7 research outputs found

    Properties of Interfaces in the two and three dimensional Ising Model

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    To investigate order-order interfaces, we perform multimagnetical Monte Carlo simulations of the 2D2D and 3D3D Ising model. Following Binder we extract the interfacial free energy from the infinite volume limit of the magnetic probability density. Stringent tests of the numerical methods are performed by reproducing with high precision exact 2D2D results. In the physically more interesting 3D3D case we estimate the amplitude F0sF^s_0 of the critical interfacial tension Fs=F0stμF^s = F^s_0 t^\mu to be F0s=1.52±0.05F^s_0 = 1.52 \pm 0.05. This result is in good agreement with a previous MC calculation by Mon, as well as with experimental results for related amplitude ratios. In addition, we study in some details the shape of the magnetic probability density for temperatures below the Curie point.Comment: 25 pages; sorry no figures include

    Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors

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