2,970 research outputs found

    Coastal water source of short‐lived halocarbons in New England

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    Short‐lived halocarbon tracers were used to investigate marine influences on air quality in a coastal region of New England. Atmospheric measurements made at the University of New Hampshire\u27s Observing Station at Thompson Farm (TF) in Durham, New Hampshire, indicate that relatively large amounts of halocarbons are emitted from local estuarine and coastal oceanic regions. Bromine‐containing halocarbons of interest in this work include bromoform (CHBr3) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2). The mean mixing ratios of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 from 11 January to 5 March 2002 were 2.6 pptv and 1.6 pptv, and from 1 June to 31 August 2002 mean mixing ratios were 5.9 pptv and 1.4 pptv, respectively. The mean mixing ratio of CHBr3 was not only highest during summer, but both CHBr3 and CH2Br2 exhibited large variability in their atmospheric mixing ratios during this season. We attribute the greater variability to increased production combined with faster atmospheric removal rates. Other seasonal characteristics of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 in the atmosphere, as well as the impact of local meteorology on their distributions at this coastal site, are discussed. Tetrachloroethene (C2Cl4) and trichloroethene (C2HCl3) were used to identify time periods influenced by urban emissions. Additionally, measurements of CHBr3, CH2Br2, C2Cl4, methyl iodide (CH3I), and ethyl iodide (C2H5I) were made at TF and five sites throughout the nearby Great Bay estuarine area between 18 and 19 August 2003. These measurements were used to elucidate the effect of the tidal cycle on the distributions of these gases. The mean mixing ratios of CHBr3, CH2Br2, CH3I, and C2H5I were ∌82%, 46%, 14%, and 17% higher, respectively, near the coast compared to inland sites, providing evidence for a marine source of short‐lived halocarbons at TF. Correlation between the tidal cycle and atmospheric concentrations of marine tracers on the night of 18 August 2003 showed that the highest values for the brominated species occurred ∌2–3 hours after high tide. Emission fluxes of CHBr3, CH2Br2, CH3I, and C2H5I on this night were estimated to be 26 ± 57, 4.7 ± 5.4, 5.9 ± 4.6, and 0.065 ± 0.20 nmol m−2 h−1, respectively. Finally, the anthropogenic source strength of CHBr3 was calculated to determine its impact on atmospheric levels observed in this region. Although our results indicate that anthropogenic contributions could potentially range from 15 to 60% of the total dissolved CHBr3 in the Great Bay, based on the observed ratio of CH2Br2/CHBr3 and surface seawater measurements in the Gulf of Maine, it appears unlikely that anthropogenic activities are a significant source of CHBr3 in the region

    The Evolution of Central Volcanoes in Ultraslow Rift Systems : Constraints From D. Joao de Castro Seamount, Azores

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    The Dom Joao de Castro seamount in the Hirondelle Basin (Azores) is a central volcano on the ultraslow diverging Terceira Rift axis. The combination of structural and geochemical data provides insights into the evolution of central volcanoes in oceanic rift systems above the Azores melting anomaly. The orientation of fault scarps and volcanic structures at D. Joao de Castro and the adjacent Castro fissure zone indicate that the regional SW-NE extending stress field dominates the morphology of the NW Hirondelle Basin. The regional tectonic stress field controls the crustal melt pathways and leads to dike emplacement along fissure zones and the prevalent eruption of mafic lavas. The occurrence of mafic to felsic lavas at D. Joao de Castro gives evidence for both a deep and a shallow crustal melt reservoir generating a subordinate local stress field at the seamount. New Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data along with incompatible trace element ratios indicate that D. Joao de Castro and the Castro Ridges originated from similarly heterogeneous mantle source but did not form simultaneously. Our new model implies that central volcanoes along the Terceira Rift form by the growth of volcanic ridges and transitioned into circular edifices after magmatic systems generate local changes in the regional lithospheric stress field. The geometry of D. Joao de Castro and other magmatic systems along the Terceira Rift combined with the alkaline nature of the erupted lavas, and the large lithosphere thickness indicates that young oceanic rifts are more similar to continental rifts rather than mid-ocean ridges.Peer reviewe

    Die Veranlassungen zu den Eisversetzungen und den damit verbundenen DammbrĂŒchen und Ueberschwemmungen der norddeutschen Ströme und grĂ¶ĂŸeren UeberflĂŒsse und deren möglichste Beseitigung fĂŒr die Zukunft : Mit Holzschnitt-Abbildungen / von C. W. Haase

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    Predmet ovog rada je uređenje obale Male Neretve na dionici od ustave u Opuzenu (stacionaĆŸa km 9+850,47) do vodotoka Prunjak (stacionaĆŸa km 9+290,38). Provedene su analize stanja naprezanja i pomaka/deformacija (uključivo i očekivanog slijeganja) metodom konačnih elemenata pomoću programa Plaxis za statičko opterećenje te kombinaciju statičkog i dinamičkog potresnog opterećenja.The subject of this work is the arrangement of the coast of Male Neretve on the section gate in Opuzen (chainage km 9 + 850.47) to the Prunjak watercourse (chainage km 9 + 290.38). Analysis of stress and displacement / deformation (including expected settlement) was performed using the finite element method by the Plaxis program for static load and a combination of static and dynamic earthquake loads

    Bromoform and dibromomethane measurements in the seacoast region of New Hampshire, 2002–2004

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    Atmospheric measurements of bromoform (CHBr3) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2) were conducted at two sites, Thompson Farm (TF) in Durham, New Hampshire (summer 2002–2004), and Appledore Island (AI), Maine (summer 2004). Elevated mixing ratios of CHBr3 were frequently observed at both sites, with maxima of 37.9 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) and 47.4 pptv for TF and AI, respectively. Average mixing ratios of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 at TF for all three summers ranged from 5.3–6.3 and 1.3–2.3 pptv, respectively. The average mixing ratios of both gases were higher at AI during 2004, consistent with AI\u27s proximity to sources of these bromocarbons. Strong negative vertical gradients in the atmosphere corroborated local sources of these gases at the surface. At AI, CHBr3 and CH2Br2 mixing ratios increased with wind speed via sea‐to‐air transfer from supersaturated coastal waters. Large enhancements of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were observed at both sites from 10 to 14 August 2004, coinciding with the passage of Tropical Storm Bonnie. During this period, fluxes of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were 52.4 ± 21.0 and 9.1 ± 3.1 nmol m−2 h−1, respectively. The average fluxes of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 during nonevent periods were 18.9 ± 12.3 and 2.6 ± 1.9 nmol m−2 h−1, respectively. Additionally, CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were used as marine tracers in case studies to (1) evaluate the impact of tropical storms on emissions and distributions of marine‐derived gases in the coastal region and (2) characterize the transport of air masses during pollution episodes in the northeastern United States

    A comparison of GC-FID and PTR-MS toluene measurements in ambient air under conditions of enhanced monoterpene loading

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    Toluene was measured using both a gas chromatographic system (GC), with a flame ionization detector (FID), and a proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) at the AIRMAP atmospheric monitoring station Thompson Farm (THF) in rural Durham, NH during the summer of 2004. Simultaneous measurements of monoterpenes, including alpha- and beta-pinene, camphene, Delta(3)-carene, and d-limonene, by GC-FID demonstrated large enhancements in monoterpene mixing ratios relative to toluene, with median and maximum enhancement ratios of similar to 2 and similar to 30, respectively. A detailed comparison between the GC-FID and PTR-MS toluene measurements was conducted to test the specificity of PTR-MS for atmospheric toluene measurements under conditions often dominated by biogenic emissions. We derived quantitative estimates of potential interferences in the PTR-MS toluene measurements related to sampling and analysis of monoterpenes, including fragmentation of the monoterpenes and some of their primary carbonyl oxidation products via reactions with H(3)O(+), O(2)(+) and NO(+) in the PTR-MS drift tube. The PTR-MS and GC-FID toluene measurements were in good quantitative agreement and the two systems tracked one another well from the instrumental limits of detection to maximum mixing ratios of similar to 0.5 ppbv. A correlation plot of the PTR-MS versus GC-FID toluene measurements was described by the least squares regression equation y=(1.13 +/- 0.02)x-(0.008 +/- 0.003) ppbv, suggesting a small similar to 13% positive bias in the PTR-MS measurements. The bias corresponded with a similar to 0.055 ppbv difference at the highest measured toluene level. The two systems agreed quantitatively within the combined 1 sigma measurement precisions for 60% of the measurements. Discrepancies in the measured mixing ratios were not well correlated with enhancements in the monoterpenes. Better quantitative agreement between the two systems was obtained by correcting the PTR-MS measurements for contributions from monoterpene fragmentation in the PTR-MS drift tube; however, the improvement was minor (\u3c10%). Interferences in the PTRMS measurements from fragmentation of the monoterpene oxidation products pinonaldehyde, caronaldehyde and alpha-pinene oxide were also likely negligible. A relatively large and variable toluene background in the PTR-MS instrument likely drove the measurement bias; however, the precise contribution was difficult to accurately quantify and thus was not corrected for in this analysis. The results from THF suggest that toluene can be reliably quantified by PTR-MS using our operating conditions (drift tube pressure, temperature and voltage of 2.0 mbar, 45 degrees C and 600V, respectively) under the ambient compositions probed. This work extends the range of field conditions under which PTR-MS validation studies have been conducted

    Magma genesis by rifting of oceanic lithosphere above anomalous mantle: Terceira Rift, Azores

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    [1] The Terceira Rift formed relatively recently (∌1 Ma ago) by rifting of the old oceanic lithosphere of the Azores Plateau and is currently spreading at a rate of 2–4mm/a. Together with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Terceira Rift forms a triple junction that separates the Eurasian, African, and American Plates. Four volcanic systems (SĂŁo Miguel, JoĂŁo de Castro, Terceira, Graciosa), three of which are islands, are distinguished along the axis and are separated by deep avolcanic basins similar to other ultraslow spreading centers. The major element, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of submarine and subaerial lavas display large along-axis variations. Major and trace element modeling suggests melting in the garnet stability field at smaller degrees of partial melting at the easternmost volcanic system (SĂŁo Miguel) compared to the central and western volcanoes, which appear to be characterized by slightly higher melting degrees in the spinel/garnet transition zone. The degrees of partial melting at the Terceira Rift are slightly lower than at other ultraslow mid-ocean ridge spreading axes (Southwest Indian Ridge, Gakkel Ridge) and occur at greater depths as a result of the melting anomaly beneath the Azores. The combined interaction of a high obliquity, very slow spreading rates, and a thick preexisting lithosphere along the axis probably prevents the formation and eruption of larger amounts of melt along the Terceira Rift. However, the presence of ocean islands requires a relatively stable melting anomaly over relatively long periods of time. The trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes display individual binary mixing arrays for each volcanic system and thus provide additional evidence for focused magmatism with no (or very limited) melt or source interaction between the volcanic systems. The westernmost mantle sources beneath Graciosa and the most radiogenic lavas from the neighboring Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggest a mantle flow from Graciosa toward the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and hence a flux of mantle material from one spreading axis into the other. The Terceira Rift represents a unique oceanic rift system situated within the thickened, relatively old oceanic lithosphere and thus exhibits both oceanic and continental features

    Are biogenic emissions a significant source of summertime atmospheric toluene in the rural Northeastern United States?

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    Summertime atmospheric toluene enhancements at Thompson Farm in the rural northeastern United States were unexpected and resulted in a toluene/benzene seasonal pattern that was distinctly different from that of other anthropogenic volatile organic compounds. Consequently, three hydrocarbon sources were investigated for potential contributions to the enhancements during 2004–2006. These included: (1) increased warm season fuel evaporation coupled with changes in reformulated gasoline (RFG) content to meet US EPA summertime volatility standards, (2) local industrial emissions and (3) local vegetative emissions. The contribution of fuel evaporation emission to summer toluene mixing ratios was estimated to range from 16 to 30 pptv d−1, and did not fully account for the observed enhancements (20–50 pptv) in 2004–2006. Static chamber measurements of alfalfa, a crop at Thompson Farm, and dynamic branch enclosure measurements of loblolly pine trees in North Carolina suggested vegetative emissions of 5 and 12 pptv d−1 for crops and coniferous trees, respectively. Toluene emission rates from alfalfa are potentially much larger as these plants were only sampled at the end of the growing season. Measured biogenic fluxes were on the same order of magnitude as the influence from gasoline evaporation and industrial sources (regional industrial emissions estimated at 7 pptv d−1 and indicated that local vegetative emissions make a significant contribution to summertime toluene enhancements. Additional studies are needed to characterize the variability and factors controlling toluene emissions from alfalfa and other vegetation types throughout the growing season

    Anisotropic eddy-viscosity concept for strongly detached unsteady flows

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    The accurate prediction of the flow physics around bodies at high Reynolds number is a challenge in aerodynamics nowadays. In the context of turbulent flow modeling, recent advances like large eddy simulation (LES) and hybrid methods [detached eddy simulation (DES)] have considerably improved the physical relevance of the numerical simulation. However, the LES approach is still limited to the low-Reynolds-number range concerning wall flows. The unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) approach remains a widespread and robust methodology for complex flow computation, especially in the near-wall region. Complex statistical models like second-order closure schemes [differential Reynolds stress modeling (DRSM)] improve the prediction of these properties and can provide an efficient simulationofturbulent stresses. Fromacomputational pointofview, the main drawbacks of such approaches are a higher cost, especially in unsteady 3-D flows and above all, numerical instabilities
