29 research outputs found

    Dealing with daily emotions—supportive activities for the elderly in a municipal care setting

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    There are diverse descriptions of supportive activities in nursing to be found in the literature. What they have in common is their association with good care outcomes, but they may differ depending on the context in which the care is given. In a Swedish municipal elderly care setting, registered nurses (RN) work in a consultative way and they describe a part of their tasks as comprising supportive activities without specifying what kind of supportive activities they mean. The aim of the study was to explore the main concern of the support given by RN to a group of patients in an elderly home care setting. The study was conducted using Grounded Theory. Data were collected using nonparticipant observations regarding the supportive activities of 12 RN at the home of 36 patients between the ages of 80 and 102. Most of the home visit lasted about 40 min but some lasted for 90 min. The central category was about dealing with daily emotions. This was done by encouraging the situation and reducing the patient's limitations, but situations also occurred in which there was a gap of support. Support was about capturing the emotions that the patient expressed for a particular moment, but there were also situations in which RN chose not to give support. To develop a holistic eldercare, more knowledge is needed about the factors causing the RN to choose not to provide support on some occasions

    God vÄrd och anvÀndning av digitala hjÀlpmedel : FörestÀllningar hos Àldre och vÄrdpersonal

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    The overall aim of this thesis was to describe the perceptions about care and the use ofdigital assistive technology among elderly people and caregivers. Perceptions are continuallychanging depending on technical and socio-political developments and changes in society.The research presented here consists of data gathered to assess these perspectives, and thesubsequent analysis and interpretation.In study I and II, individual interviews were conducted with twelve healthy elderlycouples living in their own homes. All participants were 70 years of age or older and none ofthem received any professional care or social support. The interviews were substantiated bywritten scenarios considered to be realistic descriptions of imaginary examples of the state ofhealth and wellbeing for themselves in the future. The participants were asked what theybelieved would be the best solution concerning quality care and the use of assistivetechnology in each scenario. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the text.For study III and IV, a questionnaire was developed to probe the perceptions of a digitalphoto diary for use by people with dementia. The respondents were employees of the Swedishmunicipalities in a position to be able to influence the implementation of digital assistivetechnology for use by people with dementia. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics,multivariate statistics and qualitative content analysis.The first study revealed that participants tried to maintain their sense of self and desireddignified care. The receipt of care in one’s own home was considered preferable as it enabledpartners to remain together; later on, in contrast, the best care was perceived to be that offeredby a nursing home with well-trained nursing staff. In study II, the use of assistive technologywas perceived to be an asset by participants since it would enable them to continue living anormal life despite having some disabilities. In the absence of a partner or if their cognitiveimpairment increased, their willingness to use assistive technology would decrease, and thetechnology was considered to be an obstacle. In both studies there was a pervading concernabout the risk of losing a sense of individuality in the absence of meaningful relationships.In study III, perceptions related to the prerequisites for and consequences of using thedigital photo diary were investigated. The analysis of factor analysis concerningconsequences, revealed four factors; trust, vulnerability, dependency/independency andcontrol. The results interpreted from the qualitative data emphasized the importance ofPersonalization and the preservation of dignity when using the device. The prerequisite mostoften specified was the need for digital photo diary to be introduced in an early stage of thedisease.In study IV, caregivers’ perceptions on how persons with mild dementia will experiencethe usage of a digital photo diary were examined. The digital photo diary considered wasperceived to contribute to a Sense of autonomy, Sense of self-esteem and a Sense of trustamong people with dementia.These findings highlight the context-dependence of the perceptions about quality careand the use of digital assistive technology for elderly people. An overall understanding of theresults emphasizes the importance of personalized and dignified support, and this should betaken into consideration when organizing quality care and implementing new digital assistivetechnology for use by elderly people.Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att belysa förestĂ€llningar om god vĂ„rd och anvĂ€ndning av digitala hjĂ€lpmedel hos Ă€ldre personer och vĂ„rdpersonal. FörestĂ€llningar förĂ€ndras kontinuerligt beroende pĂ„ teknikutveckling och socio-politiska förĂ€ndringar i samhĂ€llet. Den forskning som presenteras i denna avhandling omfattar data som belyser detta perspektiv samt efterföljande analys och tolkning.I delstudie I och II, genomfördes individuella intervjuer med tolv Ă€ldre, friska par i deras hem. Samtliga deltagare var över 70 Ă„r och hade vid intervjutillfĂ€llet inget beviljat bistĂ„nd, inga digitala hjĂ€lpmedel och ingen vĂ„rd i hemmet. En vinjett, bestĂ„ende av tre scenarier anvĂ€ndes för att presenterades olika situationer av att vara i behov av vĂ„rd. UtifrĂ„n varje scenario stĂ€lldes dĂ€refter frĂ„gor om vad de ansĂ„g vara den bĂ€sta vĂ„rden samt anvĂ€ndning av digitala hjĂ€lpmedel i den specifika situationen. Kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys anvĂ€ndes för att analysera texten.I delstudie III och IV, konstruerades en enkĂ€t för att undersöka förestĂ€llningar hos vĂ„rdpersonal om anvĂ€ndning av en digital bilddagbok för personer med mild demens. Deltagare var vĂ„rdpersonal som i sitt arbete inom hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rd kommer i kontakt med personer med demens. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades med beskrivande statistik, multivariat statistik samt kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultaten frĂ„n delstudie I tolkades som en uttrycklig önskan om bevarad sjĂ€lvkĂ€nsla och att bli vĂ„rdad med vĂ€rdighet. Den bĂ€sta vĂ„rden beskrevs vara vĂ„rd i hemmet sĂ„ lĂ€nge det fanns en frisk partner i hemmet och i lindrigt behov av vĂ„rd. NĂ€r omstĂ€ndigheterna förĂ€ndrades, ingen partner i hemmet och stort behov av vĂ„rd, beskrevs den bĂ€sta vĂ„rden vara pĂ„ institution. I delstudie II, beskrev deltagarna anvĂ€ndning av digitala hjĂ€lpmedel som en tillgĂ„ng som gjorde det möjligt att fortsĂ€tta leva ett bra liv Ă€ven om de var i behov av vĂ„rd. Utan en frisk partner hemma och vid försĂ€mrad hĂ€lsa uttrycktes alltmer tveksamheter till att anvĂ€nda digitala hjĂ€lpmedel. I de bĂ„da delstudierna I och II framkom att det fanns en rĂ€dsla för att inte bli sedd som en unik person, allra helst nĂ€r det inte fanns nĂ„gon partner som kunde företrĂ€da dem.I delstudie III, undersöktes förestĂ€llningar om konsekvenser och förutsĂ€ttningar av anvĂ€ndning av en digital bilddagbok. Den faktoranalys som gjordes visade pĂ„ fyra faktorer, Tillit, SĂ„rbarhet, Beroende/oberoende samt Kontroll. Resultaten frĂ„n den kvalitativa innehĂ„llsanalysen tolkades vara Individuella bedömningar och bevarande av vĂ€rdighet, nĂ€r den digitala bilddagboken anvĂ€ndes. En viktig förutsĂ€ttning som framkom var att den digitala bilddagboken skall introduceras tidigt efter diagnos.I delstudie IV, dĂ€r vĂ„rdpersonal förestĂ€ller sig hur en person med demens upplever anvĂ€ndning av en digital bilddagbok, anvĂ€ndes faktoranalys för att analysera datamaterialet. Tre faktorer framkom; KĂ€nsla av sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet, KĂ€nsla av sjĂ€lvaktning och KĂ€nsla av tillit. Resultaten frĂ„n samtliga studier visar att förestĂ€llningarna om god vĂ„rd och anvĂ€ndning av digitala hjĂ€lpmedel, förĂ€ndras beroende pĂ„ sammanhanget. Den röda trĂ„den i studierna, om god vĂ„rd och anvĂ€ndning av digital teknik som stöd i vĂ„rd av Ă€ldre, kan beskrivas som Individualiserad vĂ„rd och bevarad vĂ€rdighet.GodkĂ€nd; 2011; 20110809 (ysko); DISPUTATION ÄmnesomrĂ„de: OmvĂ„rdnad Opponent: Professor Kenneth Asplund, Institutionen för hĂ€lsovetenskap, Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall Ordförande: Medicine doktor Mai Lindström, Institutionen för hĂ€lsovetenskap, LuleĂ„ tekniska universitet Tid: Fredag den 16 september 2011, kl. 10.00 Plats: E63

    Elderly people's perceptions about care and the use of assistive technology services (ATS)

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    Values associated with the care of the elderly have changed and developed during the last decades due to socio-political changes. Dignity is a basic concept for quality care regardless of how and where care is given. Assistive Technology Services (ATS) are used to promote quality care and support for care-dependent elderly living at home. Previous research has described quality care and the use of ATS in care; however, as values change over time it is necessary to illuminate values in care. The overall aim of this licentiate thesis was to describe elderly peoples' perceptions about care and the use of ATS if care is needed in the future. Qualitative research interviews were conducted with twelve healthy elderly couples living in their own homes. All participants were 70 years of age or older and received no professional care or social support. Open, individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysis was supported by written vignettes describing three levels of care needs. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interviews.This study shows that regardless of the health scenario presented ranging from required care while remaining in the home with a healthy partner to total dependence for care without a partner in the home; participants strived to maintain the self and desired dignified care at the end of life. As the health scenarios were changed they discussed new solutions to achieve the goals of individuality and dignity. The best care was related to their home and their relationship to the partner and later on the best care was perceived as being in a nursing home with well educated nursing staff. Participants hoped that nursing competence included a basic nursing competence as well as respect, compassion and ability to closeness. The risk of losing one's individuality and becoming anonymous without meaningful relationships was a pervading concern amongst participants. There were also a broad range of perceptions regarding the use of ATS in care. ATS was seen as either an asset or a threat depending on care needs and abilities. The use of ATS was viewed positively by participants of the study since it would enable them to continue a normal life even if they had some disabilities. The trust they experienced in their relationship with their partner was a firm foundation for learning and handling new technology. Hesitation in their abilities to use ATS increased if they lacked a partner and their cognitive impairment increased. Hesitation turned to fear and revulsion against the use of ATS if they were dependent for their care and they did not have a partner at home to assist them.These findings highlight elderly peoples' values about quality care and the use of ATS in care and should be taken into consideration when planning care of the elderly, and implementing new technology related to their care.Det finns ett flertal uttryck som beskriver anvĂ€ndandet av informations- och kommunikationsteknologiska hjĂ€lpmedel men det som genomgĂ„ende anvĂ€nts i denna licentiatuppsats Ă€r ATS. Ett uttryck som vi anser vĂ€l beskriver olika teknologiska hjĂ€lpmedel. DĂ€rför kommer ATS Ă€ven att anvĂ€ndas i den svenska sammanfattningen. VĂ€rderingar inom god vĂ„rd av Ă€ldre har förĂ€ndrats och utvecklats under det senaste Ă„rhundradet i takt med sociopolitiska förĂ€ndringar. God vĂ„rd handlar om vĂ€rdig vĂ„rd dĂ€r grundlĂ€ggande begrepp som vĂ€rdighet utgör basen för hur vĂ„rden skall utformas. VĂ€rdighet innebĂ€r att mĂ€nniskan har en absolut vĂ€rdighet och oberoende pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt eller var vĂ„rden ges bör detta vara ett signum för vĂ„rden. VĂ„rd av Ă€ldre pĂ„ institution har alltmer ersatts av vĂ„rd i hemmet. Detta underlĂ€ttas till stor del av att ATS alltmer anvĂ€nds för att stödja och underlĂ€tta boende i hemmet. Forskning som beskriver vĂ€rderingar om god vĂ„rd finns men eftersom vĂ€rderingarna förĂ€ndras över tid Ă€r det av stort vĂ€rde att kontinuerligt kartlĂ€gga dessa vĂ€rderingar. Det övergripande syftet med denna licentiatuppsats var att beskriva Ă€ldre personers förestĂ€llningar om god vĂ„rd och anvĂ€ndande av ATS i hĂ€ndelse av vĂ„rd. Licentiatuppsatsen bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ delstudier, delstudie I vars syfte var att beskriva Ă€ldre personers förstĂ€llning av god vĂ„rd och delstudie II, vars syfte var att beskriva Ă€ldre personers förestĂ€llning om anvĂ€ndande av ATS i vĂ„rd. I studierna ingĂ„r tolv par. Kriterier för att kunna delta i studierna var att alla deltagarna var > 70 Ă„r, etablerad pensionĂ€r, sammanboende i minst 5 Ă„r och inte nĂ„gon form av teknisk support som exempelvis alarm eller annat beviljat bistĂ„nd. Den yngsta var 70 Ă„r och den Ă€ldste deltagaren var 83 Ă„r. Kvalitativa individuella forskningsintervjuer har anvĂ€nts som datainsamlingsmetod. För att fĂ„ fram deltagarnas förestĂ€llningar om god vĂ„rd och anvĂ€ndande av ATS anvĂ€ndes en vinjett med olika scenarier som alltmer komplicerades. FrĂ„gorna stĂ€lldes utifrĂ„n tvĂ„ olika perspektiv, eget perspektiv och partnerns perspektiv. Deltagarna ombads reflektera över dessa scenarier och besvara de frĂ„gor som följde. Intervjuerna spelades in pĂ„ band och skrevs dĂ€refter ut ordagrant. UtifrĂ„n syftet anvĂ€ndes en kvalitativ tematisk innehĂ„llsanalys för att analysera intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att vĂ€rderingarna förĂ€ndras beroende vilken livssituation man befinner sig i. SĂ„ lĂ€nge som informanterna sjĂ€lv kunde bestĂ€mma över sitt liv, hade kontroll över tillvaron beskrevs hemmet som en sjĂ€lvklarhet att bo kvar i Ă€ven om man var i behov av viss assistans för att klara den personliga hygienen. En mycket viktig förutsĂ€ttning var ocksĂ„ att det fanns en frisk partner i hemmet. Tillsammans med partner uttryckte informanterna att det fanns möjlighet att klara av ovĂ€ntade, nya situationer. Tilliten till den lĂ„ngvariga relationen utgjorde den sjĂ€lvklara bas dĂ€r yttre omstĂ€ndigheter som sjukdomar och Ă„ldrande kunde hanteras och uthĂ€rdas. NĂ€r deltagarna reflekterade över att vara totalt beroende av vĂ„rd Ă€ndrades deras förestĂ€llning om att fĂ„ vĂ„rd i hemmet. Av hĂ€nsyn till partners hĂ€lsa och rĂ€tt till ett eget liv menade de allra flesta att det var fel att belasta partnern. Partnern skall inte vĂ„rda den som Ă€r sjuk, det poĂ€ngterades att det var viktigt att bibehĂ„lla den Ă€ktenskapliga relationen. I dessa scenarier valde deltagarna att fĂ„ vĂ„rd pĂ„ institution dĂ€r det fanns vĂ€lutbildad personal. FörestĂ€llningar om anvĂ€ndande av ATS visade pĂ„ stor variation beroende pĂ„ egen förmĂ„ga och behovet av vĂ„rd. Vid ett ringa behov av vĂ„rd vĂ€rderades anvĂ€ndande av ATS som en tillgĂ„ng. Samtliga deltagare beskrev mĂ„nga positiva effekter med den nya teknologin, exempelvis kunde det innebĂ€ra att man kunde bo kvar hemma betydligt lĂ€ngre och Ă€ven kĂ€nna trygghet eftersom anvĂ€ndande av ATS innebĂ€r att man kĂ€nde sig trygg. Med ett alltmer ökat beroende av vĂ„rd uttrycktes osĂ€kerhet om vilka konsekvenser anvĂ€ndande av ATS kunde medföra. Även hĂ€r nĂ€mndes partners nĂ€rvaro som en viktig förutsĂ€ttning för att man skulle kunna bĂ„da lĂ€ra sig men Ă€ven kunna kĂ€nna tillit till ATS. Totalt beroende av vĂ„rd och ingen partner i hemmet uppfattades anvĂ€ndande av ATS som ett hot. Att i en sĂ„dan situation anvĂ€nda ATS för vĂ„rd i hemmet vĂ€ckte bĂ„de rĂ€dsla och förtvivlan. Det fanns en genomgĂ„ende överensstĂ€mmelse om att anvĂ€ndande av ATS aldrig kan ersĂ€tta det mĂ€nskliga mötet. Ensamhet, isolering and osĂ€kerhet var uttryck som ofta Ă„terkom nĂ€r förestĂ€llningarna om god vĂ„rd och ATS diskuterades. Speciellt nĂ€r behovet av vĂ„rd var totalt och ingen partner lĂ€ngre fanns i hemmet. I de situationerna var deltagarnas behov av att bli sedd och berörd det som var det allra viktigaste. Att bli behandlad med vĂ€rdighet poĂ€ngterades ofta, en önskan om att vĂ„rdpersonalen förutom tekniskt kunnande Ă€ven har kunskap som medkĂ€nsla och respekt.GodkĂ€nd; 2009; 20090420 (chrhar)Friska Ă€ldre personers resonemang om anvĂ€ndning av Informations- och Kommunikations Teknologi, IKT, vid vĂ„rd och omsorg i hemmet, Forskning - OmvĂ„rdnad – Äldr

    Professional caregivers' perceptions on how persons with mild dementia might experience the usage of a digital photo diary

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    Cognitive impairments influence the possibility of persons with dementia to remember daily events and maintain a sense of self. In order to address these problems a digital photo diary was developed to capture information about events in daily life. The device consisted of a wearable digital camera, smart phone with Global Positioning System (GPS) and a home memory station with computer for uploading the photographs and touch screen. The aim of this study was to describe professional caregiver's perceptions on how persons with mild dementia might experience the usage of this digital photo diary from both a situation when wearing the camera and a situation when viewing the uploaded photos, through a questionnaire with 408 respondents. In order to catch the professional caregivers' perceptions a questionnaire with the semantic differential technique was used and the main question was "How do you think Hilda (the fictive person in the questionnaire) feels when she is using the digital photo diary?". The factor analysis revealed three factors; Sense of autonomy, Sense of self-esteem and Sense of trust. An interesting conclusion that can be drawn is that professional caregivers had an overall positive view of the usage of digital photo diary as supporting autonomy for persons with mild dementia. The meaningfulness of each situation when wearing the camera and viewing the uploaded pictures to be used in two different situations and a part of an integrated assistive device has to be considered separately. Individual needs and desires of the person who is living with dementia and the context of each individual has to be reflected on and taken into account before implementing assistive digital devices as a tool in care