2,816 research outputs found

    Particle decay branching ratios for states of astrophysical importance in 19Ne

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    We have measured proton and alpha-particle branching ratios of excited states in 19Ne formed using the 19F(3He,t) reaction at a beam energy of 25 MeV. These ratios have a large impact on the astrophysical reaction rates of 15O(alpha,gamma), 18F(p,gamma) and 18F(p,alpha), which are of interest in understanding energy generation in x-ray bursts and in interpreting anticipated gamma-ray observations of novae. We detect decay protons and alpha-particles using a silicon detector array in coincidence with tritons measured in the focal plane detector of our Enge split-pole spectrograph. The silicon array consists of five strip detectors of the type used in the Louvain-Edinburgh Detector Array, subtending angles from 130 degrees to 165 degrees with approximately 14% lab efficiency. The correlation angular distributions give additional confidence in some prior spin-parity assignments that were based on gamma branchings. We measure Gamma_p/Gamma=0.387+-0.016 for the 665 keV proton resonance, which agrees well with the direct measurement of Bardayan et al.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables. Prepared using RevTex 4 and BibTex. Further minor revisions, incl. fig. 1 font size increase, 1 table removal, and minor changes to the tex

    The rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 99563 and its distorted dipole pulsation mode

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    We undertook a time-series photometric multi-site campaign for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 99563 and also acquired mean light observations over two seasons. The pulsations of the star, that show flatter light maxima than minima, can be described with a frequency quintuplet centred on 1557.653 microHertz and some first harmonics of these. The amplitude of the pulsation is modulated with the rotation period of the star that we determine with 2.91179 +/- 0.00007 d from the analysis of the stellar pulsation spectrum and of the mean light data. We break the distorted oscillation mode up into its pure spherical harmonic components and find it is dominated by the l=1 pulsation, and also has a notable l=3 contribution, with weak l=0 and 2 components. The geometrical configuration of the star allows one to see both pulsation poles for about the same amount of time; HD 99563 is only the fourth roAp star for which both pulsation poles are seen and only the third where the distortion of the pulsation modes was modelled. We point out that HD 99563 is very similar to the well-studied roAp star HR 3831. Finally, we note that the visual companion of HD 99563 is located in the Delta Scuti instability strip and may thus show pulsation. We show that if the companion was physical, the roAp star would be a 2.03 solar mass object, seen at a rotational inclination of 44 degrees, which then predicts a magnetic obliquity of 86.4 degrees.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    M-Dwarf Fast Rotators and the Detection of Relatively Young Multiple M-Star Systems

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    We have searched the Kepler light curves of ~3900 M-star targets for evidence of periodicities that indicate, by means of the effects of starspots, rapid stellar rotation. Several analysis techniques, including Fourier transforms, inspection of folded light curves, 'sonograms', and phase tracking of individual modulation cycles, were applied in order to distinguish the periodicities due to rapid rotation from those due to stellar pulsations, eclipsing binaries, or transiting planets. We find 178 Kepler M-star targets with rotation periods, P_rot, of < 2 days, and 110 with P_rot < 1 day. Some 30 of the 178 systems exhibit two or more independent short periods within the same Kepler photometric aperture, while several have three or more short periods. Adaptive optics imaging and modeling of the Kepler pixel response function for a subset of our sample support the conclusion that the targets with multiple periods are highly likely to be relatively young physical binary, triple, and even quadruple M star systems. We explore in detail the one object with four incommensurate periods all less than 1.2 days, and show that two of the periods arise from one of a close pair of stars, while the other two arise from the second star, which itself is probably a visual binary. If most of these M-star systems with multiple periods turn out to be bound M stars, this could prove a valuable way of discovering young hierarchical M-star systems; the same approach may also be applicable to G and K stars. The ~5% occurrence rate of rapid rotation among the ~3900 M star targets is consistent with spin evolution models that include an initial contraction phase followed by magnetic braking, wherein a typical M star can spend several hundred Myr before spinning down to periods longer than 2 days.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae: photometric observations, pulsational frequency analysis and mode identification

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    We report a multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei star 12 Lacertae. 750 hours of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with 9 telescopes during 190 nights. Our frequency analysis results in the detection of 23 sinusoidal signals in the light curves. Eleven of those correspond to independent pulsation modes, and the remainder are combination frequencies. We find some slow aperiodic variability such as that seemingly present in several Beta Cephei stars. We perform mode identification from our colour photometry, derive the spherical degree l for the five strongest modes unambiguously and provide constraints on l for the weaker modes. We find a mixture of modes of 0 <= l <= 4. In particular, we prove that the previously suspected rotationally split triplet within the modes of 12 Lac consists of modes of different l; their equal frequency splitting must thus be accidental. One of the periodic signals we detected in the light curves is argued to be a linearly stable mode excited to visible amplitude by nonlinear mode coupling via a 2:1 resonance. We also find a low-frequency signal in the light variations whose physical nature is unclear; it could be a parent or daughter mode resonantly coupled. The remaining combination frequencies are consistent with simple light-curve distortions. The range of excited pulsation frequencies of 12 Lac may be sufficiently large that it cannot be reproduced by standard models. We suspect that the star has a larger metal abundance in the pulsational driving zone, a hypothesis also capable of explaining the presence of Beta Cephei stars in the LMC.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Adaptation strategies and approaches for forested watersheds

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    Intentional climate adaptation planning for ecosystems has become a necessary part of the job for natural resource managers and natural resource professionals in this era of non-stationarity. One of the major challenges in adapting ecosystems to climate change is in the translation of broad adaptation concepts to specific, tangible actions. Addressing management goals and values while considering the long-term risks associated with local climate change can make forested watershed management plans more robust to uncertainty and changing conditions. We provide a menu of tiered adaptation strategies, which we developed with a focus on forests of the Midwest and Northeastern U.S., as part of a flexible framework to support the integration of climate change considerations into forested watershed management and conservation activities. This menu encapsulates ideas from the literature into statements that signify climate adaptation intention and provide examples of associated tactics to help ground the concepts in specific actions. Finally, we describe two demonstration projects, shared through the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science’s Climate Change Response Framework, that have used this Forested Watershed Adaptation Menu and Adaptation Workbook in project-level planning

    An asteroseismic study of the beta Cephei star 12 Lacertae: multisite spectroscopic observations, mode identification and seismic modelling

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic multisite campaign for the beta Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae. Our study is based on more than thousand high-resolution high S/N spectra gathered with 8 different telescopes in a time span of 11 months. In addition we make use of numerous archival spectroscopic measurements. We confirm 10 independent frequencies recently discovered from photometry, as well as harmonics and combination frequencies. In particular, the SPB-like g-mode with frequency 0.3428 1/d reported before is detected in our spectroscopy. We identify the four main modes as (l1,m1) = (1, 1), (l2,m2) = (0, 0), (l3,m3) = (1, 0) and (l4,m4) = (2, 1) for f1 = 5.178964 1/d, f2 = 5.334224 1/d, f3 = 5.066316 1/d and f4 = 5.490133 1/d, respectively. Our seismic modelling shows that f2 is likely the radial first overtone and that the core overshooting parameter alpha_ov is lower than 0.4 local pressure scale heights.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Variability of Hot Supergiant IRAS 19336-0400 in the Early Phase of its Planetary Nebula Ionization

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    We present photoelectric and spectral observations of a hot candidate proto-planetary nebula - early B-type supergiant with emission lines in spectrum - IRAS 19336-0400. The light and color curves display fast irregular brightness variations with maximum amplitudes Delta V=0.30 mag, Delta B=0.35 mag, Delta U=0.40 mag and color-brightness correlations. By the variability characteristics IRAS 19336-0400 appears similar to other hot proto-planetary nebulae. Based on low-resolution spectra in the range lambda 4000-7500 A we have derived absolute intensities of the emission lines H_alpha, H_beta, H_gamma, [SII], [NII], physical conditions in gaseous nebula: n_e=10^4 cm^{-3}, T_e=7000 \pm 1000 K. The emission line H_alpha, H_beta equivalent widths are found to be considerably variable and related to light changes. By UBV-photometry and spectroscopy the color excess has been estimated: E_{B-V}=0.50-0.54. Joint photometric and spectral data analysis allows us to assume that the star variability is caused by stellar wind variations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Pis'ma Astron. Zh. (Astronomy Letters

    The BRITE-Constellation Nanosatellite Space Mission And Its First Scientific Results

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    The BRIght Target Explorer (BRITE) Constellation is the first nanosatellite mission applied to astrophysical research. Five satellites in low-Earth orbits perform precise optical two-colour photometry of the brightest stars in the night sky. BRITE is naturally well suited for variability studies of hot stars. This contribution describes the basic outline of the mission and some initial problems that needed to be overcome. Some information on BRITE data products, how to access them, and how to join their scientific exploration is provided. Finally, a brief summary of the first scientific results obtained by BRITE is given.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of "Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016. Using Today's Successes to Prepare the Future. Joint TASC2/KASC9 Workshop - SPACEINN/HELAS8 Conference", ed. M. J. P. F. G. Monteir

    A search for solar-like oscillations in K giants in the globular cluster M4

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    To expand the range in the colour-magnitude diagram where asteroseismology can be applied, we organized a photometry campaign to find evidence for solar-like oscillations in giant stars in the globular cluster M4. The aim was to detect the comb-like p-mode structure characteristic for solar-like oscillations in the amplitude spectra. The two dozen main target stars are in the region of the bump stars and have luminosities in the range 50-140 Lsun. We collected 6160 CCD frames and light curves for about 14000 stars were extracted. We obtain high quality light curves for the K giants, but no clear oscillation signal is detected. High precision differential photometry is possible even in very crowded regions like the core of M4. Solar-like oscillations are probably present in K giants, but the amplitudes are lower than classical scaling laws predict.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&