195 research outputs found

    Dissecting the Complexity of Early Heart Progenitor Cells.

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    Early heart development depends on the coordinated participation of heterogeneous cell sources. As pioneer work from Adriana C. Gittenberger-de Groot demonstrated, characterizing these distinct cell sources helps us to understand congenital heart defects. Despite decades of research on the segregation of lineages that form the primitive heart tube, we are far from understanding its full complexity. Currently, single-cell approaches are providing an unprecedented level of detail on cellular heterogeneity, offering new opportunities to decipher its functional role. In this review, we will focus on three key aspects of early heart morphogenesis: First, the segregation of myocardial and endocardial lineages, which yields an early lineage diversification in cardiac development; second, the signaling cues driving differentiation in these progenitor cells; and third, the transcriptional heterogeneity of cardiomyocyte progenitors of the primitive heart tube. Finally, we discuss how single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics, together with live imaging and functional analyses, will likely transform the way we delve into the complexity of cardiac development and its links with congenital defects.Grant support PGC2018-096486-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia eInnovación and Grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-722427 from the EU Horizon 2020 program to MT.MS was supported by a La Caixa Foudation PhD fellowship (LCF/BQ/DE18/11670014) and TheCompany of Biologists travelling fellowship (DEVTF181145). OH.O. is supported by the Ministerio deCiencia e Innovación (grant RTI2018-097617-J-I00). The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministeryof Science and the ProCNIC Foundation.S

    Energy Consumption of Wireless Network Access Points

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    2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networking, GreeNets 2012; Gandia; Spain; 25 October 2012 through 26 October 2012The development of low cost technology based on IEEE 802.11 standard permits to build telecommunication networks at low cost, allowing providing Internet access in rural areas in developing countries. The lack of access to the electrical grid is a problem when the network is being developed in rural areas, so that wireless access points should operate using solar panels and batteries. Many cases can be found where the energy consumption becomes a key point in wireless network design. In this paper we present a comparative study of the energy consumption of several wireless network access points. We will compare the energy consumption of different brands and models, for several operation scenarios and operating modes. Obtained results allow us to achieve the objective of this article, that is, promote the development of wireless communication networks energetically efficient.Andrade Morelli, S.; Ruiz Sanchez, E.; Granell Romero, E.; Lloret, J. (2013). Energy Consumption of Wireless Network Access Points. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST. 113:81-91. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37977-2_8S8191113Khoa Nguyen, K., Jaumard, B.: Routing Engine Architecture for Next Generation Routers: Evolutional Trends. Network Protocols and Algorithms 1(1), 62–85 (2009)IEEE Std 802.11: IEEE Standard for Information technology -Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements – Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, USA, pp.1–1184 (2007)Lloret, J., Garcia, M., Bri, D., Sendra, S.: A Wireless Sensor Network Deployment for Rural and Forest Fire Detection and Verification. Sensors 9(11), 8722–8747 (2009)Tapia, A., Maitland, C., Stone, M.: Making IT work for Municipalities: Building municipal wireless networks. Government Information Quarterly 23(3), 359–380 (2006)van Drunen, R., Koolhaas, J., Schuurmans, H., Vijn, M.: Building a Wireless Community Network in the Netherland. In: USENIX 2003 / Freenix Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 9-14, pp. 219–230 (2003)Powell, A., Shade, L.R.: Going Wi-Fi in Canada: Municipal and Community Initiatives. Canadian Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking (2005)Sendra, S., Fernández, P.A., Quilez, M.A., Lloret, J.: Study and Performance of Interior Gateway IP routing Protocols. Network Protocols and Algorithms 2(4), 88–117 (2010)Galperin, H.: Wireless Networks and Rural Development: Opportunities for Latin America. Information Technologies and International Development 2(3), 47–56 (2005)Segal, M.: Improving lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Network Protocols and Algorithms 1(2), 48–60 (2009)Momani, A.A.E., Yassein, M.B., Darwish, O., Manaseer, S., Mardini, W.: Intelligent Paging Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol. Network Protocols and Algorithms 4(2), 108–123 (2012)Mohsin, A.H., Bakar, K.A., Adekiigbe, A., Ghafoor, K.Z.: A Survey of Energy-aware Routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: Trends and Challenges. Network Protocols and Algorithms 4(2), 82–107 (2012)Feeney, L.M., Nilsson, M.: Investigating the Energy Consumption of a Wireless Network Interface in an Ad Hoc Networking Environment. In: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage, Alaska, April 22-26, vol. 3, pp. 1548–1557. IEEE (2001)Barbancho, J., León, C., Molina, F.J., Barbancho, A.: Using artificial intelligence in routing schemes for wireless networks. Computer Communications 30(14-15), 2802–2811 (2007)Tao, C., Yang, Y., Honggang, Z., Haesik, K., Horneman, K.: Network energy saving technologies for green wireless access networks. IEEE Wireless Communications 18(5), 30–38 (2011)Sendra, S., Lloret, J., Garcia, M., Toledo, J.F.: Power saving and energy optimization techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communications 6(6), 439–459 (2011

    Oligomeric behavior of the RND transporters CusA and AcrB in micellar solution of detergent

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    AbstractWe have used analytical ultracentrifugation to explore the oligomeric states of AcrB and CusA in micellar solution of detergent. These two proteins belong to the resistance, nodulation and cell division (RND) family of efflux proteins that are involved in multiple drug and heavy metal resistance. Only the structure of AcrB has been determined so far. Although functional RND proteins should assemble as trimers as AcrB does, both AcrB and CusA form a mixture of quaternary structures (from monomer to heavy oligomer) in detergent solution. The distribution of the oligomeric states was studied as a function of different parameters: nature and concentration of the detergent, ionic strength, pH, protein concentration. This pseudo-heterogeneity does not hamper the crystallization of AcrB as a homotrimer

    Magnetic manipulation of superparamagnetic colloids in droplet-based optical devices

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    Magnetically assembled superparamagnetic colloids have been exploited as fluid mixers, swimmers and delivery systems in several microscale applications. The encapsulation of such colloids in droplets may open new opportunities to build magnetically controlled displays and optical components. Here, we study the assembly of superparamagnetic colloids inside droplets under rotating magnetic fields and exploit this phenomenon to create functional optical devices. Colloids are encapsulated in monodisperse droplets produced by microfluidics and magnetically assembled into dynamic two-dimensional clusters. Using an optical microscope equipped with a magnetic control setup, we investigate the effect of the magnetic field strength and rotational frequency on the size, stability and dynamics of 2D colloidal clusters inside droplets. Our results show that cluster size and stability depend on the magnetic forces acting on the structure under the externally imposed field. By rotating the cluster in specific orientations, we illustrate how magnetic fields can be used to control the effective refractive index and the transmission of light through the colloid-laden droplets, thus demonstrating the potential of the encapsulated colloids in optical applications

    Cre recombinase microinjection for single-cell tracing and localised gene targeting.

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    Tracing and manipulating cells in embryos are essential to understand development. Lipophilic dye microinjections, viral transfection and iontophoresis have been key to map the origin of the progenitor cells that form the different organs in the post-implantation mouse embryo. These techniques require advanced manipulation skills and only iontophoresis, a demanding approach of limited efficiency, has been used for single-cell labelling. Here, we perform lineage tracing and local gene ablation using cell-permeant Cre recombinase (TAT-Cre) microinjection. First, we map the fate of undifferentiated progenitors to the different heart chambers. Then, we achieve single-cell recombination by titrating the dose of TAT-Cre, which allows clonal analysis of nascent mesoderm progenitors. Finally, injecting TAT-Cre to Mycnflox/flox embryos in the primitive heart tube revealed that Mycn plays a cell-autonomous role in maintaining cardiomyocyte proliferation. This tool will help researchers identify the cell progenitors and gene networks involved in organ development, helping to understand the origin of congenital defects.This research was supported by grant PGC2018-096486-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-722427 from the EU Horizon 2020 program to M.T. M.S. was supported by a “la Caixa” Foundation PhD fellowship (LCF/BQ/DE18/11670014) and The Company of Biologists travelling fellowship (DEVTF181145). O.H.O. is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant RTI2018-097617-J-I00). J.N.D. received funding from grant 1380918 from the European Regional Development Fund Andalucıa 2014-2020 ́ Operating Program. Open access funding provided by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares. Deposited in PMC for immediate release.S

    Reparametrizing Swung Surfaces over the Reals

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    Let K⊆R be a computable subfield of the real numbers (for instance, Q). We present an algorithm to decide whether a given parametrization of a rational swung surface, with coefficients in K(i), can be reparametrized over a real (i.e., embedded in R) finite field extension of K. Swung surfaces include, in particular, surfaces of revolution

    CLASH: The enhanced lensing efficiency of the highly elongated merging cluster MACS J0416.1-2403

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    We perform a strong-lensing analysis of the merging galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 (M0416; z=0.42) in recent CLASH/HST observations. We identify 70 new multiple images and candidates of 23 background sources in the range 0.7<z_{phot}<6.14 including two probable high-redshift dropouts, revealing a highly elongated lens with axis ratio ~5:1, and a major axis of ~100\arcsec (z_{s}~2). Compared to other well-studied clusters, M0416 shows an enhanced lensing efficiency. Although the critical area is not particularly large (~0.6 \square\arcmin; z_{s}~2), the number of multiple images, per critical area, is anomalously high. We calculate that the observed elongation boosts the number of multiple images, \emph{per critical area}, by a factor of ~2.5\times, due to the increased ratio of the caustic area relative to the critical area. Additionally, we find that the observed separation between the two main mass components enlarges the critical area by a factor of ~2. These geometrical effects can account for the high number (density) of multiple images observed. We find in numerical simulations, that only ~4% of the clusters (with M_{vir}>6 x 10^{14} h^{-1}M_{\odot}) exhibit as elongated critical curves as M0416.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. V2: accepted to ApJ Letters; minor changes and updates; in Fig.3 labeling error corrected. Mass models available online: ftp://wise-ftp.tau.ac.il/pub/adiz/M0416

    Three dimensional tracking of exploratory behavior of barnacle cyprids using stereoscopy

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    Surface exploration is a key step in the colonization of surfaces by sessile marine biofoulers. As many biofouling organisms can delay settlement until a suitable surface is encountered, colonization can comprise surface exploration and intermittent swimming. As such, the process is best followed in three dimensions. Here we present a low-cost transportable stereoscopic system consisting of two consumer camcorders. We apply this novel apparatus to behavioral analysis of barnacle larvae (? 800 lm length) during surface exploration and extract and analyze the three-dimensional patterns of movement. The resolution of the system and the accuracy of position determination are characterized. As a first practical result, three-dimensional swimming trajectories of the cypris larva of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides are recorded in the vicinity of a glass surface and close to PEG2000-OH and C11NMe3 +Cl- terminated self-assembled monolayers. Although less frequently used in biofouling experiments due to its short reproductive season, the selected model species [Marechal and Hellio (2011), Int Biodeterior Biodegrad, 65(1):92-101] has been used following a number of recent investigations on the settlement behavior on chemically different surfaces [Aldred et al. (2011), ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 3(6):2085-2091]. Experiments were scheduled to match the availability of cyprids off the north east coast of England so that natural material could be used. In order to demonstrate the biological applicability of the system, analysis of parameters such as swimming direction, swimming velocity and swimming angle are performed.DFG/Ro 2524/2-2DFG/Ro 2497/7-2ONR/N00014-08-1-1116ONR/N00014-12-1-0498EC/FP7/2007-2013/23799

    Reconstruction of the Dark Energy equation of state

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    One of the main challenges of modern cosmology is to investigate the nature of dark energy in our Universe. The properties of such a component are normally summarised as a perfect fluid with a (potentially) time-dependent equation-of-state parameter w(z)w(z). We investigate the evolution of this parameter with redshift by performing a Bayesian analysis of current cosmological observations. We model the temporal evolution as piecewise linear in redshift between `nodes', whose ww-values and redshifts are allowed to vary. The optimal number of nodes is chosen by the Bayesian evidence. In this way, we can both determine the complexity supported by current data and locate any features present in w(z)w(z). We compare this node-based reconstruction with some previously well-studied parameterisations: the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL), the Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan (JBP) and the Felice-Nesseris-Tsujikawa (FNT). By comparing the Bayesian evidence for all of these models we find an indication towards possible time-dependence in the dark energy equation-of-state. It is also worth noting that the CPL and JBP models are strongly disfavoured, whilst the FNT is just significantly disfavoured, when compared to a simple cosmological constant w=1w=-1. We find that our node-based reconstruction model is slightly disfavoured with respect to the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, minor correction