121 research outputs found

    Lessons learned in developing reference data sets with the contribution of citizens: the Geo-Wiki experience

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    The development of remotely sensed products such as land cover requires large amounts of high-quality reference data, needed to train remote sensing classification algorithms and for validation. However, due to the lack of sharing and the high costs associated with data collection, particularly ground-based information, the amount of reference data available has not kept up with the vast increase in the availability of satellite imagery, e.g. from Landsat, Sentinel and Planet satellites. To fill this gap, the Geo-Wiki platform for the crowdsourcing of reference data was developed, involving visual interpretation of satellite and aerial imagery. Here we provide an overview of the crowdsourcing campaigns that have been run using Geo-Wiki over the last decade, including the amount of data collected, the research questions driving the campaigns and the outputs produced such as new data layers (e.g. a global map of forest management), new global estimates of areas or percentages of land cover/land use (e.g. the amount of extra land available for biofuels) and reference data sets, all openly shared. We demonstrate that the amount of data collected and the scientific advances in the field of land cover and land use would not have been possible without the participation of citizens. A relatively conservative estimate reveals that citizens have contributed more than 5.3 years of the data collection efforts of one person over short, intensive campaigns run over the last decade. We also provide key observations and lessons learned from these campaigns including the need for quality assurance mechanisms linked to incentives to participate, good communication, training and feedback, and appreciating the ingenuity of the participants

    Monitoring of land use change by citizens: The FotoQuest experience

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    Almost 6 years ago, the now Center for Earth Observation and Citizen Science (EOCS) at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) pioneered a crowdsourcing mobile app that allowed citizens to report land use and land cover at specific locations across Austria. The app is called FotoQuest Austria (and FotoQuest Go Europe when extended outside of Austria) and uses the GPS capabilities of mobile phones to allow citizens to visit locations near to them and then provide information on various land-related characteristics. A subset of the locations in FotoQuest Austria matched those used in the three-yearly Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey (LUCAS) from Eurostat. The interface was developed to mimic part of the same protocol that LUCAS surveyors use when visiting locations across Europe, but in this case allowing any citizen to record land use and land cover characteristics observed at these locations. Over a period of 4 years, the FotoQuest project continued to improve: In the 2015 FotoQuest Austria version, 76 citizens collected data at over 600 LUCAS locations, although only 300 were used for comparison, mostly due to quality reasons (Laso Bayas et al. 2016). In the 2018 FotoQuest Go Europe campaign, 140 users from 18 different countries visited 1600 locations, with almost 1400 being currently used for analysis. Apart from the increased number of countries and locations, the user interface, experience and interaction with the app was continuously enhanced. Although LUCAS happened only twice in this period (2015 and 2018), FotoQuest had 3 official campaigns, which allowed us to introduce improvements in each campaign, but it also enabled citizens to continue providing land use change information in between campaigns. In 2015, the agreement between the main land cover classes in LUCAS and FotoQuest Austria was 69% whereas in the 2018 FotoQuest Go Europe campaign, it was over 90%. Currently, data from all campaigns are being compiled and will be freely available through the Geo-Wiki open platform (www.geo-wiki.org). The current presentation will describe the development of the FotoQuest project, as an example of a citizen science project that provides open data, including engagement strategies, improvements to the user interface and experience, and the lessons learnt from the uptake and the match of the crowdsourced data against the official LUCAS results. We hope the lessons we have learned during the project can help other citizen science projects share their data more openly and increase citizen participation

    On realcompact topological vector spaces

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    [EN] This survey paper collects some of older and quite new concepts and results from descriptive set topology applied to study certain infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces appearing in Functional Analysis, including Frechet spaces, (L F)-spaces, and their duals, (D F)-spaces and spaces of continuous real-valued functions C(X) on a completely regular Hausdorff space X. Especially (L F)-spaces and their duals arise in many fields of Functional Analysis and its applications, for example in Distributions Theory, Differential Equations and Complex Analysis. The concept of a realcompact topological space, although originally introduced and studied in General Topology, has been also studied because of very concrete applications in Linear Functional Analysis.The research for the first named author was (partially) supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, Grant no. NN201 2740 33 and for the both authors by the project MTM2008-01502 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Kakol, JM.; LĂłpez Pellicer, M. (2011). On realcompact topological vector spaces. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas. 105(1):39-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-011-0003-0S39701051Argyros S., Mercourakis S.: On weakly Lindelöf Banach spaces. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 23(2), 395–446 (1993). doi: 10.1216/rmjm/1181072569Arkhangel’skii, A. V.: Topological Function Spaces, Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 78, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1992)Batt J., Hiermeyer W.: On compactness in L p (ÎŒ, X) in the weak topology and in the topology σ(L p (ÎŒ, X), L p (ÎŒ,Xâ€Č)). Math. Z. 182, 409–423 (1983)Baumgartner J.E., van Douwen E.K.: Strong realcompactness and weakly measurable cardinals. Topol. 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    Shell evolution approaching the N=20 island of inversion : Structure of 26Na

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    The levels in 26Na with single particle character have been observed for the first time using the d(25Na, pÎł) reaction at 5 MeV/nucleon. The measured excitation energies and the deduced spectroscopic factors are in good overall agreement with (0+1)hω shell model calculations performed in a complete spsdfp basis and incorporating a reduction in the N=20 gap. Notably, the 1p3/2 neutron configuration was found to play an enhanced role in the structure of the low-lying negative parity states in 26Na, compared to the isotone 28Al. Thus, the lowering of the 1p3/2 orbital relative to the 0f7/2 occurring in the neighbouring Z=10 and 12 nuclei - 25,27Ne and 27,29Mg - is seen also to occur at Z=11 and further strengthens the constraints on the modelling of the transition into the island of inversion

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    Poly(I:C) source, molecular weight and endotoxin contamination affect dam and prenatal outcomes, implications for models of maternal immune activation

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    The viral mimetic polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C)) is increasingly used to induce maternal immune activation (mIA) to model neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Robust and reproducible phenotypes across studies are essential for the generation of models that will enhance our understanding of NDDs and enable the development of improved therapeutic strategies. However, differences in mIA-induced phenotypes using poly(I:C) have been widely observed, and this has prompted the reporting of useful and much needed methodological guidelines. Here, we perform a detailed investigation of molecular weight and endotoxin variations in poly(I:C) procured from two of the most commonly used suppliers, Sigma and InvivoGen. We demonstrate that endotoxin contamination and molecular weight differences in poly(I:C) composition lead to considerable variability in maternal IL-6 response in rats treated on gestational day (GD)15 and impact on fetal outcomes. Specifically, both endotoxin contamination and molecular weight predicted reductions in litter size on GD21. Further, molecular weight predicted a reduction in placental weight at GD21. While fetal body weight at GD21 was not affected by poly(I:C) treatment, male fetal brain weight was significantly reduced by poly(I:C), dependent on supplier. Our data are in agreement with recent reports of the importance of poly(I:C) molecular weight, and extend this work to demonstrate a key role of endotoxin on relevant phenotypic outcomes. We recommend that the source and batch numbers of poly(I:C) used should always be stated and that molecular weight variability and endotoxin contamination should be minimised for more robust mIA modelling
