagnosed in the period 1995 to 1998 were reviewed and graded. We used immunohistochemistry to evaluate the expression of ER, PR, and Her-2. Immunohistochemical findings were correlated with age, tumor size, grade and axillary lymph node status. RESULTS: Her-2 was overexpressed in 24% of the cases. The mean age of Her-2 positive cases was 42 years as opposed to 53 years among Her-2 negative cases (p = 0.0001). Her-2 expression was inversely related to ER and PR expression. Her-2 positive tumors tended to be larger than Her-2 negative tumors with 35% overexpression among T3 tumors as opposed to 22% among T2 tumors (p = 0.13). Her-2 positive cases tended to have higher rates of axillary metastases, but this did not reach statistical significance. ER and PR positive cases were seen in older patients with smaller tumor sizes. CONCLUSION: Her-2 overexpression was seen in 24% of BC affecting Jordanian females. Her-2 overexpression was associated with young age at presentation, larger tumor size, and was inversely related to ER and PR expression. One-fifth of the carcinomas were Her-2 positive and ER negative. This group appears to represent an aggressive form of BC presenting at a young age with large primary tumors and a high rate of four or more axillary lymph node metastases

    Desmoglein 2 regulates the intestinal epithelial barrier via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase

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    Intestinal epithelial barrier properties are maintained by a junctional complex consisting of tight junctions (TJ), adherens junctions (AJ) and desmosomes. Desmoglein 2 (Dsg2), an adhesion molecule of desmosomes and the only Dsg isoform expressed in enterocytes, is required for epithelial barrier properties and may contribute to barrier defects in Crohn's disease. Here, we identified extradesmosomal Dsg2 on the surface of polarized enterocytes by Triton extraction, confocal microscopy, SIM and STED. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed Dsg2-specific binding events along the cell border on the surface of enterocytes with a mean unbinding force of around 30pN. Binding events were blocked by an inhibitory antibody targeting Dsg2 which under same conditions activated p38MAPK but did not reduce cell cohesion. In enterocytes deficient for Dsg2, p38MAPK activity was reduced and both barrier integrity and reformation were impaired. Dsc2 rescue did not restore p38MAPK activity indicating that Dsg2 is required. Accordingly, direct activation of p38MAPK in Dsg2-deficient cells enhanced barrier reformation demonstrating that Dsg2-mediated activation of p38MAPK is crucial for barrier function. Collectively, our data show that Dsg2, beside its adhesion function, regulates intestinal barrier function via p38MAPK signalling. This is in contrast to keratinocytes and points towards tissue-specific signalling functions of desmosomal cadherins