556 research outputs found
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mengukur, dan
menganalisis kinerja pada Badan Pelayanan Pajak Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo
yang diukur dari Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP)
Tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan konsep value for money. Metode yang
digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan sumber data berupa data
primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah
wawancara dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Badan Pelayanan Pajak Daerah
Kabupaten Sidoarjo telah memenuhi kewajibannya dalam menyajikan laporan
keuangan dan kinerja instansi pemerintah. Pada pengukuran ekonomi mengacu
pada anggaran (input) dengan realisasi anggaran, menunjukkan hasil yang
ekonomis atau hemat dilihat dari realisasi yang relatif lebih kecil dari pada jumlah
anggaran. Pengukuran efisiensi berdasarkan jumlah realisasi output yang
dihasilkan dengan input, menunjukkan hasil secara keseluruhan telah digunakan
secara efisien serta mampu menjalankan kegiatannya secara optimal. Sedangkan
pengukuran efektivitas dilihat dari sisi output maupun outcome, menunjukkan
hasil yang efektif dan berhasil dalam menjalankan serta mencapai sasaran
organisasinya. Berdasarkan pengukuran kinerja yang digunakan dalam mengukur
kinerja pelaksanaan program organisasi dengan menggunakan pengukuran
ekonomi, efisiensi, dan efektivitas diharapkan dapat menjadi tolak ukur kinerja
pada Badan Pelayanan Pajak Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo untuk periode kerja
tahun berikutnya.
Kata kunci: Kinerja, Value for Money, Ekonomi, Efisiensi, Efektivita
Knowledge will always develop because humans have the ability to think and have a high curiosity. 98% of children and adolescents know about the internet and 79.5% of them are internet users. Reproductive health problems that often occur in adolescents are unwanted pregnancies, which often lead to unsafe abortions and their complications, pregnancy and childbirth at a young age. increase the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality, STI’s including HIV/AIDS. This study's goal was to assess SMA N 4 Batam's level of familiarity with using the Internet to look up information on reproductive health. Design of research is descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling, that is high school teenagers who have smartphones as many as 92 people. The measurement technique is by asking 25 questions about knowledge. The results of the study, it is known that most of the adolescents knowledge about reproductive health is good, namely 39 respondents (42.4%) and for internet access, which is >5 times/day with 47 respondents (51.1%). For this reason, it is still very important to educate teenagers about reproductive health to know more about reproductive health and also to use the internet better
Tujuan pembuatan proyek akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui susunan perangkat keras
(hardware) dan perangkat lunak (software) dari sistem yang akan dibuat, mengembangkan
aplikasi PLC untuk otomatisasi palang pintu parkir dan indikator penuh pada suatu area
parkir mobil.
Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan alat menggunakan metode yang terdiri dari
beberapa tahap yaitu : (1) Identifikasi kebutuhan, (2) Analisis kebutuhan, (3) Konsep
rancangan, (4) Pembuatan, dan (5) Pengujian. Sehingga didapatkan Prototype Otomatisasi
Palang Pintu Parkir Dan Indikator Penuh Pada Area Parkir Mobil Berbasis PLC Omron
CPM2A. Rangkaian keseluruhan yang terdiri dari : (1) Sensor infra merah dan
phototransistor, berfungsi untuk mendeteksi adanya mobil yang melintas, (2) Motor DC,
sebagai penggerak palang pintu parkir, (3) Limit switch, untuk mengetahui bahwa putaran
motor telah cukup, (4) PLC, berfungsi untuk mengendalikan sistem pendeteksian secara
keseluruhan, dan (5) Power supply, sebagai sumber tegangan untuk semua rangkaian.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, mobil akan memasuki area parkir dari
pintu masuk, saat mobil terdeteksi sensor1 dan sensor2, PLC akan menginstruksikan motor1
untuk membuka palang pintu1. Setelah palang menyentuh limit switch atas1 maka motor
akan berhenti berputar. Ketika mobil terdeteksi sensor3 maka PLC akan menginstruksikan
motor1 untuk menutup palang, dan setelah palang menyentuh limit switch bawah1 maka
motor akan berhenti berputar. Mobil yang masuk dan keluar area parkir akan dihitung oleh
PLC, dan jika area parkir sudah dalam keadaan penuh maka indikator penuh area parkir yang
berupa neon box akan menyala. Sebaliknya jika mobil akan keluar dari area parkir, maka
mobil akan terdeteksi sensor4 dan sensor5 dan PLC akan menginstruksikan motor2 untuk
membuka palang pintu2. Setelah palang menyentuh limit switch atas2 maka motor akan
berhenti berputar. Setelah mobil terdeteksi sensor6 maka PLC menginstruksikan motor2
untuk menutup palang2, setelah palang menyentuh limit switch bawah2 maka motor akan
berhenti berputar.
Hasil dari pembuatan proyek akhir dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa alat ini dibuat
untuk memantau area parkir mobil sehingga setiap mobil yang akan keluar masuk area parkir
dapat terdeteksi dan diketahui oleh operator. Alat ini digunakan untuk membatasi jumlah
mobil sesuai dengan kapasitas maksimum area parkir. Sistem ini merupakan salah satu
alternatif sistem pengamanan serta kemudahan bagi pengguna fasilitas area parkir mobil
Mechanisms driving tuberculosis susceptibility and vaccine efficacy in HIV/AIDS and type 2 diabetes
Harindra Sathkumara investigated why AIDS and diabetes increase the risk of developing tuberculosis and how new vaccine approaches can be used to fight tuberculosis infection. He found that mucosal delivery of vaccines containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens are safer and confer superior protection against tuberculosis in animal models of AIDS and diabetes
Education for All: Study Case World Bank-Cambodia Scholarship for Education
This qualitative research conducted with the study case method tries to point out the impact of scholarship led by the World Bank and the Government of Cambodia for secondary school in Cambodia. The cycle of poverty have used to understand the importance of program with financial support to provide education for all and elaborates the correlation between the essence of education to deal with poverty. Despite the positive impact of the scholarship program on pupils to access secondary education, the paper also analyzes the part which cannot be covered only by the scholarship program. Students with low financial support are most likely to drop out without finishing their education level and are at high risk to re-enter the cycle of poverty. It is because they have to actively participate in household economic continuity. Therefore, financial support, in form of scholarship, might be able to reduce the financial burden of education toward the household and prevent students from not finishing secondary school. Even though scholarships can increase student's chances to finish secondary school, yet they cannot deal with the issue of quality education which will be elaborated on in the pape
An ORM based Meta-Schema to Model Business Processes
Not available
Visualization of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using SVG
Robotic system often use simultaneous localization and mapping method in their operations. Most of the calculation stored as a nested array with multiple level and dimension. SLAM data contains robot movement, object detection and relation between them. This system visualize SLAM data into a map containing robot historical position,object position and relation between object and robot that show detections line from each robot position. The visualized so human eye can understand it. This paper describes the process of movement and detection data composition and conversion to prepare the information required to build a map. The map composed by plotting every movements and detections into polar coordinate area. The map stored into a database for flexible future usage. Commonly used web based interface chosen to display the map via web browser. The map generated by server side scripts that transform polar data into full map
Active vibration control of structures undergoing bending vibrations
An active vibration control subassembly for a structure (such as a jet engine duct or a washing machine panel) undergoing bending vibrations caused by a source (such as the clothes agitator of the washing machine) independent of the subassembly. A piezoceramic actuator plate is vibratable by an applied electric AC signal. The plate is connected to the structure such that vibrations in the plate induced by the AC signal cause canceling bending vibrations in the structure and such that the plate is compressively pre-stressed along the structure when the structure is free of any bending vibrations. The compressive prestressing increases the amplitude of the canceling bending vibrations before the critical tensile stress level of the plate is reached. Preferably, a positive electric DC bias is also applied to the plate in its poling direction
The Validity Of Notary’s Agreement Which Is Signed Outside The Notary’s Office
Article 19 paragraph (3), Article 3 paragraph 8 and Article 3 number 15 in Code of Ethics of Notary is a regulation governing the signing of notarial agreement at Notary's office. However, in practice, there is a case of signing the Agreement not in the Notary’s Office. The problem formulated is how the validity of notarial agreements signed not in the Notary's office and how the supervision of Notary in the signing of notarial agreement so that it is in accordance with notarial agreement. To answer the above problems, the author used normative research methods and a research approach; legal approach, conceptual approach, case approach and practical approach. Methods of data collection research used literature study method and the data were analyzed by qualitative analysis techniques and used deductive conclusions. According to the research, the validity of Notarial Agreement signed not at the Notary office has the following criteria; firstly, notarial agreements that are signed are not in the Notary's office but are still in the Notary's territory, the agreements are valid as long as there are special reasons. Secondly, notarial agreements signed not in the Notary office and not in positions of Notary's territory but still in the Notary's office area remain valid as long as it is done not sequentially and accompanied by specific reasons. Third, the Notary who signed the agreement not in his Notary's office and outside the territory of Notary Office, the agreement becomes invalid. Notary Supervision in signing of Notary Agreement pursuant to Notary Law and Notary Code of Indonesia is done by Supervisory Notary Board. Supervision by the Notary Board is done through preventive and curative activity including development activities. Supervision by Notary Board is done in two ways, namely: active supervision which checks Notary protocol and passive supervision which checks Notary statements.Keywords: Notary; Signing Agreement; Unnotary Office
Abstrak: Pendidikan kesehatan berfokus membangun kapasitas individu melalui pendidikan teknik motivasi, pengembangan keterampilan, dan peningkatan kesadaran. Pubertas adalah seseorang dengan perkembangan seksual yang lebih matang. Artinya, anak laki-laki atau perempuan mengalami perubahan fisik yang membuat mereka mampu bereproduksi secara seksual. Tujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kesehatan melalui penyuluhan tentang pengenalan organ reproduksi pada remaja awal. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara luring, tahap awal kegiatan dengan pretest, tahap kedua pemaparan materi dan pemutaran video, tahap akhir adalah evaluasi dengan diskusi feedback kepada peserta dan posttest. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah remaja laki-laki dan perempuan dengan rentang umur 10-16 tahun sebanyak 14 orang. Tahap pre-test diperoleh hasil dengan pengetahuan remaja terkait Organ Reproduksi paling banyak dengan pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 10 orang (71,4%) dan pasca penyuluhan dan penyampaian materi diperoleh hasil post-test didapatkan terjadi perubahan peningkatan pengetahuan remaja dengan mayoritas pengetahuan baik sebanyak 12 orang (85,7%). Simpulan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberian dan pengenalan informasi pada remaja sebaiknya di berikan sejak dini dengan tetap memperhatikan batas umur yang ada.Abstract: Health education focuses on building individual capacities through education in motivational techniques, skills development, and awareness-raising. Puberty is someone with more mature sexual development. Teenager have physical changes that enable them to reproduce sexually. The aim is to provide health education and counseling about reproductive organs in early adolescents. The method is carried out offline, the initial stage of the activity is by filling out a questionnaire. This activity is completed offline; its first stages include a pre-test, content presentation, and video playing; its final stages include an evaluation and a post-test. 14 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 16 took part in this activity. The pre-test stage from adolescents connected to organ reproduction at most with knowledge of fewer than 10 people (71.4%) and after counseling and delivery of information from the test results, there was an improvement in knowledge about the development of good knowledge up to 12 people (85.7%). The conclusion is that information should be provided to and introduced to teenagers at a young age, by taking into account the age restriction in place
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