495 research outputs found

    Entrevista com Hélène Castel, por Fernando Álvarez-Uría e Julia Varela

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    Interview to Hélène Castel, who at the beginnings of the 80's went to Mexico to flee the French Justice. After 24 years of living a new life under another name, she was detained by the Interpol just a few months before the prescription of the crime. That was the beginning ofa long imprisonment, isolation, transferrs from one center to another, endelss days and nights in the cells, statements in the Courthouse, and in the end the jury trial. From her own experience as a inmate, and as a Gestalt therapist, Hélène Castel decided to work with the inmates for a fair trial and a more democratic justice. The interview was conducted on the occasion of their participation in the Congress of Antipsychiatry and Counterpsychology, organized by the group L-Mental, from the Complutense University of Madrid, from 19-27 February 2014.Entrevista a Hélène Castel, que a comienzos de los años 80 se refugió en México huyendo de la justicia francesa. Tras rehacer su vida con una identidad nueva durante 24 años, fue detenida por la Interpol, que había recibido de Francia una orden de extradición, cuando tan sólo quedaban escasos meses para la prescripción del delito. Comenzaba así para ella el internamiento en las cárceles, el aislamiento, los registros, los traslados, los largos días y noches en las celdas, las declaraciones en el Palacio de justicia, en fin, el juicio con jurado. A partir de su propia experiencia como reclusa, y como terapeuta Gestalt, Hélène Castel ha decidido trabajar con las reclusas y reclusos por un juicio justo y una justicia más democrática. La entrevista fue realizada con ocasión de su participación en las Jornadas de Contrapsicología y Antipsiquatría, organizadas por el colectivo L-Mental de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, los días 19-27 de febrero de 2014.Entrevista com Hélène Castel, que no começo dos anos 80 se refugiou no México fugindo a justiça francesa. Refaz sua vida com uma nova identidade durante 24 anos, e foi detida pela Interpol, que havia recebido da França uma ordem de extradição, quando somente faltavam escassos meses para a prescrição do delito. Começava assim para ela a internação nos cárceres, o isolamento, os registros, as transferências, os longos dias e noites nas selas, as declarações no Palácio da Justiça, en fim, o julgamento com jurado. A partir de sua própria experiência como encarcerada, e como terapeuta Gestalt, Hélène Castel decidiu trabalhar com as detentas e detentos por um justo julgamento e uma justiça mais democrática. A entrevista foi realizada na ocasião da sua participação nas Jornadas de Contrapsicología y Antipsiquatría, organizadas pelo coletivo L-Mental da Universidad Complutense de Madri, nos dias 19-27 de fevereiro de 2014

    Vertical project : designing fruit agroforestry systems for a renewed horticulture

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    Although it's addressing multiple issues for modern farming, agroforestry mixing fruit trees and annual crops (mainly vegetables) has not been so well documented under temperate climate. One expected amenity of agroforestry is to increase biodiversity and natural pest regulation within the plot. While fruit trees are among the crops that rely most on plant protection products, we made the hypothesis that introduction of annual crops in the perennial system can lead to effective biocontrol and to input reduction, while developing other synergies between crops (shadow beneficial effects, water limitation, ….) or social amenities. On two locations (Durette/TAB) in southern France, with different characteristics (crop rotation, marketing, surface...), the partners of a 6-years funded project called Vertical, designed in 2012 and 2013 innovative cropping systems addressing those specific constraints, in order to optimize their global performance. These systems have been implemented in 2013 and 2014. Sustainability indicators have been discussed and selected to (i) monitor and (ii) to assess these systems. An ex ante assessment tool has been developed under a participatory approach, to stimulate the co-design of new performant plots. This tool will shortly be adapted to ex-post assessment, so that advisors but also farmers dealing with fruit agroforestry systems can identify their main bottlenecks and assets. A link to the national bottom-up network of fruit agroforestry systems (called Smart) will be achieved this way

    Vertical project : designing fruit agroforestry systems for a renewed horticulture

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    Although it's addressing multiple issues for modern farming, agroforestry mixing fruit trees and annual crops (mainly vegetables) has not been so well documented under temperate climate. One expected amenity of agroforestry is to increase biodiversity and natural pest regulation within the plot. While fruit trees are among the crops that rely most on plant protection products, we made the hypothesis that introduction of annual crops in the perennial system can lead to effective biocontrol and to input reduction, while developing other synergies between crops (shadow beneficial effects, water limitation, ….) or social amenities. On two locations (Durette/TAB) in southern France, with different characteristics (crop rotation, marketing, surface...), the partners of a 6-years funded project called Vertical, designed in 2012 and 2013 innovative cropping systems addressing those specific constraints, in order to optimize their global performance. These systems have been implemented in 2013 and 2014. Sustainability indicators have been discussed and selected to (i) monitor and (ii) to assess these systems. An ex ante assessment tool has been developed under a participatory approach, to stimulate the co-design of new performant plots. This tool will shortly be adapted to ex-post assessment, so that advisors but also farmers dealing with fruit agroforestry systems can identify their main bottlenecks and assets. A link to the national bottom-up network of fruit agroforestry systems (called Smart) will be achieved this way

    Glioblastoma migration along constraints with different geometries: how to mimick brain parenchyma invasion?

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    International audienceA microfluidic device is demonstrated to analyze glioblastoma migration along constraints with precisely designed geometries. This in-vitro model reveals physiologically relevant glioma invasion scenarios: full migration along constraints, suspended motion by extreme constriction, and limited migration associated with the ejection of plasma membrane particles due to the continuing extension

    Down-Regulation of GABAA Receptor via Promiscuity with the Vasoactive Peptide Urotensin II Receptor. Potential Involvement in Astrocyte Plasticity

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    GABAA receptor (GABAAR) expression level is inversely correlated with the proliferation rate of astrocytes after stroke or during malignancy of astrocytoma, leading to the hypothesis that GABAAR expression/activation may work as a cell proliferation repressor. A number of vasoactive peptides exhibit the potential to modulate astrocyte proliferation, and the question whether these mechanisms may imply alteration in GABAAR-mediated functions and/or plasma membrane densities is open. The peptide urotensin II (UII) activates a G protein-coupled receptor named UT, and mediates potent vasoconstriction or vasodilation in mammalian vasculature. We have previously demonstrated that UII activates a PLC/PIPs/Ca2+ transduction pathway, via both Gq and Gi/o proteins and stimulates astrocyte proliferation in culture. It was also shown that UT/Gq/IP3 coupling is regulated by the GABAAR in rat cultured astrocytes. Here we report that UT and GABAAR are co-expressed in cerebellar glial cells from rat brain slices, in human native astrocytes and in glioma cell line, and that UII inhibited the GABAergic activity in rat cultured astrocytes. In CHO cell line co-expressing human UT and combinations of GABAAR subunits, UII markedly depressed the GABA current (β3γ2>α2β3γ2>α2β1γ2). This effect, characterized by a fast short-term inhibition followed by drastic and irreversible run-down, is not relayed by G proteins. The run-down partially involves Ca2+ and phosphorylation processes, requires dynamin, and results from GABAAR internalization. Thus, activation of the vasoactive G protein-coupled receptor UT triggers functional inhibition and endocytosis of GABAAR in CHO and human astrocytes, via its receptor C-terminus. This UII-induced disappearance of the repressor activity of GABAAR, may play a key role in the initiation of astrocyte proliferation

    Experiencing transitions in life of mothers of young children

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    V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali doživljanje življenjskih prehodov mater majhnih otrok. Teoretični del je bil namenjen pregledu literature s področja blagostanja, življenjskih prehodov in materinstva. Za raziskovanje doživljanja življenjskih prehodov je bil uporabljen psihološko fenomenološki pristop. V skladu s tem smo pridobili vpogled v doživljanje šestih udeleženk, hkrati pa vnaprej nismo predvidevali rezultatov ali postavljali hipotez. Cilj psihološko fenomenološke metode je bil oblikovati splošni opis bistvenih značilnosti doživljanja oziroma osnovne strukture, ki določa raziskovano doživljanje. Na podlagi intervjujev smo oblikovali splošno strukturo doživljanja življenjskih prehodov pri materah majhnih otrok. Ugotovili smo, da je za polovico udeleženk materinstvo najpomembnejši prehod v življenju, za ostale tri pa je na drugem mestu. Bistvene spremembe prehoda v materinstvo je mogoče razdeliti na dva dela: povzamejo občutenje, ki se dotika drugih in okolice ter občutenje, ki jih ima ženska do same sebe. Prav tako materinstvo pomembno zaznamuje doživljanje na področju telesnega, relacijskega, čustvenega in duhovnega blagostanja. Vpogled v doživljanje življenjskih prehodov pri materah majhnih otrok, ki ga daje ta raziskava, je lahko uporabna in v pomoč ljudem, ki profesionalno delujejo na področju psihologije, psihoterapije ali na katerem drugem profesionalnem področju, ki vključuje delo z ljudmi, še posebej z ženskami. Kot tako, bo lahko omogočilo pripravo strokovnih smernic programov za ženske, priprave na starševstvo ali podporne skupine za ženske. Verjamemo pa, da bo delo v pomoč tudi tistim, ki si želijo pridobiti vedenje in znanje o tej tematiki, saj lahko služi kot pomoč pri razumevanju doživljanja žensk, ko se te soočajo z življenjskimi prehodi, predvsem s prehodom v materinstvo.This Masters thesis researches how mothers with young children dealt with and experienced their life transition to the role of being a mother. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the literature review from the fields of welfare, life transitions and motherhood. A psychological-phenomenological approach has been used to research the life transitions. Based on this an insight into the transition experience of six women has been received, whereas there were no predictions on the outcome or setting hypothesis. The goal of the psychological-phenomenological method is to form a general description of key characteristics or the basic structure, which describe the researched transition. Based on performed interviews a general structure of experiencing the life transitions with mothers with young children has been made. The results show that for half of women experiencing motherhood is the most important transition in life, whereas the other three placed it to the second position in importance of life transitions. Key changes in the transition to the motherhood can be divided to feelings referring to the surrounding and others and secondly, feelings which a woman experiences with regard to herself. Motherhood also significantly affects woman’s relations to physical, relational, emotional and spiritual well-being. Insight to experiencing the life transitions with mothers with young children which this research offers, is useful and of help to anyone who is professionally involved in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy or any other related field which involves working with people, especially women. As such the thesis can enable preparation of professional guidelines and programs for women, parenthood preparations or support groups for women. We believe, that thesis will also assist to those, that would like to develop knowledge on this topic as it can serve as outreach at understanding of experiencing of women, when these are deal with different life transitions, particulary transition to the motherhood