6 research outputs found
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on working memory and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: a phase II randomized sham-controlled trial
Background: The lack of efficacy of pharmacological treatments for cognitive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia highlights the need for new interventions. We investigated the effects of tDCS on working memory and negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.
Method: Double-blinded, randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial, investigating the effects of 10 sessions of tDCS in schizophrenia subjects. Stimulation used 2 mA, for 20 min, with electrodes of 25 cm2 wrapped in cotton material soaked in saline solution. Anode was positioned over the left DLPFC and the cathode in the contralateral area. Twenty-four participants were assessed at baseline, after intervention and in a three-months follow-up. The primary outcome was the working memory score from MATRICS and the secondary outcome the negative score from PANSS. Data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations.
Results: We did not find group ∗ time interaction for the working memory (p = 0.720) score or any other cognitive variable (p > 0.05). We found a significant group ∗ time interaction for PANSS negative (p < 0.001, d = 0.23, CI.95 = −0.59–1.02), general (p = 0.011) and total scores (p < 0.001). Exploratory analysis of PANSS 5 factors suggests tDCS effect on PANSS negative (p = 0.012), cognitive (p = 0.016) and depression factors (p = 0.029).
Conclusion: The results from this trial highlight the therapeutic effects of tDCS for treatment of persistent symptoms in schizophrenia, with reduction of negative symptoms. We were not able to confirm the superiority of active tDCS over sham to improve working memory performance. Larger sample size studies are needed to confirm these findings
Changes in hepatic lipid parameters and hepatic messenger ribonucleic acid expression following estradiol administration in laying hens (Gallus domesticus)
Antibody tumor targeting is enhanced by CD27 agonists through myeloid recruitment
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can destroy tumors by recruiting effectors such as myeloid cells, or targeting immunomodulatory receptors to promote cytotoxic T cell responses. Here, we examined the therapeutic potential of combining a direct tumor-targeting mAb, anti-CD20, with an extended panel of immunomodulatory mAbs. Only the anti-CD27/CD20 combination provided cures. This was apparent in multiple lymphoma models, including huCD27 transgenic mice using the anti-huCD27, varlilumab. Detailed mechanistic analysis using single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrated that anti-CD27 stimulated CD8+ T and natural killer cells to release myeloid chemo-attractants and interferon gamma, to elicit myeloid infiltration and macrophage activation. This study demonstrates the therapeutic advantage of using an immunomodulatory mAb to regulate lymphoid cells, which then recruit and activate myeloid cells for enhanced killing of mAb-opsonized tumors.</p
Kaon interference in the hadronic decays of the Z0
The first measurement of like-sign charged kaon correlations in hadronic decays of the Z is presented, based on data collected by the DELPHI detector. The charged kaons are identified by means of ring imaging Cherenkov detectors. A significant enhancement at small values of the four-momentum difference is observed in the ratio of like-sign to unlike-sign KK pairs and in the ratio of like-sign pairs to a simulated reference sample. An update of the measurement of \ksks~interference is also presented. An enhancement is found in the production of pairs of \kos of similar momenta, as compared with a simulated reference sample. The measured Bose-Einstein correlation parameters and are similar for charged and neutral kaon pairs. The value of the Bose-Einstein correlation strength is consistent with unity