991 research outputs found

    Across the Indian Ocean: a remarkable example of trans-oceanic dispersal in an austral mygalomorph spider [dataset]

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    The Migidae are a family of austral trapdoor spiders known to show a highly restricted and disjunct distribution pattern. Here, we aim to investigate the phylogeny and historical biogeography of the group, which was previously thought to be vicariant in origin, and examine the biogeographic origins of the genus Moggridgea using a dated multi-gene phylogeny. Moggridgea specimens were sampled from southern Australia and Africa, and Bertmainus was sampled from Western Australia. Sanger sequencing methods were used to generate a robust six marker molecular dataset consisting of the nuclear genes 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ITS rRNA, XPNPEP3 and H3 and the mitochondrial gene COI. Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood methods were used to analyse the dataset, and the key dispersal nodes were dated using BEAST. Based on our data, we demonstrate that Moggridgea rainbowi from Kangaroo Island, Australia is a valid member of the otherwise African genus Moggridgea. Molecular clock dating analyses show that the inter-specific divergence of M. rainbowi from African congeners is between 2.27–16.02 million years ago (Mya). This divergence date significantly post-dates the separation of Africa from Gondwana (95 Mya) and therefore does not support a vicariant origin for Australian Moggridgea. It also pre-dates human colonisation of Kangaroo Island, a result which is further supported by the intra-specific divergence date of 1.10–6.39 Mya between separate populations on Kangaroo Island. These analyses provide strong support for the hypothesis that Moggridgea colonised Australia via long-distance trans-Indian Ocean dispersal, representing the first such documented case in a mygalomorph spider

    Sexual selection and the evolution of condition-dependence: an experimental test at two resource levels

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    Stronger condition-dependence in sexually selected traits is well-documented, but how this relationship is established remains unknown. Moreover, resource availability can shape responses to sexual selection, but resource effects on the relationship between sexual selection and condition-dependence are also unknown. In this study, we directly test the hypotheses that sexual selection drives the evolution of stronger-condition-dependence and that resource availability affects the outcome, by evolving fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) under relatively strong or weak sexual selection (through varied sex ratios) and at resource-poor or resource-rich adult diets. We then experimentally manipulated condition via developmental diet and assessed condition-dependence in adult morphology, behavior, and reproduction. We observed stronger condition-dependence in female size in male-biased populations and in female ovariole production in resource-limited populations. However, we found no evidence that male condition-dependence increased in response to sexual selection, or that responses depended on resource levels. These results offer no support for the hypotheses that sexual selection increases male condition-dependence or that sexual selection's influence on condition-dependence is influenced by resource availability. Our study is, to our knowledge, the first experimental test of these hypotheses. If the results we report are general, then sexual selection's influence on the evolution of condition-dependence may be less important than predicted

    Mineral magnetism of dusty olivine:A credible recorder of pre-accretionary remanence

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    The magnetic properties of olivine-hosted Fe-Ni particles have been studied to assess the potential of “dusty olivine” to retain a pre-accretionary remanence in chondritic meteorites. Both body-centered (bcc) and face-centered cubic (fcc) Fe-Ni phases were formed by reduction of a terrestrial olivine precursor. The presence of Ni complicates the magnetic properties during heating and cooling due to the fcc-bcc martensitic transition. First-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams contain a central ridge with a broad coercivity distribution extending to 600 mT, attributed to non-interacting single-domain (SD) particles, and a “butterfly” structure extending to 250 mT, attributed to single-vortex (SV) states. SD and SV states were imaged directly using electron holography. The location of the SD/SV boundary is broadly consistent with theoretical predictions. A method to measure the volume of individual SD particles using electron holography is presented. Combining the volume information with constraints on coercivity, we calculate the thermal relaxation characteristics of the particles and demonstrate that the high-coercivity component of remanance would remain stable for 4.6 Ga, even at temperatures approaching the Curie temperature of pure Fe. The high coercivity of the particles, together with the chemical protection offered by the surrounding olivine, is likely to make them resistant to shock remagnetization, isothermal remagnetization and terrestrial weathering, making dusty olivine a credible recorder of pre-accretionary magnetic fields

    Speech Sound Production in 2-Year-Olds Who Are Hard of Hearing

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    The purpose of the study was to 1) compare the speech sound production abilities of 2-year-old children who are hard of hearing (HH) to children with normal hearing (NH), 2) identify sources of risk for individual children who are HH, and 3) determine whether speech sound production skills at age two were predictive of speech sound production skills at age three

    The Trifluoromethyl Group as a Bioisosteric Replacement of the Aliphatic Nitro Group in CB1 Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulators (PAMs)

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00252. Experimental procedures, characterization of all intermediates and target compounds, and copies of NMR spectra of compounds 1, 39-57. Molecular formula strings of target compounds are available. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We gratefully thank Signal Pharma and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Proof of Principle grants PPP-125784 and PP2-139101 for financial support and fellowship (C.C.T), NIH grants R01DA039942, P30DA033934 and VCU School of Pharmacy start-up funds (A.H.L.). We thank the EPSRC National Crystallography Service (University of Southampton) for the X-ray data collection. We are grateful to Dr Monica Sani (CNR-ICRM, Milan, Italy) and Mr Massimo Frigerio (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) for the synthesis of two tetrazole-substituted indoles (Het-1 and Het-2)Peer reviewedPostprin

    Is the adult mouse striatum a hostile host for neural transplant survival?

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    Human donor cells, including neurally directed embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells with the potential to be used for neural transplantation in a range of neurodegenerative disorders, must first be tested preclinically in rodent models of disease to demonstrate safety and efficacy. One strategy for circumventing the rejection of xenotransplanted human cells is to desensitize the host animal to human cells in the early neonatal period so that a subsequent transplant in adulthood is not immunorejected. This method has been robustly validated in the rat, but currently not in the mouse in which most transgenic models of neurodegeneration have been generated. Thus, we set out to determine whether this could be achieved through modification of the existing rat protocol. Mice were inoculated in the neonatal period with a suspension of human embryonic cortical tissue of varying cell numbers, and received a subsequent human embryonic cortical tissue cell transplant in adulthood. Graft survival was compared with those in mice immunosuppressed with cyclosporine A and those receiving allografts of mouse whole ganglionic eminence tissue. Poor survival was found across all groups, suggesting a general problem with the use of mouse hosts for testing human donor cells

    Sexual selection and the evolution of condition-dependence: an experimental test at two resource levels

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    Stronger condition-dependence in sexually selected traits is well-documented, but how this relationship is established remains unknown. Moreover, resource availability can shape responses to sexual selection, but resource effects on the relationship between sexual selection and condition-dependence are also unknown. In this study, we directly test the hypotheses that sexual selection drives the evolution of stronger-condition-dependence and that resource availability affects the outcome, by evolving fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) under relatively strong or weak sexual selection (through varied sex ratios) and at resource-poor or resource-rich adult diets. We then experimentally manipulated condition via developmental diet and assessed condition-dependence in adult morphology, behavior, and reproduction. We observed stronger condition-dependence in female size in male-biased populations and in female ovariole production in resource-limited populations. However, we found no evidence that male condition-dependence increased in response to sexual selection, or that responses depended on resource levels. These results offer no support for the hypotheses that sexual selection increases male condition-dependence or that sexual selection’s influence on condition-dependence is influenced by resource availability. Our study is, to our knowledge, the first experimental test of these hypotheses. If the results we report are general, then sexual selection’s influence on the evolution of condition-dependence may be less important than predicted

    Common risk alleles for schizophrenia within the major histocompatibility complex predict white matter microstructure

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    Recent research has highlighted the role of complement genes in shaping the microstructure of the brain during early development, and in contributing to common allele risk for Schizophrenia. We hypothesised that common risk variants for schizophrenia within complement genes will associate with structural changes in white matter microstructure within tracts innervating the frontal lobe. Results showed that risk alleles within the complement gene set, but also intergenic alleles, significantly predict axonal density in white matter tracts connecting frontal cortex with parietal, temporal and occipital cortices. Specifically, risk alleles within the Major Histocompatibility Complex region in chromosome 6 appeared to drive these associations. No significant associations were found for the orientation dispersion index. These results suggest that changes in axonal packing - but not in axonal coherence - determined by common risk alleles within the MHC genomic region – including variants related to the Complement system - appear as a potential neurobiological mechanism for schizophrenia