528 research outputs found

    The use of Lawsonia inermis linn. (henna) in the management of burn wound infections

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    The effects of water and chloroform extracts of the leaves of Lawsonia inermis (henna plant) against the primary invaders of burnt wounds was investigated. Clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp, Pseudemonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Fusarium oxysporum, and Aspergillusniger were treated with extracts of the leaves of L. inermis for antimicrobial activity using in vitro agar incorporation method and well diffusion methods respectively. The henna leaves extracts were able to inhibit the growth pattern of A. niger and F. oxysporum. Streptococcus sp. and S. aureus were alsoinhibited by the extracts. Inhibition of the microorganisms’ growth suggests that henna may be valuable in the management of burnt wound infections

    Bacaan Alquran Orang dengan Hambatan Bicara: Perspektif Kelisanan Alquran

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    This article discusses the reading of the Quran by those having speech impediments. This topic has yet to be studied in the study of persons with disabilities and in the study of the Koran. Reading the Quran is an important part a Muslim’s life, including people with speech impediments. Using the analytical-descriptive method, the study answers the question what is the position of people with speech impediments in the context of reading the Qur'an properly and correctly? This article argues that the readings of people with speech impediments should be accepted, not as a rukhsah, as they have their own way of reading based on the oral side of the Qur'an. This article redefines the reading of the Quran and criticizes the standardization of good and correct reading of the Quran which has neglected the condition of people with speech impediments. As an oral text, the reading of the Koran is based on the voice of the reader, not on the clarity of the sound of the letters. Artikel ini membahas bacaan Alquran bagi orang dengan hambatan bicara, dengan menggunakan perspektif kelisanan Alquran. Topik ini masih luput dikaji dalam kajian penyandang disabilitas maupun kajian Alquran. Padahal, membaca Alquran menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan seorang muslim, termasuk orang dengan hambatan bicara. Menggunakan metode deskripsi-analitis, kajian menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana kedudukan orang dengan hambatan bicara dalam konteks membaca Alquran dengan baik dan benar? Melalui deskripsi dan analisis terhadap bacaan Alquran, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa bacaan orang dengan hambatan bicara yang sebelumnya dipandang sebagai bacaan yang mendapat rukhsah atau functional reception, mempunyai cara baca tersendiri dengan berlandaskan pada sisi kelisanan Alquran. Artikel ini melakukan redefinisi terhadap bacaan Alquran dan mengkritik standarisasi bacaan Alquran yang baik dan benar yang telah mengabaikan kondisi orang-orang dengan hambatan bicara. Sebagai teks lisan, bacaan Alquran berdasarkan suara pembacanya, bukan pada kejelasan bunyi huruf-hurufnya

    Islam Nusantara Sebagai Upaya Kontekstualisasi Ajaran Islam Dalam Menciptakan Moderasi Beragama

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    This article will contextualize the teachings of Islam from Arabic to Indonesia by linking them to the Islam Nusantara. This article will also show the moderate Islamic style displayed by Islam Nusantara. As for analyzing, this paper uses a descriptive-analytical method using contextualization theory, namely the search for understanding of Islamic teachings by involving context, as a knife of analysis. Some of the research results achieved by this paper are the contextualization of Islamic teachings from Arabic to Indonesia that has been carried out since the early spread of Islam in Indonesian soil as practiced by Walisongo. The spread of Islam in Indonesia did not bring about Arabic discourse, but found Islamic teachings (God's message) that were spread in Arab society, then applied in the context of Indonesian society. Furthermore, Islam Nusantara always displays the true spirit of Islam, spreads Islam peacefully, is tolerant of the differences faced, and maintains a wushta (moderate) attitude in addressing life's problems


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    Abstract: Prayer delivered in the context of war by the Prophet Muhammad was prayed by Neno Warisman, but in a totally different context; that is a political context. Prayers originally requesting a victory in Badar war was misled by Neno Warisman to achieve the same victory in the 2019 presidential election contest. Such submission of the same prayer with different contexts breeds various polemics among Indonesian Muslim communities. This article intends to discuss the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad contained in the Hadith regarding the context of Badr war, especially as was narrated by Imam Muslim. The discussion about the Prophet's prayer will be analyzed based on the reception theory which is analyzed informatively and performatively. An informative analysis is an analytical method that focuses on the hadith text by conducting in-depth studies to understand its content. Performative analysis is an analytical method that focuses on the readers of the hadith, examining how a hadith whose content is not well-understood but creates various receptions or attitudes from the readers. Furthermore, for informative analysis, this paper will discuss textual and contextual understanding, and discuss the implications of understanding when the prayer is performed by Neno in Munajat 212. As for performative analysis, this paper will discuss the responses or attitudes of the readers or recipients of the prayer delivered by the Neno Warisman.Keywords: Hadith, the Prophet's prayer, Warisman's prayer, Informative, and performative. Abstrak: Do’a yang disampaikan dalam konteks peperangan oleh Nabi Muhammad, kembali disampaikan oleh Neno Warisman namun dalam konteks berbeda, yakni perpolitikan. Do’a memohon kemenangan dalam perang badar digiring oleh Neno Warisman untuk mencapai kemenangan dalam kontestasi pemilihan umum presiden 2019. Penyampaian do’a yang berbeda konteks ini kemudian memunculkan berbagai polemik dalam lingkungan umat Islam di Indonesia. Tulisan ini hendak mendiskusikan do’a Nabi Muhammad yang terdapat dalam Hadis pada konteks perang Badar tersebut, khususnya yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim. Diskusi mengenai do’a Nabi akan dianalisis berdasarkan teori resepsi yang dianalisis secara Informatif dan Performatif. Analisis informatif yaitu analisis yang fokus pada teks hadis, yakni melakukan kajian mendalam sehingga menemukan pemahaman atas kandungan hadis. Sementara analisis performatif yaitu analisis yang fokus pada pembaca hadis, bagian ini meneliti bagaimana sebuah hadis yang secara kandungan tidak dipahami tetapi memunculkan resepsi atau sikap dari pembacanya. Selanjutnya, untuk analisis informatif, tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan pemahaman secara tekstual dan kontekstual, serta mendiskusikan implikasi pemahaman ketika do’a tersebut digunakan oleh Neno dalam munajat 212. Adapun analisis performatif, tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan respon atau sikap pembaca atau penerima do’a yang disampaikan oleh Neno Warisman tersebut.Kata Kunci: Hadis, do’a Nabi, do’a Neno Warisman, Informatif, dan performatif

    Analisis Hadits tentang Sanksi atas Pelaku Tindakan Pungutan Liar serta Keterkaitannya dengan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    President Joko Widodo in tackling acts of bribery, finally issued Presidential Decree (Decree) number 87 Year 2016 About Clean Sweep Task Force on Illegal Payments. While in Islamic discourse, actually the act of illegal levies was known at the beginning of the development of Islam, this was later banned by the Prophet. By using the theory of takhrij, the author examines the hadiths related to illegal levies (al-Maks), using descriptive-analytic as the knife of analysis. From the various hadiths put forward, it can be said that acts of extortion include major sins, so that the perpetrator will not enter heaven, and he will go to hell. The severity of the sentence was caused by the act of illegal levies in which there was an element of injustice. As for the link between illegal levies and acts of corruption, that acts of illegal collection are part of acts of corruption in which there is an element of injustice. Both perpetrators of illegal levies and corruption, both of which are classified as people will not enter heaven

    GERAKAN MEMBUMIKAN TAFSIR AL-QUR’AN DI INDONESIA: Studi M. Quraish Shihab atas Tafsir Al-Misbah

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    This article discusses the phenomenon of grounding the interpretation of the Qur'an in Indonesia by focusing on M. Quraish Shihab as a modern-contemporary interpreter who successfully interprets the Qur'an in written and oral form. The important location of M. Quraish Shihab in grounding the interpretation of the Qur'an lies in his efforts to interpret the Qur'an with language that is easy to understand but has high quality content. This makes M. Quraish Shihab always an important reference in the interpretation of the Qur'an in Indonesia, both among Al-Qur'an scholars and ordinary people. Tafsir Al-Misbah is evidence of success in grounding the interpretation of the Qur'an in Indonesia, both in the form of commentaries and studies. Kitab Tafsir Al-Misbah is the work of Phenomenal M. Quraish Shihab in simplifying the language of its interpretation, having previously been considered to be rambling on Kitab Tafsir Al-Qur'an 'Al-Karim. Meanwhile, the "Kajian Tafsir Al-Misbah" was born as an effort to maintain the understanding of the Qur'an by experts, so that the public gets enlightened understanding of the Qur'an by people who are truly in their capacity as interpreters of the Qur'an

    Verbalisasi Al-Qur’an: Metode Tafsir Kontekstual Berbasis Kelisanan Al-Qur’an (Studi Qs. Al-baqarah: 256 tentang Pemaksaan Agama)

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    This paper discusses the verbalization of the Quran as a method of understanding the contextual Quran based on orality, with a focus on Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256. This method aims to create a mutual understanding among people that have been polarized these days due to different opinions. The verbalization of the Quran has a very strong epistemology in the history of understanding the Quran because it is based on the orality of the Quran, which was the initial and original form of the Quran when it was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and spread to the Arab community. Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256 was revealed as a response to two utterances spoken in different contexts but essentially share the same illocution, namely a rejection to the coercions of certain religions. This contextual understanding has been verbalized and reflected in Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights; Paragraph 1 of Article 28E in the 1945 Constitution of Republic Indonesia; Article 28 I in the 1945 Constitution of Republic Indonesia; Paragraph 2 of Article 29 in the 1945 Constitution of Republic Indonesia – all of which indicate the attempts to reject forced religious conversion in Indonesia. AbstrakArtikel ini mendiskusikan tentang Verbalisasi Al-Qur’an sebagai metode pemahaman kontekstual Al-Qur’an dengan berbasis kelisanan, yang berfokus pada QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 256. Metode Verbalisasi Al-Qur’an ini hadir sebagai upaya menghubungkan pemahaman antar berbagai kelompok yang selama ini terkotak-kotakkan. Verbalisasi Al-Qur’an memiliki epistemologi yang sangat kuat dalam tradisi pemahaman Al-Qur’an, hal ini karena Verbalisasi Al-Qur’an berangkat dari kelisanan Al-Qur’an yang merupakan bentuk awal sekaligus jati diri Al-Qur’an ketika pertama kali disampaikan pada era pewahyuan, dari Nabi Muhammad SAW kepada Masyarakat Arab. Dalam kasus QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 256, ia disampaikan sebagai respon penolakan terhadap keinginan dua lawan tutur dan konteks tuturan yang berbeda, tetapi mengandung pemahaman yang sama, yakni penolakan atas tindakan pemaksaan agama tertentu. Pemahaman yang kontekstual tersebut dapat diverbalisasikan ke dalam bentuk UU Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang HAM, UUD 1945 dalam pasal 28E ayat 1, UU 1945 dalam pasal 28 I, dan UUD 1945 pada pasal 29 ayat (2), yang semuanya adalah upaya penolakan atas tindakan pemaksaan untuk memeluk agama tertentu dalam konteks di Indonesia

    Diskursus Kelisanan Al-Qur’an: Membuka Ruang Baru

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    This paper is about to discuss discourse as the identity of the Qur'an which is now in the form of writing (Mushaf). In its history, the Qur'an is present in an environment that is familiar with oral traditions, delivered in oral form from the Prophet (speaker) to the Arab community (listeners). Based on the oral delivery, the Al-Qur'an indicates to be examined in the discourse discourse. The result of this paper is the discourse on the oral level of the Qur'an and even the naming as the Qur'an. Until the Qur'an takes the form of a text (mushaf) which is met today by Muslims, but the structure of orality can still be found clearly. With the structure of orality, it certainly presents a specific understanding of orality, as was the revelation understood by the Prophet Muhammad as a speaker and the Arab community as opposed to speech. The occurrence of understanding between the Prophet Muhammad and the Arab Society gives an understanding that the Qur'an contains understanding at that time, so that if there is an inertia, then the Arab community will question the purpose of the verse delivered. From this, the context that is presented in the discourse of oral Qur'an is a clear context, which binds the speaker and listener, or also commonly referred to as contextual


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    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara penerapan metode Statistical Process Control (SPC) yang nantinya ditujukan untuk mengetahui penyebab mampu terka terhadap kecacatan produksi galvalum tipe reng kanal u yang akan dipecahkan permasalahannya menggunakan alat-alat SPC (7 tools). Data yang dibuthkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder kecacatan selama 8 bulan produksi dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2017 hingga Maret 2018. Alat-alat yang digunakan pada metode SPC ini meliputi histogram, diagram pareto, peta kendali, diagram sebab akibat, diagram tebar, lembar pengecekan dan flowchart. Alat-alat tersebut lebih sering disebut dengan 7 tools. Hasil dari analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan metode SPC memberikan hasil berupa penurunan kecacatan terhadap karakteristik ukuran tidak sesuai sebanyak 284 buah dan koil terlilit sebesar 248 buah. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan dengan mengatur ulang nilai set up time mesin roll forming menjadi 1600 menit per-pekan. Kata Kunci: Statistical Process Control, Galvalum, Reng Kanal U, Kecacatan, Set Up Time Abstract The purpose of this study is to know how to apply the Statistical Process Control (SPC) method which will be aimed to find out the cause of the defect of galvalume disability that can be solved by SPC tools (7 tools). Data used in this research is secondary data of disability during 8 months of production starting from August 2017 until March 2018. The tools used in this SPC method include histogram, pareto diagram, control chart, cause diagram, stocking diagram, check sheet and flowchart. These tools are more commonly referred to as 7 tools. The result of the analysis using SPC method gives the result of the decrease of defect to the unsuitable size characteristics as much as 284 pieces and the twisted coil of 248 pieces. The decline is caused by rearranging the set up time of the roll forming machine to 1600 minutes per week.Keywords: Statistical Process Control, Galvalume, U Type of Galvalume, Defect, Set Up Tim

    SYARAH HADIS DALAM BENTUK FILM: Studi Syarah Hadis ‘Keutamaan Salat Shubuh’ dalam Film “Cinta Shubuh”

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    Abstract: This article aims to show the important role (contribution) of the film world in grounding the teachings of Islam through the sharah of hadith in the modern era (millennial), in this case it will focus on the film "CintaShubuh" on the YouTube channel Film Maker Mulim. The film "CintaShubuh" departs from the hadith of the Virtues of Shubuh prayer (HR. Bukhiri-Muslim), as shown at the beginning of the screening. The sharah of hadith in this film is carried out by displaying the Problem-Solving pattern, by making love issues a problem, a common issue among youth. As for the Shubuh prayer in congregation is the solution to the various problems of romance in the film. From this, through the theory of the Sharah of Hadith, this article describes as well as analyzes how the hadith virtue of Shubuh prayer gets sharah in the film "Cinta Shubuh". الملخص:  تهدف هذه المقالة إلى إظهار الدور الهام )مساهمة( لعالم السينما في إرساء تعاليم الإسلام من خلال تقاليد الحديث في العصر الحديث )الألفية(، وفي هذه الحالة سيركز على فيلم "حب الصبح" على قناة يوتيوب فيلم مسلم.  فيلم " حب الصبح " يخرج من حديث فضل صلاة شبوه كما يظهر في بداية عرضه.  يتم الحديث الحديث في هذا الفيلم عن طريق عرض نمط حل المشكلات ، بجعل قضية الحب مشكلة ، قضية واسعة الانتشار بين الشباب.  صلاة الفجر في الجماعة هي حل لمشاكل الرومانسية المختلفة في الفيلم.  من هذا ، من خلال نظرية الحديث الشرعي ، يصف هذا المقال وكذلك يحلل كيف أن فضائل صلاة شبوه تحصل على الشرح في فيلم " حب الصبح ". الاستنتاج في هذا المقال هو أن الفيلم يحب عملية معنى فضائل فضائل صلاة الفجر في الجماعة بشكل ملموس في شكل نجاحات مختلفة في جوانب مختلفة من حياة اللاعبين.  إن الجهود المبذولة لتأصيل الحديث في شكل فيلم ، ستثير مناقشات ومعاني فريدة كجزء من تطوير دراسات الحديث في عصر الإعلام.Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan peran penting  dunia perfilm-an dalam membumikan ajaran Islam melalui syarah hadis di era modern (millenial) dengan berfokus pada film “Cinta Shubuh” pada kanal youtube Film Maker Mulim. Film “Cinta Shubuh” berangkat dari hadis keutamaan salat shubuh (HR. Bukhiri-Muslim), sebagaimana ditampilkan pada awal penayangannya. Syarah hadis dalam film ini dilakukan dengan menampilkan pola Problem-Solving, yang menjadikan isu percintaan sebagai isu yang marak terjadi di kalangan pemuda. Salat Shubuh berjamaah menjadi solusi atas berbagai problem percintaan dalam film tersebut. Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan sekaligus menganalisis bagaimana hadis keutamaan salat shubuh mendapat syarah dalam film “Cinta Shubuh”. Adapun kesimpulan dalam artikel ini adalah film cinta shubuh mengolah makna hadis keutamaan salat shubuh berjama’ah secara konkrit dalam bentuk keberhasilan dari berbagai segi kehidupan para pemainnnya. Upaya membumikan hadis dalam bentuk film, akan memunculkan diskusi dan pemaknaan yang khas sebagai bagian dari perkembangan kajian hadis di era media