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    2723 research outputs found

    Novi epicentar grada : diplomski rad : fotografija modela 2

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    Survival: Remaining - Revitalization of an Abandoned Village Bobani, Klis : Master's Thesis

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    “Ko to more platit?” Ova uvriježena uzrečica za kojom često posegnemo u trenucima kada bivamo svjesni neprocjenjivosti ljepote krajolika i grada u kojem živimo, u današnjem svjetlu sve dubljeg ponora stambene krize Splita, postaje odraz otrežnjujuće zbilje skupoće stambenog kvadrata. Preusmjeravanje pozornosti na zapostavljeno ruralno zaleđe Splita otvara jedno od potencijalnih rješenja te krize, otvarajući istovremeno mogućnost ponovnog naseljavanja napuštenih sela splitskog zaleđa, očuvanja njihove graditeljske, krajobrazne i kulturne tradicije."Who can pay for it?" This common saying, which we often reach for in moments when we become aware of the priceless beauty of the landscape and the city we live in, in today's light of the deepening abyss of the housing crisis in Split, becomes a reflection of the sobering reality of the high cost of a square meter of housing. Redirecting attention to the neglected rural hinterland of Split opens up one of the potential solutions to this crisis, simultaneously opening the possibility of repopulating the abandoned villages of the Split hinterland, preserving their architectural, landscape and cultural traditions

    Cultural Carpet : Master's Thesis

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    Nedostatak senzibiliteta prema arheološkim lokalitetima u Solinu rezultirao je projektom Društveno-kulturnog centra iznad rimskih iskopina. Novootkrivenu rimsku vilu s mozaicima, pronađene u srcu Solina, u Ulici kralja Zvonimira - koja je oduvijek bila žila kucavica grada, potrebno je prezentirati javnosti i zaštititi od vremenskih uvjeta. Projekt centra oslobađa prizemlje, osiguravajući zaštitu i prezentaciju ovih vrijednih nalaza, dok se sadržaji centra smještaju na gornjoj etaži, pružajući stanovnicima Solina prijeko potrebne sadržaje za kojima ovaj najmlađi grad Hrvatske žudi.The lack of sensitivity towards the archaeological sites in Solin resulted in the project of the Social and Cultural Center above the Roman excavations. The newly discovered Roman villa with mosaics, found in the heart of Solin, in Ulica kralja Zvonimira - which has always been the lifeblood of the city, needs to be presented to the public and protected from weather conditions. The center project frees up the ground floor, ensuring the protection and presentation of these valuable finds, while the center's facilities are located on the upper floor, providing the residents of Solin with the much-needed facilities that this youngest city in Croatia longs for

    Vinarija + hotel : diplomski rad : fotografija modela 2

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    Konjički centar Vrba : diplomski rad : plakat

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    Design of the Overpass above Highway : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U radu je prikazan glavni projekt nadvožnjaka preko autoceste. Nadvožnjak se sastoji od dva jednaka raspona (17 m) i polumontažne je izvedbe. Stup između dva polja projektiran je kao “V“ stup. Niveleta nadvožnjaka je oko 8 m iznad nivelete autoceste tako da ima dosta prostora za slobodan profil ispod nadvožnjaka. Projekt sadrži proračun uzdužnog, poprečnog nosača i stupa, te karakteristične građevinske nacrte i tehnički opis.This paper presents the main design of the overpass above the highway. The structure is semi prefabricated and it consists of two equal spans (17 m). The middle pier is V-shaped. Elevation of the overpass is cca 8 m above highway elevation and therefore leaves enough space for traffic beneath the overpass. The work includes the calculation of the longitudinal, and transversely span girders and column, and characteristic construction plans as well as technical description of the construction

    Design of the Overpass above Highway : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U radu je prikazan glavni projekt nadvožnjaka preko autoceste. Nadvožnjak se sastoji od dva jednaka raspona (19 m) i polumontažne je izvedbe. Stup između dva polja projektiran je kao “V“ stup. Niveleta nadvožnjaka je oko 8.7 m iznad nivelete autoceste tako da ima dosta prostora za slobodan profil ispod nadvožnjaka. Projekt sadrži proračun uzdužnog, poprečnog nosača i stupa, te karakteristične građevinske nacrte i tehnički opis.This paper presents the main design of the overpass above the highway. The structure is semi prefabricated and it consists of two equal spans (19 m). The middle pier is V-shaped. Elevation of the overpass is cca 8.7 m above highway elevation and therefore leaves enough space for traffic beneath the overpass. The work includes the calculation of the longitudinal, and transversely span girders and column, and characteristic construction plans as well as a technical description of the construction

    D(r)ugi Rat : diplomski rad : plakat

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    New Cem(ex) city : diplomski rad : fotografija modela 2

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