298 research outputs found

    Genetic structure and demographic history of the endemic Mediterranean scallop Pecten jacobaeus inferred from mitochondrial 16s DNA sequence analysis

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    Estructura genética e historia demográfica de la vieira endémica del Mediterráneo Pecten jacobaeus inferidas a partir del análisis de la secuencia del ADN mitocondrial que codifica la subunidad 16S del ARNr Con vistas a implementar un plan de gestión para las especies cuyas poblaciones están menguando, es fundamental comprender la estructura genética de dichas poblaciones. En el caso de Pecten jacobaeus, los estudios genéticos previos se han limitado a analizar poblaciones situadas en el Mediterráneo occidental (España) y en el mar Adriático (Italia). Para comprobar la presencia de discontinuidades filogeográficas entre las dos cuencas del Mediterráneo, hemos estudiado la variabilidad del gen mitocondrial del ARNr 16S en dos poblaciones de la cuenca oriental (Túnez y Grecia) y la hemos analizado junto con la de las mencionadas anteriormente. Las dos poblaciones estudiadas recientemente compartieron los haplotipos más frecuentes con las otras y no se encontraron indicios de que exista una discontinuidad filogeográfica. Se observó un grado menor de variabilidad genética en relación con el Mediterráneo occidental en las poblaciones del Adriático y el Egeo, pero no en Túnez. Las diferencias significativas observadas cuando se agruparon los datos sobre las frecuencias haplotípicas indicaron la existencia de una cierta diferenciación genética entre las poblaciones de Chioggia (Italia) y Vouliagmeni (Grecia) y las de las otras poblaciones.Understanding the genetic population structure of species going through population decline is primordial in implementing a management plan. In the case of Pecten jacobaeus, previous genetic studies have been limited to populations in the western Mediterranean (Spain) and the Adriatic Sea (Italy). To check the presence of phylogeographic breaks between the two Mediterranean basins, we scored the variability of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in two populations from the eastern basin (Tunisia and Greece) and pooled them with those cited above. The two newly analyzed populations shared the most frequent haplotypes with the other populations and showed no evidence of phylogeographic breaks. We found lower levels of genetic variability in the Adriatic and the Aegean populations, but not in Tunisia, with respect to the Western Mediterranean. Significant differences in pooled haplotype frequencies indicated some genetic differentiation between the pooled Chioggia and Vouliagmeni populations and the other pooled populations.Estructura genética e historia demográfica de la vieira endémica del Mediterráneo Pecten jacobaeus inferidas a partir del análisis de la secuencia del ADN mitocondrial que codifica la subunidad 16S del ARNr Con vistas a implementar un plan de gestión para las especies cuyas poblaciones están menguando, es fundamental comprender la estructura genética de dichas poblaciones. En el caso de Pecten jacobaeus, los estudios genéticos previos se han limitado a analizar poblaciones situadas en el Mediterráneo occidental (España) y en el mar Adriático (Italia). Para comprobar la presencia de discontinuidades filogeográficas entre las dos cuencas del Mediterráneo, hemos estudiado la variabilidad del gen mitocondrial del ARNr 16S en dos poblaciones de la cuenca oriental (Túnez y Grecia) y la hemos analizado junto con la de las mencionadas anteriormente. Las dos poblaciones estudiadas recientemente compartieron los haplotipos más frecuentes con las otras y no se encontraron indicios de que exista una discontinuidad filogeográfica. Se observó un grado menor de variabilidad genética en relación con el Mediterráneo occidental en las poblaciones del Adriático y el Egeo, pero no en Túnez. Las diferencias significativas observadas cuando se agruparon los datos sobre las frecuencias haplotípicas indicaron la existencia de una cierta diferenciación genética entre las poblaciones de Chioggia (Italia) y Vouliagmeni (Grecia) y las de las otras poblaciones

    Cambios en el perfil de ácidos grasos del músculo de Holothuria forskali tras una exposición aguda a mercurio

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    The present study aimed to document the interaction between mercury (Hg), as a model chemical stressor to an aquatic organism, and Fatty acid (FA) profile in the longitudinal muscle of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali. To assess the sensitivity of this species to the toxic effects of Hg, young H. forskali were exposed to gradual doses of Hg (40, 80 and160 µg·L-1) for 96 h. The results showed that following Hg exposure, the FA profile of H. forskali corresponded to an increase in the level of saturated fatty acids, and the decrease in the level of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The most prominent changes in the FA composition were recorded at the lowest dose with noticeable decreases in linoleic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acid levels and an increase of docosahexaenoic acid. The occurrence of a state of oxidative stress induced by Hg contamination was evidenced by the enhanced levels of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxide. Overall, the low concentration of mercury exerted the most obvious effects on lipid metabolism, suggesting that changes in fatty acid composition may be act as an early biomarker to assess mercury toxicity in this ecologically and economically important species.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo demostrar la interacción entre el mercurio (Hg), como modelo de estresor químico para el organismo acuático, y el perfil de ácidos grasos (FA) en el músculo longitudinal del pepino de mar Holothuria forskali. Para evaluar la sensibilidad de esta especie a los efectos tóxicos del Hg, los juveniles de H. forskali fueron expuestos a dosis graduales de Hg (40, 80 y 160 µg·L-1) durante 96 h. Los resultados mostraron que después de la exposición al Hg, el perfil de FA de H. forskali respondió con una tendencia direccional anclada por el aumento en el nivel de ácidos grasos saturados y la disminución en el nivel de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. Los cambios más prominentes en la composición de AG se registraron a la dosis más baja con una disminución notable en los niveles de ácido linoleico, araquidónico y eicosapentaenoico frente a un aumento de ácido docosahexaenoico. La aparición de un estado de estrés oxidativo inducido por la contaminación con Hg se puso de manifiesto por el aumento en los niveles de malondialdehído, peróxido de hidrógeno e hidroperóxido de lípidos. En general, la concentración más baja de mercurio ejerció efectos más obvios sobre el metabolismo de los lípidos, lo que sugiere que los cambios en la composición de los ácidos grasos pueden actuar como un biomarcador anterior para evaluar la toxicidad del mercurio en esta especie de importancia ecológica y económica


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    The initial fouling rates of four crude oils were determined at a nominal bulk temperature of 315 °C, an initial heated wall shear stress of 13 Pa, and initial surface temperatures between 375 and 445 °C. These initial fouling rates ranged from 1.3(10-6) to 7.8(10-5) m2 K/kJ. Corresponding Arrhenius plots were linear with the initial fouling rates passing through an isokinetic temperature of 407.5 °C. A plot of the natural logarithm of the preexponential factors (7.6(104) – 5.2(1015) m2 K/kJ) versus the apparent activation energies (128 – 269 kJ/mol) was also linear, confirming the validity of the isokinetic temperature and the presence of the compensation effect. Below the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were Crude Oil C \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil B; above the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were reversed (Crude Oil B \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil C). Chemical characterization of a fouling deposit suggested that the dominant fouling mechanism at these conditions was coking with significant contributions from sedimentation (iron sulfide) and corrosion (~340 μm/yr) of the 304 stainless steel test material


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    The initial fouling rates of four crude oils were determined at a nominal bulk temperature of 315 °C, an initial heated wall shear stress of 13 Pa, and initial surface temperatures between 375 and 445 °C. These initial fouling rates ranged from 1.3(10-6) to 7.8(10-5) m2 K/kJ. Corresponding Arrhenius plots were linear with the initial fouling rates passing through an isokinetic temperature of 407.5 °C. A plot of the natural logarithm of the preexponential factors (7.6(104) – 5.2(1015) m2 K/kJ) versus the apparent activation energies (128 – 269 kJ/mol) was also linear, confirming the validity of the isokinetic temperature and the presence of the compensation effect. Below the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were Crude Oil C \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil B; above the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were reversed (Crude Oil B \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil C). Chemical characterization of a fouling deposit suggested that the dominant fouling mechanism at these conditions was coking with significant contributions from sedimentation (iron sulfide) and corrosion (~340 μm/yr) of the 304 stainless steel test material

    Arginine deprivation alters microglial polarity and synergizes with radiation to eradicate non-arginine-auxotrophic glioblastoma tumors

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    New approaches for the management of glioblastoma (GBM) are an urgent and unmet clinical need. Here, we illustrate that the efficacy of radiotherapy for GBM is strikingly potentiated by concomitant therapy with the arginine-depleting agent ADI-PEG20 in a non-arginine-auxotrophic cellular background (argininosuccinate synthetase 1 positive). Moreover, this combination led to durable and complete radiological and pathological response, with extended disease-free survival in an orthotopic immune-competent model of GBM, with no significant toxicity. ADI-PEG20 not only enhanced the cellular sensitivity of argininosuccinate synthetase 1–positive GBM to ionizing radiation by elevated production of nitric oxide (˙NO) and hence generation of cytotoxic peroxynitrites, but also promoted glioma-associated macrophage/microglial infiltration into tumors and turned their classical antiinflammatory (protumor) phenotype into a proinflammatory (antitumor) phenotype. Our results provide an effective, well-tolerated, and simple strategy to improve GBM treatment that merits consideration for early evaluation in clinical trials.Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Programa Operativo Epiro 2014-2020National Strategic Reference Frameworks de la Unión Europea. NSRF 2014-2020-5033092Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y fondos FEDER. RTI2018-098645-B-100Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía y fondos FEDER. P18- RT-1372Universidad de Sevilla. US-126480

    Impact of age on NIS2+™ and other non-invasive blood tests for the evaluation of liver disease and detection of at-risk MASH

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s)Background & Aims: Robust performance of non-invasive tests (NITs) across ages is critical to assess liver disease among patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease (MASLD). We evaluated the impact of age on the performance of NIS2+™ vs. other NITs. Methods: An analysis cohort (N = 1,926) with biopsy-proven MASLD was selected among individuals screened for the phase III RESOLVE-IT clinical trial and divided into ≤45, 46–55, 56–64, and ≥65 years groups. To avoid potential confounding effects, a well-balanced cohort (n = 708; n = 177/age group) was obtained by applying a propensity score-matching algorithm to the analysis cohort. Baseline values of biomarkers and NITs were compared across age groups using one-way ANOVA, and the impact of age and histology were compared through three-way ANOVA. The impact of age on NIT performance for the detection of at-risk metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH; MASLD activity score [MAS] ≥4 and fibrosis stage [F] ≥2) was also evaluated. Results: Age did not affect the distributions of NIS2+™ and APRI (aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index), but significantly (p <0.0001) impacted those of NFS (NAFLD fibrosis score), FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4 index), and Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF™) score. NIS2+™ was the only NIT on which fibrosis and MAS exerted a moderate to large effect. While the impact of fibrosis on APRI was moderate, that of MAS was low. The impact of age on FIB-4 and NFS was larger than that of fibrosis. NIS2+™ exhibited the highest AUROC values for detecting at-risk MASH across age groups, with stable performances irrespective of cut-offs. Conclusions: NIS2+™ was not significantly impacted by age and was sensitive to both fibrosis and MAS grade, demonstrating a robust performance to rule in/out at-risk MASH with fixed cut-offs. Impact and Implications: While metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) can affect individuals of all ages, patient age could represent an important confounding factor when interpreting non-invasive test (NIT) results, highlighting the need for reliable and efficient NITs that are not impacted by age and that could be interpreted with fixed cut-offs, irrespective of patient age. We report the impact of age on different well-established NITs – among those tested, only two panels, NIS2+™ and APRI, were not impacted by age and can be used and interpreted independently of patient age. NIS2+™ was also sensitive to both fibrosis and MAS, further confirming its efficiency for the detection of the composite endpoint of at-risk MASH and its potential as a valuable candidate for large-scale implementation in clinical practice and clinical trials

    Shock-Driven Endotheliopathy in Trauma Patients Is Associated with Leucocyte Derived Extracellular Vesicles

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    Endotheliopathy following trauma is associated with poor outcome, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. This study hypothesized that an increased extracellular vesicle (EV) concentration is associated with endotheliopathy after trauma and that red blood cell (RBC) transfusion could further enhance endotheliopathy. In this post hoc sub study of a multicentre observational trial, 75 trauma patients were stratified into three groups based on injury severity score or shock. In patient plasma obtained at hospital admission and after transfusion of four RBC transfusions, markers for endotheliopathy were measured and EVs were labelled with anti CD41 (platelet EVs), anti CD235a (red blood cell EVs), anti CD45 (leucocyte EVs), anti CD144 (endothelial EVs) or anti CD62e (activated endothelial EVs) and EV concentrations were measured with flow cytometry. Statistical analysis was performed by a Kruskall Wallis test with Bonferroni correction or Wilcoxon rank test for paired data. In patients with shock, syndecan-1 and von Willebrand Factor (vWF) were increased compared to patients without shock. Additionally, patients with shock had increased red blood cell EV and leucocyte EV concentrations compared to patients without shock. Endotheliopathy markers correlated with leucocyte EVs (ρ = 0.263, p = 0.023), but not with EVs derived from other cells. Injury severity score had no relation with EV release. RBC transfusion increased circulating red blood cell EVs but did not impact endotheliopathy. In conclusion, shock is (weakly) associated with EVs from leucocytes, suggesting an immune driven pathway mediated (at least in part) by shock

    Stronger diversity effects with increased environmental stress : a study of multitrophic interactions between oak, powdery mildew and ladybirds

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    Recent research has suggested that increasing neighbourhood tree species diversity may mitigate the impact of pests or pathogens by supporting the activities of their natural enemies and/or reducing the density of available hosts. In this study, we attempted to assess these mechanisms in a multitrophic study system of young oak (Quercus), oak powdery mildew (PM, caused by Erysiphe spp.) and a mycophagous ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduo-punctata). We assessed ladybird mycophagy on oak PM in function of different neighbourhood tree species compositions. We also evaluated whether these species interactions were modulated by environmental conditions as suggested by the Stress Gradient Hypothesis. We adopted a complementary approach of a field experiment where we monitored oak saplings subjected to a reduced rainfall gradient in a young planted forest consisting of different tree species mixtures, as well as a lab experiment where we independently evaluated the effect of different watering treatments on PM infections and ladybird mycophagy. In the field experiment, we found effects of neighbourhood tree species richness on ladybird mycophagy becoming more positive as the target trees received less water. This effect was only found as weather conditions grew drier. In the lab experiment, we found a preference of ladybirds to graze on infected leaves from trees that received less water. We discuss potential mechanisms that might explain this preference, such as emissions of volatile leaf chemicals. Our results are in line with the expectations of the Natural Enemies Hypothesis and support the hypothesis that biodiversity effects become stronger with increased environmental stress

    Cross-cultural adaptation and construct validity of the German version of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for service users (German ASCOT)

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    Background: There has been considerable interest in using the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT), developed in England, to measure quality-of-life outcomes of long-term care (LTC-QoL) service provision in national and cross-national studies. Objectives: The aim of this study was to translate and culturally adapt the original ASCOT service user measure into German and to evaluate its content and construct validity in Austrian home care service users. Methods: The translation and cultural adaptation process followed the ISPOR TCA guidelines. We used qualitative data from six cognitive debriefing interviews with Austrian recipients of home care services to assess linguistic and content validity. In addition, cross-sectional survey data (n = 633) were used to evaluate construct validity by testing hypothesized associations established in a previous study for the original English ASCOT service user instrument. Results: Cognitive debriefing interviews confirmed that the German adaptation of the ASCOT service user instrument was understood as intended, although two domains (‘Control over daily life’ and ‘Dignity’) and selected phrases of the response options were challenging to translate into German. All ASCOT domains were statistically significantly associated with related constructs and sensitive to service user sub-group differences. Conclusions: We found good evidence for a valid cross-cultural adaptation of the German version of ASCOT for service users. The analysis also supports the construct validity of the translated instrument and its use in evaluations of QoL-effects of LTC service provision in German-speaking countries. Further research on the reliability and feasibility in different care settings is encouraged