118 research outputs found

    Kajian kerapatan dan keanekaragaman zoobenthos di waduk Penjalin, Bumiayu, Jawa Tengah = Study on the density and diversity of zoobenthos in Penjalin Dam, Bumiayu, Central Java

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    ABSTRACT: An exploratory study on the density and diversity of zoobenthos in the Penjalin Dam was done. Zoobemhos was sampled by Ekman\u27s dredging on 50 sites and 5 replications. For preservation, a 4% formalin solution was added into the sample. It was found 12 genera, 11 genera of gastropods and 1 genus of Oligochaeta. There were differences of the density and diversity of zoobenthos in different depth zones. Keywords : density - diversity - zoobentho


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    The bioaccumulation of mercury in the areas of Lampon traditional gold mining still be traced, although the mining activity was stopped. This research traces mercury bioaccumulation in macrobenthos at Lampon areas. The bioindicators were used the representatives macrobenthos based on the trophic levels, feeding behavior and niches. Mercury were analized by SNI 06-6992.2-2004 with modified at LPPT UGM Yogyakarta.The results shows different accumulation of mercury in specimens based on feeding behavior and niches. Non-sessile benthos accumulate higher than the sessile. Benthic filter feeders in free colony will accumulate mercury higher than benthic filter feeders in massive sessile colony. Filter feeders in massive sessile colony was detected lower than solitary herbivores. If the benthic herbivores attached hardly at the rocks, they could detected in high consentration because their niche and behavior to go in the water rarely . Niches affect ability of macrobenthos to accumulate mercury, although in the same tropic levels and feeding behavior.Keywords: mercury bioaccumulation, macrobenthos, trophic level, feeding behavior, niche


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    Plankton community has an important role in the food chain, nutrient cycle and initial succession process in the wet dune slacks. Wet dune slacks are damp or wet hollows left between dunes where have a seasonally fluctuating water table. This unique habitat has been protected in European, but in Indonesia has not been studied by researchers. The aim of this research is to study plankton distribution and abundance in wet dune slacks with physico-chemical factors that most influence. Sample was picked on February 2018 in Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. There was 10 liters sample taken using bucket with 3 replications in 5 different wet dune slacks. Water sample was filtered using plankton-net 120 mesh size and physico-chemical parameters was measured. The results of plankton samples show there were 37 species of pennate diatoms, 1 species of centric diatoms, 23 species of algae unisel, 28 species of algae colony, 18 species of algae filaments, 3 species of dinoflagellates, 6 species of chlorophyll protozoa, 22 species of rotifers, 6 species of cladocera, 11 species of ostracoda, 5 species of copepods, and 5 species of protozoa. Plankton species that have succeeded in wet dune slacks are species that have a strategy of surviving in the extreme habitat by changing to resting stages, cysts, spores, and resting eggs. Phytoplankton species that dominated in the wet dune slacks was Cyclotella meneghiniana while for zooplankton was Chlamydotheca flexilis and Alona rectangula. Phytoplankton distribution and abundance was regulated by wind speed, C-organic content, alkalinity, light intensity, phosphate content, pH and dissolved oxygen. The physico-chemical factors that most influence the distribution and abundance of zooplankton was concentration of dissolved oxygen, dissolved CO2, pH, water temperature, air temperature, depth, water transparency, wind speed, light intensity, C-organic content, sulfate and phosphate content.    Komunitas plankton memiliki peran penting pada proses rantai makanan, siklus nutrien dan proses suksesi awal wet dune slacks. Kawasan wet dune slacks merupakan cekungan yang berada di antara punggung gumuk dan kondisi permukaan air tanah sangat bervariasi tergantung musim. Habitat unik yang telah dilindungi di benua Eropa ini justru belum banyak dipelajari di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari distribusi dan kemelimpahan plankton di wet dune slacks serta faktor fisiko-kimia yang paling mempengaruhi distribusi dan kemelimpahannya. Pencuplikan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2018 di Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel air dicuplik menggunakan ember sebanyak 10 liter dengan 3 ulangan pada 5 wet dune slacks yang berbeda. Sampel air kemudian disaring menggunakan plankton-net ukuran 120 mesh serta diukur parameter fisiko-kimianya. Hasil dari pengamatan sampel plankton menunjukkan terdapat 37 spesies diatom pennate, 1 spesies diatom sentrik, 23 spesies alga unisel, 28 spesies alga koloni, 18 spesies alga filamen, 3 spesies dinoflagellata, 6 spesies protozoa berklorofil, 22 spesies rotifera, 6 spesies cladocera, 11 spesies ostracoda, 5 spesies copepoda, dan 5 spesies protozoa. Spesies plankton yang berhasil mengsuksesi kawasan wet dune slacks merupakan spesies yang memiliki strategi bertahan di habitat kekeringan dengan berubah ke fase istirahat, cyst, spora, dan resting eggs. Spesies fitoplankton yang mendominasi adalah Cyclotella meneghiniana sedangkan untuk zooplankton adalah Chlamydotheca flexilis dan Alona rectangula. Parameter fisiko-kimia kecepatan angin, C-organik, alkalinitas, sulfat, temperatur air, temperatur udara, intensitas cahaya,fosfat, pH dan oksigen terlarut menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi distribusi dan kemelimpahan fitoplankton. Sedangkan untuk faktor fisiko-kimia yang paling mempengaruhi distribusi dan kemelimpahan zooplankton adalah kadar oksigen terlarut, CO2 terlarut, pH, temperatur air, temperatur udara, jeluk, jeluk Secchi, kecepatan angin, intensitas cahaya, C-organik, sulfat, fosfat.   &nbsp


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    Retaid (red-tide) adalah fenomena alam yang sering terjadi baik di perairan laut dan tawar. Fenomena ini menunjukkan perubahan wama dari bi~ laut menjadi merah, coklat, kuning bahkan putih susu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi terjadinya retaid di perairan Tablasupa, Jayapura, Papua. Pencuplikan plankton dilakukan pada tanggal 8-10 Agustus 2007 di dua lokasi dengan empat ulangan waktu (pagi, siang, sore dan malam).Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan adanya 18 genus tetapi hanya dua gen~ yang berpotensi menimbulkan retaid yaitu Ceratium dan Chaetoceros. Kemungkinan kecil terjadioya retaid di perairan Tablasupa karena kemelimpahan fitoplankton cukup rendah


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    Cilacap Mangrove Forest is the largest mangrove ecosystem in java. Some diffirences in term of environmental condition are founded among that ecosystem as a result of sedimentation, deforestation, industrial activity and conservation. Those differences could lead the difference of associated gastropod community in term of their diversity. The aim of this research was to know the diversity pattern of mangrove gastropod community of Cilacap mangrove ecosystem Study site was divided into 5 station based on the dominant vegetatiotL mangrove consentation, the presence of polluting activity and acretion phenametu, Transects and plots were used to talcc the best representation of sampling by giving 5 transects and 5 altemating plat (size 4X4 m) for each transect in every station, Transects were pl,aced perpendicular to the riverlcoast line. Diversity indexcs were then calculated according to Shannon-Wiener formul.a The result showed tlwt the highest diversity was founded in the non-accretb station, follovyed by consematian station, accretic station, polluted statian and the least was Nypa-domiruted station, Soil ottdwater salinity, pollution, rnangrove snge and its species richness were the main environmental factor driving the absence or presence of the gastropod species, thus influenced the community diversity. Key words: Mangrove gastropott, iliversity poftern, Cilrcap mangrove ecosystem

    KOMUNITAS MAKROZOOBENTOS DI KAWASAN PENAMBANGAN PASIR DI SUNGAI PROGO (Macrozoobenthos Community in Sand Mining Area of Progo River)

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    AbstrakSungai memiliki peranan penting bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya, di antaranya adalah sebagai habitat bagi komunitas makrozoobentos dan pemanfaatan material berupa pasir dan batu sebagai bahan bangunan. Sungai Progo merupakan salah satu sungai yang hampir di sepanjang sungainya terdapat aktivitas penambangan pasir. Jika aktivitas ini dilakukan terus menerus dalam jumlah banyak dan tanpa pengawasan yang baik dapat menyebabkan terjadinya erosi dan degradasi serta sedimentasi pada bagian-bagian tertentu sungai. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh aktivitas penambangan pasir terhadap distribusi dan kemelimpahan komunitas makrozoobentos di Sungai Progo, serta Functional Feeding Group (FFG) yang paling melimpah dan parameter fisiko-kimia yang memengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu mencuplik dan preparasi sampel makrozoobentos, identifikasi sampel, dan pengukuran parameter fisiko-kimia. Aktivitas penambangan pasir di Sungai Progo berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap makrozoobentos, yaitu dengan menyebabkan adanya erosi dan degradasi di kawasan penambangan pasir serta sedimentasi di bagian hilir. FFG makrozoobentos di Sungai Progo yang paling melimpah adalah tipe scraper dan collector. Berdasarkan analisis regresi dan korelasi Pearson didapatkan hasil bahwa fosfat berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian hulu Sungai Progo, intensitas cahaya berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian tengah Sungai Progo, dan kecepatan arus berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian hilir Sungai Progo. AbstractRiver has an important role for human and other organisms, among them are as habitat of macrozoobenthos community and the utilization of the material, such as river sand and gravel for building material. Progo River is one of rivers which have sand mining activities almost all along the river. If this activity being done continuously, in a big amount and without a good supervision, it could lead to erosion, degradation and sedimentation in some specific parts. Therefore, this research has an aim to study the effects of sand mining activity towards the distribution and the abundance of macrozoobenthos community in Progo River, and also to study which Functional Feeding Group (FFG) is the most abundant and the physic-chimic parameter that affecting them. This research was conducted in three steps, sampling and preparation of macrozoobenthos’s sample, sample’s identification, and the measurement physicochemical parameter. Sand mining activity in Progo River effect indirectly towards macrozoobenthos by causing erosion and degradation in sand mining area as well as sedimentation in downstream. The most abundant FFG of macrozobenthos in sand mining area of Progo River are scraper and collector. Based on regression and Pearson correlation analysis the results show that phosphate correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the headwaters of Progo River, light intensity correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the midstream of the Progo River, and current velocity correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the downstream of the Progo River

    Bioakumulasi Merkuri Dan Struktur Hepatopankreas Pada Terebralia Sulcata Dan Nerita Argus (Moluska: Gastropoda) Di Kawasan Bekas Penggelondongan Emas, Muara Sungai Lampon, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur(bioaccumulation of Mercury and the Hepatopancreas Structure)

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    Amalgamasi pada proses penggelondongan emas tradisional di muara sungai Lampon menggunakan Merkuri (Hg). Limbah dibuang langsung ke muara dan lingkungan sekitar. Walaupun aktivitas penggelondongan emas telah dihentikan, efek cemar Merkuri terhadap lingkungan termasuk biota terus berlangsung. Bioakumulasi Merkuri dapat ditelusuri menggunakan bioindikator anggota Gastropoda. Penelusuran bioakumulasi Merkuri menggunakan spesimen Terebralia sulcata yang hidup di hutan mangrove sekitar lokasi penggelondongan, dan Nerita argus yang hidup di muara pantai. Analisis Merkuri berdasar metode SNI 06-6992.2-2004 menggunakan perangkat Mercury Analyzer. Hepatopankreas sebagai organ detoksifikasi Merkuri digunakan sebagai parameter patologis. Hepatopankreas masing-masing spesimen dipreparasi dengan metode parafin, diwarnai dengan Hematoksilin Ehrlich\u27s-Eosin untuk pengamatan struktur mikroskopis. Bioakumulasi Merkuri dalam tubuh T. sulcata hingga 3,10 ppm, sedangkan dalam tubuh N. argus hingga 3,03 ppm. Tampak banyak vesikula residu diduga berisi inklusi pemadatan elektron dan metalotionin sebagai dampak detoksifikasi ion logam Merkuri dalam hepatopankreas. Tubulus hepatopankreas N. argus mengalami disintegrasi dan atropi cukup parah. Walaupun tambang emas di Lampon berskala kecil dan telah ditutup, efek patologis pencemaran Merkuri terhadap biota terutama Gastropoda sangat signifikan

    Puntius Orphoides Valenciennes, 1842: Kajian Ekologi Dan Potensi Untuk Domestikasi

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    Semua jenis ikan pada awalnya hidup secara alami tetapi beberapa jenis sudah dapat dibudidayakan dan ada yang masih hidup liar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah upaya domestikasi ikan mata merah/Brek (Puntius orphoides Valencienes, 1842). Ikan mata merah dicuplik dari Sungai Klawing dan Waduk Sempor pada bulan Maret 2008 untuk dikaji aspek habitatnya dan dianalisis nutrisinya. Analisis nutrisi dikerjakan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UNSOED dan LPPT UGM. Jenis ikan sebagai pembanding adalah Puntius javanicus Blkr. dan Oreochromis niloticus. Hasil analisis laboratorium mengenai kadar air, protein dan lemak P. orphoides lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan dua jenis yang lain. Kelebihan jenis ikan mata merah adalah khususnya kandungan protein, maka dapat terus dikembangkan sebagai cadangan protein sektor perikanan yang sangat baik

    Retaid Di Perairan Pesisir Barat Tablasupa Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua (Red-tide at Western Coast of Tablasupa, Jayapura, Papua)

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    Retaid (red-tide) adalah fenomena alam yang sering terjadi baik di perairan laut dan tawar. Fenomena ini menunjukkan Perubahan warna dari biru laut menjadi merah, coklat, kuning bahkan putih susu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi terjadinya retaid di perairan Tablasupa, Jayapura, Papua. Pencuplikan plankton dilakukan pada tanggal 8-10 Agustus 2007 di dua lokasi dengan empat ulangan waktu (pagi, siang, sore dan malanr). Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan adanya 18 genus tetapi hanya dua genus yang berpotensi menimbulkan retaid yaitu Ceratium dan Chaetoceros. Kemungkinan kecil terjadinya retaid di perairan Tablasupa karena kemelimpahan fitoplankton cukup rendah


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    Coral reef ecosystem has diverse shape and stunning beauty. It has high value on both ecological and economical aspect it has productivity greater than other marine life. Local Marine Conservation Area, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan (Lemukutan island, Penata Besar island, Penata Kecil island, Seluas island, Rahdayan island) has a high potential on coastal and marine natural resources especially coral reefs ecosystem. The study was purposed to determine the condition coral reef ecosystem and the diversity of hard corals (Scleractinia). Samples have been taking from 5-7 meters depth in every point using Line Intercept Transect method (LIT). The observation result from the coral reef in Local Marine Conservation Area showed as the followings varies from bad to good (13.82 – 69.00%), but biotic components were found in each area that consist of sediment with percentage of 4.32-37.68% and the rock of 2.57- 38.22%. Hard coral community consists of 35 species including seven families. Genus Acropora as hard coral species is dominating the five islands. The damage of coral reefs that occurs in most of the study area is due to increased suspended material (sediments).Keywords: Coral reefs, Scleractinia, Acropora, LIT, Local Marine Conservation Area, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan
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