7 research outputs found

    Evolutionary history of hepatitis C virus genotype 5a in France, a multicenter ANRS study

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    The epidemic history of HCV genotype 5a is poorly documented in France, where its prevalence is very low, except in a small central area, where it accounts for 14.2% of chronic hepatitis C cases. A Bayesian coalescent phylogenetic investigation based on the E1 envelope gene and a non-structural genomic segment (NS3/4) was carried out to trace the origin of this epidemic using a large sample of genotype 5a isolates collected throughout France. The dates of documented transmissions by blood transfusion were used to calibrate five nodes in the phylogeny. The results of the E1 gene analysis showed that the best-fitting population dynamic model was the expansion growth model under a relaxed molecular clock. The rate of nucleotide substitutions and time to the most recent common ancestors (tMRCA) of genotype 5a isolates were estimated. The divergence of all the French HCV genotype 5a strains included in this study was dated to 1939 [95% HPD: 1921–1956], and the tMRCA of isolates from central France was dated to 1954 [1942–1967], which is in agreement with epidemiological data. NS3/4 analysis provided similar estimates with strongly overlapping HPD values. Phylodynamic analyses give a plausible reconstruction of the evolutionary history of HCV genotype 5a in France, suggesting the concomitant roles of transfusion, iatrogenic route and intra-familial transmission in viral diffusion

    HIV-1 Load Comparison Using Four Commercial Real-Time Assays

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    The HIV-1 RNA viral load is commonly used for the monitoring of disease progression and antiretroviral treatment of HIV-1-infected patients. Since the misestimating of values could lead to inappropriate therapeutical management, the comparative performances, especially the ability to span the genetic diversity of HIV-1, of available automated real-time assays need to be evaluated. We conducted a prospective study with 74 consenting patients enrolled between March 2007 and November 2008. A blood sample was obtained at the time of diagnosis of HIV seropositivity and blindly tested for HIV-1 RNA by at least 4 commercial tests: the Abbott m2000 RealTime HIV-1, bioMérieux NucliSens EasyQ HIV-1, version 1.2 (v1.2), and Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan (CAP/CTM) v1.0 and v2.0 assays. The means of difference were null between CAP/CTM v2.0 and Abbott for CRF02_AG subtypes but positive in favor of CAP/CTM v2.0 for genotype B and negative in favor of NucliSens for all genotypes. The standard deviation (SD) of difference ranged from 0.3 to 0.59, depending on the considered couples of assays. Reliabilities of these four tests, appreciated by the standard deviation of difference between the measurement and the estimated “true” viral load and by the coefficient of reliability, were significantly different (P < 10(−4)) among each other. Significant differences were also observed within each group of HIV-1 genotype. The global disparity was higher for CRF02_AG than for B subtypes. This study indicates a risk of viral load misestimating or discrepancies between techniques, depending on the HIV-1 subtype, and speaks in favor of using the same assay for the monitoring of HIV-1-infected patients

    Characterization of a major V3 duplication in the NS5A region of genotype 1b HCV by quasispecies analysis in a French multicenter study

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    Background and Aims: The NS5A protein of the HCV is known tobe involved in viral replication and assembly and probably in theresistance to Interferon based-therapy. Previous studies identifiedinsertions or deletions from 1 to 12 nucleotides in several genomicregions. In a multicenter study (17 French and 1 Swiss laboratoriesof virology), we identified for the first time a 31 amino acidsinsertion leading to a duplication of the V3 domain in the NS5Aregion with a high prevalence. Quasispecies of each strain withduplication were characterized and the inserted V3 domain wasidentified.Methods: Between 2006 and 2008, 1067 patients chronicallyinfected with a 1b HCV were consecutively included in the study.We first amplified the V3 region by RT-PCR to detect duplication(919 samples successfully amplified). The entire NS5A region wasthen amplified, cloned and sequenced in strains bearing theduplication. V3 sequences (called R1 and R2) from each clonewere analyzed with BioEdit and compared to a V3 consensussequence (C) built from the Database Los Alamos Hepatitis C.Entropy was determined at each position.Results: V3 duplications were identified in 25 patients representinga prevalence of 2.72%. We sequenced 2043 clones from which776 had a complete coding NS5A sequence (corresponding toa mean of 30 clones per patient). At the intra-individual level,6 to 17 variants were identified per V3 region, with a maximum of3 different amino acids. At the inter-individual level, a differenceof 7 and 2 amino acids was observed between C and R1 and R2sequences, respectively. Moreover few positions presented entropyhigher than 1 (4 for the R1, 2 for the R2 and 2 for the C). Among allthe sequenced clones, more than 60% were defective virus (partialfragment of NS5A or stop codon).Conclusions: We identified a duplication of the V3 domain ingenotype 1b HCV with a high prevalence. The R2 domain, which wasthe most similar to the C region, might probably be the "original"domain, whereas R1 should be the inserted domain. Phylogeneticanalyses are under process to confirm this hypothesis

    Natural non-homologous recombination led to the emergence of a duplicated V3-NS5A region in HCV-1b strains associated with hepatocellular carcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND:The emergence of new strains in RNA viruses is mainly due to mutations or intra and inter-genotype homologous recombination. Non-homologous recombinations may be deleterious and are rarely detected. In previous studies, we identified HCV-1b strains bearing two tandemly repeated V3 regions in the NS5A gene without ORF disruption. This polymorphism may be associated with an unfavorable course of liver disease and possibly involved in liver carcinogenesis. Here we aimed at characterizing the origin of these mutant strains and identifying the evolutionary mechanism on which the V3 duplication relies. METHODS:Direct sequencing of the entire NS5A and E1 genes was performed on 27 mutant strains. Quasispecies analyses in consecutive samples were also performed by cloning and sequencing the NS5A gene for all mutant and wild strains. We analyzed the mutant and wild-type sequence polymorphisms using Bayesian methods to infer the evolutionary history of and the molecular mechanism leading to the duplication-like event. RESULTS:Quasispecies were entirely composed of exclusively mutant or wild-type strains respectively. Mutant quasispecies were found to have been present since contamination and had persisted for at least 10 years. This V3 duplication-like event appears to have resulted from non-homologous recombination between HCV-1b wild-type strains around 100 years ago. The association between increased liver disease severity and these HCV-1b mutants may explain their persistence in chronically infected patients. CONCLUSIONS:These results emphasize the possible consequences of non-homologous recombination in the emergence and severity of new viral diseases

    Identification of a duplicated V3 domain in NS5A associated with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV-1b patients

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    International audienceBackground The NS5A protein of the hepatitis C virus has been shown to be involved in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Objectives In a French multicenter study, we investigated the clinical and epidemiological features of a new HCV genotype 1b strain bearing a wide insertion into the V3 domain. Study Design We studied NS5A gene sequences in 821 French patients infected with genotype 1b HCV. Results We identified an uncharacterized V3 insertion without ORF disruption in 3.05% of the HCV sequences. The insertion comprised 31 amino-acids for the majority of patients; 3 patients had 27 amino-acids insertions and 1 had a 12 amino-acids insertion. Sequence identity between the 31 amino-acids insertions and the V3 domain ranged from 48 to 96% with E-values above 4e-5, thus illustrating sequence homology and a partial gene duplication event that to our knowledge has never been reported in HCV. Moreover we showed the presence of the duplication at the time of infection and its persistence at least during 12 years in the entire quasispecies. No association was found with extrahepatic diseases. Conversely, patients with cirrhosis were two times more likely to have HCV with this genetic characteristic (p=0.04). Moreover, its prevalence increased with liver disease severity (from 3.0% in patients without cirrhosis to 9.4% in patients with both cirrhosis and HCC, p for trend=0.045). Conclusions We identified a duplicated V3 domain in the HCV-1b NS5A protein for the first time. The duplication may be associated with unfavorable evolution of liver disease including a possible involvement in liver carcinogenesi