93 research outputs found

    Dynamics of dikes versus cone sheets in volcanic systems

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    International audienceIgneous sheet intrusions of various shapes, such as dikes and cone sheets, coexist as parts of complex volcanic plumbing systems likely fed by common sources. How they form is fundamental regarding volcanic hazards, yet no dynamic model simulates and predicts satisfactorily their diversity. Here we present scaled laboratory experiments that reproduced dikes and cone sheets under controlled conditions. Our models show that their formation is governed by a dimensionless ratio (Π1), which describes the geometry of the magma source, and a dynamic dimensionless ratio (Π2), which compares the viscous stresses in the flowing magma to the host rock strength. Plotting our experiments against these two numbers results in a phase diagram evidencing a dike and a cone sheet field, separated by a sharp transition that fits a power law. This result shows that dikes and cone sheets correspond to distinct physical regimes of magma emplacement in the crust. For a given host rock strength, cone sheets preferentially form when the source is shallow, relative to its lateral extent, orwhen the magma influx velocity (or viscosity) is high. Conversely, dikes form when the source is deep compared to its size, or when magma influx rate (or viscosity) is low. Both dikes and cone sheets may form fromthe same source, the shift fromone regime to the other being then controlled by magma dynamics, i.e., different values of Π2. The extrapolated empirical dike-to-cone sheet transition is in good agreement with the occurrence of dikes and cone sheets in various natural volcanic settings

    The volcaniclastic series from the luang prabang basin, Laos: A witness of a triassic magmatic arc?

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    International audienceThe paleogeographic evolution of South East Asia (SEA) during the early Mesozoic is still poorly understood and a number of models have recently been put forward to account for the geodynamic evolution of SEA. The Luang Prabang Basin (north Laos), located in the core of a “paleogeographic jigsaw” in SEA, recorded a long lasting volcanism that spanned for ∌ 35 my from the earliest Triassic up to Late Triassic as evidenced by combined stratigraphic and geochronological (U-Pb/zircon) analyses performed on both volcanic and volcaniclastic series. The volcanic rocks are arc tholeiites and calk-alkaline andesites to dacites. The volcaniclastic rocks contain, in part, volcaniclasts produced contemporaneously with sedimentation. Both the volcanic and volcaniclastic series display geochemical features characteristic of a subduction related volcanism. Therefore, the Luang Prabang Basin documents a magmatic arc in a good agreement with the recent recognition of neighboring ophiolitic rocks in the Luang Prabang area. Following a passive margin setting that prevailed from the late Carboniferous to the late Permian, an active margin then initiated along the western margin of the Indochina Block. This active magmatic arc developed as the result of an east-dipping subduction below the Indochina Block during most of the Triassic, at least from ca. 250 to 215 Ma. Subsequently, this oceanic subduction episode must have been followed by a continental collision of the Indochina Block with the eastern Simao Block, at a period that remains to be defined

    Zircon and apatite U-Pb geochronology of the Paleoproterozoic (Eburnean) basement and late Neoproterozoic (Pan-African) metamorphism and magmatism from Port-BĂ©ni, Armorican Massif (France)

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    By re-examining the historical outcrops of Port-BĂ©ni located in the TrĂ©gor unit of the North Armorican Cadomian belt, the present work delivers four new ages that provide additional constraints on the Proterozoic history of northern Brittany. It is established that granitic, porphyritic rocks crystallized at the end of the Rhyacian (Paleoproterozoic), 2038 ± 12 Ma ago, before being transformed into orthogneisses at a late Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) age of 621 ± 2 Ma, which is a minimum age, given the retrograde alteration these rocks underwent. The age of ca. 1.8 Ga previously proposed for the protolith of the Port-BĂ©ni orthogneiss should be discarded, and these two new ages are consistent with most of those yielded so far by the other Icartian (i.e., Eburnean) basement relics from the Armorican Massif. The gneissic basement was then intruded and disrupted into xenoliths by a granodioritic magma that crystallized 604.5 ± 2.0 Ma ago. This age, slightly younger than previously thought, corresponds to the emplacement age of one of the main units of the North TrĂ©gor batholith − the Pleubian-Talbert unit −, part of the TrĂ©gor volcano-plutonic complex, which may have built up over a longer period than that indicated by the uncertainty associated with this age. Caution should be exercised in extrapolating this age to that of the whole complex. Finally, doleritic dykes, possibly resulting in two swarms previously thought to be Paleozoic in age, have crosscut this complex. One of the latest yielded an age of 597 ± 15 Ma, indicating that the TrĂ©gor doleritic dyking episodes also occurred during the late Neoproterozoic, in between ca. 605 Ma and ca. 580 Ma. As the doleritic dykes are of tholeiitic composition, which distinguishes them from the earlier calc-alkaline magmas, they suggest that the intra-arc extension, documented in the southern, adjacent Saint-Brieuc unit of the belt, also affected the TrĂ©gor unit. They may likely have fed northern equivalents of the lava flows from the Paimpol Formation (exposed in between the Saint-Brieuc and the TrĂ©gor units), when magma production became moderately influenced by the Cadomian (i.e., Pan-African) subduction and mostly dominated by extension, possibly as a result of a steepening of a north-dipping subduction slab. Indeed, a re-examination of the available geochemical and geochronological data in the light of our new results documents that arc-magma production moved progressively from north (TrĂ©gor unit) to south (Saint-Brieuc unit) over time, in the interval 605-580 Ma

    The mafic-silicic layered intrusions of Saint-Jean-du-Doigt (France) and North-Guernsey (Channel Islands), Armorican Massif: Gabbro-diorite layering and mafic cumulate-pegmatoid association

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    International audienceThe Saint-Jean-du-Doigt (France) and North-Guernsey (Channel Islands) Intrusive Complexes (hereafter referred to as SJIC and NGIC, respectively) are examples of mafic-silicic layered intrusions in the Armorican Massif. Both are characterized by the occurrence of (1) a basal/peripheral gabbroic unit interlayered with sheets (generally dioritic in composition, occasionally gabbroic) and crossed by leucocratic diapirs and pipes (from monzodioritic to Q-monzonitic in composition), (2) peripheral pegmatoids associated with mafic cumulates and (3) coeval granitoids. Beside these main similarities, some contrasted features lead us to propose two distinct models of formation. The Variscan SJIC includes tholeiitic mafic rocks (monzogabbro) that locally mingle and mix with leucocratic components (monzonite or Q-monzonite). The Cadomian NGIC is calc-alkaline. The SJIC sheet-bearing gabbro is homogeneous from a petrologic point of view, whereas the NGIC exhibits gabbroic macrorhythmic sequences with mineral layering. The Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the SJIC gabbros are significantly different from those of the associated dioritic layers. This is not the case in the NGIC where the magmas could be cogenetic. We argue that the SJIC gabbro was a liquid that crystallized in situ without significant crystal settling. By contrast, the rhythmic sequences of the NGIC are consistent with crystal accumulation. Subsequently, both can be seen as mafic reservoirs which were repeatedly invaded by magmas of intermediate composition. We interpret the sheets in the SJIC as the result of horizontal spreading of dioritic metastable magmas into a gabbroic reservoir crystallizing from below, at levels of neutral buoyancy. Injections and convection in the central part of the reservoir possibly resulted in spectacular mixing/mingling structures. In the NGIC, the emplacement of the dioritic sheets was rather controlled by pre-existing rhythmic cumulative structures. In both intrusions, late differentiated diapirs were extracted from the dioritic sheets. Associated peripheral pegmatoids are thought to result from the crystallization of liquids issued from a mafic intercumulus melt in the presence of a fluid phase. This extraction might have been enhanced by the disruption of the peripheral cumulate stack, perhaps following pressur

    Gravity-driven sliding and associated deformations along complex submarine slopes: a laboratory modeling approach based on constraints observed offshore Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles)

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    Submarine gravity-driven sliding of sediments are common processes in the vicinity of volcanic islands. In the Lesser Antilles arc, the Montagne Pelée volcano on Martinique Island underwent several flank-collapse events during its long-term eruptive history, resulting in debris avalanches. When the debris avalanches entered into the seawater, they were emplaced over the unstable slope of the volcano, triggering a seafloor sediment failure and massive landslides downslope. Using a laboratory modeling approach, we simulated the gravity-driven sliding of a sand layer lying above a silicone layer. The experiments were performed using various slope geometries (slope lengths and number of slope breaks separating the slopes with different angles), under both dry and aqueous conditions, and while varying the amount of additional sand inputs upslope. The resulting deformations were characterized in each experiment in order to compare the obtained structures with those shown by the seismic lines offshore to the west of Martinique Island. During all the experiments, a compressional frontal deformation zone made of several reverse faults formed downslope, often near the slope breaks. Downslope, a portion of the sediments was mostly displaced and poorly deformed in a damping zone, while an extensional deformation zone formed upslope. The displacements of the surficial markers were measured through time to characterize the sliding dynamics. Our study demonstrates that the slope geometry and additional sand inputs primarily favor and increase the sliding deformation, whereas the hydrostatic pressure plays a secondary catalytic role over time. These results provide new constraints on the driving factors and their consequences on gravity-driven sliding in terms of deformations and runout distance over time. This may have a significant impact on the associated hazard assessment related to offshore infrastructures, in a region known for its seismic and volcanic risks

    Coeval extensional shearing and lateral underflow during Late Cretaceous core complex development in the Niğde Massif, Central Anatolia, Turkey

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    27 p.International audienceThe NigÂąde Massif, at the southern tip of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, consists of two structural units. Foliations in the lower unit define a dome cored by migmatites. The contact between the two units bears all the elements of a ductile to brittle extensional detachment. Hence the NigÂąde Massif represents an extensional metamorphic core complex. Top-to-NE/ENE shearing at higher levels of the lower unit relates to displacement along the detachment. Deeper levels of the lower unit display hightemperature top-to-SSW ductile shearing. The two shearing deformations show a difference in the mean trend of stretching lineations of up to 58. New 40Ar/39Ar ages combined with previously published data enable us to infer that the two shears were contemporaneous. In our favored interpretation, oblique shearing in the core of the dome reflects lateral underflow, i.e., horizontal flowing of the lower crust in a direction highly oblique to the direction of extension. As a result of the interaction between lateral underflow and downdip shearing along the overlying detachment, distinct structural domains are expected to exist within the migmatitic part of the core complex, with observed counterparts in the NigÂąde dome. Lateral underflow may reflect ''inward'' flow on the scale of the core complex. Regional-scale channel flow is an alternative that would better account for the record of non-coaxial deformation in the core of the dome. More generally, we suspect that the development of lateral underflow in a metamorphic core complex more likely reflects regional channel flow, rather than local inward flow

    Injection dans les réservoirs magmatiques : Contraintes pétrologiques (Massifs de Fort La Latte et de Saint Brieuc, Bretagne Nord) et modélisation analogique

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    Mémoire de Géosciences-Rennes n°49, 331 p. ISBN : 2-905532-49-1Le phénomÚne de mélange magmatique est étudié à l'aide d'une double approche pétrologique et analogique. L'injection d'un nouveau magma dans un réservoir magmatique qui nous intéresse ici, représente le stade initial de mise en contact de deux magmas contemporains et contrÎle les possibilités ultérieures d'homogénéisation. L'étude pétrologique porte sur deux intrusions cadomiennes du Nord du Massif Armoricain : (a) l'Intrusion de Coëtmieux-Fort La Latte (ICFL) présente une grande variété de structures syn-plutoniques (filons, enclaves microgrenues) alors que (b) l'Intrusion de Saint-Brieuc (ISB) est essentiellement constituée de produits , hybrides. Afin de prolonger les études antérieures sur l'injection (a) en trois dimensions dans des fluides newtoniens et (b) en deux dimensions (cellules de 'Hele Shaw) dans un milieu non-newtonien viscoplastique, des expériences analogiques d'injection d'eau dans un fluide non-newtonien viscoplastique (suspension d'argile) ont été réalisées dans un dispositif tridimensionnel. Les domaines d'existence des différents phénomÚnes et régimes d'écoulement en , sont déduits. Ils permettent de cerner les conditions de formation des structures géologiques notamment lorsqu'e(les sont planes. En conclusion, (a) dans l'ICFL la plupart des structures syn-plutoniques (y compris les enclaves) ont pu se former alors que le pluton avait atteint son site de cristallisation alors que (b) dans l'ISB, les interactions ont été plus précoces (plus haute température) et l'hybridation a eu lieu au cours de l'ascension du magma.No abstrac

    Rifting above a mantle plume: Structure and development of the Iceland Plateau

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